Rough & Ruthless (Notorious Devils Book 4)

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Rough & Ruthless (Notorious Devils Book 4) Page 17

by Hayley Faiman

  “What the fuck?” he whispers this time.

  “I came here to talk to you, man-to-man,” Max says.

  “Hey, what’s going on here?” Fury asks, walking into the room. I watch as his eyes widen, going from me to Max.

  “He’s fucking my little sister. He’s branded her,” Bates growls.

  “Bates,” I say, reaching out to him. Max tugs me back.

  “You two get dressed and meet me in my office. We’ll all talk about this—calmly,” Fury announces.

  Bates doesn’t move, but Fury claps his hand on his shoulder and tugs him back. They leave and I hurry to change, grabbing a black shift dress that’s a comfortable cotton. It’s short, but it hangs loosely on my body. I then slide a pair of panties up my thighs. I can feel Max’s semen as soon as the panties are in place. If I weren’t so freaked out, I might find that kind of gross.

  “You need to calm down, sweetness,” Max says as he starts getting dressed, throwing a shirt on and then sliding his boots on as well.

  “Calm down? My brother just walked in on you fucking me doggy style, which means he saw all of me and none of you,” I point out, my face turning red with embarrassment. “I was mid-orgasm, Maxfield,” I snap.

  “Fuck me, you felt so good too, Mary,” he murmurs, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me into his hard chest.

  “I’m being serious. My brother saw me. He saw me having sex. Do you not understand how gross and mortifying that is?” I ask, looking up into his blue eyes.

  “My cum still leaking out of your hot, tight pussy?” he asks as his hand cups my jaw and his thumb traces my bottom lip.

  “Max,” I breathe.

  “I’ll fill you again before the night’s over, sweetness. You’re my woman, and nothing else fucking matters,” he grunts.

  “He’s my brother,” I whisper, continuing to look into his cool blue eyes.

  “Yeah, Mary. He’s your brother, and he’ll be good once he calms down—once he realizes that you’re happy. You are happy, aren’t you?” he asks, his voice, slow and smooth—calming.

  “Yeah, baby, I’m happy,” I admit.

  I watch as his face breaks out into a beautiful smile, one that makes my heart squeeze. I sink my teeth into my bottom lip and he rubs the tip of his nose along mine before he takes a step back and intertwines his fingers with mine.

  I don’t say a word as he leads me out of the bedroom and toward the office. I have no doubt that there is already a buzz of gossip swirling the clubhouse; but right now, my two main concerns are the men in my life—the only men I love. Bates and Max.

  I walk into the office, my son’s office, and I feel as though I’m going into the principal’s, except I’m like the fucking superintendent and I’m in charge. Bates looks up as soon as we walk through the door. Mary closes it softly behind her before she curls into my side. She’s shaking, and I fucking hate that this is the way our relationship came to light.

  “Explain this shit,” Sniper barks. Mary jumps.

  “First off, you need to reign your fucking shit in. You don’t yell at me, and you sure as fuck don’t yell at my woman,” I announce.

  Fury clears his throat, but I ignore him, my eyes pinned to the big, pissed off bastard in front of me.

  “Your woman,” he snorts. “She’s a fucking kid, young enough to be your granddaughter.”

  Fury lets out a choking sound.

  “Yeah, if I let my son knock up a bitch at fourteen, then yeah, you’re right I guess,” I reply, like a smartass.

  “Bates,” Mary whispers.

  “You, how the fuck did this even happen?” Bates asks angrily, pointing at Mary.

  “Kyle,” she whispers. I squeeze her hand.

  “What about him? He’s dead, Mary-Anne, you cannot blame this shit on a dead man,” he grunts.

  “He’s dead because he beat the shit out of me and tried to whore me out to his colleagues. He’s dead because Max killed him,” Mary practically screams.

  I move my hand to her shoulders and pull her even more into my side.

  “You didn’t call me?” Sniper mutters, his voice too fucking calm. He’s on the edge, and I can tell he’s about to crack.

  “Max was closer, and I didn’t want you to get into trouble,” Mary whispers.

  “So for payment for his help, MadDog made you spread your legs? Because, honest to fuck, Mary, I cannot see why you’d willingly fuck an old man,” Bates shouts.

  I take a step forward, but Mary beats me to Bates. She slides in front of me and gets in his face. She’s a good eight inches shorter than he is, and probably a hundred and twenty-five pounds lighter, but she stands on her toes and lifts her head to meet his gaze.

  “Maxfield didn’t force me into doing a fucking thing, you asshole. I spread my legs willingly, the first time, and every single time since then. I love the way he makes me feel. I love the way he treats me. I just plain love him. Maybe there’s something wrong with me for falling in love with a man his age, but I don’t give a fuck. He treats me better than any man ever has,” she shouts.

  Love. She loves me. It fucking sucks that the first time she’s saying it out loud is to her brother, but I can’t seem to be upset about that. Not really. Not as long as she truly does love me. Fuck, my vagina is growing larger by the day, and yet, I still don’t give a fuck.

  “You don’t know what love is. You have no fucking clue. You’ve had one adult relationship, and now you’re getting used by some pervert who is all too happy to fuck someone half his age,” Sniper announces.

  “Easy there,” I warn.

  Sniper looks up at me, completely and totally disgusted, but I expected it. Whatever he has to say to me, I can take. But I’m not going to allow him to hurt his sister, a woman he loves, and a woman I love.

  “You’re disgusting. But I can’t say shit, right? Because you’re the original charter’s president, so what you say goes,” he snorts before he turns back to Mary-Anne. “You’re fucked up in the head.”

  Sniper doesn’t say anything else as he stomps past her, opening and slamming the door behind him. Then he’s gone. Mary turns to me, her eyes watering, and I know she’s seconds from bursting into tears.

  I pull her into my chest and press the side of her face against me. Holding the back of her head and the small of her back, I cage her in, hopefully giving her some comfort.

  “He’ll cool down,” Fury grunts.

  “No, he won’t,” Mary-Anne sniffles.

  “He loves you, Mary-Anne. He’ll realize you’re an adult and you are old enough to make your own decisions. Just because he may not like them, he doesn’t have a right to judge you. He’ll calm down,” he mutters.

  I watch as my son walks over to her, his eyes focused on me, and he grins before he turns her into his arms and gives her a hug.

  “Welcome to the family, Mary. I think, maybe, this is how it’s supposed to be. We’re officially all related now,” he mutters. She giggles slightly before she looks up at him.

  “Thanks,” she whispers.

  “Take a few minutes and compose yourself, then you need to come outside and join the party. Kent will be fuckin’ pissed if she doesn’t get to see you,” he rumbles before he walks out of the door, closing it gently behind him.

  “What did we get ourselves into?” she asks, looking up at me with wide, watery, gorgeous blue eyes.

  I lift my hand and tuck a piece of hair behind her ear before I smile.

  “You love me?” I ask on a grunt.

  “Of course, I do,” she whispers, shaking her head.

  “Then whatever’s thrown at us, it’s all fuckin’ worth it,” I murmur.

  “I stopped taking my birth control a few days ago,” she blurts out. I look down on her in shock.

  Wrapping my hands around the backs of her thighs, I pick her up and walk her to the door, pressing her back against it before I lean down to press my lips against hers. I swipe my tongue along the seam of her lips and she parts them slig
htly as I slip inside of her mouth.

  I taste her, devour her, fuck her with my tongue. She moans in my mouth as she wraps her hands around my neck, gently twisting her fingers in my hair. I press my hips against her panty covered pussy, grinding my semi-erect, jean covered crotch against hers.

  “Maxfield,” she whispers against my lips.

  “You gonna have my baby, sweetness?” I ask as I move my hand from her ass to slip a finger beneath her panties, running my knuckle gently up and down her clit.

  “Yeah, baby,” she moans.

  “I need to fuck you right now,” I murmur, continuing to run my knuckle up and down her sticky center. She rolls her hips and whimpers.

  “Yeah, yeah, I need you, Max,” she agrees with a nod.

  “Take my cock out, sweetness.”

  Mary doesn’t waste a minute, and I wrench her panties to the side and fill her in less than thirty seconds—both of us letting out a moan before I take her hard and fast against my son’s office door. We both shout with our climax, hers first, followed by mine. Then I gently slide out of her before I arrange her panties back again.

  “Can I clean up?” she asks, shifting from side to side as I tuck myself back inside of my pants.

  “Nope,” I announce, wrapping my hand around her lower back and opening the door.

  “Why not?”

  “Because, sweetness. I want my cum all over the pussy I own. You’re mine; and with any luck, there’s a baby inside of you now. No cleaning up. You’ll be all right,” I declare. She doesn’t argue, and I look down to see her cheeks tinted pink. “Now that I’m only half as pissed as I was earlier, let’s go join the party.”

  I walk out of the office, knowing that she’ll be right behind me. I need a beer, and then I need to see my grandkids and get Mary-Anne hooked up with Kentlee. She’ll feel better once she has Kentlee’s support.

  I walk behind Max, feeling his cum between my legs with every step. I cringe and inwardly roll my eyes at his primal claiming, as if anybody but me will know it’s there.

  I lock eyes with Kentlee, who offers me a smile and waves me over. She’s standing with a really pretty, but very young girl who has light brown hair, almost blonde.

  “Oh, my gosh, drama,” she chuckles, breaking away from Fury, who had his hand wrapped around her waist.

  “Yeah,” I mutter as we embrace in a hug.

  “This is Hattie. She’s Dirty Johnny’s Old Lady,” Kentlee announces, introducing me to the girl, who now has Johnny wrapped around her.

  “Nice to meet you, I smile.”

  “I hear you’ve got an Old Man now,” Kentlee smirks.

  “Baby girl,” Fury says in a warning tone.

  “I do,” I say nervously as I tuck some hair behind my ear.

  Her eyes take in my face before they drift down, and then her body freezes when I know she’s locked in on my tattoo.

  “Oh, my god, it’s gorgeous,” she says excitedly. “Hattie, look at her mark. Rosie, you have to see this,” she calls out.

  Hattie and Rosie both walk over to look at my thigh, where Kentlee is bent down. Rosie smiles softly and tells me it’s really pretty before she’s off to do whatever it was she was doing before, probably standing in the corner waiting to go home. I remember Kentlee telling me once that she hates coming to the clubhouse, but she does for special occasions.

  “Wow, it’s so pretty; so delicate looking,” Hattie practically whispers.

  I look down and see that she’s got her own brand on the inside of her forearm. She’s Johnny’s, for the world to see, and I can tell by the way he’s watching her, she will be for eternity.

  “Thank you,” I say with a smile.

  “So are you Pierce’s new mommy?” Kentlee asks before she throws back her head with laughter at her own awful joke.

  “Don’t be gross,” I say, scrunching my nose up.

  “I’m sorry, but what the hell?” Kentlee asks before their youngest, Danger, runs up to her and throws his body into her legs. She doesn’t skip a beat before she picks him up and places a kiss on his cheek.

  “It just happened,” I say with a shrug as my eyes skirt the room and land on him. He’s bellied up to the bar with Dirty Johnny, Fury, and Grizz.

  “I could see that,” Hattie mumbles underneath her breath.

  “Hattie likes older men,” Kentlee says with a smile and a wink.

  “What am I going to do with my brother?” I ask.

  Danger wriggles out of Kentlee’s arms and runs over to Fury. I watch as he swings him up in his massive arms and kisses the side of his head before Max takes him and holds him in his own arms. My belly flips at the sight.

  I watch as he talks to him, their heads pressed close together. Danger wraps his fingers in Max’s beard and says something that makes Max laugh. It’s right here, in this exact moment, that I know, for one hundred percent certain, that I want to give him more children.

  “Oh shit, she’s got the baby bug,” Kentlee says.

  It takes everything inside of me to tear my eyes away from the sight of Max and Danger, but I do.

  “What’s that mean?” I ask.

  “Well, I was talking to you, telling you to give your brother a little time. Brentlee will talk to him. If anybody can calm him down, it’s her—but you were stuck, staring at your man and a child together. Obviously, you’ve been hit by the baby bug,” she shrugs.

  “We’re trying,” I blurt before I cover my mouth in shock.

  “You’re—trying?” she wheezes. “Does Max know you’re trying?” she asks suspiciously.

  “Oh, my god, are you fucking serious with me right now?” I ask in surprise.

  “He’s sixty, Mary-Anne,” she says, arching a brow.

  “Yes, he knows. It was his idea,” I announce before I leave her and walk over to Max.

  “I’m going to go to bed,” I murmur into his ear.

  He’s not holding Danger anymore, and he pulls me against his side, brushing his lips across my temple before he whispers in my ear.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” I lie.

  “Tell me,” he grunts, calling me on my lie.

  “I’m just tired,” I lie again.

  “Okay, sweetness, we’ll hit the hay. The kids are leaving now anyway,” he says as he slides off of the stool.

  All three of Kentlee and Fury’s children run over to him and take turns giving him hugs. Fury announces that we’re going to his house tomorrow to hang out and then have dinner. It’s one of the last places I want to go, but I smile and nod my head like I’m excited for the evening.

  Max doesn’t get to see his family much, and I need to suck it up, no matter how irritated with Kentlee I am. Knowing Kentlee, she’ll apologize all over herself tomorrow and we’ll be fine. At this point, though, I just feel like I can’t handle anymore criticism.

  Max and I don’t say anything as we strip and crawl into bed. Luckily, he seems to be as exhausted as I am when he pulls my back into his chest. He rolls us slightly so that I’m lying on my stomach on the bed, and he’s covering half of my back.

  “Get some rest, sweetness. Tomorrow, things will be different. Emotions will be calmer,” he murmurs against my shoulder before placing a gentle kiss there.

  “Yeah,” I say, disbelieving.

  “I love you, Mary,” he whispers into the dark.

  “I love you, Maxfield,” I say softly. He squeezes me a little tighter before he hums.

  He falls asleep quickly, his deep, even breaths being the sign that he’s asleep. I don’t fall so quickly. I stare into the dark room and I think. I think about how Bates must be feeling. It’s true, Max is older than our father, and yet, I don’t see him that way when I look at him.

  Maybe there is something wrong with me.

  We’ve only ever been out and about in his town, around his brothers, and they’re accepting—they have to be. Plus, they probably don’t care who he’s fucking. My brother cares, Fury probably cares, and no
w they all think I’m a freak.

  The sun comes up and I’m still awake, still staring into the room, wondering what the fuck is wrong with me. Why do all of these people that I know and love think Max and I are so wrong when I don’t think that at all?

  To me, he’s never felt more—right.

  My eyes open to Mary’s profile. Immediately, I know that she’s lost in her head, thinking fucked up thoughts. Last night didn’t go as I’d planned, not at all. Sniper didn’t need to see me fuckin’ his little sister that way, and Mary-Anne didn’t need his reaction thrown at her, either.

  I don’t know what she and the girls talked about, but I didn’t see her laughing and having a great time, so I assume it was more shit being spewed about us being together.

  “Gotta get that shit outta your head, sweetness,” I murmur, pressing my lips to her shoulder.

  “What shit?” she asks, turning to face me.

  “Whatever shit you got swirling around in that gorgeous head of yours that’s making your face look that way.”

  She doesn’t say anything, and that’s when I know that she’s got major fucked up thoughts running through her mind. I can imagine and I can guess, but I refuse to give it thought. I push back onto my knees, sitting up and grabbing one of her legs before spreading her thighs wide.

  “Max,” she says with a hint of irritation that I choose to ignore.

  I hook her knees over my shoulders and sink down to align my face with her cunt.

  “No more talking, Mary, no more thinking,” I grunt, licking her entire center with one long stroke of my tongue.

  “How can I not think?” she asks on groan.

  “You need to feel, sweetness. All that matters is how I make you feel, Mary. The rest of that shit, that’s other people’s opinions. At the end of the day, their opinions don’t fucking matter. You’re not fucking them, you’re fucking me. My name is not on their bodies, it’s on yours. My baby isn’t going to be inside of them, it’s going to be inside of you.”


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