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Galaxy Warrior_Favian

Page 5

by K. L. Wallen

  “Oh, I can promise you that.” Logan flexed his muscles just to show her how strong he is. He appreciated the look of relief on her face. Tossing the delectable doctor over his shoulder, would be no problem. He might just have to let her slip a bit so she would feel compelled to grab his ass on the way down the ladder. “By the way, my name is Logan Hunter, and I’m also single. So where is your office? I’m overdue for a physical.” Logan winked at Stacy and gave her one of his special lopsided grins. Quickly, he went on to introduce the other three men in the station.

  When he saw one of the three slip off his wedding ring, he then politely told Stacy, “So you won’t feel so out-of-place at the festival, let me tell you their wives names, since I’m sure you’ll have the opportunity to meet them.” Feeling Derek’s eyes burrowing into the back of his head, he added, “And you might see Derek’s former girlfriend there too. We’re still hoping they’ll reconcile, you know.” Logan ignored the punch that landed in his side.

  While Stacy was busy shaking hands with the other firemen, she hadn’t noticed the exchange between Derek and Logan. “That would be wonderful! I’d love to meet your wives.” She quickly added, “And your girlfriend, Derek.” Stacy smiled and looked from one person to another. “Oh, and I’m a medical researcher. That’s why I don’t use my title outside of the lab.” She down played her medical degree, as usual.

  She failed to notice the glares being exchanged between the firemen. Some of those glares were directed, with raised eyebrows, at Linda, when Stacy’s attention was diverted elsewhere.

  Chapter 5

  “Commander Gharm, Warrior Lucia has boarded and is settling into her quarters,” Warrior-Senior Technical Officer Varun Osiri reported.

  Commander Gharm entered a few commands on his data pad before responding. “Warrior Osiri, send her the same information to review that we have. Afterwards, I want you to meet with her and refresh her on the navigation and operations stations aboard this class five transporter. Warrior Lucia has not been on this vessel in over 2 cycles.”

  “Yes, Commander Gharm.”

  Gharm then turned his attention to Ivanoff. “We are within transporting distance to the MacKenna clan. Recommendation?” The Commander has only met the MacKennas once, while in the presence of Fleet Commander Slotan Scorpak, and was unsettled by the humans’ lack of formality. Scorpak had ordered Commander Gharm to work with the MacKennas, and assured him they would be beneficial to the success of their mission. Had it not been for the direct order, Gharm would have dismissed the MacKennas.

  “Would you permit me to transport down to the MacKenna residence with you?” Warrior Ivanoff Chipil requested. “I’ve verified with Warrior Pulten that safety protocols are in place and should any unknown substances be present, we will be automatically transported to the containment unit upon return.” Ivanoff soundlessly admitted to the uneasy air Laurel’s father and uncle, Conall and Nolan, exhibited the one time they met Commander Gharm and felt his own presence might have a reassuring effect.

  Commander Gharm tilted his head in Warrior Chipil’s direction. “It is my understanding that the MacKennas do not go to their place of employment on the weekends, so this would be a good time to invite them to come aboard?”

  “One of them has a floral shop which is also open on the weekends, but she has an assistant. The others work during the week. We can transport down and request their presence if they do not have other obligations at this time.” Ivanoff paused, then added, “The MacKennas have been very helpful and are willing to assist us. They will expect an update on their daughters. They also have younglings in the home who may or may not be present. Two of the younglings have been aboard Fleet Commander Scorpak’s transport ship and are as trustworthy and passive as their parents are. I have not met the other younglings, known as children, as they no longer live at home with their parents.”

  “Who would you recommend to transport down?”

  Ivanoff was surprised by his Commander’s question, and knew from the stillness of the nearby warriors, that they were also. “I would recommend you, of course, myself, and Warrior Bax.”

  Commander Gharm studied Ivanoff’s posture. “Not Warrior Pulten? He is head of security.”

  Ivanoff withheld the smile that wanted to erupt. “With all due respect, the MacKennas are peaceful, and I fear they would find Warrior Pulten intimidating. The MacKennas know me, have met you, and Warrior-Healer Bax has an inborn ability to instantly put those in his presence at ease.”

  “Commander Gharm,” Warrior Osiri interrupted, “Fleet Commander Scorpak is transmitting now and requests that both you and Warrior Ivanoff Chipil take this transmission in the conference room, together.”


  Commander Gharm ordered Warrior Osiri to transfer the transmission to the conference room, and then motioned to Ivanoff to join him. Fleet Commander Slotan Scorpak was already on the screen when they entered and ordered the conference room be secured and monitoring turned off. Commander Gharm complied immediately without question.

  “Commander Gharm, Ivanoff,” Slotan began, “I wanted to check on your progress and to inform you the situation has been resolved.”

  Commander Gharm had no idea what his Fleet Commander was referencing. “I am on schedule and will transmit my first report within the day. Situation, sir?”

  Slotan smiled and shifted his eyes to Ivanoff. “Ivanoff, so that Commander Gharm may fully appreciate the opportunity I have given him, you may share what we discovered.” He stressed the word “what.”

  He then addressed Commander Gharm. “This information is classified and not to be shared or recorded. Warrior Chipil will explain why this mission is vital, now that I have granted him permission to share a portion of the restricted news. Fleet Commander Scorpak out.”

  Ivanoff understood Slotan’s message. He has been ordered to inform Commander Gharm of how a gifted human saved their planet from destruction, but not share the identity of the human to whom they’d sworn to protect. Ivanoff sat straight up, placed his hands on his knees, and made direct eye contact with Commander Gharm. Ivanoff wasn’t going to presume Commander Gharm wanted him to explain right at this time, so he waited until the Commander nodded at him to proceed.

  “Commander Gharm, a human, gifted with the ability to see the future, saw our planet exploding in four cycles. With the human’s help, Fleet Commander Scorpak and Warriors Breneem and Bolano Scorpak, determined that the Righteous had already began drilling into Pzianian’s core with the intent to destroy our planet. To achieve this level of destruction, the drilling would have begun a minimum of two cycle’s prior, with the equipment and personnel-working non-stop. His message that the situation has been resolved is glorious news. The Fleet Commander, along with his father, Co-Leader Scorpak, and Leader Thalmar, arranged to make simultaneous assaults on all drilling sites.” Ivanoff waited quietly for Commander Gharm to absorb the news.

  Gharm had not heard anything about this. He exhaled and then stood and got himself and Ivanoff a drink. He thought about the Cloak and Protect (CAP) detail he participated in on his journey to Earth. This type of assignment is highly classified and is normally only used for the protection of Leader Thalmar. Commander Gharm knew Thalmar was on Pzianian and wondered at the time why the CAP was ordered, but followed the directive without question as expected. He now realized that their Co-Leader was aboard the transport they protected, that was returning to Pzianian, from Fleet Commander Scorpak’s transporter.

  For security reasons, Cloak and Protect missions are conducted in seclusion. The vessel being protected is assigned only the best support ships and pilots as escort. The Warship Commander currently providing the support ships will contact the next Warship Commander as the contingency approaches his or her territory. The next commander then sends out support ships to pick up the next leg of the voyage, and so the process continues until the destination is reached. All participants are sworn to secrecy. They understand that divulging a CAP operation warrant
s execution.

  Gharm looked at Ivanoff and knew he could not question him if the CAP originated from Scorpak’s transporter, as he now believes. It also didn’t escape his attention that Warrior Chipil failed to provide the name of the human. He gave this a few moments of thought and concluded that the human must be one of the honored guests that returned with the Fleet Commander to Pzianian. Gharm lifted his glass to his lips and took another drink.

  Ivanoff took a sip of the jirfpt and continued to wait while Gharm processed this news. Ivanoff knew that the culprits were hit hard, fast, and secretively so as not to send the Pzianian population into a rage. Justice would have been delivered immediately and then covered up. Thus is the way of their Leader, Co-Leader, and Fleet Commander.

  “Are you able to tell me how you found this gifted human? The one who saved our citizens and our planet.”

  Ivanoff knew where the Commander was going with this. “This human contacted us.” Ivanoff was not comfortable with divulging more for it would provide enough information for Commander Gharm to know that it was one of the honored guests.

  Samantha Lane Linder, now Samantha Lane Linder-Scorpak, mate to Warrior Senior Technical Officer J’Quil Scorpak, was the one who hacked into J’Quil’s computer system. When Samantha realized that they had discovered her whereabouts, she fled. Fleet Commander Slotan Scorpak had them all working together to track her down after they entered her residence and discovered her dream journal. They had not known of Samantha until she made contact, and have all vowed to respect Samantha’s request that her ability to see the future be kept confidential.

  To avoid further questions about the gifted human, Ivanoff continued, “I, along with all of Fleet Commander Scorpak’s brothers, pledged to the Fleet Commander and the human, to keep the identity a secret.”

  Commander Gharm mulled over when Ivanoff explained that they did not know human’s possessed special abilities until after they brought Kodiak aboard. Now he has learned that a second gifted human has saved his planet. He also recalled Ivanoff’s explanation for gifted human’s often keeping the ability hidden from others. Gharm also knew that Ivanoff revealed as much as he was permitted to by the Fleet Commander.

  “This will not be an easy mission,” Gharm stated rhetorically. He placed his glass on the table and held it in place with both hands. “Thank you for sharing this information. I understand.” Gharm stood and exited the conference room. He left knowing that this is likely the most important assignment of his career, and his Fleet Commander has entrusted him to oversee the mission.

  Ivanoff was shocked that the Commander would thank him. He now held out hope that Commander Gharm would appreciate the gift Slotan has given him when he assigned him this mission. At the very least, Ivanoff was certain Commander Gharm now understood the importance. He followed the Commander to the bridge and distributed the transport and communication equipment. Ivanoff passed out contact lenses to all of the warriors on the bridge and then sent a message to the remaining warriors to insert their contacts. Honored Guests Laurel and Moira MacKenna’s family had not been made aware of their “demon eyes.” It was time to visit the MacKennas.


  Just as soon as Harvey and Roamie came barreling around the corner from the kitchen and into the foyer, Ivanoff squatted down and held out pieces of meat to each dog. They eagerly took the offerings. Ivanoff ordered them to sit and the dogs wagged their tails as Ivanoff scratched behind their ears telling them how good they were. Commander Gharm and Warrior Bax had not expected this and held still, not making any sudden moves. They both noticed the human beasts had elongated mouths full of teeth, not two sets of pointed rows of teeth like their cammors. The jaws on the cammors are not as elongated, they are more squared. Still, they were not eager to test the sharpness of these earth pets.

  “Mr. and Mrs. MacKenna? It’s Ivanoff. Commander Gharm and Warrior-Healer Bax are with me,” he called out. As Conall entered the room, Ivanoff held out his hand to him in greeting. “We were hoping to catch you before your beautiful mate left for work. Do you have plans today?”

  Conall shook Ivanoff’s hand. “Ivanoff, I assumed we had this cleared up. You’re to call me Conall. Bridgett is upstairs getting ready for work but I’ll see if she can get her assistant to cover. Will this be for the day or the weekend? May I call Moira’s parents?”

  When Ivanoff didn’t immediately answer, Conall turned to Commander Gharm and the unknown warrior. “Commander, it is a pleasure to see you again. Welcome to our home. Who is this warrior with you?” He wasn’t sure what Ivanoff had said and didn’t want to get the warrior’s name wrong.

  Commander Gharm shook hands with Conall and introduced Warrior-Healer Favian Bax. He then recalled Fleet Commander Slotan’s words and stated, “Conall, please call me Dorn. Moira MacKenna’s parents are invited as well.” Being addressed informally felt unnatural, but he allowed this because of the Fleet Commander’s advice. However, he would not tolerate being called Dorn by his direct reports, or by any of Earth’s government officials.

  “How are our girls?” Bridgett excitedly questioned as she skipped down the stairs. Not waiting for an answer, she blurted, “I’ve got to call Sherry! Excuse me.” She left the room in a flurry and called Moira’s parents, and then her assistant.

  She reentered the foyer. “Okay, I’ve put on a pot of coffee. My assistant can cover at the shop. Nolan and Sherry will be here shortly. They’re bringing some melons and grapes to go with breakfast. I’ll go get Aideen and Robert up, and we’ll be ready to go in no time. Conall, well I wake up the sleepy heads, could you please cook up some sausage, and pull together the fixings for omelets? I’ll be down to help in a few minutes.” She walked over to the Commander and greeted him before welcoming the unknown warrior.

  Bridgett then turned to Ivanoff, walked over to him, and gave him a hug. “It’s nice to see you again. Please make yourself at home.” She motioned to the living room, then turned and darted back upstairs.

  Dorn and Favian were speechless through most of the welcoming ceremony, and quietly questioned if this was normal human behavior. Ivanoff smiled and quietly informed them that the majority of humans are affectionate by nature. “What you have witnessed is typical behavior for most humans. Honored Guest Laurel MacKenna is their daughter. She has as much energy as her mother,” he chuckled.

  Conall returned to the living room and gave the aliens cups of coffee, and directed them to the sofa while he busied himself in the kitchen.

  Ivanoff picked up the remote control to the television and showed Commander Gharm and Warrior Bax how to operate it. Commander Gharm immediately took charge of the unit and began going from one channel to another, occasionally stopping to ask for clarification. Ivanoff supplied him with explanations when able and admitted to not having a clue other times. The three agreed that Earth’s media is entertaining, confusing, and frightening.

  Robert dashed down the stairs. He wanted to share Earth’s music with the aliens and switched the channel to MTV. Gharm and Favian were shocked by the language, sexual innuendos, and the show of flesh. Aideen then snatched the remote from Robert, called him a dork, then sat between Ivanoff, who she gave a kiss on the cheek, and Favian, who she made sure she was touching thigh to thigh with. Favian had no place to move unless he wanted to rub thigh to thigh with Commander Gharm, so he sat quietly and chose to ignore the uncomfortable contact with the female youngling.

  Aideen changed the program to the travel channel. The aliens found this channel pleasing as it highlighted the planet’s beauty. Soon enough, she was called into the kitchen to help her mother, and Favian relocated himself to the reclining chair.

  “She’s going to have warriors willing to kill for her when she matures,” Ivanoff softly stated. Favian agreed. By Pzian standards, Aideen is still a youngling.

  Chapter 6

  Commander Gharm had not expected to be so long in the MacKenna residence and was glad when they finally transported back. Admittedly, he did en
joy the Earth breakfast and found the antics between the MacKenna younglings interesting.

  Pzian offspring, at the same age, are disciplined and skilled in physical combat. Earth children appear to excel in verbal sparring and speak their minds at will. He did not find Aideen and Robert intentionally disrespectful, just outspoken as if they believe they have the right to question and participate in adult conversations that they know little about.

  Their parents did not object, and gently corrected or added insight to help direct their younglings to mindful and pertinent opinions. This is not something Commander Gharm had ever witnessed. Pzian younglings do not challenge their elders or engage in conversations, outside of the academy, that they have not thoroughly studied. Gharm decided to ask Warrior Owynn, who specializes in interspecies relations, to spend as much time as possible with the MacKenna clan, since they may likely be the only family unit they will have the opportunity to study firsthand.


  Warrior Owynn escorted the younglings to the entertainment room while Commander Gharm, and a select group of warriors met with the MacKennas in the bridge conference room. Warrior Lucia manned the bridge along with Warrior Bylt. Commander Gharm used his data pad to enter the order to record the meeting. He didn’t want to announce verbally the meeting was being recorded, since he knew the human’s would be looking for the hidden monitors.

  Sherry opened the conversation. “Dorn, before we begin. Do you have any news you can share with us concerning our daughters, and the other humans? Are they all right? Have they arrived on Pzianian yet?”

  Commander Gharm previously explained to his warriors how informal non-military citizens of this world are. He explained that according to Fleet Commander Scorpak, that it is a sign of acceptance and friendship. Gharm further stated that they are not to correct their lack of title recognition, except for those in government or military positions.


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