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Coven Master 4: (A Harem Fantasy)

Page 10

by Nick Storming

  A face of perfection. So beautiful he couldn’t say if it was male or female, or something more. A small part of him shouted in his mind that he should drop to his knees and abase himself before such godly power, but a larger part of him rebelled against the impulse. Stiffening his spine, if he even had a spine in this odd dream, Logan glared defiance back at the gorgeous face, reminding himself that it would throw anger at the thing he’d touched upon.


  The vast presence of light the figure represented suddenly shrunk and was standing before Logan in a red and black evening gown. The androgenous beauty was gone and a woman with the most breathtaking body he’d ever seen hovered before him. Breasts so large and round shouldn’t have been possible, nor the sweeping curves of her hips and ass.

  It wasn’t the beauty that dried Logan’s tongue with fear, but the glint of coldness he noted deep within the angel’s eyes. The desire he’d felt a second before was gone, and Logan suddenly felt incredibly alone as he stood in a featureless void.

  He opened his mouth to speak but the moment he did the angel’s face twisted into ugly rage and a massive blade suddenly appeared in its hand, the glittering edge falling for Logan’s throat.


  The angel’s scream of rage sent a stabbing pain through Logan’s brain and he barely registered the small hands that plucked at him, snatching him away before the sword fell through the space he’d been occupying.



  Reality spin and spun around Logan, and he found himself standing in a small dark cavern. Far off in the distance he could hear the drip of water and around him throbbed the magic of Fae, stronger and more potent than he’d felt it while in the Realm.

  “Where are we?” Logan asked, spinning and taking in the black stone of the natural cavern and the small piles of glowing moss growing on it. Then he noticed the twins standing behind him and gave a start.

  It took a second to recognize the pair. Instead of glowing with a blue, inner light and standing as tall as him, they stood less than five feet tall and had the delicate features of young elves. Their bodies were nude, and Logan found himself staring at their perfect little twin bodies with growing anxiety.

  The goddesses were immortal and their spirits vast beyond his understanding but standing before him in this place they looked like teenage girls. Amusement passed over the goddess’s features as they stepped close, and Logan drew back. Advancing, they trapped him against the wall and soon their little hands were peeling away his clothing as they spoke.

  “Sammael hunts for you even now, but we can hide you-.”

  “Inside us,” One of the goddesses said with a grin.

  “What’s going on?” Logan asked, trying in vain to push back the amorous little goddesses.

  “You dreamed yourself into the realm of the Gods,” Sister Deep purred, her dark eyes giving away who she was.

  “Right before the Second Fall… We thought you were dead… But not yet, we still have a chance.”

  “A chance to right the ancient wrong with our handsome swordsman…. Mhmmm and what a sword he has.”

  The goddesses’ fingers had plucked Logan’s manhood from his pants and dropped to their knees before him. Their twin faces looked heavenly as they gazed up at him, but right at that moment the cavern rang as if struck by a bell and the ground heaved beneath his feet.

  “No time!”

  “He’s here!”

  “We will find you another night.”

  “We will ride you another night!”

  The dark cavern melted away from Logan in the way of dreams, and he was suddenly falling. Stomach flipping, he sat up with a start and gasped as pleasure swept over his body.

  “Mhmmm, my liege is awake,” Syn purred from where she lay curled between Logan’s legs.

  The dark elf cuddled his stiff manhood against her massive breasts as she ran her pale tongue around the head. Planting a gentle kiss on the tip, she smiled up at her King as the wildness faded from his eyes.

  “You seemed restless. Muttering and rolling around in your sleep… I wanted to make sure you were relaxed, Sire.”

  “I had a terrible dream… Or maybe it was more than that,” Logan said, resting his head back. “Ohhh god that feels good.”

  “Mhmmm good,” the dark elf purred.

  There was a small shifting sound in the night and Logan glanced over and felt a wave of embarrassment when he noticed the high elf’s eyes reflecting the dim light, but the lids snapped shut the moment he looked over and the woman grew still under her blankets. Syn offered her lord a wink and went back to licking his hard cock, not bothering to hide the sounds she made as she did it.

  “The Demon is scouting outside… we have time to relax, without her eyes on us.” Syn said, freeing her massive breasts from the linen shirt that confined them and wrapping them around Logan’s stiff cock. The dark elf cast a surreptitious glance towards the high elf’s blanket and a self-satisfied smirk grew on her lips when she noticed a subtle movement under the blankets.

  Chapter 20

  Kneeling between his legs, the dark elf commander rose and fell, her massive breasts fucking her sire’s cock as she swept her tongue around the head in little circles. The déjà vu of waking from a dream that felt so real faded as Logan let himself relax and enjoy the dark elf’s talented tongue.

  He could still see the gorgeous bodies of the goddesses’ true forms before his mind’s eye, and the terror he’d felt left echoes that caused his fingers to tremble, but the elf’s gentle ministrations let him push the thoughts aside, to be pulled back out and analyzed later.

  Reaching down he ran his thumbs over the elf’s large pale nipples and watched her violet eyes narrow in pleasure. Slipping his fingers into the woman’s thick white locks, he guided her mouth back down his cock and loved the whimpers of pleasure that escaped Syn’s throat.

  His pleasure was growing, and he felt his balls beginning to tighten when Becca stirred at his side. Pulling herself close, the beautiful teen stretched like a cat, her firm breasts standing out on her naked torso and drawing Logan’s eyes down her slender belly to the treasure the girls were touching below.

  “Why don’t we give Iyllia something better to watch?”

  Becca purred as she slipped down to join Syn. The two women ran their tongues up and down either side of Logan’s stiff manhood and danced against one another around the tip, teasing him to aching hardness before the teen climbed up his body sighing as she sank onto Logan’s cock.

  The young man let out a moan of pleasure as her tightness engulphed him, and then he could only stare as Becca whipped her dark locks over one shoulder and sat back. Back arched and firm breasts standing out, the young woman rode Logan with slow, graceful gyrations of her hips.

  “Mhmm ohh!”

  Logan’s thumb graced Becca’s engorged clit and she shuddered, clutching at one breast as a small orgasm passed through her body, then she gasped even louder as Syn pressed a hot tongue to her ass.

  “Holy shit… you got so tight!”

  Logan’s balls swelled and his cock throbbed as Becca’s tightness rode him with deliberate slowness. The girls’ gentle gasps and moans joined the wet sounds of their sexes, filling the long room. Becca rode Logan for long minutes as his hands explored her body and she took her pleasure from his cock.

  His pleasure about to crest, Logan felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise and glanced to the side, only to find Iyllia’s golden eyes locked on the place where his and Becca’s bodies met. The high elf lay beneath her blankets but from the movement her waistline she wasn’t unaffected by their play.

  “Cumming…. Cumming!” Becca’s hi
gh-pitched cry rose into the air, but when Logan’s hips began to buck, and he lost his rhythm, the teen threw herself off him.

  Groaning in disappointment, Logan gasped in pleasure a second later when Syn’s hot tongue slid all over his balls and he felt her tight fingers gliding up and down his dick. The high elf’s eyes widened when she watched the human’s cock stand up tall and shining and her gaze flickered to his.

  Iyllia happened to be staring deep into one eye of cold blue and another that didn’t seem real, as it shone with golden light. Logan watched the elf’s pupils swell and then lost the world entirely as pleasure turned the world white.

  Becca and Syn licked and sucked their lord's cum down. Both gasped in shock as they felt the magic in him infuse them with new strength and energy.

  As Logan fell back onto the blankets and felt sleep dragging him under once again, he heard Becca and Syn roll into one another. The warriors’ kisses drew his attention for a few seconds, before his heavy lids drooped and he sank into blessedly dreamless sleep.

  “He had a hard night, let him sleep another hour or two.”

  “I heard the hard night he had. If you two floosies could keep your legs closed, maybe we’d leave on time!”

  “I won’t warn you again to moderate your tone while our Sire sleeps, Demonling.” Syn said.

  “I’ll stay quiet, if you and the girl explain where you got the magic filling you.” The demon’s tone had a dangerous edge to it, and Logan cracked an eyelid, his curiosity piqued.

  “Magic?” Iyllia asked, rising from where she lay. The high elf had removed her white plate and mail armor and only wore a thin undershirt that molded itself to her high, firm breasts. Logan was struck by the similarities between Syn and the pale-skinned elf. The dark elf’s breasts were heavier, and had a delicious sag to them, but the high elf’s looked just as large, freed from her constricting armor and stood out even farther from her body in their firmness.

  “I think you can guess where we got it,” Becca said in an amused tone. “You do not know how wonderful it feels, to have that reminder of life swimming around inside, enervating my limbs and adding to my strength.”

  “You lie,” the high elf said with a sneer. “No man can replenish a woman’s mana reserves. Especially in this realm. Not even the Gods could accomplish such a feat.”

  “My Goddess came begging for the gift of Lord Logan’s seed,” Syn said with fond warmth. “I was witness to that glorious union.”

  “Lies,” Iyllia said again, but her tone was weaker than it had been.

  “What do you know of Dragon’s, elf?” The demon asked with a hint of amusement in her tone, but Iyllia didn’t respond.

  Cracking a yawn, Logan felt the women’s eyes turn to him and saw Iyllia duck beneath her blankets as he sat up.

  “About time you woke, fool.” Dystra said, her small fangs clicking in annoyance.

  “Anything happen while we slept?” He asked as he rose and began pulling on his clothes.

  “There are more souls gathering nearby but other than that, no,” he thought the demon frowned in confusion at that and he had to agree with her.

  He’d felt anger from the growing crowds of souls shadowing them and had thought they’d attack or try to push Logan and the others onward. He wasn’t sure if what threat the souls could be to the living and didn’t want to find out.

  He could sense the high elf’s eyes on him as they packed up and slipped out of the building and could see questions hovering behind her gaze, but he didn’t have any answers for the Knight. Becca slipped in at his side and gripped his hand before they headed through another alleyway and when he glanced over found a crooked grin stretched across her face as the teen took in their surroundings.

  “You’re enjoying yourself, aren’t you?”

  “As boring and ugly as this place is, it’s also incredible, isn’t it?” She pointed down the next boulevard to a group of souls, “They’re wearing pilgrims’ outfits, and those people have on some kind of peasant’s clothing. You realize the deeper we get, the farther back in time we go. I wonder if we walk long enough, maybe we’ll find Alexander the Great, or Joan of Arc… Eh, she’s probably in heaven though, huh?”

  “Probably,” Logan said, letting a little of her wonder infect him.

  Through the day he paid more attention to the souls they passed, and even to those who trailed in their shadows. Becca was right, they represented a wide swath of modern history, and the farther they walked, the older and less populated the souls became.

  Hours and hours they walked. He couldn’t say how long without a change in the light above, but eventually even the elves began to grow weary.

  Logan and the women noticed other changes the deeper they drove into. The classrooms they glanced into were sparsely filled and the streets crowded compared to the early streets. Though there were fewer souls, and less variety or species, they congregated into denser groups that had a far darker feel to them.

  They passed souls laid out in alleyways, staring vacantly into the sky as if they were corpses. The laid-out souls grew more plentiful, until Dystra noticed one inhaling green vapor from a glass tube, then sigh and collapse back to look like the others.

  “Drugs?” Becca asked, but the souls here were even more stand-offish than those they’d encountered before and no matter how they tried, couldn’t get one to respond to their questions. Giving up on the effort, Logan instructed Syn to find an empty building where they could rest.

  “You think we’ll be safe with them so close?” Becca asked, glancing back at the seething horde a mere hundred meters back in the shadows of the last set of alleys.

  “Perhaps a warning will keep them back,” Syn said, then raised an eyebrow at Becca. “I suggest we pick up your training, where we left off.”

  “Excellent,” the teen said, pushing back her evident exhaustion as an excited light entered her eyes. “Care to join?” She asked the high elf, but the White Knight sniffed and turned her head away.

  Becca shrugged and began stretching her arms and back, as Syn hunted for an empty building. They ate a small meal of biscuits, cheese, and cured meats while Logan mentally tallied how many rations were left. They’d packed for a week, but the food seemed to be going faster than that, or his perception of time was off.

  Chapter 21

  After the meal, Becca and the two elves stepped onto the boulevard outside their building with their weapons unsheathed and packs stowed. Dystra climbed onto a perch above Logan and though the little demon affected indifference, he could tell she was as interested to watch the coming contest as he was.

  “First the Dance,” Syn said, slipping into the opening stance. “Then we’ll see what the White Knights call a Sword Master.”

  Iyllia wore an easy smile as she stretched her arms. The high elf’s manner had relaxed as she approached their training and Logan thought her easy confidence should have been a warning for the dark elf.

  Becca and Syn launched themselves into the Sword Dance but were only a few moves in when Iyllia let out a snort of derision. Stepping up beside the human teen, the elf transformed from one second to the next.

  The stiff knight melted away as her blades sprang from their scabbards and her limbs undulated with such grace that Logan felt his heartbeat quicken and the hairs stand up on the backs of his arms. He’d thought Syn grace incarnate with a weapon until he was the White Knight moving, her blades an extension of her limbs, long deadly fingers that flashed around her in a dizzying display of skill and precision.

  As Becca came to a stop, her eyes shone with awe as she watched the high elf complete her dance.

  “You don’t hold your spine in line with your hips? And Syn said the dance should only be done with one blade, not two.”

  “Dance as you fight,” Iyllia said with a frown at the dark elf. “Or else what’s the point.”

  “The White Knights are the finest blades in all of Fae,” Syn said. “But don’t listen to them when it comes to archery
or the spear.”

  “Weapons for peasants,” Iyllia said with a sniff. “A sword is a tool for war and makes no apologies for what it is. You carry storied blades on your hip, Ser Rebecca. I would test your skill and right to wield them.”

  “Perhaps we should keep our training to-.”

  “Bring it,” Becca said, cutting the dark elf off as she drew her weapons and moved to the center of the boulevard.

  The women had drawn a large crowd of souls, in addition to those who’d been shadowing them, and they pressed in close when the human and elf squared off against one another. There was a joyfulness to the high elf as she stepped before Becca, and she even wore a smile, the first Logan had seen on her.

  He tried to follow the women’s movements as Becca exploded into motion and Iyllia slid around her, but the contest was over before he could even see how it began. One moment Becca was stepping forward, her blades reaching for the elf, and the next the golden-haired elf was standing behind Becca with one of her blades at the human’s throat. Instead of getting upset or frustrated, Becca’s lips curled up into a nearly identical one as the elf and they reset.

  “You’re focused on speed, to the exclusion of your opponents’ position. Dueling is a dance,” the elf motioned for Becca to attack again, speaking as she blocked and countered the human. “And only when you come to love your opponent, can you find their weakness and exploit it… Good… you learn quickly.”

  On their third pass, whatever Iyllia had been doing to break through Becca’s defenses failed to work, and the pair exchanged a series of lightning-fast strikes before Iyllia’s blade rested on Becca’s throat once more.

  “You learn very quickly… I trained with the blade for seven decades before I could recognize the ‘Musashi Slash’, and another century before I knew what the best counter was. You found the ‘Miamoto Hook’ in two minutes. How is it you can move as quickly as an elf?”


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