Book Read Free

Origin Scroll

Page 18

by Richard S. Tuttle

  Three hours later, Alex nearly dropped his cup when Oscar walked into the inn. “Oscar Dalek, I can’t believe it!”

  “Alex Tork, I thought it was someone’s idea of a joke. What are you doing in Kantor? Don’t tell me you mistook Kantor for Lavinda? Let me guess. You finally got married and this is your wife?”

  The two old friends embraced. Alex invited Oscar to sit and lowered his voice. They were starting to attract attention, and notice was one thing they didn’t want. Alex introduced his Red Sword companions without their titles and then introduced Jenneva. “So, I am right. You did get married. She’s the only woman I’ve ever heard you mention,” quipped Oscar.

  Alex turned beet red and Jenneva giggled. “Oscar, I didn’t get married and I’m not on my honeymoon. Now cut it out or I’ll tell all of these people what you’re really like.”

  “You win, Alex. I’ll be good, but I still think it’s a fair idea.”

  “Listen, Oscar, we need to get to Tagaret quickly. It’s a very important matter that I shouldn’t discuss here.”

  Oscar took a new look at Alex’s companions. He noticed the distinctly short military hair, calluses and their erect posture. “Does this pertain to cave friends from five years ago that may be coming to visit again this year?”

  “Yes, it does,” answered Alex. “I’ve changed jobs and live in Tagaret now.”

  “Say no more, my friend,” Oscar said loudly. “My ship is available for your honeymoon cruise. We depart immediately, let’s go.”

  They gathered their belongings and headed for the harbor. Oscar led the way up the gangplank and gave the order to get under way. Nothing was said until they were well under way. “Okay, Alex, explain what’s happening.”

  Alex reintroduced his Red Sword companions and explained that he was also a Red Sword. Despite Fergy’s concerned eyes, Alex explained about the goblins and the need to get to Tagaret and report. He did not mention Sarac or Jenneva’s abilities. When Oscar asked about Jenneva, Fergy said that they met in Kantor, causing Oscar’s ring to warm his hand. Jenneva was immediately alerted. She had picked up the Vibrations from Oscar’s ring. She was filtering for Transportation spells, but her proximity to Oscar must have triggered her senses.

  “Oscar, Alex told me about your wonderful adventures in Bordon. I almost feel like I’ve known you for years. That’s a beautiful ring you’re wearing. May I ask where you got it?” asked Jenneva. She had to distract Oscar so that he didn’t discover the information about Sarac until she knew more about him. Alex had a good sense about people, but it had been close to five years since Alex had known Oscar and Jenneva could not afford to take chances.

  He wasn’t sure why, but Oscar knew that Jenneva was aware of the ring’s special capabilities. “I got it from a courier passing through town. It was payment for watching his horse.”

  Jenneva mumbled something that Oscar did not quite get. “I’m sorry, Jenneva, I didn’t hear that.”

  “Oh, sorry, Oscar, I said it must have been a beautiful horse.”

  “Actually it was, a large black stallion, called Cauldron.”

  Jenneva had invoked Lothar’s Tongue. The spell was a verbal deception spell. Anything she said whether true or false would not set off Oscar’s ring. Jenneva smiled and allowed the conversation to return to Alex. Oscar knew enough about people to suspect there was something he was missing. He would have to be cautious around her.

  Alex and Oscar had a lot of time to renew their old friendship. Alex thanked Oscar for the horses and congratulated him on his financial success. Oscar was impressed that Alex had joined the Red Swords and thought it had been a wise decision on the Colonel’s part. Jenneva joined most of the conversations and Oscar soon forgot his earlier uneasiness. Fergy had started up the practice sessions again and even Oscar joined in. Oscar was no match for the Red Swords, but the practice did improve his skills.

  Jenneva spent a lot of time up at the bow. She did exercises and was constantly playing in the chest she purchased in Kantor. One day when she was at the bow exercising, Oscar pulled Alex aside. “Alex, how much do you really know about Jenneva?”

  “I don’t know a great deal, Oscar, but I know she’s a good woman. She is strange and I’ve felt the tensions between the two of you, but I get a good feeling about her. I trust her.”

  “I wish I could share your trust, Alex. Something I’ve never told anyone, and I mean anyone, is about my ring. The story I told about it is true enough, but what I didn’t say is that it has magical powers. It warms my finger whenever anyone lies. It has been a great tool in dealing with people. It has helped me avoid getting cheated several times. When I asked you about Jenneva, Fergy cut in and said that you met her in Kantor. My ring told me that was a lie. Not a big deal in itself, but Jenneva knew right then that the ring was magical. She didn’t say so, but I know it. She also keeps prodding me for information on the guy that gave it to me. All of this adds up to someone who’s not being honest with me, Alex. I haven’t said anything or brushed her off because she’s a friend of yours, but I don’t trust her.”

  “Oscar, trust her. I don’t know why I do, but I feel that you should, too. She has been very secretive since we met, but I don’t think she wants to be. I think she has knowledge of something that is so important, that she is afraid to let it leak out. I don’t think it’s a matter of whether she trusts us or not. I think it is more a fear that whoever she shares the information with will be in danger.”

  “And she’s better equipped to deal with that danger than you are?”

  “I think she is.”

  “Then she does have powers. I knew it.” Oscar turned and walked toward the bow of the ship with Alex close behind. Jenneva saw them coming and closed the chest.

  “Another secret, Jenneva?” asked Oscar. “Look, it’s time we started trusting each other a little here. Alex has absolute trust in you and I trust Alex, so that’s supposed to mean that I can trust you, but I don’t feel that way. I think it’s because you don’t trust me. One of has to give, so I’ll go first.” Oscar removed his ring and put it on Jenneva’s finger. “Now, what is it that you want to know of me?”

  Jenneva laughed and handed Oscar’s ring back to him. “I detected it the first day and protected myself against it. Okay, Oscar you have a good point. I do trust Alex and he does trust you, so we’ll stop playing games. Yes, I have powers. I’m not even sure of the extent of them. I met Alex and the Red Swords in the West Mountains while looking for someone else. I think the person that I am searching for gave you that ring. He is a master of magic and I need to know everything about him that I can find out. I also cannot let him know that I even exist. If he discovers me before I discover him, I will die and perhaps the kingdom will as well. So now Oscar, my life is in your hands. I cannot give you any more trust than that.”

  “I have many contacts, perhaps I can help you locate him,” ventured Oscar.

  “No, please do not act on this information, Oscar. He is more powerful than you can imagine. Your ring is but a toy to him. Truth and lies don’t matter; he can tap into your very mind and extract what he wants. Do not pursue him; avoid contact with him. You must promise me.”

  Oscar could not imagine anyone with that kind of power. “Promise me Oscar. You must promise. I don’t have his skill yet, but you are no match.”

  “I promise, Jenneva,” answered Oscar. “I have much to learn. I thought I knew a lot, but I can see now that I have barely touched the surface of knowledge. How did you do that?”

  Jenneva just smiled. Alex wasn’t sure what had transpired, but he was glad to see everyone happy together. Jenneva opened her chest and presented a sword to Alex. The sword was very old and very expensive. It had a jeweled handle and delicate gold scrolling.

  “Alex, I want you to have this. Carry it with you always. This is not an ornamental piece for over your fireplace. It is a weapon of destruction. Never let it leave your side.”

  She removed several jars from the chest and l
aid them on the deck. “These jars contain a concoction called Fire Glue that will burst into flame on impact with something. The fire it starts cannot be put out by water. It will burn until it consumes whatever it is attached to. It doesn’t take very much of it to do the job. Break the tip off of an arrow and dip the arrow into the jar and fire it into the sea.”

  Alex complied. The arrow hit the water and went under. When the arrow floated to the surface it was burning. It continued burning until it was out of sight.

  “Keep these jars safe. When we get to Tagaret, I will give the formula to the Royal Magician. He can create supplies for the Army to use against the goblins.”

  That night they got hit with a squall, one of those winter storms fairly common on the Targa Sea. Unfortunately, they were pushed way south of their course. They also lost their fresh water barrels. The course correction would not be much of a problem. Oscar had hired the best sea captain there was. They had to get water, though, and he would have to talk with Captain Hill. Oscar went to the helm. The wind was still fairly strong and was blowing the Captain’s black hair over his handsome face giving him a very rugged sailor’s appearance.

  “Raymond, we’ve lost our fresh water supply during the squall. We’re going to need to replenish. Have you fixed our location yet?”

  “Not a problem, sir. That spit of land off the starboard beam is the northernmost Isles of the Sea. I’ll have us at the island in no time.”

  They made the island in good time and anchored in a place the chart called Atar’s Cove. Fergy, Alex, and Jenneva went ashore in the dingy towing two water barrels. The island appeared to be uninhabited. The beach was a beautiful white strand that curved around the harbor. They crossed the beach and entered the jungle. A monkey swung down and startled Jenneva then scampered off.

  “I’ll be darned,” said Fergy. “That’s a lemur. I haven’t seen one of those since I was on the Isle of Grakus. Thought that was the only place that had them.”

  They split up and searched for a lake or stream. Jenneva saw a hut through the trees and made her way to it. The path was anything but straight and when Jenneva reached the clearing she had seen the hut in, it was gone. She figured that she must be in the wrong clearing and started searching for the hut. When she went to cross the clearing a tiger jumped out of the woods and sat in the path. She had no desire to harm the animal, but she also did not want it to harm her. She backed up slowly. Suddenly Fergy called out that he had found water. Jenneva backed into the woods and ran to the beach. Alex and Fergy already had the two barrels full and reattached to the dingy. They climbed in and headed back to the ship. Jenneva stared at the strange island and saw a camel come around the point and walk along the beach.

  They raised anchor and the Captain set sail for Dalek.

  They had just left the harbor when they spotted a ship bearing down on them. Being in the lee of the island, Captain Hill did not yet have full sail and the water to port was too shallow to maneuver. “They’re going to try and ram us,” shouted the Captain. “It must be a black ship after our cargo.”

  “Can’t we outrun them?” Oscar asked.

  “We could if we had sail and they were behind us,” answered the Captain. “They mean to split us in two and then land on the beach and loot our cargo. If I try to maneuver they will just sink us in deeper water.”

  Chapter 13


  “Captain Hill,” asked Alex, “If they destroy our ship and their ship what will they do?”

  “They’re as good as dead or marooned if they do that. No, they need one of the ships afloat.”

  “Would they continue to try and ram us if their ship was on fire and they couldn’t put it out?”

  “Only if they’re fools, lad. And I don’t think they are. What are you thinking?”

  “We’re going to start their ship burning just before they ram us.”

  “Aye, lad. Let me tell you when to fire, then. When it’s time I’m going to cut hard to starboard, so make sure your men are prepared for it.”

  Alex grabbed the jars of Fire Glue and ran to the starboard rail. He called the other Red Swords and instructed them to grab a jar and dip their arrows and prepare to fire on his signal. The four Red Swords spread out on the deck.

  The black ship kept coming. Alex could see the men on it raising their swords. Captain Hill called out and the ship lurched to the right. The four Red Swords let fly their arrows. Alex could see the men trying to stamp out the fire and screaming when their feet started burning. The Red Swords let fly more arrows and the black ship veered to port turning back out to sea. Captain Hill shouted orders to his crew and the sails began to fill again. The Red Swords continued firing arrows until the other ship was out of range. Alex watched the other ship burning until they were too far away to see even the island.

  The rest of the voyage to Dalek was uneventful. The voyage had been a bonding experience for the Red Swords, Jenneva, Oscar and his crew. The sight of Dalek harbor from the sea was breathtaking. The new city was bustling with activity and the docks were lined with Dalek Shipping ships. Oscar invited Jenneva, Captain Hill, and the Red Swords to overnight at Baron Whitley’s castle. They got horses from the stables and departed for the castle. The Baron had the road from Dalek to the castle widened and smoothed to make the journey more pleasant.

  The Baron was informed of an entourage coming and met them at the door. “Well, if this isn’t a raiding party, I’ve never laid eyes upon one. Welcome home, Oscar.”

  “Thank you, Baron. I trust you’re open to some unexpected company this evening?”

  “That’s Duke to you, boy. Certainly, the more the merrier. Come, come, I know your mother will be glad to see you. You will have to introduce us to all of your friends. They look like a very interesting group.”

  Waiting inside with Marta were Reese and Carlene. Carlene was very obviously pregnant. Oscar made the introductions and Jenneva and Carlene made their way to a sofa. Reese informed everyone that he had news that the Bordon garrison was outfitted with fresh troops. Alex reported on the welfare of Lavinda and Fergy spoke about the goblins in the northlands. No one spoke of Sarac or of Jenneva’s abilities.

  The Duke announced that Marta and he would be going to the capital to ask the King’s blessing on their forthcoming marriage. Oscar felt no tingle from his ring and immediately congratulated both of them. Oscar also revealed that he planned to go to the capital and bring Captain Hill with him to offer support to the war effort.

  * * *

  Duke Whitley and Marta were going by carriage, so the rest of the group went on ahead. When they arrived, Jenneva, Oscar, and Captain Hill went to an inn, while the Red Swords reported in to the barracks. Fergy asked Alex to accompany him to Colonel Gregor’s office. Fergy made his report on the infiltration of the northlands and estimated the goblin troop strength at thirty to fifty thousand, representing his early estimate and Jenneva’s estimate. He reported the deaths of Ben and Salc. Fergy then asked Alex to complete the report. Alex wasn’t sure how to deal with Jenneva’s place in things, so he risked being honest.

  “Colonel, I have information to report that is important to the Kingdom. However, there is a chance that my reporting it may damage the kingdom. Being a fairly new member of the Army, I am not quite sure how to approach this situation.”

  “Private, are you insinuating that I might jeopardize the Kingdom with my knowledge of your information?”

  “Not exactly, sir. I am suggesting that there is a chain of command that you, as an officer, are bound to and there may be others in that chain of command who may inadvertently make poor use of the information.”

  “Sergeant Ferguson, are you privy to this man’s information?”

  “Yes, sir, I am. If I may say so, sir, I agree with his concern.”

  The Colonel had a great deal of respect for Fergy and had never doubted his concerns before. “Very well, Private, thank you for your report. Now if you wouldn’t mind, please talk to yourself for
a while. I’ll only sit here and eavesdrop.”

  Alex grinned and began his report. “We ran into an old friend of mine whom I have not seen in five years. During the course of those years, she developed some remarkable talents, some of which saved the Red Swords four empty bunks. She claims to know without doubt that there is one individual behind the Yaki raids of five years ago and the current army amassing north of the Boulders. This one individual is a master of magic. She will not address the issue of motive, but she is desirous of helping the army defeat the invaders. I personally believe that she could be of enormous help. She is adamant, however, that her role and her abilities be kept secret. She claims that if this magician were to learn of her existence, it would cost her her life and cause serious damage to the Kingdom. It is this last point which I fear would be inadvertently misused.”

  “Thank you, Corporal Tork. I think you will make a fine Red Sword officer some day. Would it be possible for me to meet with this friend of yours?”

  Both Fergy and the Colonel were grinning and Alex finally realized that the use of the title, Corporal, had not been a mistake. He had been given a promotion. “Thank you, sir. Actually, we took the liberty of inviting her to Tagaret. She is staying at the Palace Shadow along with Oscar Dalek. I can set up a meeting for you, if you like.”

  “Oscar Dalek of Dalek Shipping? Does she know him?”


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