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Forbidden Angel

Page 32

by Sandra Lea Rice

“I would not miss Christmas with you.”

  “Last night—I just wanted to show you how relieved I am that Cazador is gone. He is, isn’t he?”

  Their eyes locked. “There is one thing left I must do.”

  “I don’t want you to do this, Philippe. I don’t want—”

  Philippe placed a finger over her lips. “In life, Angelina, it does not always matter what we want or do not want to do. It matters only what we must do. I may be given little choice in this. We both know what kind of a man he is, and you know there is unfinished business between Malcolm and me.”

  Angeline shook her head. Philippe clasped her upper arms so she would have to look at him. “Would you have me act less than what I am?”

  Angeline sighed. “No. I would not ask that of you.”

  He smiled softly at her. “I did not think so. Let us enjoy this Christmas together. Malcolm has already taken much. We will not let him take more, si?”

  Angeline whispered, “Si.”

  Philippe nodded almost imperceptibly at Adrian as he led Angeline to her seat.

  Adrian inclined his head in return and seated her, placing a kiss on her cheek as he did. “I fixed a small plate for you. Try and eat something, my sweet.”

  The others chatted amicably, studiously ignoring what they’d witnessed. As breakfast drew to an end, Esteban rose. “I, for one, would like to see what has been left under the tree.”

  Edward followed the others into the drawing room, where Dona Maria waited in a chair by a window. On a lounge near her lay Don Fernando.

  Edward found a seat where he could quietly observe the festivities. Never having participated in this sort of celebration, he found the activity new and interesting.

  “Shall we see what is here?” Esteban gestured toward the brightly wrapped gifts under the tree.

  Shirley handed Frank a gaily wrapped gift and watched as he opened it. Inside was a knitted scarf. Frank’s eyes crinkled at the corners.

  Shirley slipped the scarf around his neck. “It’s to keep you warm when you’re away from me. I made it myself so you’ll think of me when you wear it.”

  “I always think of ya, Shirley girl.” He withdrew a small package from his pocket and handed gaily wrapped parcel to her, waiting quietly while she opened it.

  Shirley’s eyes widened as she held up a silver ring encircled with hearts. “Oh, Frank, it’s beautiful.”

  Frank placed the ring on her finger. “You’ve always had my heart, but if it’s possible ta love ya more than the day I married ya, then I do. I couldn’t give ya much of a ring when we wed, but I meant what I spoke when I put it on your finger.”

  Shirley cupped his face between her hands and kissed him.

  Edward’s lower lip trembled.

  The women all received small gifts of candies. Adrian was given cigarillos from Frank and Shirley. There were gifts of Christmas ornaments that would forever remind them of this time in Spain.

  Edward blinked and reached for his handkerchief as an ornament was placed on the table next to him.

  Rafael received a hand-tooled saddle with silver Conchos, and Esteban a desk set made of silver and turquoise for his office. Angeline was given a small perfume bottle covered in silver filigree. She smiled as she inhaled the soft fragrance. “Roses!”

  Penelope handed Michael a package wrapped in green paper and tied with a red ribbon.

  “What is this?”

  Penelope grinned. “You will have to open it and see.”

  Tearing the paper open, Michael found a book. “It’s a Jules Verne.”

  “First edition,” Penelope explained. “We shall travel through the pages of this book together, enjoying all the excitement it holds.”

  “In that case. . .” Michael reached inside his coat pocket to retrieve a small velvet box.

  “You have already given me a most wonderful gift.” Penelope’s gaze sought her father.

  “Open it, please,” Michael whispered softly.

  At the sight of the contents of the little box, Penelope’s eyes widened, her lips forming a silent, ‘oh.’

  Edward peeked around the others quietly observing the scene and spotted a large diamond ring, nestled in red velvet.

  Michael knelt on one knee. “Penelope, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  She stared at him.

  Michael’s lips twitched. “Will you marry me, Penelope?” He gained his feet as Penelope threw herself into his arms, kissing his cheeks. “May I take that as a yes?”

  “Oh, yes.” Her eyes glistened with tears.

  Michael slipped the ring on her finger then kissed her gently on the lips.

  Edward made his way to his seat, dabbing his eyes as he did, then blew his nose.

  Angeline carried two wrapped presents to her grandparents. “I have something for you, Grandfather.”

  Fernando gazed at her in surprise. Accepting the package, he opened it and withdrew a hand-woven blanket in many bright colors. The expression in his eyes altered subtly.

  “It will help keep you warm,” she added.

  “That is most thoughtful. I like the gift all the more as it comes from my nieta.”

  “And something for you, Grandmother.” Angeline held out a small package.

  Maria accepted the gift. “Gracias, my dear child.”

  Inside was a handcrafted comb. Made of tortoise shell, the soft colors of amber, gold, and yellow swirled throughout the piece.

  “The comb is beautiful, my dear. I love wearing them in my hair.” Maria laid her comb aside. “We have a gift for you as well.” She picked up a large garment bag and handed it to Angeline. “This belonged to your mother. I have kept it all these years.”

  Angeline unwrapped a riding habit in deep midnight blue. The lapels and wrists of the jacket were trimmed in silver. The letter ‘C’ was engraved on the two silver buttons adorning the front of the jacket. The belt was fashioned completely in silver loops. On top lay a blouse made of white Spanish lace and a midnight blue camisole.

  Angeline stared at the outfit, then swallowed and finally managed to say, “It is absolutely breathtaking.”

  “We understand you ride, as did your mother. We hoped you would like it.”

  “I love it, and all the more because the outfit was hers.” Angeline looked from one to the other. “Thank you very much.”

  Maria patted her hand. “You are most welcome.”

  When Fernando handed a present to Maria, Both Rafael and Esteban moved forward.

  “For me, Fernando?” Maria asked in surprise.

  “You have been a faithful wife to me throughout these years, Maria, and I know I am a difficult man. I have made certain that you will always be well taken care of, both from our sons as well as from me.”

  Maria opened the slender tube and found a rolled piece of paper. Spreading it out, she studied the parchment. “What—?”

  “This represents the last silver mine we opened. It is called The Maria, and is now yours.” Fernando’s gaze met Adrian’s briefly, while Rafael and Esteban exchanged surprised glances.

  “I do not know what to say.” Maria’s smile wavered.

  Fernando wheezed and leaned back. “There is no need to say anything.”

  During the time they’d been in Spain, Angeline had never seen an act of kindness from Fernando toward anyone. She knew and accepted he would never apologize for his treatment of her mother, but she also recognized the part her mother had played. It was time to set the anger aside.

  “May I see you for a moment, my love?” Adrian caught her elbow and led her away. “I was going to save it for a different time, but perhaps this is the right time after all.” Adrian slipped a narrow, leather case into her hand.

  Slowly, she opened the box. Inside lay a delicate gold chain. Lifting it, the light revealed a pendent in the shape of one-half a heart. The engraving read, Angeline, the other part of my heart. She gazed up at him, daring to hope. “Adrian . . .?”

  He placed
his hands on her shoulders and looked down into her face. “Tell me again what you want so there is no misunderstanding.”

  Angeline felt her pulse quicken. “I want you to love me, really love me. Not just because you feel you must for honor’s sake, or because I’m with child. I want to be loved beyond all else.” She stepped closer. “I want you to love me as I love you.”

  Adrian opened the front of his shirt wide enough to withdraw a gold chain from which hung the other part of the heart. Taking hers he fit the two pieces together to make a whole.

  “Will you accept my gift, and my heart?” He watched her expectantly. “There will be nothing held back from now on. You are not only my love, but my very life. You are everything to me.”

  Angeline closed the scant distance between them, raised her face for his kiss, and slid her arms around his neck. At the clearing of throats, Adrian broke the kiss and stepped back, laughing.

  Angeline smiled tremulously. “I have something for you.” Walking to the tree, she reached inside the branches. Retrieving a small package, she held it out to him and waited while he opened the gift.

  Adrian loosened the strings of the black velvet bag and tipped the contents into his hand. Inside, rested a pocket watch. He read the inscription aloud. “For all time.” Stepping toward her, he pulled her up against him and claimed her lips with his. When a cheer went up, they broke apart. Angeline blushed and buried her face in his chest.

  After Angeline had regained her composure, she regarded Edward. “I believe there is something under the tree for you.” Reaching under a branch, she retrieved a large, wrapped present.

  “For me?” He eyed the package. “I haven’t received a present since I was a small lad in short pants.” Edward unwrapped it carefully so as not to tear the paper. His eyes widened as he beheld the brown leather satchel. On the front was tooled his initials, E.T.

  Edward stared at Adrian and Angeline and clutched the case tightly to his chest. “This is the most wonderful gift.”

  “We’re pleased you like it, Edward.” Angeline noticed his lower lip begin to quiver. On impulse, she leaned forward and kissed his cheek. Edward sniffled and retreated to the corner.

  Adrian led Angeline across the room to Jeffrey who held a bottle of brandy, a gift from Michael. He handed Jeffrey a box.

  “Uncle, there seems to be something for you as well.”

  With a smile, Jeffrey withdrew a leather-covered humidor. “This is magnificent, my boy.”

  Penelope gave her father a gift of a carved meerschaum pipe.

  “Oh, I shall enjoy this all very much.” He leaned forward and kissed first Penelope and then Angeline on the cheek.

  Angeline crossed the room to Rafael and Esteban. “Tio Esteban, you were by far the hardest.” Holding out her hand to Esteban, she placed a small silver frame in his palm.

  Esteban gazed at the woman in the frame. “Franchesca.” He traced the likeness with his finger. “Gracious” was all he managed to say.

  “Tio Rafael . . . you are responsible for those here at the hacienda and the surrounding land. If I were to guess, the town as well. You see they are cared for and protected. I wanted to make certain you were protected as well.” Angeline held up a silver cross on a chain.

  Rafael dipped his head for her to place the chain around his neck. “Gracias, niña, I will wear your gift gladly.” Leaning forward, he kissed her forehead.

  Angeline searched the room for Philippe. He stood as she approached.

  “I have something for you, Angelina, but you must come outside.” He extended his arm toward the door.

  Caught up in the festivities, the others followed curiously.

  Philippe stood in the center of the courtyard. At his direction, a vaquero led a black Andalusian mare toward her.

  “Oh, Philippe, she’s gorgeous. What is her name?” Angeline ran her hand down the glossy neck.

  Philippe stepped nearer. “Her name is Esperanza.”

  Angeline held the soft muzzle in her hands. “What does it mean?” Her gaze lifted to Philippe’s.


  “I will treasure her, always.” She tried to show Philippe with her smile that she understood. He nodded at the tacit meaning.

  Angeline addressed Adrian who, like the others, had joined them. “She is my present from Don Philippe.”

  Adrian’s gaze slid over the mare. “She is indeed a beautiful animal.”

  “It is time for a toast. We shall all celebrate with a glass of cava.” Esteban ushered everyone back inside. Glasses were filled with the sparkling wine as Don Fernando prepared to make a short toast.

  Fernando lifted his glass. “To the return of one which is ours, and to our new friends. Feliz Navidad!”

  “Salud!” Rafael held up his glass.

  As the others made separate toasts, Angeline handed Philippe a wrapped gift. When he tore away the paper, he glanced at the bible, and then at Angeline.

  Angeline saw the shifting emotions on Philippe’s face. “When I read the inscription, To my wife on our wedding day, I assumed it was from my father. But the bible was from you, wasn’t it?”

  Philippe inclined his head, his gaze once again on the bible. “Yes. I am happy to see that she kept it.”

  “I thought you might like to have it.” Tears spilled down her cheeks as she thought of all Philippe had given up in the name of love.

  Framing her face, he brushed the tears away with his thumbs. “I will cherish it.”

  “A toast to Michael and Penelope and, as in her books, may they live happily ever after.” Jeffrey raised his glass.

  As the glasses were lifted, a commotion at the door drew everyone’s attention.

  “I hope I’m not too late to partake in the festivities.”

  Chapter 43

  Angeline spun around, and found herself facing a solid wall comprised of men’s backs. Even without seeing the intruder’s face, she knew the sound of his voice. Malcolm. Her skin fairly crawled.

  In a matter of seconds, the atmosphere changed from festive to one crackling with tension. Peeking around Michael’s broad shoulders, she watched Charles Malcolm strut into the room, two armed policemen trailing behind. In unison, and with no little trepidation, the officers glanced toward Fernando, clearly not liking the position they found themselves in.

  “You must be Don Fernando.” Malcolm correctly identified the man on the lounge.

  Fernando raised a brow. “And you are?”

  “I am Sir Charles Malcolm.” He slid his thumbs in his waistband and postured before sending a calculating glance around the room. “I’ve come to claim what is rightfully mine.”

  “And what might that be?” Don Fernando’s voice dropped to an icy growl.

  Distracted by his own pomposity, Malcolm missed the danger in Fernando’s response. He smirked. “Your granddaughter.”

  “You son of a bitch,” Adrian roared, pushing forward as Michael, Frank, Jeffrey, and Esteban surrounded him, effectively pinning him in. Glaring at them, he tried to shove his way through, but they only closed ranks.

  “Not this time, my friend,” Michael advised. “We will deal with him.”

  Malcolm rotated to face Adrian. “Windsford, I’m not surprised you’re here, but it won’t change anything,” he snarled. “It would have been better had you died when you were supposed to.”

  Angeline held her breath as Adrian renewed his attempt to free himself. He glared at Malcolm. “You’ll wish I had before this is over.”

  “I almost finished you twelve years ago.” Malcolm’s voice rose. His hand sliced through the air. “Had the authorities arrested you as they should have, I would’ve finally been rid of you.” Eyes narrowing, he pointed a finger at Adrian and continued his tirade. “But your father had the Queen’s ear even then and nothing was done.”

  Adrian stilled.

  “Lady Pricilla—bah! She thought to become a countess, so she rejected me out of hand and looked down her nose at me, a mere baron. But I s
howed her. I’m twice the man you are. And all those others—they only wanted an introduction to the esteemed Adrian Spencer, Viscount Torrington, and thought to have it through me. Well, they learned their lesson.”

  “Others?” Adrian queried softly.

  Malcolm hesitated, seemed to collect himself.

  “Others that didn’t respect you as they should?” Adrian supplied carefully.

  Malcolm’s eyes flared. “Yes, all those bitches that hung around, scheming for a chance to meet you. You weren’t even down from Oxford yet and they panted after you.”

  “Those women—all those deaths, that was you?”

  Malcolm snickered. “You think I’d let them get away with treating me like that?” Eyes protruding in his red, puffy face, he suddenly seemed to recall where he was. He cleared his throat and straightened. “I haven’t time for this.”

  He turned once again to confront Don Fernando. “So, I believe we have some business to discuss before I wed your granddaughter,” Malcolm began.

  While the men had been involved with holding a struggling Adrian, Angeline had slipped around them to a position near Malcolm.

  Raising her voice above the melee, she addressed Malcolm. “There will be no wedding. I am already married.” She heard the men’s anxious voices when they realized she’d moved and now stood next to Malcolm. Then all fell silent.

  “Ah, Lady Angeline.” Malcolm shifted to look at her. “We both know that’s not true, unless you care nothing for your brother. And, we both know your marriage to Windsford is not legal.” He rolled back on his heels, a look of satisfaction filling his near-black eyes.

  “You are nothing but slime. Do you think I’ve forgotten your treatment of that poor maid?” Although Angeline was angry, she was also wary of Malcolm, but she needed to give Philippe time to slip out a side door before Malcolm could see and recognize him.

  “You, my lady, must learn to watch your tongue. I won’t tolerate disobedience.” Malcolm’s gaze slid to her rounded belly. “I see you carry a bastard.”

  “You will shut your mouth.” Philippe, his voice filled with fury, stepped beside her.

  Malcolm’s eyes widened in surprise and he took a few stumbling steps backward. “Well, well, if it ain’t my old friend Cazador. Are you trying to cash in on the fortune, too?”


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