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Romancing the Singer (Cami's Snow Valley Romance Book 5)

Page 10

by Cami Checketts

  “Yeah.” He admitted it softly to his friend.

  “Then what are you doing out here?”

  A rush of hope darted through him before it was extinguished. “She doesn’t love me.”

  Porter eyed him like he was crazy. “You sure about that?”

  Jamison nodded, but there was a tiny flame of hope that hadn’t been doused. She had cancer. Maybe that was why she had pushed him away. He’d already ripped his heart out and handed it her on that platter. What else did he have to lose?

  Porter stepped forward and shoved the plate of cookies into his hands then clapped him on the shoulder. “I’ve looked up to you, Luke, and Treven my entire life, and you’ve always been one of the toughest, nicest, and most hilarious guys I know. I didn’t figure you for the type who would sit in a barn while the woman he loved suffered without him.”

  Jamison’s jaw worked for a few seconds. He didn’t know what the answer was, but Porter was right. He’d never been one to sit around and not help or love those who needed him.

  “A kick in the groin would’ve felt better,” Jamison muttered.

  Porter barked out a laugh. “I can happily do that too.”

  Jamison couldn’t laugh, or even smile, but he did feel marginally better.

  Daisy had no clue what to do with herself. She lay on her bed for a while. Then she did some squats, lunges, pushups, and sit-ups before saying her prayers and reading from the Bible on her phone. Jesus performed miracles, and had brought Jamison to save her from the storm. She had to believe more miracles were in store for her. Maybe the cancer would be gone and she’d sing again. Oddly, the bigger miracle she wanted right now was Jamison holding her.

  She glanced out her window and could see the barn all lit up. Was Jamison out there? What if she went to him? If she explained her fears, would he forgive her and hold her? Was there any hope for them?

  A door slammed downstairs, and she jumped. Her heart raced, and she folded her arms together. It was Jamison coming back. Was she brave enough to go find him? Footsteps thundered up the stairs, and her heart jumped into her throat. When the footsteps stopped by her door and a knock sounded, she could hardly breathe.

  Rushing to the door, she flung it open. His beautiful reddish brown hair was mussed, and his five o’clock shadow looked too alluring to her. His blue eyes were deep and stormy, and his lips were set in a thin line.

  “Jamison, I’m sorry. I love you, and—”

  Jamison strode across the space separating them and picked her clean off her feet. He crushed her against him and whispered, “Oh, Daisy, I’m sorry. I love you so much. I didn’t know how to react. I was angry and scared and—”

  Daisy framed his face with her hands and pressed her lips to his, effectively cutting off his apology. Jamison groaned and pulled her closer. He smelled like musk and straw and so manly, but it was the tears coursing down his face that completely undid her. His kiss was strong and sure, and for a few wonderful minutes, she didn’t even think about cancer or a lost music career or a family that was shattered.

  Jamison released her from the kiss, swooped her legs out from under her, and carried her to the oversized chair in the corner. He sank down, holding her against his chest. His mouth worked as if he wanted to say something but couldn’t quite get it out.

  Daisy trailed her fingers down the wetness on his cheek. “Is this because of me?” she whispered, choking on the emotion this man created in her.

  Jamison shook his head and wrapped his hand around hers, turning it over to kiss her palm. “It’s for you, Daisy.”

  Her breath caught, and tears spilled past her eyelashes. She should say something beautiful, like something she would write in a song, instead she kissed him again.

  Jamison gave a surprised laugh. Then he got busy kissing her, and joy exploded through her. His lips were magical, and his hands made her tingle all over. Daisy thought for those few minutes that all was right in the world.

  When they broke apart for air, her hair and clothes were disheveled, and she was drowsily happy. She cuddled into his arms, laying her head against his neck and softly kissing the short hair on his jaw.

  Jamison moaned, and his hands tightened around her back. “Keep doing that, and I’ll never be able to form a rational thought.”

  “I didn’t know you were capable of rational thought anyway,” she said teasingly.

  “I’m capable of taking care of you, little girl.” He started tickling her abdomen, and Daisy laughed like she couldn’t remember laughing in a long time. When was the last time she’d laughed from something so silly as someone tickling her?

  Jamison finally relented and simply held her. He gazed down at her with the sweetest look, as if she was the first Chevy truck he’d ever seen.

  He swallowed then asked quietly, “Did you mean it?”

  She wanted to keep the fun, flirtatiousness feeling they’d had earlier. “That you don’t think rational? Yeah, I did.”

  He smiled. “Okay, you’re too shy to say it again, little backwards girl from Montana who has never seen the rest of the world.”

  Daisy laughed and bit at her lip.

  “But I’ll tell you, beautiful lady, I’ve seen the world, and you are the best thing in it.”

  Daisy inhaled quickly and blinked, but it didn’t stop the tears springing to her eyes.

  “And I heard you say with these slow cowboy ears that you love me.”

  She smiled, and there was no stopping the tears or the truth.

  “And I’ll tell you all day, every day. I love you, Daisy Pipsqueak. I’ll love you forever.”

  He kissed her tenderly then simply held her in his arms. Daisy was warm, happy, and so very much in love.

  “I love you too, Jamison,” she whispered against his chest.

  His arms tightened. “How could you resist?”

  Daisy giggled and relaxed against his strong body. They needed to talk about so many things, but right now, she just wanted him to hold her and forget about the rest for a while.

  Chapter 13

  When Daisy woke, it was still dark outside. Dark inside too. She was laying on top of the bed with a blanket spread over her. She couldn’t see Jamison, but she could feel him. Before she jumped up and ran to him, she said a brief prayer thanking the Lord for bringing Jamison to her. A warmth and peace washed over her. They were followed quickly by an impression that if she put all her trust in the Lord, everything would come together, including her hopes of being with Jamison.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  She closed her prayer, able to tell he was still sitting in the chair.

  Daisy sat up, disoriented. “Have you even slept?”

  “How could I sleep when my dream girl is right here?”

  Daisy loved him so much. It was still too dark to see him, but she wanted to brush her teeth and kiss him for a few hours. After that, she’d deal with reality. Reality. She closed her eyes and wanted to push it all away, but it suddenly hit her what she needed to do. Trust in the Lord and put Him first.

  “Excuse me,” she whispered. She hurried to the bathroom and freshened up her makeup and brushed her teeth. Then she changed her clothes and packed everything back up in the suitcase and walked back out into the room.

  Jamison was still sitting in the chair, but he’d turned a lamp on. He smiled as he saw her, but as his eyes focused on the suitcase, his smile faltered. “Going somewhere?”

  Daisy nodded quickly, but before he could say more, she released the suitcase and hurried across the room, planting herself on his lap. She kissed him and kissed him and kissed him, but it wasn’t enough. She didn’t know if she’d ever get enough.

  Jamison hugged her and whispered against her lips, “Can I come with you?”

  Daisy leaned back and stared at him. “My surgery is on Tuesday. Can you take me to the airport in Billings right now? I can escape from the reporters, and when they realize they can’t find me, they’ll go away, and Snow Valley can go back to normal.

  “And I’m coming with you.” He nodded as if it was done.

  “Jamison.” She cradled his perfectly handsome and tough face in her hands. “I love you. I love you more than I ever imagined I could love someone, but I have to do this alone.” Well, not really alone. The Lord and her mom would be there with her.

  He stared at her, his brow furrowed and his eyes like a stormy sea. “Why?”

  “I wish I knew.” Her voice cracked, and she released his face and clenched her hands together. “I pushed you away because of the cancer. Cancer killed my mom, and it ripped the rest of our family apart. We’ll never be whole again. I can’t do that to you.”

  “Daisy, it doesn’t matter what the outcome is. I won’t stop loving you. I won’t stop being there for you.”

  “I know, and I love you even more for it, but please listen to me. I’m not leaving you. I’m not ditching you. We can talk every day if you want, but I have to put my trust in the Lord and get through this surgery before I can move on with my life. This isn’t about you, Jamison. It’s about me and my relationship with God.”

  He studied her. “I can respect that, but I don’t understand why I can’t come too.”

  She didn’t say anything. She wasn’t sure she understood either, but she needed to do this, put her trust in the Lord that together they could conquer cancer. Then she could look past her fears, trusting in God and moving on to a life with Jamison. Her music and singing might be gone, but Jamison was all she could see right now.

  “But this is the right thing for you?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Drive me to the airport, and as soon as the surgery is over, you can fly up to Seattle if you want, or after I recover, I will get back here as quickly as possible. I just have to get through this. I have to put it behind me. I mean, if the cancer spreads, then I don’t know. It’s so unfair to you, asking you to love me when I’m not whole.”

  Jamison kissed her strong and sure. “You are whole, Daisy. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted.”

  “Thank you, Jamison. I love you.”

  Then he was kissing her again, and leaving for the airport had to wait a while.

  Chapter 14

  Daisy’s hands were way past trembling as she waited for the anesthesiologist to come back and administer the drug that would knock her out. She was grateful for Tracie, a beautiful, forty-something redhead nurse who was waiting with her. The doctor had come earlier and explained the procedure and the confidence he had that they would get all the cancer. Unfortunately, he didn’t know about her being able to sing again.

  The room was full of gorgeous flower arrangements. Tracie kept teasing her about all the work it was going to be for her to move everything to her recovery room. Daisy simply smiled. Jamison was amazing. They’d called and texted a lot over the past two days. He still wasn’t happy that she didn’t want him there, but he was understanding and patient. She missed him. Soon, she’d be asleep, and when she awoke, if the news was good, she could give herself fully to Jamison.

  Loud footsteps sounded in the hallway. She heard a female voice talking a mile a minute with some gruff male voices responding. Daisy’s ears perked up. Those footsteps sounded like cowboy boots, and that voice sounded like … The door burst open. “Treven?”

  Her eyes widened when she looked over his shoulder, and Jamison filled her vision. He’d come. All the times she’d told him she wanted to do this alone, and he’d come anyway. He grinned at her, and she realized how big of an idiot she’d been to want to be alone when she could have this man by her side. She felt a rush of peace. She’d done her part and trusted in the Lord, and now, Jamison was here, a blessing born of her trust. It didn’t matter what happened. Cancer couldn’t break their love.

  “Whoa, which one of these hot men sent the flowers?” Tracie asked.

  “Him.” Treven jammed a thumb at Jamison then lifted his left hand. “I’m happily married though, so don’t get any ideas.”

  Tracie laughed heartily. “All right, cowboy. Calm down.”

  Treven stepped into the room, and Jamison came in behind him. If Daisy hadn’t been in a thin hospital gown and attached to an IV, she would’ve jumped up and hugged him.

  “Settle down.” Tracie cautioned her as if completely understanding. “Don’t go ripping out your IV, girl.”

  “I haven’t seen him in two days.” Daisy shot back.

  Jamison grinned, crossed the room, bent down, and kissed her. Stars exploded, and she could hear hoots and clapping, but she couldn’t focus on anything but Jamison. He straightened and backed away. “That’s just for hello. More to come later.” He winked.

  Daisy couldn’t help laughing, but then she focused on Treven and had to ask. “Who’s with Maddie and Hazel?”

  “Her mom came. They’re fine.”

  “Why did you come?” She looked back and forth between their beloved faces—Treven and Jamison. They’d really come for her? When she and Treven had years of misunderstanding each other and Maddie needed him and she’d told Jamison not to come?

  “I don’t know what those sissy men in L.A. are like,” Treven said. “But in Montana this is what men do—be there for you even if you don’t want them.”

  Daisy swallowed and it hurt. Jamison met her gaze and said, “It’s what the men who love you do, Daisy.”

  She bit at her lip, but it didn’t help, tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “Ah, no. Now you got her crying.” Treven grumbled.

  Treven moved first, giving her a hug that was much too rough, but it was her brother. “I love you, sis. I forgive you for deserting me.”

  She smiled up at him. “I forgive you for being a butthead.”

  He laughed. “That’s very gracious of you.”

  “I love you too.”

  He pushed at her shoulder like she wasn’t prepped for surgery. “You’re gonna be fine. Maddie and Hazel have been praying up a storm.”

  “Thanks, bro.”

  He moved away from the bed, and Jamison was there grinning at her. “I didn’t want to do this with an audience.” He jerked his chin at her brother and the nurse and the anesthesiologist who had just walked into the doorway and was staring at all of them awkwardly. “But I’ve ripped my heart out again. It’s on that platter just waiting for you, Daisy.” He pulled a small box out and flipped it open. A large round diamond winked at her.

  Daisy put a hand over her mouth to keep from screaming. How did she explain and tell him yes, but not right now? “I want that platter and that heart and that ring very much.” She clasped her hands together. “I just get scared. I don’t know how it’s all going to work out and—”

  Jamison bent down and kissed her. Daisy startled, but quickly responded, wrapping her hands around his neck and holding on as he shared all of his love and longing through those tantalizing lips she loved. When he pulled back, she didn’t know if it was a trick of the glaring lights, but it looked like his eyes were shining.

  “Let’s figure it out together. All right?”

  She nodded. He’d come for her. As one of the men who loved her. And she loved him too much to worry about details like cancer, a music career, and how life was going to play out.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  Jamison kissed her again. “I love you back.”

  “Okay, lover boy.” Tracie interrupted them. “You can give her that big shiny diamond after surgery. We’ve got to go.”

  Jamison nodded then focused in on her again. “We’ll be here waiting.” He touched her cheek. “Love you.”

  “Love you.” She repeated. It was getting easier and easier to say those words.

  He backed out of the way. The anesthesiologist had already gone over her medical history. He explained about the medication he was plugging into her IV. Then he and Tracie prepped her bed and started rolling her out of the room. She lifted a hand to the men watching. It would’ve been comical to see two tough men looking like whipped children if they weren’t her me

  When she couldn’t see Jamison’s face anymore, she leaned her head back into the pillows and realized she was exhausted.

  “Well, I’ve never seen such a fine-looking man propose before surgery. I gotta say I like him.”

  “Me too,” Daisy murmured. “Me too.” She realized she was drifting toward sleep, but where she’d been terrified of this surgery earlier, now all she could think about was Jamison. When she woke up, he’d be there. No matter what happened, he’d be there.

  Chapter 15

  Jamison didn’t know two hours could stretch so long. He paced the waiting room until Treven glared at him and told him to calm down. What if they didn’t get all of the cancer? How would Daisy feel if she couldn’t sing?

  His mouth curved upward though as he remembered how she’d kissed him and told him she loved him. Together, they could figure it all out.

  A doctor in scrubs stepped into the room and stared at both of them. “You’re Daisy’s family?”

  Jamison’s heart swelled at that. Yes, he was her family. At least, he was going to be or die trying.

  “Yes.” Treven answered for both of them.

  The man nodded, but his eyes were too grave for Jamison’s liking. He stepped forward. “Please, just tell us.”

  The doctor pushed out a breath and swept the surgical cap off his head. “We removed the tumor and took several biopsies to be certain the cancer is eradicated. I feel very confident Daisy will be cancer free, and if she gets regular checkups, she’s at the same risk as any of us for another round of cancer.”

  The breath pushed out of Jamison. This was very good news. Why was the man so sober?

  “Thanks, Doc.” Treven stepped forward and shook his hand.

  The man nodded.

  “There’s more,” Jamison said.

  Treven pinned him with a death stare. “He said he got the cancer.”

  Jamison simply stared at the doctor.


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