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Stranded with the Reclusive Earl

Page 9

by Eva Shepherd

  Her mother went back to looking around the entrance hall, a satisfied smile on her face. Iris could almost see her mind working. An earl. A long-established family. Large estate. Unmarried. Her heart sank.

  Please, please, Mother, no matchmaking, she silently begged. The Earl does not want me. He doesn’t want anyone.

  Charles emerged from the drawing room. ‘Please, come this way,’ he said with a bow.

  They followed him into the same drawing room where Iris had found the Earl last night. The fire was no longer burning, but he was seated in the same chair. Did he spend his entire life there?

  Max was once again seated at his feet and instantly sprang up and rushed to the door.

  ‘Maxie-Waxie!’ Iris exclaimed, bending down and rubbing the dog’s ears. A gesture that was rewarded with some vigorous tail-wagging.

  She looked up to see the Earl standing beside the fireplace.

  ‘Lady Springfeld. Lady Iris,’ he said with a bow.

  Both ladies curtsied. Even though he couldn’t see them, Iris now knew that he would be able to hear the movement of their clothing and know exactly what they were doing.

  ‘Please, be seated.’ He gestured towards a sofa, which Charles had presumably moved forward to accommodate the uninvited guests.

  ‘So, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?’

  And when are you going to leave? Iris suspected he wanted to add. But at least he was being more polite to her mother than he had been to her last night.

  They made their way across the room, along with Max, and all three sat down, the two ladies on the sofa, Max at Iris’s feet. She smiled down at him and continued to pat his head.

  ‘I came to thank you for saving my daughter from the storm last night,’ her mother said, smiling brightly, even though the smiles were wasted on the Earl.

  The Earl waved his hand in dismissal. ‘It was nothing. Anyone would have done the same. It was just unfortunate that the storm was too fierce to risk my coachman taking her home.’

  ‘Yes, quite... And as only you, my daughter and I know about it, it might be all for the best if it remains our little secret.’

  The Earl nodded. ‘I have no intention of telling anyone, Your Ladyship.’

  It was no less than Iris would have expected. She could no more imagine the Earl gossiping than she could imagine him smiling.

  ‘That is very gracious of you, Your Lordship,’ her mother said with a small bow of her head. ‘As you probably know, Iris is not married, and such gossip could ruin a young woman’s chances.’

  Iris’s heart sank down another few levels. Here it came. The marriage pitch. Well, it was wasted on the Earl, and wasted on her. They did not like each other and a less unlikely couple she could not imagine. She would rather marry Lord Pratley. No, that wasn’t true. Even the Earl was better than him. At least the Earl did not bore her senseless.

  ‘Although, as she is so sought-after, it probably would not do irreparable damage,’ her mother continued. ‘Why, even this weekend I have had several approaches from young men, all eager to court her, as I have done every Season. Unfortunately, my beautiful daughter is somewhat choosy.’

  She smiled at Iris, who was clenching her teeth and glaring at her mother. At least the Earl would not be able to see her distraught face. Nor would he be able to see her chopping motions, signalling to her mother to stop this conversation. Now.

  Her mother frowned at Iris, turned back to the Earl and continued smiling.

  ‘Then I’m sure you will have no problem finding her a suitable husband,’ he said, his voice dismissive, as if he too would like to bring this conversation to an end.

  ‘You are quite correct, my lord. She just has to meet the right man.’

  Iris nudged her mother to get her attention and shook her head vehemently. To her intense annoyance, her mother did not even look at her, but kept smiling at the Earl. What was wrong with her? Unlike most mothers, Iris’s had never tried to foist her onto a man she did not want, no matter how large his estate, how big his income or how lofty his title. Her mother wanted her three daughters to be as happy in their marriages as she was in hers. She wanted them to marry for love. So why the sudden change? Why was she suddenly so interested in the Earl? Was her mother starting to feel desperate because Iris was unwed after five Seasons?

  ‘Yes, I believe my daughter would make a perfect wife for a man who appreciates her gentle nature and sparkling wit. She is also known throughout Society as a striking beauty. The many men who have asked for her hand have not even enquired about her dowry, which is rather sizeable. No, they have all been too taken with her beauty to even think about money.’

  ‘Perhaps we should have some tea,’ Iris said, interrupting her mother. She did not want tea, and it was not her place to make such a suggestion, but she had to say something to cut off her mother’s blatant attempt to try and pique the Earl’s interest by mentioning how much she was worth. It was so unlike her mother and it lacked even a modicum of subtlety.

  Her mother sent her a sideways glance, as if she too was surprised by Iris’s ill-mannered behaviour, then smiled at the Earl. ‘Yes, that would be lovely. Taking tea will give us all a chance to get to know each other better.’

  Iris saw the Earl suppress a sigh, but he rang the small silver bell on the side table, and when Charles arrived asked if he could please serve tea.

  ‘Although I am sure you and my daughter had a chance to get acquainted last night,’ her mother said, her voice light, even if her intent were not. ‘But not too well acquainted, I hope, or we’d be forced to read the wedding banns.’

  ‘No, we hardly even spoke to each other last night, as I went to bed almost immediately after I arrived,’ Iris blurted out, causing her mother to turn to face her and raise a quizzical eyebrow. To Iris’s horror, warmth flooded her cheeks. ‘After all, it had been a rather traumatic day, and I wanted to get up early in the morning,’ Iris raced on, trying to cover her embarrassment.

  It was bad enough that she had been alone with a man, all night. That in itself could be enough for a family to force a man into marriage. But it was much worse than that. She had been in his bedroom, for goodness’ sake, had seen him less than formally attired.

  Her mother continued to stare at her, her head tilted, her disbelieving eyebrows raised.

  ‘So we didn’t spend much time together,’ Iris continued, her voice now sounding as defeated as she felt.

  ‘Just enough time to get to know Maxie-Waxie,’ her mother said with a hint of disbelief. At the sound of his name the dog looked at Iris’s mother and recommenced wagging his tail.

  Her mother looked from the happy dog to the frowning Earl. ‘Oh, well, that will not do, will it?’ she said, a note of victory entering her voice. ‘Especially as I am sure you two have much in common.’

  The Earl’s leather chair creaked as he moved uncomfortably and he coughed lightly. We have nothing in common, Iris wanted to shout out. Can’t you see? We don’t even like each other.

  Her mother continued to smile as Charles entered and served the tea. The Earl’s expression reflected Iris’s and she was sure he too was hoping this whole embarrassing incident would be over as soon as politeness allowed.

  ‘We are staying at the estate of my dear friend, Lady Walberton,’ her mother chatted on, while stirring her tea. ‘The Walbertons are your nearest neighbours. I imagine you are all the best of friends as well.’

  Charles smiled at Iris as he handed her a cup, then placed the Earl’s tea on the side table, deliberately making the cup clink so his master would know where it was.

  ‘I have not visited my neighbours for some time,’ the Earl said, ignoring his tea. Anyone other than Iris’s mother would know from the tone of his voice that this was how he liked it and that this was not a conversation he wanted to have. But Iris knew her mother could be relentless when she ha
d made a decision, even if she did cover her single-minded determination with a veneer of ever-so-correct politeness and unrelenting friendliness.

  ‘Oh, that simply will not do,’ she said. ‘We shall have to put that to rights, will we not?’

  ‘There’s nothing that requires being put to rights,’ the Earl said, which was almost word for word what Iris wanted to say.

  The Earl’s dismissive attitude, his sullenness, and obvious lack of encouragement would have deterred a less determined woman, but Iris knew it would not put off her mother. It wasn’t just because she saw the Earl as a potential husband for her middle daughter. Her mother was by nature of a happy disposition and expected everyone else to be the same. She simply would not tolerate anyone wallowing in misery. The Earl should just surrender now, paste a smile on his face and give in to her mother’s demands.

  ‘Lady Walberton is one of my closest friends and I am sure she will be delighted when I inform her that I have invited you to join us for dinner tonight. Most of the guests are leaving today, so it will just be a small, intimate dinner party and it will give us all a perfect opportunity to deepen our friendship.’

  The Earl’s jaw clenched tighter and his spine became rigid.

  ‘That will not be convenient,’ he said, slowly enunciating each word so his intent would be clear.

  ‘Oh, that’s a shame,’ Iris said, giving her mother a pleading look, even though she knew it to be a fruitless gesture. ‘If the Earl is busy then he won’t be able to come.’

  ‘Nonsense,’ her mother said. ‘I doubt if it is anything that cannot be put off to a later date, and, as we are only staying at Lady Walberton’s until the end of the week, I am sure you can make time this evening.’

  ‘Lady Springfeld, I will not be coming to dinner tonight, or any other night. I do not socialise with my neighbours,’ he said, the forcefulness of his voice in stark contrast to her mother’s cheerfulness.

  ‘Well, that needs to change, does it not?’ her mother said, unaffected by his tone. ‘And tonight will be the perfect time for that change to occur. Shall we say eight o’clock? Then you will be able to partake in a sociable drink before we dine.’

  He made no answer.

  ‘You might as well know, my lord,’ Lady Springfeld said, still keeping her voice light as if they were merely having a pleasant chat, ‘that I do not give up. It is much easier just to do as I ask.’

  ‘That is something I am becoming aware of, madam,’ he said, not bothering to stifle a huff of exasperation.

  ‘But if you are unable to come to this one dinner party tonight, then I am sure I can arrange to visit you again with my daughter each day before we leave. And I am sure there are many other guests who would be just as delighted as I am to see this house. Perhaps you would be able to take them on tours. I know you would not want everyone coming at once, so we could arrange for a few each day, some in the morning, some in the afternoon and some in the evening.’

  Iris had never seen her mother be quite so ruthless, and her mouth fell open in amazement, causing her mother to put her hand under Iris’s chin and push it shut.

  ‘That most certainly will not be convenient,’ the Earl said, speaking slowly through a clenched jaw. He drew in a long, slow breath then just as slowly exhaled. ‘All right. If that will be the end of it, I will dine at Lady Walberton’s tonight.’

  ‘Oh, good,’ her mother said, stirring her tea with satisfaction and ignoring Iris’s look of disapproval. ‘I’m sure you will thoroughly enjoy yourself and it will be the beginning of some long-lasting relationships.’ She sent Iris a triumphant smile. ‘With your neighbours, I mean.’

  Chapter Ten

  Theo would not have thought it possible, but the mother was even worse than the daughter. She was even more relentlessly cheerful, even less capable of grasping the basic concept that she and her daughter were not welcome in his home, and now this ridiculously joyful woman was seeing him as a potential husband for her daughter.

  At least the daughter did not have such aspirations, if the constant squirming in her chair and occasional huffs of disapproval were anything to go by. That was one thing in Lady Iris’s favour. He was pleased to note that she was not a husband-hunter.

  But if agreeing to attend a dinner at the Walbertons’ would get rid of them once and for all, unfortunately the best course of action was to grin and bear it. Well, he doubted he would spend much time grinning, but he would have to bear it. He would endure just about anything if it meant he could be left in peace. Now that the mother had what she wanted, he waited with as much patience as he could summon for them to make their much-anticipated farewells.

  No such farewells came.

  ‘Oh, you have not drunk your tea and it must have gone cold by now,’ Lady Springfeld chirped instead. ‘We must call for more.’

  ‘That’s quite all right. I didn’t actually want any tea,’ he cut in, wanting to add, and I didn’t want this visit either and the sooner you leave the better.

  The swish of moving fabric signalled he had his wish. Thank God for that. He stood up and reached out for the bell to summon Charles to escort them out. His hand found only empty space. Then he heard the tinkling of a bell. His bell.

  That infernal woman had crossed the room and taken his bell from his table. She wasn’t leaving, merely taking over and ordering his servants about.

  Charles appeared as commanded.

  ‘You called, my lord?’ he said.

  ‘No, I called you, Charles,’ the mother replied before he could speak. ‘The Earl’s tea has gone cold. Could you fetch him another cup, please?’

  ‘Very good, my lady.’ It seemed Charles had decided he now took orders from this unwanted visitor.

  ‘The Earl said he didn’t want any tea,’ Lady Iris said in a quiet, impatient voice. It was a pertinent comment. One that was ignored by her mother. Instead, the mother merely shuffled her way back across the room and sat down.

  Apparently, he and Lady Iris now had one thing in common. They were united in their annoyance with her mother. No, they had two things in common. They both wanted this visit to be over as soon as possible. Or was that three? Neither wanted to be married to the other.

  He had little control over the first two, but he most certainly had control over the third. Lady Springfeld would not be getting him up the aisle at any time soon. And Theo could only wonder as to her motives. If Lady Iris was as sought-after as her mother claimed, why was she so keen to foist her daughter off onto a man like him? He might be wealthy with a title, but, when it came to the qualities that a mother looked for in a husband for her daughter, blindness and hideous scarring were not usually high up on the list. But it mattered not what the mother was thinking. She would not be marrying off her daughter to him.

  He sat back down, resigned himself to tolerating the two ladies’ company a little longer and tried to blot out the sound of the mother as she resumed her cheerful chattering.

  Charles arrived with yet another unwanted pot of tea, removed his cold cup and replaced it with a fresh one, which Theo would also be ignoring. The murmuring of thanks, clinking of cups and stirring of teaspoons signalled that the two ladies were also having a second cup. Theo swallowed a sigh of irritation.

  ‘Has your family lived in this area long?’ Lady Springfeld asked. A polite question, which every member of the aristocracy knew was full of intent when asked by the mother of an unwed daughter. She was really asking, How long is your lineage, are you a well-established member of the aristocracy and what will our family gain by joining with yours?

  ‘Quite some time,’ Theo answered vaguely, not wanting to encourage her by mentioning that his family tree went back to before the time of the Tudors. A family tree that would end with him. He had no intention of bringing children into a world such as this. Instead, his cousins would inherit the estate, and Theo did not care one bit.

  ‘And it looks as if you own an extensive estate, and it is a rather beautiful one, I must say,’ the mother continued.

  Theo merely nodded his agreement, wondering whether she wanted him to get out his financial records so she could inspect how much he was worth.

  ‘We had such a lovely walk over here, did we not, Iris?’

  ‘Oh, yes,’ said Lady Iris. ‘And perhaps we should take our leave and walk back to the Walbertons’ now. I’m sure the Earl has much to do and we’ve taken enough of his time.’

  Sensible, sensible girl. She too could see the pointlessness of her mother’s matchmaking. Or, even more likely, was horrified with the prospect of her mother trying to hitch her up to a man like him. Memories of last night’s encounter crashed back into his mind and Theo moved uncomfortably in his chair. Of course she would not want to marry him. What woman in her right mind would want to marry a man who cried out in his sleep, a man she believed needed to be comforted like a child? Presumably Lady Iris had not passed this rather unfortunate bit of information on to her mother. If she had, he doubted she would be so keen to have him as a son-in-law.

  ‘I wouldn’t want to keep you any longer,’ he said, hoping the mother would take his not-so-subtle hint and leave him in peace.

  But no, Lady Springfeld’s prattle continued as she asked interminable questions about the house’s history and the surrounding countryside, and at every possible opportunity managed to make a comment about how beautiful and talented her daughter was.

  Each question was answered with as few words as possible, while comments on Lady Iris’s beauty required no response at all. He cared nothing of what she looked like. Why would he? He was blind, for God’s sake. And surely the mother must be aware of that. Lady Iris could bear a passing resemblance to a gargoyle and he would neither know nor care. In fact, that might endear the daughter to him much more than all her supposed good looks ever could.


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