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Sand & Snow (Sand & Clay #1.5)

Page 8

by Sarah Robinson

  “Logan?” She whispered questioningly as he knelt down in front of her on one knee.

  “Caroline, it’s been an insanely amazing, painful, beautiful, perfect year since you walked into my life.” He spoke softly to her, his smile fading into seriousness. Caroline gulped as she glanced up and saw that the crowd was transfixed on the two of them, she felt her body beginning to tremble from it all.

  “It took me so long to make you mine, a mistake that I will regret forever. But I won’t make that mistake again. Now that I have you, now that you’re mine, I can’t let you go. Maybe I’m selfish, or maybe that’s just love, but I know that you are it for me. I love you and will love you for the rest of my life, no matter what your answer is.” He looked nervous as he reached into his pocket, his other hand still holding hers. He pulled out a large black ring box, and flipped it open in front of her.

  “Caroline Sanders, will you make me the luckiest man that ever lived and say you’ll marry me?” She could feel the tears streaming down her cheeks as she listened to him.

  “Of course I’ll marry you, Logan Clay.” She sniffed, her voice shaking.

  Logan’s face lit up and he grinned, taking the ring out of the box and sliding it onto her finger. Kissing the back of her hand gently, he finally stood up to face her.

  “She said yes!” She heard one of the band members exclaim to the crowd causing an uproar of shouting and cheering. Caroline laughed through her tears as he took her face in his hands and wiped them away. She threw her arms around his neck and they kissed for the first time as an engaged couple.

  “You’re so perfect, Caroline. This is perfect. Here in the bar where it all started, now with you in my arms makes it the perfect end.” He whispered to her as his forehead pressed against hers.

  “This isn’t the end,” she smiled, kissing him again, “our story is just beginning.”


  The Photographer Trilogy, Book One

  by Sarah Robinson


  Kate Jackson had never been a natural public speaker, so standing on the side of the stage waiting for her entrance was causing knots to start clutching at her stomach. She smoothed her skirt and tossed her hair behind her shoulder, letting out a deep breath, hoping to calm herself when she heard her name being said as the audience burst into applause. Throwing on her least nervous smile, she stepped out from behind the curtain and walked to the center of the stage, waving to the crowd.

  “We are so excited to have you here.” The woman who introduced her said, shaking her hand.

  “Thanks so much,” Kate said, as she took the podium and looked out over the audience. She cleared her throat and steadied herself as she began,

  “If you had asked me a year ago if I would ever be standing in front of a room of law enforcement personnel giving a speech, I would have called you crazy. But since then I’ve had the fortune, but also the horror, of experiencing a unique case study that police departments from all over the country have inquired about.

  My case reaches much further than me and it’s possible we’ll never know the true extent of his reach. I’m here today to present the case a serial killer infamously known as The Photographer.” Kate took another deep breath, a bit nervous, but slowly calming herself.

  She had never liked public speaking so this was no walk in the park for her. All the faces in front of her looked eager and fascinated which began to give her more confidence.

  This was her stage now, he had held the spotlight long enough.


  Kate Jackson stepped onto the metro car around eight in the morning, heading for work in her usual routine on a crisp Thursday. She had been working in a retail position for a large organization that sold office furniture to companies all over the country. The job was entirely unrelated to what she had gone to school for since she had graduated in the top ten percent of her class from the University of Maryland with a psychology degree. Sales wasn’t her dream job, but at least it was a job.

  The metro car roughly slammed from side to side as Kate held onto the railing above her and tried not to fall on the surrounding people. It was proving not to be a simple task.

  Probably not the best day to have worn these heels, she thought, as she warily watched the homeless man behind her eyeing her rear end. Finally, the operator announced her stop and Kate fought her way for the doors before they closed, as everyone else on the car seemed to be doing the same thing in fifteen different directions. Squeezing through, she slid past the crowd and snaked her way to the escalators, then up and out of the ground, onto the street.

  She never looked forward to going to work in the mornings even though she appreciated the pay check. The tough economy had made the job market cut throat and Kate felt lucky to at least have found anything to pay her bills. She had been gifted the job from a friend of her late father, who pitied her situation and owned the company. Lenny had become a great father figure for her and her sister since their father had passed away and had helped them out of many difficult situations over the years.

  Sighing with relief, Kate spotted her favorite hole-in-the-wall coffee shop, and looking at her watch, she decided to reward herself for her timing by stopping in for a tall vanilla latte. She opened the door to be greeted by the delicious smell of coffee beans and her favorite smiling barista. The Java Jolt was a morning must-have for her and she felt her spirit lifting every time she walked through those front doors.

  “Miss Kate, good to see you this morning, would you like your usual?” asked Jimmy, a high-school student whose favorite days at work were the days that Kate comes in.

  Kate was always surprised at the attention she received from men regarding her looks. At five foot six inches, she wasn’t particularly tall. She was far from stick thin, instead probably a few pounds over what she should be. She had dark brown, curly hair that hung all the way down her back and jumped about in any way it pleased, regardless of what she wanted.

  Her pale skin contrasted her dark, piercing brown eyes, brunette hair color, and ruby red lips causing an almost doll-like look to her. She dressed simply but professionally, going for comfort more than glamour, if you didn’t count her high heel shoes. But even with her striking features, Kate often thought of herself as plain, which made her oblivious to the hints and attempts at flirting from the young barista.

  “Thank you, Jimmy, yes please.” Kate smiles at him.

  “Jimmy, add a large brewed coffee, two creams, and one sugar to that vanilla latte order.” said a deep voice behind her.

  Kate whirled around to see the face that belonged to that deep voice and was struck by the tall, handsome grin staring back at her.

  “Excuse me? Do I know you?” Kate asked, defiantly, stomping her foot on the ground in an attempt to look more confident.

  “Well you should if you’re planning on buying me a drink, or do you just make a habit of buying strange men their coffee?” The tall man smiled at her, teasing.

  Jimmy, awkwardly pausing with the two empty cups in his hands, waited for Kate’s approval before he made either drink. Kate couldn’t decide whether she was furious at how rude this gentleman was or whether she was charmed by his initiative. Kate finally smiled slightly and nodded her consent, so Jimmy set about making the two drinks while watching out of the corner of his eyes at the interaction between the two jealously.

  “I’m Kate. Kate Jackson,” she said, extending her hand to him.

  “Derrick Kane.” His hand strongly grasped hers and his dark brown eyes pierced into hers, smiling at her with a wide, boyish grin that made her heart beat a little faster.

  For the rest of Kate & Derrick’s story, as well as the thrilling, suspense-filled investigation of the infamous serial killer known as ‘The Photographer’, read the rest of Tainted Bodies. Your copy is waiting at any of the major retailers listed below.

  Buy Tainted Bodies Now:

  Amazon | Nook | Kobo | iBooks | Paperback

>   DISCLAIMER: Due to violent and dark subject matter, this book is intended for readers over the age of 18 years old.



  Make sure to check out the full length Photographer Trilogy Box Set, coming to all digital platforms as well as paperback on January 1st, 2015! It will include Tainted Bodies, Tainted Pictures, Untainted, and a bonus deleted scene that offers a look into the Photographer’s past!

  If you love this trilogy, please leave a review on Amazon, Goodreads, and other retailers! Join the Discussion Group dedicated to The Photographer Trilogy on Facebook to talk about this series! (

  Go add The Photographer Trilogy Box Set to your TBR list on Goodreads now!

  Pre-order The Photographer Trilogy Box Set when it goes on preorder December 10th, 2014. It will be live on January 1st, 2015 on all retail platforms including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, iBooks, Paperback, and more.

  DISCLAIMER: Due to violent and dark subject matter, this book is intended for readers over the age of 18 years old.


  from Chapter One in Book One of the Cover Series

  By Kim Black

  Copyright © 2014 Kim Black

  Chapter One

  “Let your love be like the misty rain, coming softly, but flooding the river.”

  ~ Madagascan Proverb ~


  It was Friday and after the workweek I had had, I needed to unwind. Diana, my best friend, had called earlier during her lunch break to suggest a girl’s night out and I did not hesitate to accept. The girls needed to have some much-needed fun! In addition, it would give me a chance to pause my work woes, and I needed that, badly!

  So, the group, which consists of me, Diana and Suzie, gathered at our favorite spot ‘Tanked’. It was not really the best bar in town but there was something about the friendly vibe that the place provided that always cheered up even the most depressed visitor. It had a house band that always killed and most importantly cheap Tequila shots, which I was in much need of tonight.

  “Ok, so spill it Em. When I called you earlier you sounded kind of off, so what’s up?” Diana was always in tune with my every emotion, which I loved about her, but also hated it just the same.

  I sighed, knowing that I could not really hide anything from them. “They promoted that brown nosing Thomas to Sous-Chef today. I’m not really surprised, but honestly he can’t even boil water, let alone cook at the standards a four star restaurant like Farjo should require.”

  Diana reached out and touched my hand, “You’ll get there Em. They cannot waste your talent forever. I say you just continue to be the best line cook you can be, and when the opportunity arises you’ll get your chance to shine and show them all just how awesome you are. Trust me.”

  I could not help but smile at my dear friend’s unwavering optimism, but my smile was short lived, “Yeah. If I was as much of a butt kisser as Thomas was, I bet that would happen, but I cannot do that D. If I am ever going to make it in this business it has to be because I’m good at what I do, not because I stuck my head up someone’s butt.”

  “Well then, I guess we need to get you hammered tonight,” Suzie chimed in, holding her shot glass in her hand.

  With that, we all cheered to sucky dead end jobs, brown nosing coworkers, and lifted our shot glasses, the first of many to come that night.

  After several shots and a lot of dancing, I was beginning to forget about my troubles. I was determined to let my hair down and enjoy the rhythm of the music. I did not care that I was not the best dancer, or that I was probably too drunk to even call what I was doing on the dance floor dancing. After a few songs passed, I decided it was time for another round with my friends; but just as I was about to leave the dance floor, a deep, sultry voice crept up behind me and whispered in my ear, “May I have this dance, chérie?” the rich, French voice drawled. I immediately spun around only to find myself staring at the most beautiful man I had ever laid eyes on. Was he talking to me?

  I stood there, mouth-hanging open, as I stared into the unique, soul-penetrating pair of eyes that I had ever seen. At first glance, they were dark grey, but as the lights danced around the bar, I noticed a hint of gold and a lighter shade of grey at their center. There was something about his eyes that put me in a trance, and although I knew I should probably look away, I just could not bring myself to do - not just yet anyway.

  “Will you deny a lonely bachelor a dance with such a beautiful woman?” he asked, never breaking eye contact with me.

  I must have looked really stupid, standing there with my mouth agape. It was not until I realized that my throat was dry that I finally pulled my eyes away from his stare, trying to look at anything but those beautiful, stunning, and intense eyes. His strong jaw line was indisputable underneath the five o’clock shadow that shaped his soft pink lips, which had a slight pucker to them.

  I had an urge to touch them to confirm their softness, but managed to restrain myself, not wanting to look even more foolish than I already appeared, but licked my lips at the very thought, causing the man’s eyes to widen.

  It had been so long since a man had turned me on and yet this man stood before me now, with his muscular frame barely hidden under his dress shirt, managing to awaken parts of me that I had long forgotten existed with just one look.

  “Sorry… I’m actually out with some friends tonight.” I was not sure what that really meant since I really did not answer his question. Crap, I look stupid.

  “I mean… I… uh... can’t” I murmured, trying desperately to look at anywhere but into his eyes, and failing; I felt trapped. Where were Diana and Suzie when I needed them?

  He smiled and I caught a glimpse of something in his eyes that I was all too familiar with. Living in California for the last three years, especially while working at the restaurant, had exposed me to an array of different men. This said, there was one particular type I found most distasteful of all: a man who thought he was exempt from rejection. It was the same overconfident look that my ex, Adam, had sported when we were dating last year. The same look that I had fallen for before finding out that he was cheating on me, and I had no doubt that this man in front of me was no different…a playboy!

  As if on cue he continued, “Surely your friends wouldn’t mind if you chose to dance just one song with me.”

  After all that I had gone through with Adam, I felt my blood begin to boil. Determined to project an outward calm I did not feel and keeping my expression devoid of any emotion, I replied with a raised brow, “And what would make you think I would want to dance with you?” Without waiting for a response and keeping my head held high, I turned and walked away from him, adding a sexy little flick of my hair and an extra sway to my hips.

  “That should teach him…” I muttered to myself, feeling satisfied that I had finally told his type where to go. Though he was not Adam, it somehow felt like I was berating him too which felt great!

  I found my friends at the table staring at me when I walked up and took a seat.


  “Did you just turn down that total hottie? Tell me you didn’t… Em, please say it isn’t so,” Suzie said as she stared at the dark, sexy, creature.

  “I know his type and I’m not interested, remember Adam?” I said as I snatched Diana’s shot glass from her hand, emptying the contents with one gulp, ignoring her obviously annoyed face. “I don’t need another smooth talking sex symbol with the inability of keeping his penis in check, and who thinks that he is God’s gift to women. I’m thankful to Diana for saving me from any further embarrassment and I have no intention of going down that road again, thank you very much!” I continued as I gave Diana a grateful smile.

  I was just starting to get over the humiliation I felt when I discovered that Adam was sleeping with a few of the other interning chefs at Tajh. Diana had come over to my house, her face ghostly pale and in tea
rs, telling me how she went by Tajh looking for me and found him and two other co-workers getting it on in the kitchen. She told me how she cursed him out and stormed off, coming directly to my place to tell me.

  “I’m so sorry Em, I hate that he did this to you but I’m just glad that we found out when we did,” I remembered her saying to me, as I cried on her shoulder until I could not cry anymore.

  I was beyond sick after that and cried for months. Of course, he tried to deny it when I confronted him, but I was having none of it. It was over! It was the greatest pain I had ever felt, one that I would not wish on my worst enemy, even that brown-noser, Thomas. That ordeal caused me to quit my internship at Tajh and apply to Farjo just a little over a year ago.

  “But he’s gorgeous. I mean, seriously… if it were me, I’d be in his car heading for his crib already,” Suzie continued, “and he’s still looking at you! Girl, you better snag him up before I beat you to it.”

  “Snag away! Tonight I just want to hang out with my girls and enjoy myself, man free…” It was true that I might have been slightly attracted to the man, but that sense of entitled confidence in those determined, focused eyes made me feel unsettled. I had dipped into the pool of sexy, headstrong men before and it only screwed with my life. So, gorgeous or not, I was not about to walk down that road again.

  “Don’t listen to Suzie. If you aren’t ready, then take your time,” Diana responded, ignoring Suzie’s deathly glares.

  “Well thank God someone understands me.” What would I do without my best friend? I thought to myself.


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