Untamed (The Becky Chronicles, Book 2)

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by Sienna Duncan

  Untamed (The Becky Chronicles, Book 2)

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  (The Becky Chronicles, Book 2)

  By: Sienna Duncan

  Untamed (The Becky Chronicles, Book 2) by Sienna Duncan

  Text Copyright © 2016 Sienna Duncan

  All Rights Reserved

  Smashwords Edition

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  To my best friend, Tammy











  Connect with Sienna Duncan

  Other titles by Sienna Duncan


  It has been eight months since I left. Eight months since I have seen my family and…him.

  I finally had enough of all the bullshit.

  Some people snap. Me?

  I walked away.

  My mother, well…she says I’m running away. Maybe I was at first. It really doesn’t matter anymore. It’s too late to turn back now, and I really don’t want to.

  I have never had this kind of freedom before. Sure, I lived in a dorm at college and for a while I lived with…well…I don’t like to say his name or think it.

  It’s still too soon for me.

  It took me a few weeks to get settled into a routine once I moved to Fairhope from Arab, Alabama. I was nervous because starting over is kinda scary. I won’t even lie about that.

  I was lucky to get an apartment within the first month here. It isn’t far from the house Lynn’s aunt generously allowed me to stay at when I first arrived. I just walk down the street, maybe a quarter mile, and I am at the Fairhope pier and beach area. I find myself going there a lot. It gives me feeling of calmness and I can clear my mind…most of the time.

  It’s perfect.

  My family repeatedly tried to convince me to come back home in the first few weeks after I left. They didn’t seem to realize they were part of the problem, except for my brother, Trevor. In all fairness, it was my mother’s continuous efforts to get me married that caused so much strain in our relationship.

  I tried to leave Trevor out of it as much as possible. He didn’t need to be caught in the middle. To top it all off, my mother tried to make me feel guilty about all the decisions I made in my life that she had not approved.

  I don’t talk to her very much anymore. A girl can only take so much.

  My best friend, Lynn, has been a constant source of support. I don’t know what I would do without her. She tried to visit me often. When she does, you can bet it’s never boring.

  Lynn finally got divorced from her asshole husband, Barry. He was so controlling it was insane. She couldn’t take a shit without him knowing. Once she finally left his ass, we did what all best friends do. We got drunk.

  When I say drunk, I mean shit-faced.

  Looking back, I think that was a turning point for me as well. My first weekend here, Lynn returned the favor. Let’s just say, it took me a day to recover.

  Lynn has been supportive of me through the many ups and downs since my move. There have been lots of downs. The only argument we’ve had is about me not wanting to date. The crazy thing is, Lynn feels that I should be ready to get back out there. She says that is the quickest way for me to move on.

  I mean, really?

  I know she was able to get back into the saddle pretty quickly, but that just isn’t how it works for me. The thought of another man touching me is…unthinkable. Lynn doesn’t understand that just because I left, it doesn’t mean I’m ready to be with someone else. I needed space to clear my head. Not a new man in my life. My heart is still shattered from the one I left behind.

  My editor was right when she said my move would give me a new perspective. I knew when I used to leave for an assignment, I would have this huge sense of relief.


  I never worry about not meeting anyone’s expectations except my own. Everybody else can just go and screw themselves. I didn’t form that opinion overnight. It has taken a while to build the wall- no fortress- I have around myself.

  I glanced at the clock on the wall. Just a few more minutes and this work week would be over. Besides being a travel writer for, Oasis, I have been learning the ins and outs of editing and publishing. I have the tentative title of assistant editor for now. Gwen is trying to find the right person for the position, and I happily agreed to help out. It has been a change from what I was used to, but change is good.

  I could hear Gwen Chambers, my editor, as she walked out of her office. She oozed with sex appeal in her clingy black knee length dress. She always looked so put together. Some women have all the luck. If I tried to wear that clingy black dress, you would be able to see every fat roll on my body.

  That’s not gonna happen!

  Gwen smiled at me as she walked toward my desk.

  “Big plans for the weekend?”

  I laughed. “My best friend is coming down for the weekend. You never know what we’ll be up to.”

  “I remember those days all too well.”

  I shut down my computer and grabbed my purse.

  “How about you and Paul?”

  Paul is Gwen’s much younger boyfriend.

  “We are going to Atlanta for the weekend. Paul’s family is having some kind of shindig, and he wants me to go with him.” She rolled her eyes.

  I smiled at her. “Well, have fun.”

  Her eyes shone with mischievousness and she winked at me. “Honey, I always do. You have fun with your friend. Catch up time.”

  I waved as I walked out the door and got into my trusty black Honda. Lynn sent me a message about an hour ago to let me know she had arrived at my apartment. I gave her a key soon after I moved in, because I knew she would be visiting often. Lynn is only one of two I would trust that much. My brother, Trevor, being the other.

  I don’t know what I would’ve done without Lynn the past few months. She has kept me sane. Literally. There have been many times when I almost caved, and came very close to making that one phone call. Thankfully, Lynn always had this sense something was not right, and she would give me call before I made mine.

  It is getting better. I think. Well…that’s what a tell Lynn. Honestly, I’m still taking it one day at a time. Sometimes I still find it hard to breathe. Damn memories. Good and bad. When I am alone I’m the most vulnerable, because my mind begins to wander.

  That is NEVER a good thing.

  I pulled into my parking space outside my apartment. Lynn’s car was in the spot beside mine. I walked across the small courtyard and went up the steps to my apartment.

  One thing is for sure, I g
et plenty of exercise everyday going up and down the steps. I remember that first time Lynn came for a visit. She bitched about the steps the whole time. Then I reminded her how close I was to the water, and that shut her up. You can’t argue with that logic. I dug through my purse for the keys. Why did I drop them in my purse when I got out of the car? They always fall to the bottom underneath everything.

  As soon as I opened the door, I could hear Lynn’s voice. She was laughing about something.

  I rolled my eyes and tossed my purse and keys on the end table beside the love seat.

  I knew from the sound of her voice that meant one thing. She’s on the phone with one of the men she talks to from the internet. Lynn walked into the living room and waved when she saw me.

  “Look, I’ve gotta go. My friend is home. I’ll call you later, ok.” She laughed again before ending the call.

  Lynn walked over and hugged me tightly.

  “It’s so good to see you, Becky Lou.” Gotta love that nickname.

  I smiled. “It’s only been a week since you were here.”

  Lynn put her hands on her hips.

  “I know, but it seems like it’s been forever.”

  I snorted. “It’s nice to know I’m missed.”

  “You are missed. It isn’t the same not seeing you every day.” Lynn sighed.

  “I know.” I tried not to let the guilt overwhelm me. I reminded myself that Lynn is the one who encouraged me to move down here in the first place.

  I walked into the kitchen to get a bottle of water.

  “You want some water?” I looked over my shoulder at Lynn.

  “I already have some.” She held up her bottle and took a healthy drink.

  I grabbed mine, and walked into the living room. I sat down in the chair and attempted to relax a little.

  “Long day?” Lynn asked.

  I laughed. “Sometimes I feel like I am going crossed eyed with some of the details, but it keeps me busy.”

  Lynn looked at me as she took a drink.

  “Hmmm…” It isn’t the fact that’s all she said. It’s the way she said it that got my attention.

  I glanced at her. “What?”

  She shook her head. “Oh, nothing. You just don’t sound too enthused, that’s all.”

  I sighed.

  “It’s just been a long week.”

  Lynn nodded, but she didn’t look convinced.

  Well, shit! I can’t hide anything from my best friend. At least Lynn had the good sense not to push me. Well, not too much. That meant more to me than anything else.

  “So, what are we doing tonight?” Lynn rubbed her hands together in anticipation.

  “Taylor and Shelby are wanting us to go out with them, if that works for you.”

  “Hell, yeah! We had so much fun last time.”

  Taylor and Shelby are roommates who live in the apartment across from mine. They welcomed me the moment I moved in. In no time at all, I found myself going out with them to get a few drinks. They didn’t ask me any questions about why I didn’t want to hook up with anybody. I think they just knew something was up, and Lynn hinted at my past too many times to count. So, I was always left to drink while the girls scouted out all the men. I laughed at their attempts to get attention. Not that it took any effort for them to get it.

  Okay. That’s a vast understatement. Taylor and Shelby are very pretty. When I say pretty I mean beautiful. Both have long blonde hair and blue eyes. Thin. You know, your worst nightmare. You know how some girls (who know they’re pretty) can be bitches? Well, that doesn’t apply to them. Don’t they can if you piss them off. Otherwise, Taylor and Shelby are friends who have your back no matter the situation.

  If you want to have the perfect girl’s night, you want those two chicks with you. It is never dull, and they will make you laugh so hard you almost pee your pants. It is made even better when Lynn is here. The mischief we get into can only be described as potential for a major fuck up. The shit Lynn and I used to get into is tame in comparison.

  I walked to my room and started looking for something to wear. I want to look cute, but I don’t want to have some horny asshole slobbering all over me. Especially when he thinks he’s cute, but looks like he’s been run over by truck. Several times.

  You know the ones.

  “What are you going to wear tonight?”

  I turned around at the sound of Lynn’s voice. She sat down on the bed.

  I shrugged. “I’m trying to decide. Jeans for sure. I just don’t know which top yet.”

  Lynn groaned. “Just please, please, don’t wear a turtleneck.” She fell backwards on my bed and covered her eyes with her hand.

  I laughed. “What’s wrong with a turtleneck? I look good in them.”

  “Maybe, but you need to show that body of yours more than you do.” Lynn sat up when I pulled out some blouses.

  I rolled my eyes. “I don’t need to slut it up just because we are going out.”

  Lynn walked to the closet and nudged me out of the way.

  “Hey!” I laughed.

  “This is an intervention, chick! The men in Fairhope, Alabama are gonna know my best friend has a body under all that.” She waved her hand up and down.

  I sighed. “I don’t want to get any attention. We’ve talked about this a thousand times already.” I groaned as I watched her sift through my closet..

  “I know, but you aren’t listening. I’m not saying to fuck anybody, just flirt a little. You do remember how to do that, right?”

  Lynn jerked back before I could slap her arm. Just because I don’t flirt doesn’t mean I don’t know how. Damn it! Why can’t she just leave it alone?

  I groaned. “I haven’t forgotten how to flirt. I just don’t want to.”

  Lynn shook her head. She was quiet. Too quiet.

  “Do you really think he is going to wait forever?” She asked quietly.

  It felt like she slapped me. Lynn cringed a little when I glared at her.

  What the fuck?

  She knows we have an unspoken rule not to talk about certain things. Especially...you know who.

  “What the hell, Lynn?”

  She raised her hands to stop me from continuing.

  “I’m sorry. I know you don’t want to talk about it, but I think maybe you should. Besides, you aren’t the one who sees him on a daily basis.” She held up her hand to stop my interruption. “He always looks at me, like he hopes I will tell him something. You know I won’t do that to you, but I don’t know…he looks…”

  I interrupted her immediately. I just can’t…

  “Stop! You’re right, I don’t want to talk about it. I’m just not ready. I don’t know if I ever will.” I could feel the tears forming in my eyes.


  I promised myself there would be no more tears! It doesn’t matter that his face haunts my dreams almost every night. Or the fact that I still have his t-shirt I took from our apartment when I left.

  It still smells like him. Okay…so I put it in a large plastic baggie so his scent would last longer. (I sleep with it every night.)

  Don’t judge!

  It’s how I deal with it. If you wanna call it that.

  “Hey, Beck…”

  I looked up and Lynn touched my shoulder.

  “I’m sorry I said anything. I won’t mention it again, but when you are ready, I will always be willing to listen.”

  I nodded.

  After a few uncomfortable minutes of silence, we finally settled into our usual routine. I made us a grilled chicken salad, while Lynn caught me up with the latest news from back home. For a small town in Alabama, Arab was full of some very interesting people. Oh, you had the everyday rednecks, but there were plenty of people who thought their shit didn’t stink, too.

  You know the ones. They’re everywhere. It isn’t just a southern thing.

  They have a lot of money and think they can get away with anything, because they usually do. Then you have those like my family, middle c
lass to lower middle class. We are always stuck in between both worlds. That always gave my mama plenty to talk about. Gossip. Gossip. Gossip.

  That’s why I am so happy nobody here knows me or my family. I still live in Alabama, but it’s at the coast. I try to keep my life as undramatic as possible. I needed a drama free life after everything that happened. So far, Fairhope has given me just that. I haven’t reached the level of peace I long for, but I know I’ll get it one day.

  After we finished our salads, it was time to get ready for our night out. I sent a text to Shelby to let her know Lynn and I would be joining them.

  I chose my usual. Jeans paired with a peasant blouse. I loved the royal blue color, because it made my eyes pop. I stared at my hair. I was too lazy to straighten it this morning, so it is beyond wild at this point. I shrugged my shoulders.

  A ponytail it is. I’m not trying to impress anyone.

  Who gives a shit anyway?

  Not me.

  Lynn walked up beside me, and I noticed she was looking at my hair. I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye, daring her to say anything. She averted her eyes, and finished getting ready. She had on a pink sweater with a plunging neckline and jeans. Both of us decided to wear black, knee length boots.

  I heard someone knocking on the door. I glanced at the clock and noticed it was aleady 8:45. I opened the door to see Taylor and Shelby standing in the hall. They looked beautiful as always. Taylor was wearing a tight black dress that barely covered her ass, and Shelby’s didn’t cover much more than that.

  “Hey, chick! Are y’all ready to get this party started?” Taylor hugged me as she walked through the door.

  I heard Lynn squeal as she walked into the living room.

  “It’s about time you two showed up!”

  Shelby laughed as she pointed back and forth between she and Taylor.


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