Untamed (The Becky Chronicles, Book 2)

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Untamed (The Becky Chronicles, Book 2) Page 2

by Sienna Duncan

  “Hey, it takes a little time to reach perfection.” Then she and Taylor burst out laughing.

  I rolled my eyes. They were so full of shit. I couldn’t help but laugh with them.

  “I’m so glad this week is finally over!” Shelby groaned.

  She is works in the lab at a doctor’s office. I don’t want to imagine what that’s like. It makes me shiver just thinking about it. Taylor, on the other hand, is our resident hairstylist. That girl never complains about her job.

  EVER. Except for the occasional hand cramps. That is to expected. I have never seen anyone so happy with their chosen profession. Taylor says, she wants to make everybody pretty. Umm…good luck with that. She has scissors not a magic wand. Feel pretty, maybe. I have to check my instant gag reflex when she says shit like that.

  “I’m ready to go.” Lynn announced as she finished fluffing her hair.

  I grabbed my purse and we left the apartment. It was already decided we would drive separately. So, Taylor and Shelby rode together and Lynn was with me.

  We pulled into a parking space outside of Mickey’s Bar and Grill. This has turned into our go to place to unwind on a Friday night.

  It was still kind of early for the big crowd, but I like it when it isn’t packed. We were lucky enough to get a table with enough seats for all of us.

  “I so need this!” Taylor exclaimed.

  “Did you see who is bartending tonight?” Lynn smiled widely.

  All of us turned toward the bar to see who was behind it tonight.

  Eric. Mr. Hotstuff.

  He is also one of the sweetest guys you’ll ever meet, and one of the biggest flirts. Everybody loved it when he was working, especially the women. He and I hit it off the first time I stopped by for a drink. Talk about the others being jealous.

  It’s hilarious!

  They don’t understand that the reason Eric talks to me all the time is, because I am not like all the others who throw themselves at him. Men don’t always want that. Sure, Eric likes to get laid like everybody else, but he doesn’t service all of Baldwin County. Much to the dismay of many of the patrons.

  Lynn looked at me slyly. “Well, I guess we know who to send over there to get us some good drinks.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Whatever.”

  “Don’t give us that “whatever” bullshit.” Shelby laughed.

  “Have you ever seen me with him? And no, I don’t sneak back after I leave for the night nor does he meet up with me. Not everyone has to have sex with every hot guy who talks to them.”

  I looked pointedly at the three of them. They all looked around the bar, pretending I wasn’t talking about them. Slut-a-rama. I love then anyway.

  I glanced at the bar again and Eric nodded in greeting. He looked at my entourage and shook his head. I smiled, because he knows the grief they give me.

  I rolled my eyes in resignation. “Follow me.”

  The girls followed my lead and we walked up to Eric.

  “Good evening, ladies.” He spoke in his usual friendly, but oh so sexy voice.

  I could hear them sighing. I groaned. Could they be any more obvious? I swear, they’ll be panting next.

  “The usual?” Eric asked me, but his eyes glanced at Taylor.

  I nodded. I liked to keep it simple. My usual is a strawberry daiquiri. He makes the best I have ever tasted. So many places do not put real strawberries in it, but they do here. The best part of the drink is when the fruit has soaked in the alcohol for a while. Yum! Just give me a spoon.

  I guess I do drool when I am around Eric, except it is for his daiquiris, not him. After he made my drink, the girls gave him their orders. I took a sip of mine.

  Yep. The best drink ever.

  I moaned. “Mm…this is so good. You get better and better Eric.”

  He chuckled. “I do it just to hear you moan.”

  I spewed some of my drink and laughed. “You need to warn a girl when you’re gonna say things like that.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “No way! Your reaction was worth it.” He looked at the mess I made on the counter and laughed to himself.

  I grabbed the towel from his hand and cleaned up. It was the least I could do.

  I watched him hand the girls their drinks and we walked back to our table.

  “See? That’s what I’m talking about!” Lynn exclaimed.

  She confused me sometimes with some of the shit she came up with.

  “I know what you mean, but I haven’t seen Becky with him or anybody else for that matter.” Shelby shrugged her shoulders.

  “I wish Eric would talk to me like that. I get a couple words from him at the most. Sometimes I get a smile. That dimple of his just kills me every time. He gets me all tongue tied.” Taylor sighed.

  Shelby laughed so loud, the other patrons looked over at us.

  “She’s serious, y’all. I have to wipe the drool off her face every time we come here. Her brain short circuits or something.”

  Taylor turned red. “I can’t help. Look at all that yumminess.”

  I couldn’t help but giggle with them. Especially Taylor. She doesn’t know that Eric is interested in her. He just hasn’t made his move yet. When he does…look out. It makes me giggle just thinking about it.

  I glanced over at the bar, and caught Eric looking at Taylor. He must’ve felt my eyes on him because he looked at me and smiled. I motioned my eyes toward her to see if he was going to speak to her tonight.

  Eric shook his head.

  I mouth “chicken shit” to him, and he rolls his eyes as he fixed someone else’s drink.


  Lynn leaned over and whispered in my ear. “What was that little exchange between you and Eric? Don’t try to deny it, because I saw it with my own eyes.”

  I laughed. “You’re making something out of nothing. I just called him chicken shit.” I quickly glanced at Taylor and then back to Lynn.

  “Ohhh!” She said a little too loudly.

  I glared at her. I made the mistake of telling her Eric’s interest in Taylor one night. She was determined to screw him, but I knew she would hate herself once she found out Eric wanted more than that with Taylor.

  Some things are just not worth it.

  Lynn can be a little too loose lipped at times. Now, I have to watch her, because she gives these small hints every chance she gets. Eric told me in confidence, and because of one too many drinks, I told my best friend.

  I need to stop drinking around her.

  That won’t be happening tonight, though.


  After dragging ourselves out of bed around one o’clock, we made plans to go out Saturday night. They wanted to watch the karaoke contest at Mickey’s. I liked to go so I could be entertained by the ones who can’t sing, but they think they can. I don’t know why they enter when they can’t hit one single note right. My ears hate me, but it gives me a good laugh. Sometimes, and I stress sometimes, there will be some who can actually sing.

  Lynn met some guy who said he would there again tonight. She talked nonstop about him when we got back to the apartment. He is supposedly the best kisser, blah blah blah, and after she grabbed his “package,” is determined to see if it is as big as it felt.

  Since we slept most of the day away, and didn’t get up until late, we decided just to veg the rest of the day. Nothing like watching old movies and eating junk. I don’t think I moved off the couch all day. Except to go to the bathroom.

  I picked up my phone and read the text message I had waiting for me this morning. It was from my brother, Trevor.

  He’s the only from my family who hasn’t given me any hassle about leaving. I don’t mean he hasn’t made some comments. ‘Cause he has made plenty of them, but Trevor knows when to let it go. Most of the time.

  I’m a little hesitant to respond. Especially when it’s shit like this.

  TREVOR: I need you to call me ASAP! Too much shit is being said, and I’m sick of being the go between!

sp; Well, I never asked him to be in the middle of anything. He sent it around 9:00 last night. I can just imagine what it is all about. I’m sure our mother is driving him crazy with some kind of bullshit she thinks should be taken care of today.

  “Are you going to text him back?’ Lynn glanced at me before looking back the tv.

  I shrugged. “I guess I should, but I don’t like his tone.”

  Lynn looked at me like I had two heads. “His tone? Didn’t he text you? Whatever, Becky. You just need to text or call him and get it over with.”

  I looked at my best friend like the crazy chick she is for suggesting I just “get it over with.” She know my family. All looney tunes.

  “If he puts me in a pissy mood, it’ll be all your fault.” I got up off the couch and walked to my bedroom.

  Lynn snorted. “Nothing a couple drinks won’t take care of later.”

  She’s probably right. I won’t let her know that, though.

  I sat down on my bed and sent him a message.

  ME: What’s up?

  A few seconds later he responded.

  TREVOR: About damn time!

  ME: Don’t be so dramatic!

  TREVOR: Easy for you to say. I went to mom and dad’s for dinner last night and the Matthews were there. So, do you think I am being dramatic now?


  Trevor had been able to avoid them the past few months. My brother was pissed when I left, and I know from my mom’s frequent messages, he and... Chad (there, I said his name without getting sick) had words. They were always good friends, and I did not want to get in the way of that. However, Trevor knows that subject is off limits. I don’t speak to my parents very often for that very reason.

  So, it makes me wonder what they could’ve said to get his underwear in a twist.

  ME: And?

  I know that’ll piss him off, but I don’t care.

  TREVOR: And??? That’s all you have to say? What the fuck, Becky?

  ME: Hey! You’re the one who messaged me. Just tell me already and stop all the bullshit.

  TREVOR: If you weren’t my sister…

  ME: Whatever

  There was nothing for about a minute. Then he hit me hard.

  TREVOR: They are demanding to know if you’re ever coming back. They are saying it is selfish of you to leave Chad hanging all this time. It wasn’t just Chad’s parents, ours said it, too. It made Claire and the kids upset. You know I will do anything for you, but when my wife and kids are upset…you know they come first.

  ME: Apologize to them for me.

  TREVOR: I will. Just…Becky, you need to call him. Tell him it’s over since that’s the way it looks to everybody. It isn’t fair. Don’t you think you owe him that much?

  Fair? How can he possibly think I owe Chad anything? I was the one who walked into the restaurant and saw that slut, Vanessa, rubbing against him and her hand on his thigh.

  And…oh yeah. HE DID NOT MOVE IT AWAY!!!

  I don’t care if he didn’t cheat. Supposedly. There is no way for me to know that for sure That woman, and who knows how many others, were ALLOWED to touch him to a certain degree. It wasn’t his arm. No, it was his thigh. There is a big difference how your body responds to being touched in each of those places.

  ME: Nope!

  TREVOR: That’s cold, even for you.

  ME: If you cannot understand then I don’t know what else to say. I’m not ready, Trevor. I don’t know if I ever will be.

  I sat there and waited a couple minutes for a reply. I guess that wasn’t the response he was looking for. I can’t help the way I feel. I thought a little time away would make it easier, but it has just left this giant hole inside.

  No matter what, I can’t go back to the way things were. It’s obvious our relationship is over. I haven’t contacted him all the months I have been gone. I know it’s selfish on my part, but right now, my mind and heart won’t allow me to open myself to what could be more hurt.

  I heard the text alert on my phone.

  TREVOR: I’m trying to understand. It just isn’t my place to explain your decisions to everybody else. Especially, Chad.

  ME: Okay. I’ll call…

  TREVOR: That’s all I’m asking.

  Grrr!!! I want to scream so badly. Why can’t they leave me the hell alone? I haven’t spoken to any of them for a damn good reason.


  I just can’t. I know I should call Chad. I do. It makes me sick just thinking about it.

  We grew up together, and I loved him more than I can ever imagine loving anybody else. Truthfully, I will probably always love him. I don’t like to think about it, because it makes me feel…lost and sad.

  I left my heart with him, and I will never be able to get it back.

  As much as it hurts to think of him with someone else, I won’t make promises to return anytime soon. I know he won’t wait forever. It hurts to think about that. So, I don’t.

  This move has been good for me. I can think without my mother constantly breathing down my neck. I don’t have to be anyone but me and you know what? I’m beginning to actually like me.

  So, call me selfish.

  If that’s what it takes to make me happy, then so be it.

  I took a deep breath and called my mother. My shoulders tensed just thinking about the conversation.


  Damn! She picked up after the first ring. I bet she has been waiting by the phone because she knew Trevor would call me or something.

  “Hey, Mama.”


  “Well, surprise, surprise. I can’t believe you actually called.” Her voice was overflowing with sarcasm. You know, the usual.

  And she wonders why I don’t call her.

  I sighed. “I’m sure you know Trevor sent me a message.”

  “He said he would. I’m glad someone is able to get you to return a call. The Lord knows I have tried.”

  I rolled my eyes. Here we go again. She tries her best to guilt every time she calls.

  “Please don’t.” I groaned.

  “What are you talking about?” She spoke to me the same way she did when she used to scold me as a child.

  “You wanted me to call you for a reason, and it wasn’t to hear my voice.”

  My mother gasped in outrage. “I guess you can read minds, too! Well, I’m surprised you bothered to call at all then.”

  I held the phone away, and laid my face down on my pillow, and quietly screamed.

  “Hello? Hello?”

  I heard my mother’s voice getting louder with each word. I’m sure she’s afraid I hung up on her. If it was anyone else, I would strongly consider it. She tests my upbringing more and more.

  “I’m here.”

  I thought I heard a sigh of relief, but she’d never admit that.

  “I’m sure your brother explained to you that the Matthews came to dinner last night.” She paused. “They want answers, and I don’t know what to tell them. Do you have any idea what it is like to be asked over and over again if I know when my daughter is going to come home? Or to watch Chad, and I know you don’t like for me to mention him to you, but someone has to. I have watched that young man look destroyed ever since the day you left. Do you know he still expects you to come home? I don’t have the heart to tell him otherwise.”

  I swallowed down the lump that was in my throat.

  “I say this with love, Mama. Everyone needs to stay out of it. I know you mean well, and I understand his parents’ concern. BUT, this is between Chad and I. You can quote me on that. I don’t have to answer to anybody for my actions.”

  I was surprised by the restraint I was showing. Usually we’re shouting by now.

  “Don’t you think you owe Chad some kind of explanation?”

  “I will say this one more time, and then that will be it! The last night we spoke, I told him I needed space. I don’t recall giving him a time frame.”

  “I don’t know what to say to that.”

; “Don’t say anything. We can’t keep doing this, Mama. I am not a child. I haven’t been for a long time. You and Dad might not like my choices, but they are mine to make. Even the mistakes.”

  She sighed. “I hope you realize what you’re doing. I can’t help but feel it is a huge mistake.”

  I shook my head. There is no convincing that woman anything other than what she wants to believe.

  Oh, well.

  “I love you, Mama; but I hope the next time we talk, you’ll actually want to know what I’ve been doing with my life. I hope you’ll be proud of all the things I have accomplished.”

  I heard her gasp.

  “I’ve always been proud of you! I just wanted so much more for you than what you have been doing.”

  Well…I tried. She’s never satisfied with anything I do.

  “If I’m doing what makes me happy, shouldn’t that be all that matters?” I sincerely wanted to know her response.

  “Well, of course. I want you to be happy.”

  I interrupted her.

  “Then, is it fair to say what makes you happy might not be the same thing that makes me happy?”

  She was quiet for moment and then spoke with resignation in her voice.

  “You’re right.”

  That’s all my mother said. I guess it took a lot for her to admit that much.

  “Alright, I’ll tell everyone to back off.” She paused. “I love you, Becky. I hope you do realize that.”

  I sighed.

  “I know and I love you and Dad, too.”

  “I’ll call you again soon.”


  I don’t know how long I sat there, but a light tapping on my bedroom door got my attention. I looked up and saw Lynn awkwardly standing in the doorway.

  “You’ve been sitting there like that for a while, and it was starting to freak me out.”

  I snorted.

  “I almost pissed in my pants when I heard you on the phone with your mom. How did that go?”

  “You don’t wanna know.”

  “Yeah, well, you know you’re gonna tell me anyway.” Lynn thumped my arm.

  She waited patiently until I finished describing the conversation I just had with my mother. Lynn sucked in a deep breath before releasing it.

  “Wow!” Lynn stared at me.


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