Untamed (The Becky Chronicles, Book 2)

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Untamed (The Becky Chronicles, Book 2) Page 7

by Sienna Duncan

  Okay…I DON’T need help getting ready.

  They wanted to pamper me, so they claimed. Johnny said I needed to get laid and he was just helping me out with that. I laugh at him every time he says it is unnatural for me to go so long without sex.

  “Your pussy is going to dry up without some serious action, sister. I know mine would.” Johnny put his hands on his hips.

  I blinked at him. Just…no. Not going there.

  Taylor was busy curling my hair, while Shelby was applying my makeup. Who do you think was picking out my outfit?

  Yep! My best friend. She was not going to miss this chance to slut me up.

  I shudder to think what Lynn will pick out for me to wear.

  “That won’t show off her tits.” Johnny argued with Lynn.

  “Well, come here and help me!”

  I glanced out of the corner of my eye and watched Johnny join Lynn in my bedroom. Damn! If they have their way, I’ll look like a walking advertisement for sex.

  “Uh uh. You aren’t allowed to look. Remember you agreed to let us have carte blanche.”

  Actually, I NEVER agreed. I’m not that stupid.

  “I was forced to do all this.” I waved my hands at my face and hair.

  I heard Shelby and Taylor sigh in frustration.

  “You’ll thank us later.” Shelby winked at me.

  Johnny walked out of my bedroom. “Girl, we are going shopping next week.”

  I shook my head. “No way! You are not going to pick out my clothes. Tonight is more than enough. Don’t you start, either.” I pointed at Lynn when she walked up beside him.

  I didn’t like the mischievous look on her face.

  “I found the perfect outfit.” She squealed.

  I rolled my eyes. I don’t wanna know.

  Taylor finished my hair and Shelby applied the lipstick. They stepped back next to Lynn and Johnny. All of them were nodding and smiling. You’d think I never wore makeup and fixed my hair before.


  Johnny clapped his hands. “Let’s get her dressed.”

  I was pulled into my bedroom to change. I blinked my eyes a couple times.

  Oh, hell no!

  “Don’t say it, Becky. You are wearing that dress, even if I have to force it on you.” Lynn pointed her finger at me. On my bed was a short black dress that stopped about mid-thigh. Not my usual attire. I knew better than to argue when my best friend especially when she has that determined look in her eyes. So, I put on the damn dress!

  It was waaaay too clingy and short! I pulled on it to try to loosen it a bit.

  “Stop that, pussy.” Johnny smacked my hands. “Hell, I wish you were my type, because with that dress, I’d fuck you myself.”

  I giggled. “You are so not right, Johnny.”

  “Me?” He pretended to be shocked.

  “Oh, bestie! Come here and look at yourself.”

  Damn! Are those tears in her eyes?

  I walked over to the mirror and a stranger stared back at me. The transformation was beautiful. It was me, but a HOT version of me.

  “Aren’t you glad you let us do this for you?” Let them?

  I could hear the hope in Taylor’s voice. They made me feel bad. Have I really been that withdrawn?

  “Let’s go. We need to get there before it gets too crowded.” Shelby was rushing the others.

  “Oh! Where are you taking me?”

  The look on their faces should’ve been a clue. I shook my head, but Lynn and Johnny grabbed my hands, and pulled me out of the apartment.

  Johnny and I rode with Lynn, while Taylor and Shelby led the way. They drove to Gulf Shores and turned onto a side road to an old looking building. It had The Hut on a sign that was barely hanging above the door. Where have these nuts taken me? I noticed the parking lot was full, so maybe it isn’t too bad inside.

  “Come on, sister. You know you want to see some hot ass men in there. I know I do.” Johnny rubbed my arm in excitement.

  We walked inside and I stood there for a minute. Too stunned to say anything. Not exactly what I was expecting. There were a lot of bikers. I could see some people who were obviously locals and others who definitely did not look like they belonged. Like us.

  Johnny waved at the bartender like he knew him. I was a little surprised because I never would’ve expected him to come to such a rough place like this. Johnny’s all frou-frou drinks. This is more of a whiskey straight kind of place.

  He leaned over and whispered in my ear. “He has a big wonk wonk.” Johnny nodded toward the bartender.

  I shook my head. I never knew if he was being serious or not. If I had to go by the looks the bartender was giving him, I would bet Johnny knows what he’s talking about this time.

  Lynn found a table and ordered us a drink. She didn’t give me a chance to object. I guess I am not allowed to order my own drinks tonight. I can tell my friends plan to get me shit faced. This is going to be trouble!

  “Oh my! I see Paul’s brother, Steve.” Johnny grabbed my arm.

  “Do you mean, Gwen’s Paul?”

  Johnny laughed. “Of course, sister. Keep up! He’s standing over there in the corner. Oh, shit! They’re with him.”

  I looked over to the corner and I saw Gwen and Paul talking to someone.

  “Is that Steve, next to Paul?”

  “Yes. Isn’t he yummy?”

  Yummy? Oh yes!

  His messy, brown, wavy hair makes you want to run your fingers through it. Men make you think the look is effortless, but they actually use more product than we do. I strained my eyes to get a better look and noticed he’s clean shaven. The white polo shirt he wore did little to hide the well-toned body he hid underneath it. He was also wearing dark jeans that fit him just right. Damn!

  The sound of laughter broke me out of my thoughts.

  “I’m glad to see you look interested in somebody.” Lynn smiled.

  I sucked in a deep breath. She’s reading too much into it. I can see her wheels turning.

  “Oh no! I know that look, and you are not going to close yourself off. Not tonight.” Lynn spoke sternly.

  I glanced over at Steve again and he was looking at me. Gwen and Paul followed his gaze and noticed us for the first time. They waved and started to walk in our direction.

  “Oh shit! Here they come. He hasn’t taken his eyes off you, Becky.” Shelby squealed.

  Never have I been around people who wanted me to have sex this badly. Not even in college.

  “I see y’all succeeded and got our girl out tonight. You look smokin’, girl!” Gwen hugged me. “I don’t think you’ve met Paul’s brother, Steve.”

  I looked over at Steve. I could feel him undressing me with his light blue eyes. Damn! He was even better looking up close.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Becky.” Steve’s voice was soft and sexy.

  “The same here.”

  They pulled up three more chairs. Somehow, Steve ended up sitting beside me. Okay…they don’t have to make it so obvious. After a couple rounds of drinks, we learned a little about Steve. He owns his own security company in Atlanta. Not married (Lynn elbowed me when Shelby asked. No subtlety).

  I tried to relax, but it was a little difficult when I felt like I was being watched. Lynn ordered me another drink. I was given a reprieve when we all got up to dance. I was having so much fun dancing and did my best not to think about anything. I suddenly felt someone’s hands on my hips. Lynn’s eyes widened and she quickly turned away with a smile on her face. I turned my head and saw it was Steve. That explains it.

  “I think your friends are trying to set us up.” When he whispered in my ear, it sent tingles up my spine. That wasn’t expected. I turned around to face him.

  “What makes you think that?” I laughed.

  “Hmmm…well, they’ve all but thrown you in my lap.” His blue eyes twinkled in amusement.

  “Oh, give them time. They’ll probably try that before the night is over.”

  Steve t
hrew his head back and laughed. It was the sexiest sound I’d heard in a long time.

  “Maybe I’ll be lucky enough for that to happen. It wouldn’t bother me at all.” I felt those tingles again.

  The band started playing a slow song, and Steve placed his hands on my waist and pulled me to him. I don’t know the name of the song that was playing. I was too busy trying to calm the rapid beating of my heart. He placed small kisses down the side of my neck. It sent a shiver through my body. Steve noticed my reaction to his kisses, because he rubbed his fingers up and down my arms where the goosebumps made it obvious.

  Steve kissed my forehead and then looked in my eyes. I knew what he was silently asking. A part of me was excited, but a much bigger part was terrified.

  “Let’s go.” His voice sounded husky.

  I don’t know what he said to the others, but they practically shoved us out the door. Steve started laughing and I joined him. It was too funny for words. Our friends couldn’t make it more obvious.

  We had been walking along in silence when Steve stopped in front of one of the beach houses. He glanced to the side.

  “I’m staying for the weekend at this beach house.”

  I guess I should’ve paid more attention to know where we were headed.

  Steve squeezed my hands. “There’s no pressure. I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to do. But you need to know, I’ve wanted you since the first moment I saw you.”

  I took a deep breath. I knew if I walked inside, there would be no going back.

  “We can just talk if you’d like.” He said reassuringly.

  I laughed and finally nodded. Steve squeezed my hand again and led me inside. I had just walked inside when he pushed me against the closed door, caging me in. Then and kissed me.

  It wasn’t a gentle kiss, either. This was demanding. His arms slid down my back, molding my body to his. I stiffened for a second, but found myself responding to his touch. He moved his lips down to my neck.

  Steve pushed a knee between my legs, parting them, before pressing his arousal into my center. My body was slowly beginning to respond to his touch. I automatically pressed back. It had been too long since anyone had touched me like this.

  I knew it was wrong, knew I shouldn’t be doing this, but I didn’t care anymore. I didn’t feel that raw passion you’re supposed to feel. My mind was instantly thinking about someone else. Chad.

  That is NOT a good thing!

  Honestly, I just wanted to get over the sex hurdle. To prove to myself I have really moved on. Somewhere in the recesses of my mind I knew that sex was not the answer. My body moved along with his touch, but I felt completely closed off.

  I was kind of numb when I felt him slide my dress off my body. He pulled me into the bedroom. For each touch, my mind rebelled. It was screaming that I was being unfaithful to Chad.

  Damn it!

  Why am I thinking about him? I left him almost a year ago.


  I need to forget him. I need to find a way to put him completely out of my mind.

  Steve slid down my panties and I stepped out of them. I knew he was undressed, but I hadn’t looked at him yet. I didn’t want to. He trailed his fingers along the curve of my hip before kissing me again. Steve must’ve noticed my hesitation, because he touched my face, and brought it up so I would meet his eyes.

  “We can stop if you’re not ready.” I could hear the sincerity mixed with hunger in his voice.

  I knew I had made my decision the moment I walked through that door. I could change my mind, but I won’t.

  “Don’t stop.”

  Those two little words was all it took for him to crash his lips on mine. He pulled me onto the bed and wrapped my hair around his hand and tugged.

  “You’re so fucking hot.”

  I felt his tongue trace down my neck to my collarbone. The hand that wasn’t wrapped in my hair, was massaging my breasts. His fingers were pulling and pinching my nipples.

  I would be lying if I told you I was not affected. Of course, my body responded. My mind was a million miles away, though. I just wanted to get lost in it. Forget everything for a while.

  The sad thing is, no matter how hard I tried to stay in the moment, I just couldn’t.

  Steve was saying something and I gave him my attention.

  “I can’t wait anymore. I have to be inside you.”

  Steve reached over to the night stand, and I heard him tear open a condom. He quickly slid it on and was inside me. I gasped. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he slid into me.

  A sheen of sweat broke out across his forehead as he pounded into me. He rotated his hips, trying to make it as good for me as it was for him. Steve lifted one of my legs and put it on his shoulder. He began thrusting faster, so I knew he was getting ready to come. Sweat dropped off his forehead onto mine. He moaned just before he found his release. I felt him slowly pull out, being careful with the condom.

  Steve kissed me gently on lips while trying to catch his breath.

  “I need to throw this away.” I watched him walk to the bathroom.

  I was stunned.

  That was…

  I don’t know what that was. Well yeah, I do.

  I needed to get out of here fast. I looked up when Steve walked back into the bedroom and climbed into the bed. I knew I was getting ready to do a bitch move. Too bad I have no real interest in him. I took a good look at his body when he walked back into the room. Damn! He looks as good as I thought he would.

  It’s sad! The first time I decide to have sex since I moved here, and I didn’t even get close to an orgasm because I’m too busy thinking about my ex. That’s just messed up!

  I guess if I wasn’t overthinking everything it would’ve been better. A part of me doesn’t think it would have mattered one little bit. (The bitch side)

  A sense of urgency filled me when he leaned over to kiss me (no, not that kind of urgency).

  I felt trapped! I had to get out. NOW!

  I pulled away and Steve looked confused. I took a deep breath and watched as understanding settled across his face.

  “I guess I can’t talk you into staying the night.”

  I smiled slightly. How about that? A man who wants you to stay the night. Now, that’s a novelty!

  “I don’t think I should.” I attempted to sound apologetic, but I knew by the sound of my voice it had fallen flat.

  Steve nodded. “Alright. I’ll leave you to get dressed.” He squeezed my hand.

  Wow! I wonder if this is how a guy feels when he’s trying to get the girl to leave. I hastily got dressed and called Lynn. I wanted to make sure they were still at The Hut.

  She answered on the first ring and sounded worried when she answered. Ahh…I could tell my best friend was a little unsure of pushing me too far tonight. Serves her right. I let her know I was ready to leave.

  Steve and I walked back in companionable silence. Yes, I allowed him to hold my hand. I have no idea why he wanted to do that. It goes against the way most men behave with a one-night stand. This for sure, was a one-time only thing. I mean, yes, he’s nice and very handsome. I just don’t see it going anywhere else. After all, he wasn’t able to distract me from my own thoughts. (Not that I gave him much of a chance) Nor did he realize I wasn’t really present while he was fucking me. He probably didn’t care, either. I reminded myself of the fact that he’s only visiting for the weekend. The chances of me seeing Steve again are very small.

  We met up with my friends in the parking lot. I was so happy to see them waiting for me. The nervous looks on their faces made the night so much better. Johnny looked a little nervous, but excited as well.

  “I’d like to see you the next time I visit.” Steve looked at me questioningly.

  Shit! Okay, say something. I took a deep breath. I got this!

  “Maybe. You never know what direction our lives will take between now and then.”

  He chuckled. “Well, at least you let me down gentl
y.” Steve kissed my forehead before he walked away.

  I could tell my friends were anxious to find out what happened. As Johnny crudely put it, he could smell the sex on me.

  I mean, who the hell says that?

  My friends.

  Lynn is the only one who knows I don’t kiss and tell. EVER. I never did in college (everybody bragged back then). I won’t do it now either.

  I just want to forget.


  You know what they say about time healing all…? Well, it’s a crock of shit! I have been so busy lately I haven’t had time to think. Then again, when I have free time on my hands to think about things, I get into some shit. Getting drunk. Sharing way too much information.

  That’s why all my friends make sure I’m rarely alone, and always have something to take up my time.

  The past few months have been a blur.

  My friends have backed off trying to set me up with anybody. After I explained (without going into detail) what happened with Steve, they finally dropped it. He tried to contact me a few times by sending messages through Gwen. It didn’t take her long to realize I was not interested in Steve beyond that one night.

  It took Steve a little longer, but I think he finally got the message.

  I didn’t want to be a bitch about it, but if I was interested, he would’ve already known by now. Johnny told me I was out of my mind not to latch onto Steve.

  Then I reminded him about not having an orgasm, and he shut up.


  It isn’t just Steve.

  There hasn’t been anyone who interests me.

  Trust me, I’ve looked. There are lots of hot looking men, but no one seems to do it for me. I know, it’s totally jacked up!

  To be honest, I really don’t care. Sex is not my number one priority. I know, so says the chick not getting any.

  My brother, Trevor, and his family have been visiting me for a few days. They are renting a condo at Gulf Shores, so we meet every evening for dinner.

  It has been so nice to spend time with them again. His children, Mallory and Avery, remind me so much of us when we were kids. Avery looking out for his little sister, and Mallory fighting him every step of the way. The similarity is kind of scary.


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