Untamed (The Becky Chronicles, Book 2)

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Untamed (The Becky Chronicles, Book 2) Page 6

by Sienna Duncan

  “I’m already there.” I had just been wondering if he was watching it, too.

  “The kids are in the bed, and Santa has already done his duty here.”

  I laughed.

  “Merry Christmas, Becky.” Claire said in the background.

  “Tell her I said the same.”

  We didn’t say anything else. There was no need for words. Trevor knew I needed this little bit of normalcy.


  I felt happier in that moment that I have in a while. It’s the little things.

  After the movie went off, we ended our call. I gathered my blanket and walked into my bedroom. I plugged my phone into the charger and climbed into the bed.

  I heard my phone chirp with a message. I smiled. What did Trevor forget this time?

  I froze when I saw the message.

  CHAD: Merry Christmas

  I couldn’t catch my breath. All the things that could’ve been said, this is the one thing that has made me come completely undone. I tried for several minutes to steady my breathing.

  I don’t know how many times I looked at his message.

  Minutes passed by and I still felt frozen in place.

  I typed a response and then deleted it. I did that a few times. I took some more deep breaths.

  I finally typed a simple reply and pressed send.

  ME: Merry Christmas

  I waited a few minutes to see if Chad was going to send another message.



  The new year arrived on an uneventful note. I was still in a funk, because of the message Chad sent. I know…I need to get over it. He didn’t have to send it to me.

  I just…

  I didn’t receive another text from him. I was a little disappointed, but I refused to acknowledge what that meant. It’s just the holiday blahs. Yep.

  My first day back at work was hectic. Gwen said that readers had been asking for an article about Panama City Beach. She suggested it would be perfect for me.

  Of course, she wants to send me there when it’s forty degrees outside! Do you know how hard it is to write about beach vacation spots when you’re freezing your ass off?

  It isn’t fun. Not at all!

  There was a little excitement at the office. Apparently, Gwen was able to persuade Johnny Pendleton to start writing for the magazine again. All the hoopla surrounding his arrival was gag worthy. Gwen practically licked his ass with all the compliments she was sending his way.

  I heard some of the women say how good looking he is, but too bad he bats for the other team. I tried to ignore their gossipy comments. Johnny is very handsome, though. He looks like a fucking male model, with his dark brown hair styled perfectly to the way his clothes fit his body. When he stood next to me I sighed a little because he smelled divine.

  Gwen made sure all introductions were made. Johnny simply nodded at me. After, he gave me the once over.

  Are those women right? It sure felt like he was undressing me with his baby blue eyes. Flamboyance doesn’t always equal gay!

  I SERIOUSLY need to get out more!

  I was busy looking up information about Panama City Beach, when I smelled him. I looked out of the corner of my eye when I saw Johnny sit on the edge of my desk.

  “What’s up puss?”

  Umm…what? He must’ve seen the confusion on my face, because he laughed. It was one of those quiet laughs, where your whole body shakes.

  “I’ve heard a lot about you.” Johnny waved his arms. I could tell right away he’s one of those people who talk with their hands.


  The amusement was obvious in his eyes.

  “I think I’m going to take you under my wing. It looks like I came back at the right time.” He touched his chest as he spoke.

  Is he for real?

  “That’s okay, but thanks anyway.” I tried to ignore him, but he continued to sit on the corner of my desk.

  Damn! What’s a girl gotta do?

  “Oh, I see you’re going to Panama City Beach.” He seemed a little too interested.

  “Yes, I am.” I tried to keep it short and sweet without sounding bitchy.

  “Oh, good. I’m glad you two are getting to know each other, since you’ll be doing this article together.” Gwen spoke behind Johnny.

  Whoa! What the hell? I stared at Gwen.

  “What are you talking about? I’ve never had anyone tag along before.” I was furious and a little insulted.

  Johnny stopped Gwen from speaking.

  “She isn’t trying to take this away from you, puss. The men want a guy’s perspective on PCB. I’m just going to tag along. It’s going to fun.”

  I wish he would stop calling me that!

  I have a feeling his idea of fun is going to get me into lots of trouble. Looks like I don’t have a choice in the matter.

  “Great.” I know I was really pushing the smile.

  We made reservations and plans to leave in a couple days. At least that will give me a little time to wrap my head around it all.

  I hope.

  Johnny offered to drive us to there. Gwen thought that was a great idea. I felt another headache coming. The trip was…interesting. He alternated between calling me puss and sister. It drove me nuts! He told me stories about the last time he worked for Oasis. I couldn’t help but laugh at the way he characterized people who worked there. According to him, all the women were whores and the men were bisexual bastards.

  His words.

  I was too shocked to ask any questions, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to know the answers. I mean, why call all the men bisexual bastards? Johnny said he knew I didn’t believe him, but most men have fantasies about other men.

  I mean…what do you say to that?

  We arrived at the hotel around four o’clock. After checking into our rooms, Johnny suggested we get something to eat. I was in the mood for some barbeque and so was he.

  Thankfully, we both agreed on one thing.

  Good food.

  After eating one of the best barbeque sandwiches ever (I made a mental note to stop there again) we decided to take a stroll down the strip. That’s what everybody calls the main road in PCB.

  The one perk about coming here now versus the summer, is the traffic and all the people. It’s nice to walk around and not have the usual craziness this place attracts during the summer. We passed some college guys on the way to a bar.

  “He has a big wonk wonk.” Johnny stretched his hands in front of him (about ten to twelve inches).

  I know I turned a dark shade of red. I could feel the heat as it spread from my neck to my face.

  “Shh...they might here you.” I would just die if they did.

  Johnny laughed. “Yes, they need to. You can have the blonde. He looked too baby faced for me.”

  “What? You don’t know what I like.”

  He laughed. “Let’s go talk to them and find out.”

  Johnny had a challenging look in his eyes. I shook my head.

  There is no fucking way I’m doing anything he suggests like that.

  Hell no!

  Johnny grabbed my hand and pulled me along. I tried to pull back, but before I knew it, we entered the bar.

  It was full of all the locals, but I noticed the guys we passed were sitting on stools at the bar. It looked like some of their friends had joined them.

  “Oooh, the more the merrier.” Johnny purred.

  I didn’t know guys could purr.

  “We are NOT going over there, Johnny. I’m serious.”

  He patted my hand. “Don’t worry, puss. I’ll keep you safe,”

  That did not help! Plus, I was more worried about him.

  By the time we walked to the bar, some women had already joined the guys. Johnny made a face and mumbled something about a bunch of whores.

  Instead of sitting at the bar, he guided us to a vacant table.

  We had a couple drinks and I started to relax. I learned something real
ly quick where he is concerned. Don’t ever relax when Johnny is around. Ever.

  He started talking to the people who were sitting at the table next to us. They were from South Carolina and visiting family in the area. They invited us to join their little party. Johnny was more than willing to accept. I had to grit my teeth as I was forced to go with the flow.

  I know, I can’t be forced to do anything I don’t wanna do, but I didn’t want to come across as a bitch to everyone.

  Everything was going just fine until someone ordered a round of shots. Me and tequila are a big no-no. Things tend to come off when I drink too much of it.

  I just get so hot. You know?

  I was doing pretty good with the shots, too. By the time we got to the fourth round, I felt really good. Actually, I was proud of myself. I wasn’t laughing too loudly (I always do when I’m drunk). This guy named Jeff… or was Greg?

  I don’t know and don’t care.

  He was so funny and considerate, so I thought nothing of it when he put his arm around my shoulders. I think we had another shot…maybe two. I didn’t blink an eye when he touched my hair. But….

  “Damn, girl. You smell you so good.” I felt his breath against my neck, and his nose in my hair.

  I started laughing, because his breath tickled my neck. I’m sure he meant for it to be sexy, but it wasn’t. I’m sure under different circumstances it would’ve turned me on.


  Anyway…I started laughing and couldn’t stop. For some reason he thought that meant I enjoyed his attention, so he became a little bolder.

  “So, I have to know something.” His voice was slurred.

  “What’s that?” I really didn’t give a shit.

  “Is the carpet the same color as the drapes?”

  Johnny choked on his drink. Did I just take a journey back to college? Did this ass just ask me what I think he asked me? The look Johnny gave me told me he did just that.

  I had been drinking just enough to give him an answer. “What carpet?” I winked.

  “Fuck.” He growled in my ear.

  I was able to go with the flow until he started kissing my neck. Do I have a sign on me that reads: easy piece of ass? I leaned away from this guy and gave him my best, what the hell look. Okay, maybe my no carpet comment made him think he had a chance. Who the fuck knows?

  What’s his name removed his arm. Johnny must’ve been watching the two of us, because he was trying to talk to me. I tried my best to concentrate on what he was saying, but for some reason I couldn’t.


  I could barely focus on his face.

  How many shots did I have again?

  “Whoa, sister. Come on. Let’s get you out of here.”

  “Why?” I think I said it a little too loudly, because Johnny leaned back away from me.

  “You are shit faced.” He leaned forward so his forehead was touching mine.

  “Nooooo!” I put my hand over my mouth…well, I tried to put it over my mouth.

  I started giggling again.

  Johnny said good bye to everybody and ushered me out the door.

  “You need to walk straighter, pussy. We don’t want to get arrested.”

  Did he just call me pussy? For a man who only likes dick, he sure says that a lot. I must’ve said it out loud, because Johnny started laughing.

  “There’s nothing wrong with saying pussy. Do you say fuck?”

  “Sometimes.” I think I slurred that out.

  “I don’t believe it. Say it. Say fuck.” He dared when we reached our hotel.

  “Fuck.” I laughed again.

  Of course, there was an elderly couple waiting for the elevators when I said it. When the elevator opened, and they saw we were getting on, they changed their minds. When the doors closed, Johnny spoke again after he stopped laughing. He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand.

  “I can’t take you anywhere, can I?”

  I flipped him off.

  He just laughed harder. We got off on our floor and walked toward our rooms.

  “Okay, now say pussy.” He took the card to my room and unlocked the door.

  “I am not saying pussy.” Wait…what?

  Johnny laughed and rubbed my arm. “Okay, sister. You better sleep that shit off.”

  He closed the door after I walked into my room. What just happened? That fucker! I wanted to go to his room and cuss him out, but walking that far was out of the question.

  I walked over to the bed with the intention of lying there for a couple minutes. I fell fast asleep.




  I picked up the phone. Great. My wake up call. Wait! Didn’t I just go to bed? It sure as shit felt like it!

  Yay, me!

  I glanced at the time and groaned. Seven o’clock.

  I groaned.

  My head felt like it was going to explode. This is all Johnny’s fault. If he had not insisted on us joining those idiots last night, then I would not be suffering this morning.


  Why did I have to drink so much?

  As much as my head screamed at me not to, I crawled out of the bed so I could get into the shower. I looked into the mirror and scowled. I fell asleep before I could remove my mascara. I brought new meaning to racoon eyes.


  Thank goodness I only wore mascara and lipstick yesterday.

  The water from the shower felt like needles on my head. It was a constant battle between staying in the shower, and feeling like I was going to throw up at any second.

  I’m usually hugging the toilet by this point. So, I’m grateful that I have not spent my morning doing that. That is the absolute worst way to start the day.

  Three words.

  Screaming Blue Motherfucker.

  I shuddered just thinking about the times Lynn and I have decided to get that drink (after we swore never to drink it again).

  After I got out of the shower I started to feel human again. I checked my phone for any messages. Of course, there were three missed calls from Johnny.

  I sent him a message and we agreed to meet in the lobby in ten minutes. That gave me a few minutes to make myself somewhat presentable. I put on some jeans and a long sleeved black tee. I grabbed my jacket and headed to the lobby.

  Johnny was all smiles when he saw me approach.

  Shit! He’s one of those happy people in the morning. Just great!

  “Hey, puss. You look a little green.” He patted my upper right arm.

  I glared at him.

  “Oh, I don’t know why that would be. Do you?”

  Johnny touched his hand to his chest. “Surely, you don’t blame me for your hangover. Nobody made you drink all those shots, sister.”

  I rolled my eyes and walked out of the hotel. I have a job to do. Enough of this juvenile bullshit.

  “Wait up, Becky.”

  I heard Johnny calling my name, but I continued to walk on. I needed to check out some more restaurants and not waste any more time. He caught up to me in a matter of seconds.

  “Hey, I got you out of there before that guy convinced you to leave with him.”

  I stopped and turned toward him.

  “First of all, I was drunk, but not passed the point of reason. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have work to do.” I walked away, hoping he would leave me alone.

  No such luck.

  “Don’t be that way, puss.”

  There he goes with calling me puss again.

  “Would you stop calling me that.” I hissed.

  “What? Puss?” He chuckled.

  I walked faster, but he picked up his pace as well.

  “Yes! Stop calling me that. It freaks me out.”

  Johnny laughed. Well, I’m glad he thinks this is so funny. What an ass!

  “You are so cute; you know that? I don’t know why you’re getting so upset. You have a pussy.”

  What. The. Hell?

  I stopped. Again.

bsp; “That is beside the point, Johnny. People are going to think I’m as crazy as you! Grrr!” I walked away.

  Johnny was quiet as he walked beside me.

  “What we both need is some breakfast. I know you don’t think you want any right now, but it’s what you need.”

  “Whatever, Johnny.”

  As much as I wanted to argue with him, I knew Johnny was right. I followed him inside a restaurant and we had a quick breakfast.

  “You’ve never met anyone like me. Have you?” Johnny asked me after we left the restaurant.

  I glanced at him and shrugged. He laughed.

  “Puss, yes, I’m going to continue to call you that. You’ll just have to get used to it.” He put his arm around my shoulders. “I have a feeling we are going to be good friends.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. The funny thing is, as they day went on… I had a good time. Apparently, I had a stick up my ass. His words. Once I got passed the outrageousness of his words, he was a lot of fun.

  You know how you can judge a person without meaning to?

  I’ve been guilty of that sometimes.

  Well… the day turned out to be more fun than I could have imagined. Don’t get me wrong, Johnny annoyed the hell out of me.

  It was just what I needed.


  My twenty fifth birthday weekend was at the end of the month. My parents called to wish me a happy birthday. Of course, my mother made a comment about me not being there to celebrate it with the family. Trevor teased me about getting older. I reminded him he was getting close to thirty, and that shut him up.

  Lynn made big plans with Shelby and Taylor to take me out. By now they had all met Johnny. He seemed to become a part of my life overnight. When we all went out, it was always a wild time. More drinking. Dancing our asses off. Checking out men. Taylor was the only one who seemed to hold herself back. She and Eric had decided to become exclusive. It seemed to happen overnight, but truthfully, it has been leading up to that for many months. Taylor just didn’t know it. I’d never seen her look happier. Johnny jokingly said she gave up her “s” card.

  “S” was for slut.

  After Lynn arrived at my apartment, the girls and Johnny came over to help me get ready for the evening.


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