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Eva and the Irishman

Page 16

by Janne E Toivonen

  “Eva, you look stunning.” Victor pushed her back slightly, holding her hands. He scanned her entire body. “I almost fell down when I saw you … your beauty. It was all I could do to stay on my feet.” He was still almost breathless.

  She smiled, then leaned in and kissed him. “I am seeing a man I never saw before. I’ve never seen you this handsome. You look like a prince. Can you believe we just did this?”

  “No, I can’t. The whole day has felt unreal.” They both started to laugh.

  “Are you happy?” she asked impulsively. “I am.”

  “Need you ask?” he responded, a big grin on his face.

  Their spell was broken when Liisa, Aili, Little Hannes, and Aunt Sally knocked on the parlor window from the outside. They all had big, silly grins on their faces as they waved Eva and Victor to come join the party. The bride and groom laughed and went out to the cheers of the wedding party, small as it was.


  Outside, Eva noticed the day was warm, sunny, and the air was filled with the fragrance of autumn. The birch trees were changing color, adding a golden hue to the vibrancy of the magnificent day. The leaves on the ground crunched under everyone’s feet as they walked and moved.

  The first thing her new in-laws did was embrace her.

  “Welcome to the family,” Pappa Mattson said. “It seems all along that you have been part of the family, but it is ordained by God now.” He beamed, and kissed her cheek again. She blushed, not used to this much overt adoration and fuss.

  Mamma Mattson was smiling and teary-eyed while she took her turn hugging Eva. “I’m sorry for all the silly tears, but I’m so happy.”

  Pappa Mattson urged Little Hannes to hug his new sister-in-law. He turned bright pink from the neck up. He got an “Aww” from the adults as he bashfully pecked Eva on the cheek.

  Eva, equally bashful and crimson-faced said, “Thank you very much.” She mussed up Hannes’s curly hair with sisterly affection.

  It was the Maki’s turn to welcome Victor into their family Eva thought, during which hugs and handshakes were shared. Liisa and Aili kissed Victor on the cheek. Victor made a special effort towards Mrs. Maki, who he knew held him responsible for the out-of-wedlock pregnancy even if she didn’t admit out loud.

  Eva heard him whisper into her mother’s ear as he hugged her, “I meant what I said a few weeks ago. I love Eva and, as her husband, I will take care of her always.”

  She gave him a strong hug as if to say “I believe you.”

  Pappa Mattson poured glasses of wine for a toast.

  “Let me kiss the bride,” Uncle Hannes boomed. “I remember when you were such a little girl, you were afraid of me.”

  “Well, no wonder, “Sally said, “You are so obnoxious at times.”

  Everyone laughed.

  “Well, I am quite fond of you now, Uncle,” Eva said affectionately.

  Uncle Hannes picked her up off both her feet and jovially kissed her cheek. She gave a slight squeal, not expecting Big Hannes’s gregarious welcome. Sally playfully admonished her big bear of a husband, and hugged Eva as well.

  The wine glasses were passed. Pastor Alve joined in the toast.

  Standing next to the Popov’s, the Pastor said to Yuri, “I’m not at all sure what Pastor Salmi’s difficulty with this family is. I am having a wonderful time.”

  “Here’s to Eva and Victor,” said Pappa Mattson, raising his glass. The others followed in raising theirs. “May you always be happy and healthy. We wish you many children in your years together, and we are looking forward to our grandchildren. Cheers!”

  With that said, everyone tipped their glasses and drank. It had been decided not to tell the Pastor that Eva was with child, so he was blissfully unaware. Eva and Victor were slightly guilt-ridden at the deception, but they knew that they would probably never see Pastor Alve again. He was leaving for Rauma with the Popovs after the meal. They would then take him to pick up a boat back to Turku the next morning. Eva knew the Mattsons planned to stuff him full, and send him, satisfied, on his way, along with the equally stuffed parents of Yuri. Yuri, on the other hand, would stay on a day or two, to visit with Liisa. He would ride his own horse back to town.


  As the wedding party ate, chatted, and laughed, the fathers of the newlyweds sat down together near Victor. Victor overheard his father say to Mr. Maki, “What do you think of this day, my friend?”

  “I am so grateful for it, Jacob. I was beginning to think I would not live to see Eva married. I won’t be here too much longer.”

  “I want you to rest assured that your family will always be taken care of by me and my wife, for as long as is necessary. They will not go without any necessity. Your wife will always have a roof over her head and food to eat. We will make sure of that, my good friend.”

  Mr. Maki breathed a weak yet audible sigh of relief.

  The two men sat companionably, drinking their glasses of wine before they ate. Victor knew that the “farewell” just said between them would not be admitted consciously.

  Touched deeply, Victor added, “I will do all I can as well, Mr. Maki.”


  The happy families waved good-bye to the Pastor and Yuri’s parents. “It’s the best wedding I ever officiated,” he said. “The wine was excellent.” He held up the bottle that was given him as a gift.

  They all wished him best of luck, and a safe trip home.

  On full bellies, it was time to have wedding cake. There were two cakes, and lots of coffee, which was still being passed over in favor of the wine.

  Cutting the cake together, Victor and Eva took their plates and strolled to the other side of the house for a quiet break. They could hear Uncle Hannes loudly telling a joke, then peals of laughter following.

  They stopped in the shade of the house. “I want to take you, right now, Eva. It’s all I have been thinking about since Pastor said, ‘I now pronounce you man and wife,’ “he whispered. “I almost can’t stand it anymore.”

  Eva grinned and put her hand on his cheek. “I want you, too, but we must wait. I think they have some gifts, and I have something special for you that I don’t want to show you yet.”

  “I wonder what that is. That makes me very curious, Eva.”

  “Eat your cake then, and let yourself calm down. I suspect you are in need of some time to lose your … hard thing.” She giggled at her brazen comment. “Would you like to be left alone?”

  “Not especially. You are right, however. I am in a predicament, as you suspected.”

  Her grin grew wider, and she began to laugh silently so as not to draw attention.

  “Maybe you’d better leave me, because you being here is keeping it from going away.”

  Now they both started to laugh. Snort, actually.

  “Go, Eva. I can’t go back. Look at my trousers.”

  Both were giggling as she lifted her hem and walked back to the others.

  As Victor sat on the front door stoop alone with his plate and laughing to himself, he thought he heard a horse nicker in the woods, not close but perhaps fifty yards in. He gazed intently into the trees but didn’t see anything, nor did he hear it again. He shrugged his shoulder slightly, finished his cake, and let his wanting wane.


  Eva and Victor were sitting on a bench chatting with the others. The day was growing late, and soon they would want to get on with their wedding night. Victor watched his mother whisper to Eva’s mother, and then to Victor’s father, who called to Little Hannes. They both went to the tool shed and came out with two rather large, canvas-covered objects. Big Hannes was called in to assist with the larger one, which was rolled out on a wooden dolly.

  Victor’s father stood by the larger object. “This gift is from the Mattson side of the family. Uncle and Aunt brought it with them from the house I grew up in. Come, lift the cover.”

  Victor and Eva lifted the canvas to reveal a beautiful standing clock, nearly a hundred years old and in perfect work
ing order.

  “It’s beautiful,” Eva said as she looked it over.

  “I know exactly where it will stand in the cabin,” Victor said.

  “Mother, Father, thank you very much.” Victor was admiring the hand-carved, Birchwood body. “It’s a beautiful wedding gift.” He gave his mother a kiss, and his father a hug.

  Liisa and Aili handed the new married couple a paper-and-string-wrapped package. “We each made one set, one for Victor and one for Eva,” Liisa said. They both sat, wiggling in anticipation for the gift to be completely unwrapped.

  Eva worked to open the package, smiling at her two sisters as she did so. When she was finished, she pulled out two indigo wool sweaters with matching socks and hats. “Look at these, Victor. We will match, all winter. Very nice work you two, thank you. We will be warm.”

  Eva’s father stood up from his bench to walk to the remaining larger gift. It was much shorter than the clock and had the shape of a chest or box. “Come, Eva and Victor. See what Mamma and I want to give you.”

  The two walked to the covered object, and Eva’s father helped them lift off the canvas sheet. Her mother sat close by, her hand over her mouth in anticipation.

  “I recognize the cradle, Mamma,” Eva said.

  “It’s the cradle my brothers and I were kept in. Then, I used it for all of you,” Eva’s mother said.

  Everyone gasped at the sweet, hand-carved, wooden cradle. Eva became overwhelmed, the tears rolling down her cheeks.

  “I didn’t even think about a cradle yet, let alone this one,” Eva said. She leaned into Victor and said for only him to hear, “this is really happening, isn’t it? We’re having a baby.”

  Hugs and kisses were exchanged. Everyone, except for Little Hannes, had a tear or two to wipe.

  “Just you wait, Little Hannes,” Aunt Sally said. “In no time at all, you will be the groom, receiving just such gifts. Then you will be the one waiting for babies.”

  “Oh no. Not me,” Little Hannes said, waving both hands in front of him. “I’m still trying to figure out how Eva and Victor are having a baby. I’m not sure I want to find out either.”

  Everyone roared. Little Hannes turned beet red and walked swiftly into the house. Aili blushed as well, though to a lesser extent, and then followed Hannes.

  “Jacob,” Big Hannes boomed wryly, “it’s time you taught that boy what that appendage dangling between his legs is truly for.”


  After the last glass of wine was tipped back, the last coffee cup emptied, and the last piece of pie enjoyed, goodnights were sleepily exchanged. Eva and Victor took a lantern, and Uncle Hannes drove them to the cabin in the carriage. As they took the short ride in the disappearing dusk, Eva leaned on Victor’s shoulder. She felt very different about how they were today compared to yesterday. Her heart skipped a beat and her belly tickled her as she realized that they were each other’s now. She put her hand on his heart and felt it pound healthily in his chest. Leaning into her, he put his hand over hers, brought it to his lips and kissed it.

  When they arrived at their home, Victor helped her out of the carriage.

  “Thank you, Uncle Hannes,” he said softly.

  “Good night, newlyweds,” Hannes said and drove off with the horse and carriage, leaving Eva and Victor.

  At the front door, Victor put the lantern on the ground and opened the door. Wordlessly, he scooped Eva off the ground and carried her over the threshold. He didn’t put her down right away, but said, “Welcome home, Mrs. Mattson.”

  She looked around the cabin with its traditional central room with two rooms on either side. “It’s beautiful.”

  He kissed her with passion and joy. As the kiss lingered, he continued into the bedroom, where a lantern had been lit earlier. He laid her down on the bedstead he had made.

  She looked around her in amazement at the beautiful, hand-hewn bed, where a thick feather mattress fit snuggly into the box frame.

  “This is what you have been doing when you wouldn’t let me come in? It’s your gift to me? To us?” She smiled and put her arms around his neck to kiss him. She began to feel her urgency as she looked into his now-black eyes, burning with desire for her. She wanted to take her dress off, but all he wanted to do was to pull it up to her waist. As he did so, he saw the silk stockings and garters, mid-thigh, her high-button shoes still on.

  “Oh my God,” he gasped and fumbled with his trouser buttons, too flustered to have his fingers work. “Agggg!” No buttons were going to stop him, so he pulled his trousers down over his hips.

  It was Eva’s turn to gasp as Victor pushed joyfully into her, then after a dozen or so mad thrusts, groaned in pleasure in his finish. He rolled off and lay next to her, breathless. Without speaking, she guided his hand to her spread legs.

  “You want me to rub you, or use my tongue?”

  “I love your tongue.”

  As Victor’s mouth caressed her, she moaned in pleasure.

  “Go ahead, Eva,” Victor said, “Let it all loose. You are a married woman now. Scream if you want to.”

  “It’s so good …” she yelled, grinding her hips into his face, and kneading her breasts, until her orgasm wracked her body.

  “Were the garters and stockings the surprise you had for me?” he asked later after a brief respite.

  “Yes. Did you like them?”

  “Couldn’t you tell?”

  She giggled. “I liked yelling.”

  “Welcome to our marriage bed, Eva Mattson.”


  “I don’t think it’s morning anymore,” Victor whispered into Eva’s neck.

  They’d had a nearly sleepless night of lovemaking.

  Victor stretched languorously, watching Eva’s eyes flutter open. Her expression changed from half-conscious to a sickly grimace.

  “What is it?” he said with surprise and concern.

  Without a word, she flew out of bed naked, ran outdoors, and into the outhouse. From the bedroom, Victor could hear her wretch away. He followed, naked, out of concern. He stepped inside the privy out of the chilly, fall air to aid her in whatever way he could. “I had no idea this is what you were going through every morning,” he said. “I feel guilty I haven’t been there for you.”

  “Don’t worry. It goes away quicker than when it first started. Mamma says it’s almost over with. You can go back to the house.”

  “I’m not going anywhere until you are all right.” He sat down next to her on the other hole. “Mind if I pee?”

  “No, go ahead.”

  He sat with her for the next few minutes.

  She finally looked at him. “My belly doesn’t feel queasy anymore.” She wiped with the cloth, and stood in the small outbuilding.

  He stood too. They were nose to nose. “Are you sure?”

  “Really, Victor, I’m all right, now. Let’s go back in. I’m cold.” She smiled, looking naughtily at him. “Look, I’m getting goose flesh.” She held her forearm up.

  “All right, let’s get you back inside. I wouldn’t want you to catch a sniffle.” He opened the door and they both piled out, with Eva in the lead.

  “I’ve never seen you out in the open,” he said. “We’ve always done it with our clothes half on.” He gave her a lusty blink of his eyes. Her full hips swayed from side to side. She turned slightly in his direction and looked down at his nakedness and stiffening penis. Unabashed, she let her large, firm breasts bounce and wriggle, areolas big and purple, nipples rigid. Her long, shimmering hair was completely unbound, framing her face. She smiled an inviting, naughty smile. This made Victor instantly, fully erect.

  “Are you giving me a show?” he asked with a big grin. “What happened to the girl that just four months ago slapped my face when I fondled her breast? Now you are parading erotically for me. You are like Venus, the Goddess of Love.”

  “Does it please you?” she asked. She gathered a drink of water from the rain barrel with a dipper.

  “It pleases me very
much, Eva.” He maintained his grin. “Do I please you?”

  “Very much,” she said. It was her turn to grin. She served her aroused husband a drink of water.

  They didn’t stop for anything in the kitchen. They just continued on into the bedroom, sliding back into the damp, wedding-night sheets. She climbed on top of him.

  “Are you ready for more?” he asked her.

  “I am. I know you are.” Her hips wiggled. “Put your hands on me.”

  They made love the rest of the day, altogether free in marriage to gain complete carnal knowledge of each other. They were young, in their sexual prime, and they burned for one another—hot and inextinguishable.

  Chapter 15

  Annie and Dolly went to the market on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in the early mornings to get the best of vegetables, meats, and eggs. By late October, all the summer fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, berries, and cucumbers were gone and the stored foods such as apples, carrots, onions, cabbages, turnips, and potatoes were coming into season. Imported fruits such as oranges were available at a high price, which the Dadys were willing to pay. There was an arrangement with a taxi to automatically pick up the two women at five in the morning, wait while they shopped, and then drive them home.

  This particular Monday morning was cold and damp, but Dolly enjoyed getting out of the house for the fresh early morning air, even when it rained. She liked to get away from the confines of the house.

  “You seem quite gay for this early mornin’, Dolly,” Annie observed. “I feel half asleep myself. What’s got ye that way?”

  “The letter from Liam on Friday was so sweet. I keep readin’ it when I have a moment.”

  “Don’t carry it around with ye. Mrs. Dady may see ye with it and demand ye hand it over. We’re done for if she does.”

  “I read them in our room, and keep them in a box, under the bed.”

  “Good girl.”

  “It’s only two more months and he’ll be home.”

  “The letters are getting more personal now that ye can read better. Ye haven’t been showin’ them to me as much.”


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