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Eva and the Irishman

Page 64

by Janne E Toivonen

  “We’ll be in the same room,” Sean said with a slight Northern Irish lilt. “There’s a real eejit by the name of Robbie. Thinks he owns the place. Stay away from him. My good friend is Vincent Flannery. He’s a year older. I know him from church. You’ll like him. He has a sister, Siobhan. All the boys like her, although I think all the boys will like you. You’re much prettier.” He smiled, one corner of his mouth lifting.

  “I don’t vant every boy to like me,” Ellen protested, blushing. “I have more important things to pay attention to,” she declared. Secretly, she only wanted young Sean O’Neill to like her. Within a few short weeks of arriving in Montana, she had forgotten all about Arvid Huttunen of Virginia, Minnesota. Ellen Mattson liked Sean escorting her around her new home of Helena, teaching her things.

  “I don’t want to brag, but I get straight A’s,” Sean added.

  “So do I,” Ellen said, then smiled.

  “Do ye like horses, Ellen?”

  “I don’t know. Well, we had a horse to pull the carriage and vagon. His name was Dandy. So, I tink I like him. Vhy do you ask?”

  “What I mean is do you like to ride?”

  “I never rode before.”

  “I take lessons. Maybe yer Da will let ye.”

  “Vhy … I mean why, correcting herself, do you call your Pappa ‘Da’?”

  “It’s what the Irish say. Do ye think yer Da will let ye ride?”

  Ellen had never thought about riding before, but it intrigued her tremendously, especially because it would mean being with Sean. “Is it hard to do?” She was apprehensive.

  “A little at first, but it gets easier once you learn how to balance. You can choose to ride English or Western.”

  “Vhat—what does dat—that mean?”

  “It’s two different styles and tack—saddle and bridle. Ask yer Da and you can come to watch. I go to the stables at the race track on Wednesdays.”


  The two fathers had exchanged glances already, at the first Dady-O’Neill get-together, and immediately agreed it was time for both blossoming near-teens to have “the talk.” Since both fathers were doctors, their view of budding sexuality was based more in practicality and less in emotion, so it was decided they would be the ones to give the talk. The mothers could worry about the emotional falderal.


  On the night of the first Dady-O’Neill get-together, Liam approached Ellen just before she went to sleep.

  “So, yer mother and I see ye’re quite fond of the doctor’s son,” Liam said. He was sitting in the rocker where he always sat to read to Ellen before bed. Liisa usually didn’t pay that much attention yet. She watched and listened intently for short spurts of time while lying in her crib, but she mostly babbled and played with the karhu that Ellen had made for her.

  “He’s a nice boy, Pappa,” Ellen said. “Vhy—why do you ask?” Her cheeks flushed.

  “You and the boy are gettin’ a little older now. The feelin’s ye may have can lead to other feelin’s, and … before you and he know it …” Liam tried to choose his words carefully, mostly because he couldn’t believe he was having this conversation with the girl who’d become his daughter only a short time ago. “I’m speakin’ of what yer mother and I … do.”

  “Pappa, what do you think Sean and I are going to do? We don’t even think about that. We are too young.”

  “That’s good ye realize that, Ellen. I’m proud of ye for a good sense ye’re developin’. I know for a while now, ye’ve been thinkin’ about medical school. Ye won’t be able to go if ye’ve got one or two screamin’ babies clingin’ to yer knees.”

  “Life is so much easier being a man, isn’t it?”

  Liam stood and leaned down to kiss her on the forehead. “Maybe it is, and maybe it isn’t,” he said. “It depends on how fierce ye want somethin'. If ye have the will, ye find a way, and ye don’t let any eejits hold ye back.” He laughed at Ellen’s giggle at the word eejit.

  “Goodnight, Da.”

  Liam grinned at her use of the Irish “Da”. No doubt her new friend the younger Sean influenced it. “Goodnight sweetheart,” he said. He walked over to Liisa, who was sound asleep with her thumb in her mouth. He pulled her flannel sheet over her. He gently pushed her curls from her eyes. “Sweet dreams, my wee selkie,” he whispered.

  Next, he headed to Eva, who was just out of the bath and getting ready for bed. Immediately he became aroused in anticipation. He was happy for it and at the same time perplexed at the strong sexual attraction—even more than before—to Eva, and she to him. He would be happy if they could just stay in bed naked all the time. I wish we didn’t have to worry about McKay either, he thought.


  Eva sat at her dressing table, combing out her wet hair and squeezing it dry with a second linen towel; the first one was on the floor at her feet. She was naked, enjoying a slightly cool evening breeze from the open windows. The western sunset shone into the room, casting a scarlet glow in the darkening room.

  Eva turned to see Liam, taking his clothes off. His excitement at being alone with her showed unequivocally.

  She smiled. “Go take qvick bat, den you smell nice for me.”

  She gave him an alluring gaze and smile. Seemingly under her spell, he drifted across the floor to the bathroom.

  A short time later, he re-entered the bedroom with a white linen towel wrapped around his middle, slung low. His arousal was still evident under the towel. The hair on his head was shiny and dripping. The only thing he didn’t do was shave, so his stubble was dark.

  To Eva, he seemed like a wild male who just crawled out of a river in the wilderness of America, ready to mate. She began to feel herself pulse in a rudimentary way, her chest heaving in an attempt to gain more air. She felt paralyzed until Liam spoke.

  “Ye look like a beached mermaid, yer hair all wet and coverin’ yer breasts.” He gazed into her eyes. “Come here, Eva. Yer man wants ye.” He stood next to an open window, bathed in the red glow of the Montana sunset.

  This time it was Eva’s turn to be drawn to Liam’s words of bidding, summoning her to him. She went into his arms. She let him have access to her dark purple areolas and taut nipples. He nipped at them, and her knees gave way. He picked her up and carried her to their bed.

  She desired to be taken tonight and remained with her back flat on the mattress, covered in cool clean cotton sheets. Liam spent time hovering and running his tongue over her breasts, kissing her round belly, a full five months now. He moved to her extremely sensitive genitals, making her spread her legs. “Please, Liam. . .” she moaned, begging him to enter her.

  He shifted to whisper in her ear. “I’m not done yet.”

  He drove her mad with desire. She tried to put her hand on him and he grabbed it gently, moving it away. He held both her hands against the bed and continued his oral foreplay. He straddled her and aimed his tongue and lips at her neck and ears.

  “Liam! Now,” she whimpered. She began to thrust her hips wildly. “Now!”

  With that last demand, he entered her hard, pounding into her as forcefully as she could stand. She came as quickly as he did. They curled up together immediately.

  “I like you make me crazy,” she said some time later. “Den you push hard into me.”

  “I’ll remember that for next time,” he said sleepily. He gave her bottom a quick, soft massage and fell asleep.


  Work on the sauna began towards the end of August when all the materials had been gathered. Eva had ordered the sauna stove right away from Michigan. Leo added an edge on the top of the wood burning stove that would hold the stones. To create the humidity, water would be thrown on the hot stones. Liam also ordered ten cord of seasoned wood to fire the stove on Saturdays and to stoke the fireplaces in the house over the winter. In February, another seasoned six would be delivered by Svenson’s Lumber.

  Liam knew Alpo, Sally, and their two sons, Alpo Jr. and Kari, were heaven for Eva. She still se
emed very attached to her native tongue and ways, but they switched to English when Liam was in the conversation, out of courtesy. The two sons were in their early twenties and not yet married, Alpo Jr. being the elder. Sally attributed that to their reserved male nature and the lack of Finn girls.

  “Dey could find udder girls, not Finn,” Eva said.

  With fondness, Liam saw the Pelto family as another blond-haired, blue eyed group of Norse people. He didn’t know exactly where his dark hair came from. It was interesting to him. The Pelto boys would most likely end up marrying outside their nationality, if they were inclined to be married. He watched Eva with affection as she chatted with her countrymen. He’d also heard of mail-order brides—women from other countries looking for a way to get to America. He thought that could be risky, with both “shopper” and “merchandise” entering the contract sight unseen. He wouldn’t care so much what the woman looked like; he would be concerned about personality and mental and physical health. He was glad he had had time to get to know Eva for a few months, in spite of knowing he loved her from the very beginning, just as he had with Dolly. Dolly was vulnerable and so was Eva. He and Eva had both been giant emotional train wrecks back then, but they’d been able to heal together, against the odds. He smiled fondly at the recollection of the punch in the jaw and various body blows he’d received from Eva, the enraged Viking lunatic. But it was only after he had pushed her over the edge with snow down her neck. Liam had known what he was getting into. He was driven by his desire to help heal the two women in his life, both of whom he loved and would love forever. And while he was helping them, he helped himself.

  One afternoon, as they were all taking a break from the sauna construction to have lunch in the shade of the front porch, Eva told Sally and Alpo her story of how she came to America. She left out the part where Victor was unfaithful and her mentally ill brother-in-law nearly strangled her to death.

  Then Eva let Liam explain his own life; only he would know how he wanted to tell it. He left out the part where Dolly was a prostitute, but for the most part he told it true. Sally and Alpo were fascinated with the similarities of both lives, and how amazing it was that they had found each other.

  “God was directing,” was the consensus.

  Chapter 7

  At the end of August, Liam received a letter from Ed and Annie in Minnesota. Liam paraphrased as he sat reading at his desk: “The boardin’ house has been sold and the funds are being transferred to the bank in Helena.” Eva listened as she dusted the library furniture.

  “Paul and Emil bought it,” Liam said. “They each used some of their savings, recruited a cook and housekeeper. It’s Susanna Nikander, Katia’s mam.”

  “I tink dat vonderful for her! Sees gonna earn her own money. I hope sees leef her bad husband. Katia and Susanna can liff at boardink house.”

  “The house is full of bachelor Finns from Mesabi and the local timber company.” Liam read silently for a short moment. “Ed’s found a buyer for the soda fountain. A young couple from town saw it as a lifetime opportunity.”

  “Dat’s good, too.”

  “They’re travelin’ at the end of September, bringing our remaining belongings from the boarding house with their own. They’re shipping the loom.”

  “Not lonk now, my loom, and Annie vill be here.”

  “There’s more. Saimi Laivo went to see the doctor with mild chest pains but it wasn’t her heart, only indigestion. She’s as healthy as a horse, Dr. Andersen said. She has recovered with a little sodium bicarbonate. She will write.”

  Liam was excited to have Annie with them soon.

  “Let’s call Colleen, Ed’s daughter, and invite them over,” Liam suggested.


  It was nearly time for school to start. The days of summer were dwindling, but Ellen got in three riding lessons with young Sean before the first day of sixth grade. Watching the intriguing object of her burgeoning affection ride expertly, she realized she had much to learn.

  “Ye’re a natural, Ellen,” young Sean yelled from the other end of the indoor riding ring. Ellen sat determined in the saddle, learning how to direct the horse with her knees. “Bandit’s a good gelding to learn on,” he added as he rode up to Ellen. “He’s used to new riders and is patient.”

  They decided she would learn English saddle first. It was more formal than Western. She needed to learn the basics. Her father bought her a riding outfit, including jodhpurs and high boots. She absolutely loved it. She had never worn anything with pant legs before, other than under a dress to keep her legs from frostbite on the way to school in the middle of winter. She had always wondered how it felt being a man. It gave her a feeling of strength and power.

  One night, after Liam and Eva said goodnight to her after story time, Ellen got out of bed, turned on her lamp, and stared in the mirror as she put her waist-length hair up on her head, seeing how she would look with shorter hair. For a few moments, she felt the urge to cut it. She scanned her dresser for a pair of scissors, but didn’t find any on top or in the drawers. But a moment later, she was glad she hadn’t found them. She’d lost the nerve to do it. Her hair was as long as her mother’s. I see how Pappa Liam is mesmerized by my Mamma’s hair when it’s not up. If I cut mine, will Sean still like me? Some girls have their hair short. Would I have more power? If I don’t cut it and leave it long, will I just be another girl with no power? She looked at herself in the mirror. She knew most women in the nation didn’t have a vote, only men. That was definitely not fair.

  She decided to leave her hair as it was for the time being and crawled back into bed. Pappa Liam said nothing about long hair being an impediment to getting what she wanted in a “man’s world.” I’ll show them with my long hair, she thought.


  For the first time in her life, Ellen had a man for a teacher. It was sickeningly obvious to her that he favored the boys. It was different than her old school. It shocked her and she found herself floundering.

  One evening not long after school started, story time for Ellen had just ended. Liam stayed in the rocker for a few minutes. Ellen was sitting on her bed cross-legged.

  “Ye haven’t said anythin’ about school. How is it?” he asked.

  “Pappa, my teacher, Mr. Daily, doesn’t like the girls. The boys get to do everything first, then the girls go.”

  “Remember what I said to ye a short while ago? ‘Where there’s a will?’ Ye need to reach down inside ye and find yer strength and power. It comes from you, not anyone else. No one gives it to ye, and no one takes it from ye.”

  “I heard someone say at the stables ‘It’s a man’s world.’ Is that true?”

  “Lots of people believe that, mostly eejit men.”

  She laughed.

  “Women have been sayin’ that’s a lot of bunk, and are fightin’ for equal rights and suffrage,” he added.

  “What’s suffrage?”

  “Votin’ rights.”

  “It’s not fair that women can’t vote.”

  “No, it’s not. Black people and other groups are findin’ it difficult as well.”

  “What?” Ellen was flabbergasted.

  “If ye want, I can go talk to him—Mr. Daily.”

  “No, Da. Let me handle it, for now. Then we’ll see what happens. I’ll keep my grades up, and show Mr. Daily what I’m made of.” She felt relieved that her Pappa Liam would stand behind her while she waged her first battle to stand as an equal among her classmates. She went to her stepfather and gave him a hug.

  “Good girl, I always knew ye to be a tough nugget,” he said with a smile.

  Ellen walked away from his hug standing tall, with a feeling of determination. After she got back in bed, Liam tucked her in. As he took his leave, Ellen whispered loudly to him, “I’m glad you’re my Pappa Liam, Da.”

  “Me, too,” Liam said, sticking his head back in the room. “Lights out,” he said. He grinned, and then left.


  School was progr
essing for Ellen with her hard work and perseverance. All the boys ended up liking Ellen more than Siobhan Flannery, not only for her looks, but for her smarts. The boys went to her for work help, but she was careful not to give them outright answers. She made them do their own work.

  Mr. Daily apparently had taken notice. He was a slight, greasy-haired man who smelled like stale tobacco smoke. “I think you’d make an outstanding teacher someday, Miss Mattson,” he said.

  “Thank you, Mr. Daily,” she said politely, “but I don’t want to be a teacher. I want to be a doctor, like my stepfather Dr. Dady. He says I can do anything.”

  “Many people believe there are some things women aren’t capable of doing well,” Mr. Daily said matter of factly. He turned his back on her and walked away.

  “I intend to prove otherwise,” Ellen said, still maintaining her respectful tone, pretending she didn’t perceive his condescension. She saw his scrawny drooping shoulders tighten. She went back to her desk work on the chapter on biology in front of her, her lips pursed in concentration. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see him give her a glare.

  Ellen knew young Sean had seen the exchange from his desk next to her. She looked at him, feeling triumphant.

  When Daily turned his attention to another student, Sean whispered to her,” What are ye doin’, Ellen? Are ye buckin’ for punishment?” His eyes were bugged out in incredulity at her hubris.

  She whispered back. “He won’t punish me. If he does, he’ll only do it once. Pappa Liam will see to that. I told Pappa I’d handle things on my own for now.”

  “Jaysus . . .” Sean hissed, and then a corner of his mouth turned up.

  Ellen smiled and returned to her biology book.


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