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Her Mafia Daddy: A Dark Daddy Romance (Romano Mafia Brothers Book 1)

Page 6

by Bianca Cole

  Instead, I turn off the side light and stare up at the ceiling.

  What has this girl done to me?



  I wait still and tense for Kane’s breathing to turn deeper and even. Finally, I’m certain he’s asleep and turn onto my back, shifting out of the bed carefully. The last thing I want to do right now is wake him. It would ruin my plan.

  I make sure I step toward the en-suite bathroom with soft, light footsteps, closing the door gently behind me with a quiet click. My heart is pounding so fast it makes my head spin. What I’m planning to do could end badly, if it goes wrong. I set my hands on the sink, leaning over and focusing on breathing deeply.

  Escape is my only option. It will be a tough couple of days, as I try to travel to the west coast. I’m not an idiot, I know hitchhiking with no money and only the clothes on my back is dangerous. But, what choice do I have?

  Stay here with this handsome, brutal murderer and wait until he gets bored with me and shoots me like his brother shot those defenseless men? Kane said it himself—forever—that’s how long he intends to keep me captive here. It means he has no intention of letting me go, at least not until he’s had enough of me.

  This isn’t the life I want. Not after all the shit I went through with my mom. I vowed to myself I’d have a better life, one which isn’t riddled with crime.

  At least when I was living with my asshole of a step-dad I had freedom to a certain extent. I reach for the taps, turning them on and splashing some water over my face, trying to cool myself down. Sweat is prickling across my skin, as I try build enough courage to carry this out. The adrenaline pulsing through my veins makes my hands shake. I need to get a grip, if I’m going to pull this off.

  I glance at myself in the mirror and nod. I’ve barely got a plan, but I intend to grab Kane’s wallet and hope there’s some money in there to tide me over. Then, head straight out the bedroom door, down the stairs and out. It’s late so I doubt there will be anyone about.

  Who am I kidding?

  This place is guarded like Fort Knox. The likelihood of no guards being downstairs on watch is slim. If I get caught stealing from Kane Romano and trying to escape, I’ll be dead.

  An idea I’d had enters my mind again, despite how dangerous it is. Before I can rethink it, I’m carefully forcing open the window in the bathroom and sticking my head out to get a good view. There’s barely anything to grip onto unless I can launch myself onto a balcony a few feet away. It shouldn’t be that hard, except I can’t seem to stop my hands shaking.

  I turn back to the bathroom, leaving the window open and slowly ease open the door to the bedroom. It’s dark and silent, other than Kane’s deep, steady breathing. His clothes are strewn in the far corner over a chair. With a quick exhale of breath, I creep over to the corner and pat his jacket and trousers, searching for a wallet.

  My shoulders relax slightly as I find it, pulling it free and quickly checking inside. There’s a wad of cash, more than enough to get me over to the west coast without even hitchhiking. I pull the cash out and shove it in my bra.

  My fingers tease over the driving license in his wallet, staring at his photo. Another photo is slipped in by the side and I pull it out, staring down at a beautiful woman who has his eyes. My chest hitches as I wonder if this is his mother. He hasn’t mentioned anything personal or where his mom is, or if she’s alive. I force the photo back into its place, staring for a few more beats at his license.

  It’s crazy how much I want this man. My body still craves his touch, but my mind knows I need to get as far away from him as physically possible. Kane Romano isn’t like the lowlife criminals my mother ended up entangled with—he’s worse. A murderer and a monster, everything I vowed to stay away from.

  I fold the wallet, closing it on the photo of him and slip it back into the same pocket. Kane snores softly in bed, drawing my eyes to him. He looks peaceful and beautiful as the light of the moon penetrates the room. If it wasn’t for who he was and what he did as the right-hand man to Rick, I’m sure I could have fallen for this man.

  Slowly, I tiptoe back into the bathroom and gently shut the door, making sure I don’t make a sound. A small bag I’d packed with some clothes Kane had given me is stowed in the bathroom cabinet, I gently pull it out and sling it over my shoulder.

  This is crazy. I know that more than anything as I stare at the open window three stories up. It’s at least a fifteen meter drop to the ground—certain death or at least a lot of broken bones if I cock up.

  I swallow hard, before edging toward the window. With one last quick look, I grab hold of the frame and hoist myself out onto the window ledge. My whole body shakes with fear, as I make the rookie mistake of looking straight down.

  Why did Kane’s room have to be on the top floor of this damn mansion?

  I focus my attention on the balcony which is slightly lower than where I am now. My eyes shut for a moment as I picture making the jump, hoping that I can pull this off. I count to three and then jump, crashing into the balcony harder than I expected. Luckily, I manage to get a grip of it, despite cutting my hand in the process.

  My heart is pounding hard and fast against my rib cage, making me feel sick. Slowly, I ease myself down and grip hold of the ledge, trying to find a footing on one of the small rocks protruding from the wall beneath me. The blood rushes through my ears.

  “Take your time,” I repeat to myself again and again, under my breath.

  It will take me fucking ages to get to the bottom, and the adrenaline pulsing through my veins isn’t helping. I reach my shaking hand out and shift it down lower, trying to get a grip beneath me. Slowly, I move my foot down and find another protruding stone to anchor myself on.

  A sound beneath me startles me, and I almost lose my footing. I bite my lip to stop myself from crying out and giving away my position. The floor below someone is shutting an open window.


  I hadn’t even considered that someone might see me from the window, climbing down the house. My muscles tense, and I find myself frozen on the side of the building. The sudden reality of what I’m doing hits me. I’m frozen to the wall in fear, terrified of getting caught trying to escape Kane with a wedge of his cash.

  I shut my eyes, breathing deeply. None of that matters. I need to focus on getting down to safety. With only that thought in my mind, I try to take another step downward, finding another stone to lodge my foot against.

  Only this time, the stone cracks and breaks, making me slip and forcing me to grab hold of a stone to stop myself from falling to the ground. I let out a loud scream before I can stop myself, jolting to a stop and straining my shoulder.

  The chance of someone not hearing my scream is probably zero. I stay as still as I can, holding on with one hand despite the pain in my shoulder. It will make climbing the rest of the way harder, as long as I can find somewhere to lodge my foot.

  A few moments tick by, and I wonder if I got away with it. Slowly, I feel around for another stone, finding one and taking the weight off my shoulder.

  The slam of the Kane’s en-suite bathroom door makes my heart rate speed up. He’s discovered I’m no longer in the room and probably realizes that it was me screaming.

  My eyes remain fixed on the window I slipped out of, waiting for him to catch me. I know if he catches me, I’m dead. No one runs from a Romano, especially not with his money—I should have known better.

  I feel the blood drain from my face and my head swim, as Kane’s face appears above me, gazing down at me. His eyes are wide and frantic as they lock onto me. All I can do is keep moving, hoping I’ll make it down before he does.

  Who the hell am I kidding? I’m a goner.



  “Fuck, Jasmine…No,” I roar, almost launching myself out of the window after her.

  My muscles tense, as I watch her peering up at me with pure fear in her eyes. She is climbing warily down the side of the house with b
arely anything to hold onto. My heart leaps into my throat, as she fumbles slightly, teetering on the edge of falling.

  The thoughts bombarding my mind all at once make it impossible to think straight. She’s going to fucking die trying to climb down this building, and there’s only one way I can think of to save her.

  I stalk back into the bedroom, rip the bedding off the bed and grab the mattress, forcing it out of the small doorway with me. I’m on a damn mission, as I storm through the hallway with it. I’m not thinking of anything but Jasmine’s safety, I throw the mattress down the stairs into the hallway and rush down after it.

  The blood pulsing in my ears is all I can hear, as the guard’s rush toward it, staring up at me like I’ve gone mad. I run down the stairs in my boxer briefs. “Out of my fucking way,” I roar, picking the mattress up. “Someone open the door.”

  One of the guards yanks the door open for me. I force it through the gap and rush around the side of the building, praying that she’s still clinging onto the side and not splattered all over our terrace. The mere thought scares me more than anything has in years.

  The moment I see her there climbing down the wall slowly, my heart beat evens slightly. “Jasmine, you’re going to fall to your death,” I call up, positioning the thick mattress below her and praying to God it will be enough to save her if she falls. She’s about half-way down now, ten meters in the air.

  I’m itching to climb up and grab her, but I know it won’t help. All I can do is wait for her to climb down or fall—the thought makes me sick to my stomach. A few of the guards come rushing around the corner.

  “Boss, what do you need us to do?”

  I glance at them, realizing if I show any mercy to Jasmine for her attempt to flee, I’m going to look weak. “Let me handle this and go back inside,” I growl, trying to contain control of the fear spiking through me.

  The guys look at me like I’ve lost the plot, none of them moving. My jaw clenches. “I said, go back inside.”

  Their eyes flood with fear at my tone and they turn around to head back into the house. My attention returns to Jasmine who is still on the side of the building, illuminated by the moonlight and the low lights around the house. She’s like a perfect statue, frozen to the side of the wall and no longer moving downward.

  “Jasmine, what are you doing?” I shout.

  She shakes her head slowly. “I can’t come down, you will kill me,” she says quietly, but loud enough for me to hear. Then, she starts fucking sobbing. It is the last thing she should be doing, crying on the side of a damn building still ten meters in the air.

  The mere fact she thinks I’d ever harm a hair on her head makes me angry. I’ve sent my men away because I can’t let them see me doting over her. Which is exactly what I intend to do once I get her back down and into my arms. This makes me want to wrap her up in cotton wool and hold her tightly, never letting her leave my side again.

  “That couldn’t be further from the truth, sweetheart,” I call up, trying to keep my voice soft and light. “I’d never hurt you.”

  I can make out her shaking her head. “That’s not true,” she spits, glaring down at me. “I know what you’re capable of.”

  My fists ball as I glare up at her. “If I wanted to kill you, why the fuck have I bought my mattress down here in case you fall?”

  There’s a long drawn out silence, thankfully her sobbing has stopped. What the hell was her plan? Escape me and try and fight her way through the dozens of guards at the gate. Where would she have gone?

  Jasmine knows what we’re capable of and that no one runs from a Romano, not if they want to live. The crazy thing is, I couldn’t order her death no matter what she did. I’m pretty sure she could stab me with a knife, and I’d still want to protect her. She has imprinted on me in a way no other woman ever has—it’s primal and desperate.

  “Are you going to make me climb the wall to come and get you?” I shout up, breaking the silence.

  There’s a quiet mumble that I can’t quite make out. Then, I see her begin to move down again, carefully trying to grip onto the stones protruding from the wall. It’s nerve-wracking, watching her. I can’t remember I time I’ve felt so scared.

  As she edges further down the wall, I move closer, ready to catch her if I have to. A yelp sends my heart accelerating as she slips and jolts, almost falling entirely but managing to hold on with one hand.

  “Shit, Jasmine, hold on.” I’ve got no fucking choice. She’s going to fall and allthough it’s only eight meters, I’ve witnessed how even small falls can prove fatal. I grab hold of a stone on the wall and climb it quickly, working on pure adrenaline and a desperate need to save my woman—my Jasmine.

  I move fast and stead, putting my rusty rock climbing skills from when I was a kid into practice. Jasmine is still holding on, whimpering as I get closer.

  “Jasmine, hook your free arm around my neck,” I say.

  Her bright blue eyes glisten with tears in the moonlight, as she stares down at me. She looks unbelievably beautiful even when she’s terrified.

  “Sweetheart, do it now, I’m trying to help you.” After a few more beats, she wraps her arms around my neck and I feel a flood of relief as I take her weight. “You’re going to have to hold on tight to my back, and I’m going to climb down.”

  She gives me a weak nod, sinking her teeth into her bottom lip. Both her arms wrap around my neck, and I take all her weight. “You’re going to have to help me, plant your foot on anything you can as we move.”

  She doesn’t say a word, clinging onto me tightly and finding a foothold on the stone wall. Slowly, we move together in silence, finding our way to safety. The pain ripping through my muscles is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. I may have underestimated the strain of climbing with another person’s weight. Every muscle in my body is under intense strain holding both of our weights, as the stone bites into my hands.

  With a deep grunt, I block the pain out of my mind, ignoring it. When we touch down onto the soft mattress, I twist around and grab her, collapsing onto the mattress. I pull her close to me and hold her tight. My breathing is heavy and deep and my hands are cut and sore, but I don’t care about anything. Jasmine is safe and in my arms, as I stare up at the twinkling stars above us.

  I’m not sure what I’m supposed to say, as my heart races beneath her head. She can no doubt feel it beating hard and fast.

  A shiver runs through her as she trembles in my arms, keeping her eyes shut tightly.

  “You scared me half to death,” I gasp, running a hand gently over her hair.

  Her eyes open wide and she stares right at me, surprise painted over her features. “Scared you?”

  It’s ridiculous how confused she looks, but she has no idea how I feel about her. Possessive and protective are two words that spring to mind. We rest there for a while in total silence, as she gazes up at the stars too.

  “They are so beautiful tonight, aren’t they?” I mutter, leaning closer to her ear.

  She nods, keeping her eyes fixed on the sky while I watch her. The stars are beautiful, but not as beautiful as the girl in my arms.

  “Not half as beautiful as you, though,” I mutter, kissing her cheek softly.

  She shudders, confusion clear in her eyes. “Aren’t you going to punish me?”

  I smirk at the thought. “Hmm, I would like to give you a good spanking,” I growl, gently tapping her ass in a way that makes her gasp.

  Her lips part and her cheeks flush, making my cock hard. “Come on, let’s get you back inside. You’re freezing.”

  She nods as I lift her to her feet, keeping my hand on her back. I grab the mattress in one arm, and keep one arm on her back. We walk slowly into the hallway, watched by the guards intently. No doubt, they are wondering why I’m not punishing her, but I can’t.

  This woman is changing me, and I’m not sure it’s a good thing. Only time will tell.



  Talk about a
n epic fail attempt at escaping. If I wasn’t so scared, I’d probably be embarrassed about how pathetic and useless I am.

  I stand in the center of the room, trembling. The worst thing happened. Kane Romano caught me trying to escape, and I’m certain he has no idea about the cash I stole wedged in my bra right now. Somehow, I’ve got to get it back as there’s no way he will turn a blind eye to that.

  Kane hasn’t said a word since he got me back into his room. When he climbed up to get me down, he held me so tightly, as if he was scared I’d disappear—it wasn’t what I expected. Now, he’s sitting quietly on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. The silence is worse than if he were shouting at me. I have no idea what to expect.

  He shifts, making me flinch as he stands and walks toward his clothes on the chair in the corner. My heart sinks as he goes straight for the pocket with his wallet. All I can do is stand there and wait for him to discover what I’ve done. He flips open the wallet and sighs deeply. “You stole from me.”

  I can’t say anything. All I do is stare at the ground, waiting for him to punish me. I’m only eighteen, I never expected my life to end this early. He walks toward me and my whole body is tense and shaking. I’m ready for whatever he will throw at me, waiting for the pain. Instead, he cups my chin in his hand and gently moves my face to meet his gaze.

  There’s no anger in his eyes only a deep disappointment and sadness that stuns me. “Where is the money?” he asks softly, caressing my chin with his fingers.

  My eyes drop to my cleavage and he doesn’t need me to say. He growls gently, eyes fixed to my breasts, as he lets go of my chin and slowly eases his fingers into my bra, teasing my nipple as he searches for the wad of cash. My thighs clench at his touch, and I bite my lip to stifle a moan attempting to escape.

  “The other cup,” I rasp out.

  There’s a heat in his dark eyes that makes my pulse speed up. How can this man scare me and turn me on all at the same time?


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