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Lawful Overdose

Page 3

by Justine Elvira

  I watch him as he pulls out his cell phone and exchanges numbers with one of the guys. I recognize the other guy immediately.

  What the hell is he talking to Jimmy for?

  Jimmy, or Rocks, as everyone calls him, is a nice enough guy. He’s never given me any problems, but something about him rubs me the wrong way. He’s also known on campus for being able to hook you up with whatever pharmaceuticals you need. Maybe that’s why I don’t like him. Piper hangs out with him every once in awhile, but they’re not friends. She loves to make that perfectly clear.

  I finally pull my eyes away from him and start making my drink. I grab two red cups and fill them halfway with vodka, and the rest of the way with fruit punch. Then I grab two shot glasses, pour in the tequila, and grab two sliced limes and a saltshaker. I hand the cups to Piper while I hold the shot glasses in one hand, and the sliced limes and saltshaker in the other hand. We walk over to the corner of the kitchen and I set everything on the counter.

  “Ready for an unforgettable, yet hopefully forgettable night?” I ask Piper.

  She laughs, “You do know that statement makes no sense.”

  “It make sense to me, and that’s all that matters.” I lick my wrist and shake a little salt on it. Then I hand it over to Piper and pick up my shot glass. She follows my lead and does the same.

  We hold our shots up in the air as I toast, “To getting smashed, finding the hottest guy at the party, and rocking his world.”

  “Mazel Tov.”

  We clash our glasses together and do our shots. I lick the salt off my wrist, throw back the tequila and feel the burn as it goes down my throat, then I suck on the lime. The first tequila shot of the night is always the worst, but tequila is my favorite poison.

  I decide to chase it down with my vodka and fruit punch concoction. As soon as the delicious liquid hits my lips, someone places their hand on my shoulder from behind me.

  I stiffen until I hear his voice whisper in my ear, “I was waiting to see if you’d show up.”

  I turn around and am face to face with Jaxon. I can’t seem to get my lips to move, so I decide to take another sip of my drink to stall my response. Jaxon looks down at the counter and sees my empty glass, and then looks back up to meet my eyes.

  “I see you started shots without me. I want in on the next round.”

  I smile up at him, “Next round’s now.”

  His hand at my shoulder moves down my arm slowly. My body is on instant alert and my mind will only let me think dirty things about this man. When his hand reaches mine, he pulls my red cup out of my hand and places it on the counter. He looks around the room until he spots his friend, Ryan. He signals for him to come over and then he looks towards Piper, who is still standing next to me.

  “Hi, I’m Jaxon Wyatt,” he nods to her.

  Piper smiles at him, flirtatiously. You’d think she was a fourteen-year-old girl.

  “I’m Piper. I’m best friends with your girl, Tessa.”

  Your girl? I wasn’t his girl… well hopefully I was, but just for the night.

  “Nice to meet you, Piper. Can you grab a handful of limes and the salt, and follow me?”

  He didn’t wait for her to answer. His friend Ryan joined us and Jaxon passes him a full bottle of tequila. Still holding my hand, Jaxon picks up four shot glasses and starts walking me out of the room.

  “Follow me.”

  If he wasn’t so hot and I wasn’t desperate to get in his pants, I would have been turned off. But his voice commanded attention, and I was willing to give him that.

  Jaxon walked us out of the kitchen, through the hallway, and into a spare bedroom. Piper and Ryan followed right behind us.

  This is what I love about Piper. A complete stranger brings us into an empty bedroom at a party, and she doesn’t even question it. If I go, she goes, and vice versa.

  Jaxon closes the bedroom door behind Ryan and turns to meet my gaze.

  “This is better. Much quieter for what I have in mind.”

  “And what’s that?” Piper chimes in. “If you plan on kidnapping or killing us, I have something to tell you. I’m a biter and I feel joy when I kick a man in the balls.”

  Piper meant to be serious, but I couldn’t help the burst of laughter that leaves my mouth from her statement. Jaxon looks amused as well.

  “That’s hot. I’m into biting, if you know what I mean,” Ryan says, as he looks at Piper like he wants to devour her. Piper ignores his statement and is looking at Jaxon.

  “I came in here for three reasons. The first is to get to know Tessa. The second is to be able to hear Tessa as I get to know her. The third is to drink Tequila.” Jaxon walks over to the bed and sits down. “If you’re down for that, then let's drink. If not, you know where the door is. No hard feelings.”

  Without even a second thought, I walk over and sit next to Jaxon on the bed. It’s a large king-size bed, with floral sheets and a quilt lying across the bottom. I look around the room. It’s scarcely decorated. The walls are white; no art is hanging on them. The only other thing in the room, besides the bed, is a small wooden dresser.

  As soon as Piper sees my decision, she follows me onto the bed, with Ryan following behind her. The four of us sit casually on the bed, Jaxon next to me. Across from us, Piper is next to Ryan. We’re handed our shot glasses and Ryan fills each one to the top.

  “Not to sound cliché, but I find the best way to get to know one another while drinking, is by playing I’ve Never. You ladies down for playing I’ve Never?” Jaxon asks, looking at Piper and me.

  I shrug my shoulders in approval and turn to Piper, speaking for both of us. “We’re in, but Piper starts. You know, ladies first and all.”

  “Sounds fair,” Jaxon says from beside me, and Ryan agrees. “But Piper, remember, I’m trying to get to know your girl here. Help me out a little.” I watch as he tries to discreetly wink at her

  Jaxon places a small bowl with cut up limes, and a saltshaker in the center of the bed. We all look anxiously at Piper, waiting for her to start.

  “I’ve never...” She pauses, still thinking of what she’ll say for her first round of play. “Oh, I know, I’ve never made out with a girl just so the guy I slept with the night before will leave me alone.”

  “I can’t believe you went there,” I say as I prepare to take my first shot of the game. Salt, tequila, and then lime, and it still went down burning, but not as bad as the shot in the kitchen.

  “I want to hear about this,” Ryan says from next to Piper.

  “What’s to tell? I hooked up with this guy; it was a one-night thing. He had a hard time coming to terms with this and followed me around, for like a week. I was finally fed up with him because he wouldn’t leave me alone at this party… so I grabbed the nearest girl and we started kissing. It started to get out of control, so I broke off the kiss, turned to the guy and told him it would never work out between us because I liked chicks.”

  Piper is now laughing so hard; tears are coming down her eyes. “That’s not even the best part," she says in between her laughter. “The show she put on got rid of the guy, but then she had a new problem. The girl wanted to continue where they left off.”

  Now Piper is sprawled out on the bed, holding her stomach, laughing uncontrollably.

  “It’s not that funny, Piper. It took me twenty minutes to convince her that it was never going to happen.”

  “You must be some kisser,” Jaxon whispers huskily into my ear.

  I turn to face him and our lips are inches apart. “What can I say, I have magic lips.” I inch closer to him and our lips are almost touching, “If you’re lucky, maybe you’ll get to find out how great I am with them.”

  His breathing becomes unsteady as his eyes drift to my lips, and then down to my chest, and then up to my lips again. Right before I’m about to throw myself at him, Piper finally stops laughing and sits back up on the bed.

  “Your turn, Tessa.”

  I turn to face her and smile widely.
Payback's a bitch.

  “I’ve never gone into an adult sex shop, and had the guy behind the counter recognize me from a video he saw online.”

  In true Piper form, she rolls her eyes, as if the secret I just spilled is no big deal. She takes her shot, and surprisingly, so does Ryan. Piper and I both stare at him with our mouths open in shock.

  “What?” He asks nonchalantly. “I was eighteen and I thought making videos and banging endless amounts of chicks was a dream job. I only did it for a few months before it got old."

  “Okay, but mine was online without my knowledge. An ex-boyfriend sold it for some extra cash. I wasn’t doing porn for a living,” Piper says as she looks around the room. “Not that there is anything wrong with doing porn, it’s just not for me.”

  “I’d hardly call it porn. It was in a friend’s basement and you can watch it online for free,” Ryan clarifies.

  Time to change the subject. These questions need to start getting a little more innocent. I want Jaxon to like me, not to think I’m a slut.

  “I think it’s Ryan’s turn.”

  Ryan puts his shot glass down and thinks for a minute.

  “I’ve never fucked my dealer right after buying from her,” he slurs as he looks straight at Jaxon. Apparently, Ryan was drinking before we met up with him.

  Then what Ryan says hits me. They do drugs.

  I am very accepting of almost anything, except drugs. Not after my sister’s death. My blood runs cold and I realize this room is the last place I want to be.

  “Dude, that is not how it happened. I just so happened to be dating the girl who sold to me. It wasn’t a random fuck and I don’t do that shit anymore.”

  “Doesn’t matter, you’ve still got to drink up.”

  Jaxon takes the shot glass and sips it slowly, he doesn’t even finish the shot before putting the glass back down.

  “That’s not fair. You’ve got to do a shot, not sip the glass like a little girl,” Piper yells.

  “I’m the DD, I can’t drink tonight.”

  This comment breaks my train of thought.

  I look at Jaxon questioningly. “If you’re the DD, why did you choose to play a drinking game with us?”

  The words come out harsher than I planned them to, and Jaxon looks at me worriedly.

  “You were drinking and I wanted to get to know you. I figured this was a good way. I hoped you wouldn’t notice the lack of alcohol flowing past my lips, I guess I was wrong.”

  I roll my eyes and look over to Piper for some help. She smiles at me knowingly, and looks over to Jaxon. “Your turn.”

  I wait to see what he’ll say, but I’m not in the mood to play anymore.

  “I’ve never accidentally bought heroin from a cop.”

  That’s it.

  My face goes white and I start hyperventilating. Why did he have to say heroin? I try my best to avoid anyone who incorporates drugs in their lifestyle, but because I’m horny, and looking for release, I let this dumbass and his friend invade my drug-free bubble.

  “I didn’t know, dude, it was a lesson learned. I will never buy from a stranger again.”

  With this knowledge, I move and get off the bed.

  “I’m out,” I yell and make it two steps before Jaxon grabs my arm, and turns me around.

  “What’s wrong?” He asks me, concerned.

  “Nothing,” I say calmly, while avoiding eye contact with him.

  “It’s obviously not nothing. You were having a good time, and then all of a sudden you’re not.”

  I try to pull my arm away, but he doesn’t let me go. We’re at a standoff. I briefly contemplate showing him that I like to kick guys in the balls, too, but Piper starts talking before I get a chance.

  “Tessa has a thing with drugs. She hates them and doesn’t associate with anyone who does them. You just announced you do them, so as Tessa announced, she’s out.”

  Perfectly said, Piper.

  “Hey,” Jaxon leans down until he is at my eyes level. “That was in past tense. I did drugs… a few years ago. I don’t do them anymore. I swear, you can ask Ryan.”

  “It’s true,” Ryan says from behind me. “Jaxon’s tried it a couple times, but he’s clean now. I still do my own thing, but if you're hanging out with Jaxon, I’ll make sure to keep it away from you.”

  I wasn’t happy with Ryan’s declaration of truth, but when I looked into Jaxon’s eyes, I can tell he’s not lying. I take a deep breath of relief and look at him apologetically.

  “I’m sorry I freaked out on you. I just… I lost someone really close to me to drugs, and I avoid anyone who uses because of it.”

  I play with my fingers in front of me and bite my lip. “If you still want to, let’s keep playing.”

  I get a sexy grin from him as he says, “That’s my girl.”

  We sit back down on the bed and continue the game.

  One hour and six shots of tequila later, I’m feeling good. Good as in drunk off my ass, and thinking of all the ways I can get Jaxon alone. Piper and I are happy drunks, giggling while making sexual innuendos every few minutes. Ryan’s a bold drunk. He’s been making plays at Piper the last hour, and she isn’t turning him down. I’ve seen his hands on her ass, stomach, and neck. His hands are currently groping Piper’s breasts, as he talks to Jaxon.

  I can hear the music blaring through the walls. I decide it’s time to start moving this night in the direction I need it to go. I jump up from the king size bed, ignoring Piper and Ryan, and move to the door. I crack it open so the music can travel through the room.

  “Dance with me,” I slur, as the alcohol rolling through my veins makes itself known. I make my way over to the bed, pour some tequila in a glass, and tip it down my throat. No salt or lime needed at this point. I pull Jaxon up from the bed, and wrap my hands around his neck.

  “You want to dance with me, hot stuff?”

  He smiles down at me wickedly, “I’d love to dance with you.”

  Jaxon places his hands on my hips and pulls me into him. I can feel his hard chest against my body. My nipples harden on contact. I try to keep the dancing innocent at first, but I give up within seconds.

  My hands move slowly from around his neck. They drift over his shoulders and down his hard body. I can feel the ripples of his defined chest through his t-shirt. I trail my hands further down, until I reach the edge of his shirt. That’s when I decide to boost the night to turbo speed.

  My hands move under his shirt and drift up his bare chest. His body is a temple, hard yet smooth, and I’m ready to worship it.

  Jaxon dips his head towards mine, and moves his lips to my ear. “You like that,” he says cockily.

  Usually, I hate this trait in guys. It’s pretty much a dead giveaway, they’re going to suck in bed… but I know that’s not the case with Jaxon. His body and mine, are telling me he’s going to rock my world.

  I move my body so my legs are straddling his thigh, and we start moving to the music. I’m grinding my pussy against his leg, and it feels incredible. His hands drift up my side slowly until they’re at the side of my breasts. My head tilts back from the contact and I moan loudly.

  That’s when things get interesting.

  Before I can comprehend what is happening, Jaxon has me up in his arms and is moving towards the bed, laying me down gently. I look around the room and notice Piper and Ryan aren’t there anymore.

  When did they leave?

  I don’t have time to ponder this because Jaxon’s lips are on mine.

  Holy. Fucking. Shit.

  His mouth is amazing. His kiss is urgent, hard, and I can feel his teeth as he lightly bites down on my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I open willingly and his tongue is in my mouth.

  He tastes incredible and I moan into his mouth, asking for more. His hands move to my tits, and he pulls my top down, exposing my large breasts. His lips move away from mine so he can look at my chest.

  His hands move to grab my tits and squeeze gently.

sp; “Your tits are beautiful,” he squeezes them again in awe, “… and real.”

  His mouth moves down my body and he takes one of my nipples into his mouth. His tongue gently flicks the tip and makes slow circles around it, biting down gently before doing the same on my other breast.

  My insides are burning from every touch. The throbbing between my legs can’t be controlled and I need him inside me.


  My hands move to the top of his jeans and I slowly undo the top button. I slide the zipper down and move my hand urgently inside his boxers, and I touch his cock.

  He moans into my tit as he continues to suck it.

  He’s big and hard. Possibly the largest I’ve ever felt. I swear I have a mini orgasm right then, just at the thought of taking all of him inside me.

  I start to stroke him slowly, waiting for him to take the lead. That’s when his body goes completely still over me. His mouth leaves my hard nipple, and the absence is immediately noticed.

  Jaxon sits up on the bed and runs his hand through his hair. He looks over at my confused face.

  “I’m sorry.”

  He’s sorry… for what?

  “What’s wrong?” I ask as my hand moves to grab the top of his jeans and pull him toward me.

  His hand comes out to stop me. “You're drunk.”

  I look at him even more confused, “So.”

  He lets go of my hand and moves over me. I’m grateful; it looks like he changed his mind about stopping us.

  I’m wrong.

  He places his palm on my cheek and gently caresses it. “I want you. You have no idea how much, but I can’t take advantage of you. You’re drunk and I’m completely sober. It would be wrong and I would hate myself in the morning. You’d hate me, too.”

  This is where he is wrong.

  “I won’t hate you. I planned on fucking you before I even got to this party,” I slur. My head feels heavy, and I think a second Jaxon came into the room because I see two of him.


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