Lawful Overdose

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Lawful Overdose Page 10

by Justine Elvira

  He squeezes me closer to him, every inch of my body touching his.

  “You’re baby, sunshine, Tessa, beautiful girl, sweetheart, flower, angel, and the list goes on. I could think of a million names for you and it would never be enough. But to answer your question, yes, you’re baby. You’re my baby and I hope you feel the same way about me.”

  This conversation all of a sudden took a very serious turn. A turn I usually try to avoid at all costs, but with Jaxon it just feels right.

  “I do, I do feel the same way about you… baby.”

  I kiss him softly on his Adams apple before nuzzling my head into his neck.

  “I forgot one more," he whispers. “This might be the most important one. You’re mine, and I’m yours… forever yours.”

  I drift off to sleep, soaking in his words. He’s mine and I am his. Those are the best words I’ve heard in the last six years, and I fall asleep with a big ass smile on my face.

  Chapter Nine


  I wake up in a cocoon of comforter and sheets. I’m warm, well rested, and happy. I can’t remember the last time I was truly happy before Jaxon. I’ve been happy for weeks now and I know he deserves all the credit.

  I roll over and reach for him, but he isn’t there, he never is in the morning. This is where the two of us differ the most. He is a morning person and I would love nothing more than to skip the morning all together. I untangle myself and get out of bed, ready to start my day.

  I’ve been sleeping at Jaxon’s place almost every night. It’s been a month since we started sleeping together and I still can’t get enough of him. Piper tells me it’s called the honeymoon phase and it will end eventually. I’ll take her word for it because I’ve never done the relationship thing before, and I’ll never get anything accomplished if my feelings for Jaxon don’t start dwindling a little.

  When I wake up, the first thing I think about is finding Jaxon. At work all I am thinking about is finishing to go see Jaxon. My junior year of college started last week and the entire time I’m in classes, I’m watching the minutes tick by until class is over and I can go see Jaxon. It’s sickening really, but I can’t help myself. I’ve fallen in love with Jaxon.

  He doesn’t know it yet, and there is no way in hell I will ever tell him. Love makes people vulnerable and changes the dynamic of a relationship, or so I’ve heard. I’m completely content in keeping my new discovered feelings to myself. I’ll tell him when it’s necessary, like if there’s a tragic accident or a death.

  I leave his bedroom and walk into the kitchen where I see Piper making pancakes while drinking orange juice.

  “Well, good morning, sunshine.”

  “Not you, too. I told you, I only let Jaxon call me that.”

  She flips the pancake on the frying pan and turns to face me.

  “I know, but it’s just so darn adorable. He should try staying in bed with you until you wake up. That’ll make him realize you’re anything but a bundle of sunshine.”

  “Ha ha,” I huff dramatically. “You’re no bundle of joy in the morning either.”

  “Never said I was.”

  “So where is my man who thinks I walk on water?” I ask her, seeing that he’s not in the kitchen.

  “He and Ryan got a call for work around five this morning, they’ve been gone ever since. I couldn’t go back to sleep after Ryan left so I cleaned his room, watched a movie, and now I’m making breakfast. Want some?”

  I shake my head in disgust. “No, I’ll stick with my coffee and ice cream, but thanks for the offer.”

  Piper shrugs her shoulders and turns off the burner on the stove. I leave and walk down the small hallway to Ryan’s room, peaking through the doorway.

  “Holy shit,” I shout and run back to the kitchen. “His room looks fantastic. I don’t know if he’ll shower you with gratitude, or bury you in the backyard for touching his stuff.”

  Piper laughs at the conclusion I’ve drawn, “He’ll shower me with gratitude. Especially because I found some odd shit in there and I’m not even going to bring it up to him. I’m going to be a good friend and ignore it.”

  “Friends? Are you both still just friends?”

  She sighs dramatically, “Yes, Tessa. Unlike you and Jaxon, and your sick fascination with each other, Ryan and I are completely comfortable in the relationship we have. There’s no chance of a misunderstanding, and we can both come and go as we please.”

  “And you’re okay with that?” I ask her.

  She nods and smiles, “Of course I am.”


  We’re both silent. I’m happy if she’s happy, but it’s obvious I’ve made her uncomfortable. I make a mental note to never bring up the subject again. I decide to change topics.

  “So…. What kind of weird crap did you find in his room?"

  She starts giggling, “Okay, I’ll tell you, but you can’t let anyone know, not even Jaxon.”

  “Deal,” I agree eagerly. It’s an easy decision to keep my mouth shut if I’m going to get juicy gossip.

  Piper starts telling me everything.

  “I’m cleaning his room, trying to mind my own business, but it’s hard to not go through stuff. I mean I have to know what I’m moving in order to find a new place for it. The man subscribes to Playboy, he must have the last fifteen issues in his nightstand.”

  I laugh at her, “Playboy is like a staple for all college guys. That’s not really weird, Pipe.”

  “Can I finish telling you the story, Tess?”

  I nod my head, urging her to continue.

  “He’s a complete slob. I found dirty dishes under his bed, he has hardly any clean clothes in his dresser, and I’m pretty sure a family of mice is living in the chair next to his bed. So, I’m trying to clean as much of this up as possible, because I want to sleep in a clean room when I come over in the future. I decide to bring his clothes to the basement and get some laundry done. I figured it would be a nice surprise for when he got back.

  “I removed the sheets from his bed so I could wash them, and a folder drops to the ground. I think it’s odd he has a folder in-between his sheets and mattress, but I try to ignore my curiosity and pick it up off the floor. I go to put it on his dresser when I notice the name written in small penmanship on the manila folder. It was a name, and a name I recognized well. Do you want to know who?”

  I hesitate before answering. Her story is taking a creepy turn.

  “I do want to know, but if this story is taking a horror movie turn, then I don’t want to know.”

  “It’s not, I promise.”

  I smile, “Okay, then tell me.”

  “It’s Jimmy. He has a folder on Jimmy Rocks. Isn’t that strange? I glanced through it, but it didn’t say much, just a little on his family history and a few pictures. I thought this was odd, but I decided to ignore it and continue cleaning.

  “I started organizing his closet and putting things away when I see a black box on the top shelf of the closet. I moved closer and recognized it immediately. My parents have a few of them in their home. It’s a lock box for a gun. Tessa, Ryan owns a gun.”

  This does strike me as a little strange; Ryan is so easy going and liberal. I thought the whole gun ownership thing was for conservatives.

  “You know, Pipe, it’s perfectly legal to own a gun in Illinois.”

  “I know,” she yells at me. “I just think it’s weird he never mentioned it to me. Especially because I spend one or two nights with him a week.”

  “Is that all?” I ask her, hesitantly. I don’t want her to snap at me again.

  “Well, there is one more thing, but you’ll probably think it’s stupid.”

  “Piper, I’ll never think it’s stupid. You and me, we’re a team, now and forever. Cheesy shit, I know, but it’s also very true. I got your back, girl.”

  “Okay, well, I was organizing his Playboy subscription in his nightstand by month, when I heard a vibrating noise. It kept buzzing and buzzing, I finall
y found the source of the noise, a phone. I answered it and the minute the caller heard my voice they hung up. It was so odd. I’ve never seen this phone before and I know for a fact he has his cell phone on him, so why does he have another cell phone?”

  “That is weird, but maybe he has a separate phone for business. There could be so many different reasons he has a second phone, and you said so yourself, the relationship isn’t serious. Maybe he felt as though he didn’t need to tell you.”

  She leans over on the counter while picking her pancake apart with her fingers. “Does Jaxon have two cell phones?”

  “No, not that I know of.”

  “Okay,” she mumbles as she chews on her food. “Then I think we can rule out the possibility of a work phone, you know, because they work together and essentially do the same damn job.”

  She’s right. If Ryan had a work phone then so would Jaxon. It also just occurs to me that they’re at work, so Ryan would have his work phone on him if it were that, a work phone.

  “You’re right, Pipe, it’s strange. I know you said you were going to be good and not mention anything to him, but maybe you should. If not for any other reason, but to give you peace of mind.”

  “I don’t know-”

  We’re interrupted by the front door being opened. Jaxon and Ryan walk in, looking completely exhausted.

  “Long morning?” I ask Jaxon as he walks toward the kitchen. He greets me with a kiss on the cheek and moves to the living room where Ryan has already plopped himself on the couch.

  I’m on the move. I pour three cups of coffee, pouring my creamer in one and leaving the other two black. I make a quick bowl of ice cream and I bring everything out to the living room in one trip. The perks of being a server.

  Piper has joined Ryan on the couch and Jaxon is lounging out on the recliner. I hand him and Ryan a cup of coffee, before sitting on the floor by Jaxon’s feet.

  “I could sleep for the next three days,” Ryan groans into the side of the couch. “I love my job, but I need more than two hours of sleep at night.”

  “Piper said you left around five this morning. You should have gotten more than two hours of sleep.”

  He smiles with a devious grin, “I was a little preoccupied last night. Someone wouldn’t let me sleep.”

  I watch him pull Piper closer to him and slap her on the ass while she giggles. I’d never say anything because I don’t want to rock the boat, but I can tell Piper is happy. I hope her and Ryan realize this soon and make it official.

  I eat my ice cream as we all lounge around in comfortable silence. Ryan has the television on and we’re watching the local news. When I finish my breakfast, I lean back on Jaxon’s legs.

  “What time do you have class, baby?”

  I look at the time on the television, “In an hour. I should jump in the shower and get ready.”

  I reluctantly get up from the floor and put my dishes in the sink before making my way into Jaxon’s room. I can hear everyone else moving around in the living room. Grabbing a change of clothes, I make my way to the bathroom.

  “What the fuck!” I hear Ryan scream.

  I run to the noise and he’s standing in the middle of his bedroom, looking as though he just got robbed.

  “What did you do, woman?” He asks Piper, who is standing next to me in the doorway. I can hear Jaxon come up behind me and look around the room.

  “Damn, Ryan. I’ve never seen your room so clean. You might actually be able to eat off the floor now, not that the mess ever stopped you,” he laughs, obviously enjoying Ryan’s discomfort.

  “It’s not funny, asshole. How the hell am I supposed to find my stuff now?”

  Piper hesitantly takes a step forward. “I was wide awake when you left, bored with nothing to do. I thought this would be a sweet gesture and that you’d like it. I never thought you’d be pissed and unappreciative.”

  I can hear the sob come through her voice, and then the water works follow.

  “Ah, shit,” Ryan moves to Piper, pulling her into his arms. “I’m sorry, baby. I am appreciative. It’s great. You can show me where everything is, and I’ll learn to love it.”

  She turns so I can see her face, and the big ass smile she has across it.

  She had me fooled.

  Guess those acting courses she took in high school really paid off.

  I leave the scene in front of me to go shower. I’ve spent almost every night here the past month, and Jaxon took the time out to buy me all the essentials. My favorite shampoo and conditioner are in the shower, along with a body wash Jaxon picked out for me. My toothbrush is in the holder, and Jaxon cleared a drawer for me in the vanity.

  I was in my very first adult relationship and loving every minute of it.

  The shower is exactly what I need to wake me up. The water is warm and relaxing against my skin. I run the conditioner through my hair with my fingers as I hear the curtain of the shower open and Jaxon step in.

  I gasp in shock and partial fright because he snuck up on me so quietly. I’ve seen too many horror movies and dateline episodes, so I’m always a little jumpy.

  “Mind if I join you? We’ll be saving water.”

  When he puts it that way…

  I move under the water and start rinsing the conditioner out of my hair. I keep my eyes open, not wanting to miss Jaxon lather his body with soap. We switch positions so he can rinse himself off, and I can’t help my eyes from drifting lower. His body is perfection and his erection is full, thick, hard, and waiting for me.

  He has his eyes closed and his head completely submerged under the flowing water, so I take advantage of the situation. I drop to my knees and lick a trail from his balls to the head of his cock.

  I hear him groan in pleasure as I grip him with one hand and suck him into my mouth, taking him as deep as my gag reflexes will let me.

  “Yes, baby, that’s it…. just like that… don’t stop.”

  His words give me confidence and I start sucking a little harder, my hands and mouth moving a little faster in unison.

  I can feel him getting closer and I want him to come all over me. I bite down gently, grazing my teeth across his tip.

  “Fuck, Tessa. I want inside of you.”

  He lifts me up by my armpits and slams me against the shower wall. I barely have time to register the movement before he has my legs wrapped around him and he’s thrusting inside me. It’s wild and out of control. Every thrust is a little harder, faster, and completely takes over my body. I go from zero to sixty in the blink of an eye, and I’m about to come.

  I try to hold off and wait for him, but when his mouth grazes the sensitive spot under my ear, it’s my undoing. I climax, screaming his name over and over. He follows right behind me and I can feel him fill me with his cum.

  I’m sweating, my breathing is erratic, and when Jaxon removes his cock from inside me, I can feel his cum run down my leg.

  Thank God, we’re in a shower.

  I start to rinse myself off when Jaxon’s hands take over.

  “Let me, baby.”

  Using the body wash, he washes every inch of my body. I return the favor and wash him off before we get out of the shower.

  We change quickly in his room before Jaxon leaves with me to bring me to class. We stop to get coffee on the way before he kisses me at the doorway to my lecture hall.

  “I’ve got to go into work for a little bit and then I have class this evening. Do you need me to pick you up when you’re done or do you think you can get a ride from Piper?”

  “I’ll text Piper and have her pick me up with my Beetle. I haven’t spent much one on one time with her in awhile. It’ll be good to catch up.”

  “You still spending the night at my place?”

  I move in closer to him, my hands grasping his shirt. “If you want me to, I’m there.”

  His lips move to brush against mine. What’s meant to be an innocent kiss turns into a public make-out session. His lips move against mine as his tongue
comes out to play. I suck his tongue into my mouth, enjoying the taste of him. Before our pg-13 kissing session gets and R rating, I break away from the kiss, panting in lust.

  “Tessa, you know I want you there. I want you in my bed every night and I want to wake up with you every morning. My life feels like crap when you’re not beside me.” He hesitates before speaking again. I can see he’s debating something in his head, but when he looks me in the eyes, it’s clear he’s made his decision.

  “Move in with me.” It’s not a question, more like a statement.

  “What?” I ask confused, even though it’s very clear what he said.

  “I want you to move in with me. I know it’s fast. I know we’ve only been dating for a month and I’ve only known you six weeks, but I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. Move in with me.”

  I’m stunned, shocked. I don’t think I could open my mouth and respond even if I wanted to. This is so fast, too fast. I’m only twenty. He’ll be leaving at the end of the year, what about Piper? Where will she stay? She can’t live by herself, it’s not safe.

  “You don’t have to answer now, just promise me you’ll think about it."

  I nod my head, indicating that yes, I will think about it. It’s the best response he’s going to get at the moment. He kisses me briefly before leaving me so I can go to class.

  I make my way to my seat, but I can’t focus. I don’t know why I even showed up today. My brain isn’t retaining any of the information my professor is spewing out. All I can think of is Jaxon and how easy it is to be with him. Although I’m internally freaking out, deep down I know I want to do this. I’m basically living there as it is. What would be the harm in making it official?

  I’d have to talk to Piper first. I couldn’t move in with him if she wasn’t okay with it. I would never do that to my best friends. I’ll let her know what he asked me, what my thoughts are, and see what she thinks. I can always get an honest answer from her.

  Before I know it, class is over and I’m texting Piper to come pick me up in the quad. She’s already on campus so we decide to eat an early dinner.

  “Can you believe Ryder put us both on shift tomorrow night? I mean, we worked for the man all summer, you think he could give us the first few Friday nights of the school year off.”


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