Ferox Twins

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Ferox Twins Page 4

by Lucny Dauphin

  …Amazing…! It’s harder to take these robots down with just a beam sword…! thought Arata.

  The rest of the robot’s charge after him and Arata is now back in focus mode. Arata swings the Raiden Blade as if it was a toy sword, easily slicing the robots to pieces with superb speed.

  “Dump it,” says Motakai.

  “Roger,” replies the operator.

  As Arata slices down the last robot easily, Arata quickly looks up and hops back twice, as another large batch of even bigger robots appears. Arata wastes no time however and charges at the robots. As he got closer, he performs a spinning attack, bringing his blade with him, slicing all the robots around him easily. Arata soon spins and slashing through the robots, and stops behind them, as they all explode simultaneously. Motakai nods his head impressed at what he’s seen. However, he taps his foot twice, and seconds later, Arata looks up once more and is shocked to find a gigantic steel cube crash to the ground in front of him.

  “…Huh?” says a confused Arata.

  “Strongest steel on this earth. I want you to pull off the strongest attack you can do, to smash it into pieces,” says Motakai through the intercom.

  “…Roger,” replies Arata with a smirk.

  Arata takes two steps back and jumps high into the air, and quickly swoops down already prepared to swing his Raiden Blade down at the massive cube.

  Arata lets out an angering yell before swinging the Raiden Blade down. The Raiden Blade smashes at the edge of the steel cube, and everything appeared to be frozen in time. Motakai didn’t move, the operators didn’t move, Arata didn’t move, and neither did the cube…until the gigantic cube cracks all over and creates a massive explosion, pushing Arata back and crashing hard into the steel wall, creating a dent. Arata falls to the ground on his hands and knees, followed by the Raiden Blade, crashing hard next to him, causing cracks in the steel floor once more.

  “…Excellent job Arata. You did well,” says Motakai through the intercom.

  “…You underestimate me a bit too much, brother,” says Arata, slowly getting back up on his feet, “Tell the girls to hurry up and finish with the upgrade so I can take those two fuckers out for good.”

  Arata de-morphs and quickly heads for the door, exiting the Simulation Room.

  “…H-Hey, you can’t just leave the blade there, Arata!” shouts an angry Motakai.

  [Dynasty of Spheres H.Q./ Kimiko Watanabe’s Office]

  “Harumi, your upgrade is already done,” says Kimiko with a smile on her face, handing the Aqua Morpher to Harumi.

  “Great news,” replies Harumi with a smile, grabbing her morpher and placing it back on her right wrist.

  “Do you want to test it now? Arata just finished his test on the Raiden Blade,” questions Kimiko.

  “…I’ll use it when the time is right,” replies Harumi.

  “No problem then,” Kimiko nods.

  Seconds later, Arata walks into the room shirtless and sweating. Kimiko and Harumi both have the look of shock on their faces, but Kimiko’s shocked face quickly turns to anger.

  “Kimiko, I demand to know when my upgrade will be finished,” says Arata.

  “Mother fucker, if you don’t put on a fucking shirt, then yeah maybe I’ll tell you when it’ll be done!” shouts Kimiko.

  “…Heard,” replies Arata, turning and heading out the room.

  “Aye! Listen!” shouts Kimiko, stopping Arata as soon as his hand touches the doorknob, “…The next time those two arrive…you must take them out for good. You two will not be coming back here to rest until they are eliminated. Is that clear?”

  “…Will our upgrade be enough to stop them?” questions Arata, looking at her over his shoulder.

  “It’ll be enough…” replies Kimiko, crossing her arms and sitting back in her chair.

  “…I like that,” says Arata with a smirk and a nod.

  “Well, I try,” says Kimiko, “…Well, I guess you guys can go rest and call it a night”-

  Suddenly, the alarm blares, cutting Kimiko off.


  “Damn, at night?!” says a shocked Kimiko.

  “Harumi, you ready for this?” says Arata, smirking at Harumi. Harumi smirks back and gets up from the chair.

  “Ready,” replies Harumi.

  “I’m already pumped up. Kimiko, hurry up with my upgrade so we can end this ordeal already. Let’s go Harumi,” says Arata, walking out of the room, with Harumi trailing behind, closing the door and leaving Kimiko alone.

  “…Damn, I really have to hurry and finish the new system for Xeroz up. Looks like I won’t be having sex with Motakai tonight…” says Kimiko with a disappointed look on her face.

  Moments later, Kimiko’s cell phone rings. Kimiko grabs it and sees its Shou Tadao as the caller I.D. Kimiko rolls her eyes and picks up the call. No sooner does Kimiko try to set the phone to her ear, Shou yells on the other end, which made Kimiko move the phone from her ear as she let out a sigh.

  “Goddammit…” says Kimiko, shaking her head.


  “Listen…! The Assassin Enforcers are heading over there right now, just relax, OK?” says a calm Kimiko.


  “…Well that’s something both of us can relate to…” mutters Kimiko as she rolled her eyes.

  Chapter End

  Chapter 25

  Final Showdown (1)

  [Kamati City]

  It is now a stormy night in Kamati City, and it appears to not be a calm one, as chaos has erupted. Both Ferox Twins are sending explosions everywhere in the city, destroying buildings and blowing up cars, all while they are up above the city.

  “Hahaha! And it’s raining! It makes for the perfect scenario!” shouts Michelle, continuing to flash her eyes and move her head left to right, scattering explosions everywhere.

  “Nothing gets much better than this!” replies Kazuma before letting out a maniacal laugh.

  “STOP!” shouts a man.

  Both Ferox Twins stop and look to their left, finding a large batch of Dynasty Soldiers coming after them from afar.

  “Ooh, it’s them again,” says Michelle as she points towards at them.

  “Trash,” says Kazuma before sucking his teeth.

  Kazuma and Michelle both flash their eyes at the soldiers, and seconds later, the Dynasty Soldiers are engulfed in a gigantic explosion, instantly killing them. People watching from below were in utter shock of what they’ve seen and even horrified seeing the burnt bodies of the soldier’s crash to the ground hard. The sounds were like mini explosions as they hit the ground. Many people ran for their lives terrified at what was happening.

  “Hahahahaha! I love this! I love seeing you scum squirm like ants!” says Kazuma.

  “Let’s keep going until our true opponents arrive!” shouts Michelle with a smirk.

  “Be careful sis, more are coming!” shouts Kazuma with a smirk, pointing.

  Once again, another large batch of Soldiers arrives to target the Ferox Twins. However, the soldiers could clearly see those demonic bright red eyes from afar, and they knew it would not get pretty from here…

  [Tojisa City]

  Kyo is walking along the streets of Tojisa City as the storm has now arrived. Kyo is on his phone but suddenly stops, hearing very faint explosions. Kyo looks to his right and finds a T.V. shop next to him, where everyone is inside watching the news.

  “We have a dire emergency that Kamati City is once again under attack by the same menacing duo in purple and blue armor. We advise that people please stay indoors and to not go outside. The Dynasty Soldiers are actively on the move to eliminate this threat.” says the Repor
ter on the T.V.

  Kyo looks on quietly as he sees people from inside the shop looking worried, with some even leaving the shop and quickly heading home. Lightning has now flashed, and thunder roars in the sky. Kyo suddenly now has a serious look on his face, and quickly runs off…

  Kyo runs down a street where not many people are around. Kyo looks left and right, and sets his hand on the Nexus Morpher, quickly transforming into the Nexus armor moments after. Kyo flies to the stormy skies and destines to where the Ferox Twins are.

  As Kyo is flying, he sees fiery explosions from afar where Kamati City is. Kyo now looks on in anger and continues to boost his speed and fly even faster. As he does so, out of nowhere, something, or someone, punches Kyo hard in the face, hard enough to send him flying to another location, away from the destination he had set…

  [Kamati City]

  The battle rages on. Kazuma is slashing his wing blades at the soldiers left and right, striking them all out of the sky, while Michelle flies around and slashes many of the soldiers out of the sky with her scythe. Kazuma charges forward and quickly slashes down the last soldier of that large group. Kazuma and Michelle look around below to find many soldiers laid wasted on the ground. Kazuma again laughs at what he sees, while Michelle only shakes her head and smirks.


  “Brother! Watch out!!” shouts Michelle with a shocked look on her face.

  Kazuma turns around and finds a large blue energy ball coming after him fast. Kazuma quickly moves to his left and avoids the energy ball, barely. Kazuma watches the ball fly high into the air and exploding soon after. Kazuma turns back around and soon smirks to find Harumi and Arata already in armor, both standing side by side each other atop of a skyscraper.

  “You’ve all finally arrived…!” whispers Kazuma, smirking.

  Arata and Harumi both fly towards the Ferox Twins, and soon stop, as the Ferox Twins and Assassin Enforcers have a stand-off as the storm gets worse.

  “…Mark this. I don’t know who the fuck you two are, but just know I don’t care either. This will be the day you two see the afterlife.” says Arata, “You two won’t be running this time.”

  “I would like to see you try…!” says Michelle, smirking while licking her lips slowly.

  “Arata, we have to drag the both of them away from here. We’ll take them to the Rocky Mountains,” says Harumi.

  “Might as well. Let’s go,” replies Arata.

  The Ferox Twins waste no time, charging towards the Assassins. Arata and Harumi quickly separate from each other, as Michelle goes after Harumi and Kazuma after Arata.

  Michelle quickly attaches the scythe to her back and throws a flurry of punches at Harumi, but Harumi’s speed matches Michelle’s punching speed, quickly evading most of her strikes. Michelle quickly flies back and fires off 3 energy balls out of her hand towards Harumi, but Harumi slaps all 3 away with her left hand, making the energy balls explode elsewhere in the air, avoiding damage to the city.

  “Ooooh~ I like it...~,” says Michelle with a smirk.

  Kazuma and Arata go at it full force, throwing rapid punches and kicks at each other, but also evading each other’s strikes simultaneously. Their speed increased by seconds, with even electricity forming around the two, just before they both clash their knees, causing each other to be pushed back. They both floated in the air staring at each other for quite a moment…before Kazuma reveals an evil smile and quickly fires off a large purple energy ball towards Arata, however, Arata easily slaps the energy ball up into the air, soon exploding.

  “Harumi! Let’s move these guys elsewhere!” shouts Arata.

  “Roger.” Replies Harumi, blasting towards Michelle. Michelle’s eyes widen, and before she could even budge, Harumi grabs Michelle tight by the neck as they both fly elsewhere, away from the city, leaving Arata and Kazuma.

  “What the fuck?! She’s not going to get away with my sister!!” shouts Kazuma, “We always fight together!”-

  “Rule 1: Never, let your guard down,” says Arata.

  Kazuma quickly turns his attention back to Arata, as seconds later, Arata’s leg smashes hard against the side of Kazuma’s head, sending him away from the city like a baseball flying out of the arena. Arata floats there quietly watching Kazuma be sent flying away as the storm gets stronger. Arata then looks down, and has a look of disappointment, seeing many deceased and defeated soldiers down below, with police officers, medics, and even pedestrians helping. Arata’s expression soon turns to a more surprised look, finding most of the soldiers now getting back up to their feet helped by others only moments later.

  “…Soldiers, this is Arata Noshino speaking. Please…just stay alive” says Arata before flying off to where he sent Kazuma…

  [Dynasty of Spheres H.Q./ Monitor Room]

  “Kimiko, the Solar Robot gunman who attacked Harumi and Kyo from before, is now located in the plain fields attacking someone!” reported an operator.

  “Is that so…? Put up the visual,” says Kimiko.

  Seconds later, the main monitor opens up, revealing the green humanoid gunman go into a full-on brawl against Kyo.

  “Kyo…!” says a shocked Kimiko.

  [Rocky Fields]

  Kyo rolls to the ground hard, but quickly hops back up to his feet. He has the look of shock on his face, finding the humanoid before him.

  “…It’s about time you showed up…!” says Kyo, wiping the blood away from his nose, “…Now I can destroy you for good…!”

  Just then, the Gunman snaps his finger, and in seconds, a mass amount of red and blue orbs of light form around him. Kyo is confused by what he is seeing, but moments later, the orbs of light flash bright and transform into the solar bots, ready to aid the gunman.

  “…Huh, so it’s that easy?” says a surprised Kyo with a smirk, “…No matter, I’ve been cooking up some new abilities and weapons for all of you. It’ll be a nice time for a test drive.”

  Elsewhere in the vast land of the fields, Harumi slams Michelle hard into the ground, creating a small crater. Harumi flies back and lands, quietly waiting for Michelle to get back up.

  “…You know, despite how aroused I am at this…you’re really going to die here,” says Michelle lying in the center of the crater staring up at the stormy sky with a smirk on her face.

  Moments later, the ground begins to lightly tremble, and Harumi looks on with a focused look, now finding Michelle unleash a powerful bright pink, fiery aura as she floats off the ground and positions herself to land back to her feet.

  …Her power’s increased…but there’s no backing down now… thought Harumi, clenching her fists, preparing herself.

  Kazuma crashes to the ground hard, creating a huge hole. Arata has now made it to the scene where Kazuma crashed, but when Arata locates the small hole, Kazuma bursts out of the hole with both wing blades in hand. Kazuma rushes to Arata in seconds and swings with his right-wing blade, but Arata swiftly whips out his beam sword and clashes it with Kazuma’s wing blade, creating a shockwave after the collision of their weapons. The two clash their weapons at each other a few more times with force before lightning strikes near them, and they both quickly separate from each other, and land on the ground simultaneously, silently staring at each other…

  “…Arata Noshino of the Dynasty of Spheres…I’m going to destroy the land of Galaxus with my own hands!” shouts Kazuma, pointing his finger towards him.

  “…Destroying Galaxus…what does that solve for you?” asks Arata, “…I assume you’re aligned with Solars.”

  “…I don’t align myself with those contraption, ninja robots.” replies Kazuma, “What I do know, however, is that the land of Galaxus took something away from me and my sister a long time ago, and now we’re here to take revenge for that!”

  “…And what’ll that be?” asks Arata, “Maybe…I can talk you ou
t of this mess you’re dealing with.”

  “I’m not having it!” shouts Kazuma, “I have the power to change my destiny, and I’m going to finally do it, by taking this land down for good!”

  Kazuma unleashes a fiery purple aura, as his eyes then grew even brighter than before. Arata however silently looks on with an angered, yet focused look on his face.

  …Kimiko, hurry the fuck up…! Thought an angry Arata, clenching his fists…

  Chapter End

  Chapter 26

  Final Showdown (2)

  Before Arata can make a step, Kazuma bolts towards Arata and sends a powerful punch to Arata’s stomach, causing Arata to cough out blood. From there, Kazuma throws a barrage of punches and kicks at Kazuma before kicking him, sending him crashing into a large boulder. Kazuma laughs as he flies high into the air and sends a storm of purple energy balls towards Arata. As the energy balls crash to the ground, they create massive explosions, soon creating multiple craters. As Kazuma stops, Arata is floating in the sky, away from where Kazuma sent the chaos and is shocked by how many more giant holes are around the field.

  “Holy shit…!” says a shocked Arata.

  “Found you!” says Kazuma.

  Arata’s eyes pop wide open, as the demonic body of Kazuma is seen right behind him. Before Arata could move, Kazuma smashes his elbow above Arata’s head, making him crash to the ground in just a second. Kazuma next charges a sizeable purple energy ball out of his hand and throws it at Arata. Arata sees the bright energy ball come towards him, but doesn’t look like has enough energy to move, soon being engulfed in a massive purple, fiery explosion. Kazuma looks on from high above, gazing at the fireball coming up towards him, seconds before laughing away the destruction he’s causing.


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