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Ferox Twins

Page 5

by Lucny Dauphin

  As the smoke fades, Kazuma sees Arata actually flying away, but Kazuma smirks, and swoops down fast, quickly kicking Arata to the back hard. Arata yells out in pain before Kazuma then grabs Arata by the back of the neck, and holds him up. Kazuma then tosses Arata’s body up lightly, and as Arata’s body comes down, with his feet inches from touching the ground, Kazuma quickly sends a purple energy ball to Arata's back, making the energy ball push Arata to another boulder from afar, causing another explosion upon impact.

  “…Boring. Never knew ½ of the Assassin Enforcers would be so weak…!” says Kazuma, flicking his left hand repeatedly while gazing at the purple fireball from afar.

  Time goes by…before Arata pulls his body out of the rubble. It’s clear now that Arata’s armor is poorly damaged, with even an open crack appearing on the left eye visor helmet, revealing Arata’s eye. Arata already looks exhausted and badly hurt.

  “…This is Arata Noshino reporting. Kimiko…please…send me the Raiden Blade, WITH the data chip ASAP,” says a tired Arata.

  “…I’m sorry Arata, but the data chip won’t be ready for another 15 minutes,” Replied Kimiko through Arata’s speaker.

  “Damn…!” says a frustrated Arata.

  “With the condition, you’re in now…I’ll send you the Raiden Blade, and when the data chip is ready, I’ll let a soldier deliver it to you. Is that ok with you?” says Kimiko.

  “…Nah. Fuck it,” replies Arata, slowly walking out of the rubble.

  “What?!” says a shocked Kimiko.

  “It’s as I say. When the data chip is ready, send it here with the Raiden Blade,” orders Arata.

  “…Damn it, Arata, just don’t die, alright?!” shouts an angry Kimiko.

  “Never will,” says Arata, “Besides, maybe I can get some backstory on this guy…”

  Arata charges after Kazuma full speed, but Kazuma loads back even faster, and smashes his knee into Arata’s face, making Arata crash and roll to the ground hard. Kazuma watches Arata’s weak body roll along, soon stopping. Moments later, Arata slowly gets back up to his feet, and when he does, Arata whips out his beam sword and prepares himself for Kazuma to come after him once more.

  “…You don’t know when to quit, do you?” says Kazuma, appearing angry now.

  “…That’s a sign I see,” says Arata.

  “…What?” says a confused Kazuma.

  “…Tell me…what is your name?” asks Arata.

  “…I guess I can tell you before you die. It’s Kazuma. Kazuma Ragoshi,” says Kazuma.

  “…Why Kazuma, are you doing this?” asks Arata.

  “…Hmph. It’s simple. My mother was killed in the crossfire by your pesky soldiers,” replies Kazuma.

  “…Is that so?” questions Arata.

  “Yes,” replies Kazuma, “My sister and I…we were 8 when it occurred. There was an attack, and our mother went out to just grab groceries. All day, she was out. We didn’t know what she was up to. To be out that long I thought she must’ve been packing serious food for us. Night approaches…still, she hasn’t arrived home yet. So me and my sister, we went hunting for her, because now it’s become the case, where something must’ve happened to her. We go to the same store we always shopped…and there she was…lying on the ground while parking lot, dead.”

  Arata looked on in shock at the story Kazuma told. Kazuma then clenches his right hand and looks up at the dark sky with an expression of somber and anger.

  “…Shot to death…! She was shot to death, Arata Noshino!!!” shouts Kazuma, “No one bothered to take her into an ambulance or anything! She laid there like road kill! It was that night…that neither my sister nor I didn’t care for anyone or anything. For years we wanted to strike back at this land hard. We first experimented to become bombers, blowing up cars, buildings with people inside, you name it…but we weren’t skilled into bomb-making. So, we became serial murderers, but that just didn’t seem good enough for us…but then…this man…this man from god knows where gave us the power to do just all that we’ve asked for! And here we are…in the flesh…with our futures granted just like we dreamed when mother died.”

  Arata stood there in silence, with the sound of rain pounding onto the ground and thunder roaring in the distance.

  “…And now…after my sister and I are finished taking care of the strongest force Galaxus has going for them, we’ll eliminate everyone! All the cities, along with the men, women, children, babies, unborn, EVERYTHING!” shouts Kazuma, revealing an evil smile towards Arata. Arata now had a severe look on his face from Kazuma’s sudden tone and facial expression.

  “…OK, I get it,” replies Arata, “It’s clear you’re nuts because you lost someone dear to you. So, by seeing your mother die, you do the same to others,”

  “Exactly! I want everyone to feel the same pain I had when my mother died!” says Kazuma, “Heh, I’m sure it’s already taking effect with the soldier’s I’ve slaughtered…”

  “…I truly understand where you’re coming from Kazuma Ragoshi…” says Arata.

  “Tch! I don’t want to hear your babble anymore!” shouts Kazuma, rushing towards Arata.

  Kazuma sends a barrage of punches to Arata’s chest before kicking him in the stomach, sending Arata crashing towards another large boulder in the distance…

  “…And that’s why my brother and I are doing what we’re doing now! Anyone who stands in our way is just signing up to die!” says Michelle. Harumi stood there taking in what Michelle says. Like Arata, Harumi’s armor received quite the beating, with huge slash marks on the chest, arms, and legs from Michelle’s scythe. Harumi looks nearly in the same state as Arata, worn out, and seems as if they can’t go anymore.

  Michelle wastes no more time and charges towards Harumi. Michelle throws a couple punches, but Harumi evades most, which surprised Michelle. However, Michelle smirks and grabs Harumi by the throat gripping it tightly. Harumi tries to strike back with a punch to Michelle’s face, but Michelle quickly fires off a yellow energy ball to Harumi’s stomach, sending her crashing to the ground with an explosion taking place when she made impact with the ground. Michelle stands there and fires off 3 more energy balls towards Harumi, creating explosions upon impact. As the smoke soon clears, Michelle flies up in the air, and snickers, seeing Harumi lie there in the small crater, badly hurt. Harumi is not responding, and her eyes can barely stay open.

  …Man, oh man…I don’t want to kill her so quickly, though… thought Michelle, “…Hmph…I’ll give her a chance to regain some energy before I can smack her around again…” she says with a smirk, grabbing hold of her scythe again and twirling it with her fingers as she watches Harumi.

  Elsewhere, Kyo is faced off against the humanoid and a crowd of solar bots.

  “…Alright, let’s do this!” shouts Kyo with a smirk, “Nexus! Twin-Blade!”

  Kyo opens both hands, as blue electricity forms around them. Seconds after, two long twin-blade blue-beam blades form in his hands. Kyo twirls both swords in his hands before charging towards his targets.

  The solar bots charge back, as some throw kunai at Kyo to up the difficulty. Kyo begins quickly swinging his beam blades like a windmill, deflecting most of the kunai before stopping and slashing one solar bot in half. As Kyo stopped, he finds himself surrounded by the rest of the solar bots. From there, Kyo leaps forward and slashes apart the solar bots one by one, pulling off swift movement and skills against them. As usual, Kyo proved way more skillful than these A.I. robots. It appeared like a cakewalk for Kyo, but as Kyo was jumping around and slashing away at the solar bots, the humanoid fires off a large green energy wave with his large gun towards Kyo. Kyo quickly catches wind of this and flies up to the sky, avoiding the energy wave. However, unfortunate for the solar bots, the rest end up engulfed in the attack and are decimated just like that. As the humanoid stops his fire, he quickly attaches his gun to his back and flies up towards Kyo and throws a flurry of punches and kicks towards him. Kyo, however, is fast enough to sway
left, right, and even duck, avoiding the humanoid’s attacks, however, the humanoid catches Kyo by changing up his chain of attacks and successfully smashes his elbow into Kyo’s face. Kyo’s head shoots back, and next, the humanoid continues his chain attack, pounding his mighty fists and kicks onto Kyo’s body rapidly, before finally kicking Kyo to the stomach hard, sending him crashing back to the ground. The humanoid floats there waiting for Kyo to get back up, however as the smoke clears out of Kyo’s hole, it’s already shown that Kyo is badly hurt.

  Kyo lets out a groan, before getting back on his feet. As soon as he gets back to his feet, the humanoid wastes no time and swoops down to attack him. Kyo, however, reveals a smirk and looks up straight at the humanoid.

  “Nexus…! Twin-Pistol!” says Kyo.

  In seconds, the twin-blades in Kyo’s hands quickly glow light blue and transform into black and blue dual pistols. Seconds before the humanoid could strike, Kyo points both pistols towards his target and fires off a round of electrical blue bullets at the humanoid. The humanoid is stricken by the raining electrical bullets from Kyo, stunned to move a muscle. Kyo keeps firing at him until clicks are heard, with no more bullets coming out of the barrel. Kyo quickly lowers his guns and looks to find the humanoid stunned in the air, struggling to move his body with electricity flowing all throughout his body, including many bullet holes in his body. Kyo smirks and charges towards the humanoid. As Kyo gets close, Kyo’s pistols disintegrate into blue sparkles of light, and Kyo pounds his fist into the humanoid’s face, sending the humanoid crashing into the ground, creating a massive crater. Kyo quickly opens his right hand and charges a hefty blue electrical energy ball in his hand, pointing it towards the humanoid. Seconds later, Kyo fires off a giant blue energy wave down towards the humanoid, however as the energy wave comes down the humanoid’s way, the Humanoid grabs his giant gun and fires off a large green energy wave from it, colliding with Kyo’s energy wave. Kyo is shocked at what he’s seeing. However, he’s even more surprised at the humanoid’s energy wave being stronger than his, quickly pushing upwards and engulfing Kyo in the blast, creating a massive explosion in the sky. Kyo falls out the sky with black smoke rising off his body, soon crashing to the ground.

  As Kyo lays there, the humanoid slowly walks out of the crater with smoke coming out of the barrel of his gun. Kyo soon sits up, with his armor severely damaged, but looks ok, somewhat. He sat there quietly watching the humanoid from afar slowly walking towards him.

  “…Well, that hurt,” says Kyo, “…Looks like he’s badly hurt himself with the bullets. Guess I will have to fight fire with fire.”

  Back to Arata vs. Kazuma, Arata is not in a good state. His body is now glued to the boulder. Arata can see a bright purple light in the distance. It was Kazuma, slowly walking towards Kazuma with a purple energy ball glowing in his hand.

  “…With this, you’ll for sure be killed…!” says Kazuma.

  Arata had no more strength in his body to pull himself out of the boulder…however, Arata groans loudly, now giving it his all, to pull his body out of the boulder. He first pulls out his left arm, and then his left. It wasn’t long until Arata then breaks his body free of the boulder’s grasp, soon landing back to the ground, but barely, as his legs wobbled as soon as his feet hit the ground. Arata then looks forward, seeing Kazuma getting closer to him.

  …Dammit…! Again…in the predicament I may die again…! thought Arata, gritting his teeth.

  Meanwhile, with Harumi, Harumi has now got back on her feet and sees Michelle already charging a yellow energy ball in her hand, pointing it towards Harumi from above.

  …I literally have no strength in me to continue fighting…! thought Harumi, looking on in distraught.

  “...How pathetic,” says Michelle, scoffing, “And here I thought you’d be way stronger than that!”

  “Arata Noshino…! You’ll die by my hands…! Pathetic, scum!” shouts Kazuma.

  Before Kazuma and Michelle could fire off their final blows to the weakened Assassin Enforcers, red lights flashes above both Arata and Kazuma, while bright white lights flashes above Michelle and Harumi. Kazuma and Michelle both stop what they’re doing and look upon what just transpired above them.

  “…What is that…?!” says a shocked Kazuma.

  Arata looks up, and is too shocked, to find a significant steel box fall from the sky. It crashes hard near where Arata is standing. Arata gazes at the box for a moment, before revealing a smirk.

  A small white light floats down to where Harumi was standing. Harumi is shocked at what she’s seeing come down towards her, with Michelle looking confused.

  “…What…?!” says a shocked Michelle.

  The massive steel box unboxes itself, and Kazuma looks on even more surprised, finding a large blade with a small yellow fiery light attached to the hilt of the sword.

  “…Arata, can you hear me…?” says Kimiko through Arata’s static ear speaker.

  “…Barely…but I can…” replies Arata, slowly walking towards the Raiden Blade.

  “…Good. Well, sorry I’m late, but here you are, the Raiden Blade, with the fiery data chip attached,” says Kimiko.

  …Thanks…” replies Arata.

  The small light floats before Harumi. Harumi grabs hold of the orb of light, and as soon as she does, the light forms into a small blue data chip and Harumi smirks at the sight in her hand.

  “…Harumi…? Can you hear me?” says Kimiko, through the static speaker.

  “…Yes, sister,” replies Harumi.

  “Good. Your gift has arrived,” says Kimiko.

  Arata detaches the fiery yellow orb of light from the hilt of the Raiden Blade. As soon as he does, he looks at his hand finds a small yellow data chip before him.

  “…What is going on…?” says a curious Kazuma, “Listen, you! I don’t care what new toy you have! It clearly won’t save you from the state I’ve put you in!”

  “Arata! Harumi! You better repay me for the arduous work I’ve put into this,” shouts Kimiko. Arata and Harumi say no word, installing their data chip into their morpher. As soon as they do so, a yellow fiery aura forms on Arata’s body, while a light blue aura forms on Harumi’s body. The Ferox Twins are surprised at what they’re seeing as the events continue.

  “…My body…it’s healing…!” says a surprised Arata.

  “…Is this data chip healing our injuries…?” asks Harumi.

  “It’s a one-time special bonus, but yes, upon inserting the data chip into the Enforcer Morphers, your bodies will be healed within a minute,” explains Kimiko.

  “Can you two hear me? It’s Motakai,” says Motakai, now speaking before Arata and Harumi, “Listen, Arata, what you have is a new mode named “Raiden.” You can also call it “Raiden Xeroz.” For it can only be activated if you have the data chip for it, but soon, you can transform into it via voice command. Upon transforming, the original Xeroz battle suit will be transformed into the Raiden Xeroz. Raiden Xeroz will become 3x faster than before. What that boy was doing to you, you’ll be even faster, that’s for certain. Plus, with the Raiden Blade now your conventional new main weapon, just imagine what enormous power it holds with the power of Raiden.”

  “…Raiden Xeroz…I like that,” says Arata with a smirk. Kazuma looks on in shock, jaw dropped, finding Arata’s battle suit changed. He saw before him a black battle suit with gold lighting streams placed all over the body of the suit, with sharp shoulders and kneecaps, and piercing bright green eyes, with two long steel horns pointing back from the helmet, and a small a small gold dragon jewel placed on the helmet’s forehead. Arata grabs hold of the hilt of the Raiden Blade, and as soon as he does, a lightning bolt crashes down at the Raiden Blade, and just like that, the Raiden Blade is also transformed, turning into the colors of black with gold lightning streams all over the now black steel of the blade. Kazuma could not believe what he was seeing.

  “Harumi, for you, your new power is named, “Sync-X,”” says Motakai, “You’ll bas
ically be way faster in battle, and it’s possible you can even sense when your opponents will strike, so you have a better advantage of landing a strike before they will. However, at the cost of this new power to the Enforcer Aqua, your heart rate will begin to increase, so please be wise to not use it for too long. It’s the first run, so hopefully, things can go smooth. Put it to skillful use.”

  “So, Assassins!” shouts Kimiko, back on the mic now, “Let’s kill them nice and quick and end this little game already!”

  “Roger that,” says Harumi. This time, her aura is smaller than it was before. However, her helmet receives a glass visor, as the helmet’s green eyes get even brighter than before. Rocks float around Harumi, and Michelle looked on in shock, and almost fearful of what was in front of her. It appeared the Ferox Twin’s game has ended, as it seemed they were now in trouble…

  And Kyo has revealed in his hand a stylish, black and blue gun blade, standing tall and ready for another round with the humanoid…

  Chapter End

  Chapter 27

  Final Showdown

  The storm has now taken its most definite form, but it wasn’t enough to stop 3 battles taking place in the mountain fields.

  First, we set place with Kyo taking his final stand against the humanoid gunman with a brand-new weapon in his hand, which appeared to be a stylish Gun Blade.

  Kyo wastes no time, charging towards the humanoid full speed. The gunman yet again points his large gun forward and fires off a massive green energy wave Kyo’s way. However, Kyo looks more focused, and sways to the right fast, avoiding the wave and firing off a giant blue energy wave from out of his gun blade. The blue energy wave comes crashing and engulfing the humanoid’s body, causing an explosion soon after. Kyo stops firing the energy wave and finds the humanoid charging back at him looking more damaged than before, but still had enough kick in him to charge after Kyo.


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