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Bite Me

Page 7

by Jenika Snow

  But now she was back on the bed, with three men lavishing attention and affection on her, and she couldn’t think about the troubles of the outside world, or what would happen after this night was over with.

  “Touch yourself for us,” Malachi said.

  The feel of them surrounding her, of their need for her, filled every inch of Ruby. The fact she was so wanton, so wild, surprised her. But it also felt so good. She saw the hungry look in the brothers’ eyes. Her cunt was soaked for them.

  She slid her hand down her belly, needing them, wanting them. Ruby didn’t hesitate to obey. At the first touch of her fingers through her pussy folds, a gasp left her.

  “More,” Casis said.

  She slipped a finger inside of her and parted her lips at how good it felt that they watched. She was lying back on the furs. Her breasts were thrust out, her nipples hard.

  “Fuck yourself with your finger,” Stanis said.

  She pushed her finger deeper inside and gasped at the intensity. Ruby slipped in another finger and pumped them in and out of her several times, holding on as her body rushed toward an orgasm. She kept looking at the three of them, knowing they watched her an aphrodisiac.

  And then Casis and Malachi rose up on their knees, their dicks hard and pointing right at her. They started touching themselves, jerking off, as they stared at what she did between her thighs. The sight of them pleasuring themselves drove her arousal so high Ruby didn’t think she’d ever reach the bottom again.

  “Stop, mate.” Stanis’s dark, commanding words were not to be disobeyed. She pulled her now soaked fingers out of her body, frozen in place as she took note of his canines pressed to his bottom lip. “Come closer, Ruby.”

  She couldn’t disobey. She didn’t want to.

  Before she could sit fully up, though, Stanis took hold of her wrist in his hand and brought the digits to his mouth. She could do nothing but watch in hazy ecstasy as he sucked off her cream, his focus trained on her face. A low, deep moan left him.

  “So fucking good.” He let go of her hand and said in his deep voice, “Turn around and present yourself to us.”

  Trepidation and a sliver of excitement lanced through her. The couple of times she’d had sex had never been like this, never even coming close. All she could think about was how good it would feel to finally be with them, how erotic it would be to have three shifters lavishing pleasure on her.

  Ruby got on her hands and knees, keenly aware that her ass and pussy were right in the three males’ line of vision. She looked over her shoulder and saw Stanis had his cock in hand, his expression hard. The other two still jerked off. Pre-cum slipped from all of their cocks, a sight that told her just how aroused they were for her.

  Casis moved an inch closer to her, gripped her chin, and tilted her head back so she could look into his face. “Put my cock in your mouth, mate.”

  He rubbed the slick tip along her lips, and she couldn’t help but hum in approval at the salty, potent flavor of him.

  “Open wider.”

  She opened her mouth to take all of Casis. And then she felt Stanis place his hand on her inner thighs, and push them open.

  Casis grunted and murmured his pleasure as she continued to suck on his cock. “That’s it, Ruby,” he grunted out.

  She heard the rapid panting from all the men, even heard the sound of a fist moving over a hard cock as Malachi still pleasured himself.

  Her jaw ached from how big Casis was, but it felt good, in a twisted kind of way. He held the root of his shaft firmly as she ran her tongue along the crowned head. The skin beneath her tongue was smooth, salty yet sweet.

  “Are you ready?” Stanis asked, but before she could answer he had his mouth latched right over her pussy. He moved his tongue through her wet folds, licking, sucking … owning her. His hands were on her ass, spreading the cheeks wide, clenching them until the pleasure and pain mixed as one.

  “You taste so fucking good.” Stanis’s words were muffled against her wet flesh, sending delicious vibrations through her.

  Ruby closed her eyes and started to move her head up and down, taking as much of Casis’s cock as she could. The crown hit the back of her throat, and she gagged. Casis held onto her hair at the back of her head, keeping her in place.

  “Take it all,” he demanded.

  The muscles in the back of her throat clenched around Casis’s cockhead, and he grunted in approval. She moved his hand out of the way and then gripped the root, stroking what she couldn’t reach with her mouth.

  She needed more, so much more.

  Hands caressed every inch of her body, and she didn’t know who it was. That’s how lost in the sensations she was. The magnitude of the sensations was a sensory overload, and she thought she would pass out from the sheer pleasure of it.

  Stanis gave one last lick through her pussy folds, and then rose above her, his chest to her back now. Ruby felt his cock straining forward, pressing right at her pussy, right up her center. He was like granite all around, they all were, and it made her feel so very feminine.

  And when she felt him run his canines up the length of her spine, a chill raced throughout her whole body. Those wicked, sharp teeth lightly scraped her flesh, not breaking the skin, but causing a mixture of pleasure and pain. She wanted their canines piercing her neck, marking her, deeming her as theirs alone.

  “Are you ready to take all of us, mate?” Casis said, moving away from her, his cock slipping free from her mouth.

  Her lips felt swollen, hot from sucking his shaft. She lifted her eyes to Casis, and then glanced at Malachi. Looking over her shoulder at Stanis, she saw all three men held the same expression: need.

  She nodded. “I’ve been ready.” Anticipation coursed through her. Her pussy clamped down hard, excitement and trepidation waging a war inside her.

  Stanis moved so he was now on his back beside her. “Ride me, mate. Put my cock in your tight body while my brothers have their way with you.”

  Those words had the air leaving her lungs. One last glance at the other two males, and then Ruby was climbing onto Stanis, straddling him and feeling his hard cock right up against her wet, hot pussy.

  His massive erection nudged her opening, and she held her breath. Never had Ruby contemplated ever doing something like this. But this felt so right.

  “Grab my cock,” Stanis said in a harder voice.

  She rested her hands on his pectoral muscles.

  He gripped her waist tightly, and said in a harsh voice, “Grab my cock and put it inside of you.”

  Her heart was beating so hard and fast. She reached between their bodies with her hand, gripping his cock and hearing him groan in response.

  “That’s it,” Casis said from behind them.

  “Put him inside your tight pussy, mate,” Malachi groaned out.

  She bit her bottom lip and angled the head of his cock to the opening of her pussy. At the same time, she felt someone part her ass cheeks, and spread something cool and slick along her anus.

  “You’ll ride Stanis as I fuck your ass,” Casis said.

  When Stanis’s cockhead was right at her entrance, she removed her hand from between their bodies and breathed out slowly. For a second she just held her position, and then she slowly sank down on his thick, long dick.

  Stanis clenched his hands on her waist, digging his fingers into her flesh. The burn was like nothing she had ever felt before, intense and explosive. He was just so big, so thick and long. He stretched her so good, filled her up until she didn’t think she could take anymore.

  But she did want more, so much more.

  There was discomfort, of course, but the pleasure far outweighed anything else.

  After tonight nothing would be the same, she knew that, but she looked forward to it.

  She wanted it.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “So tight and hot,” Stanis groaned, closing his eyes, and she could see the long length of his canines.

  When she was fully sea
ted on him, his balls pressed to her ass, they both made this almost pained sound. Her pussy clamped down hard around him involuntarily, and his cock jerked in response. Ruby licked her lips and felt Casis’s large hand press down on the middle of her back.

  “Lean forward, baby,” Casis groaned out.

  She leaned forward, closed her eyes, and felt Malachi caress her cheek. Looking to the side she saw him looking at her face, raw lust written on his expression. Malachi moved closer, kneeling right beside her, his huge cock in his hand and aimed right at her mouth.

  “Take my dick into your mouth,” he said harshly.

  She obeyed instantly.

  Just as she started sucking on Malachi, Casis spread her cheeks a little wider and ran his finger over her anus. After just a few seconds of teasing her back hole he started to push the digit into her. She hadn’t really started riding Stanis, not when all these actions and sensations were consuming her.

  Casis breathed hard behind her as he added another digit, and then he was spreading the fingers wide inside of her ass, scissoring them and stretching her … preparing her. His fingers were thick and the burn of pain presented itself, but she liked it, loved it even. She’d never had anal sex before, and although she knew there would be discomfort, Ruby wanted this desperately.

  For a few moments he fucked his fingers in and out of her ass, and then Casis removed them. She was still sucking on Malachi’s cock, had Stanis shoved deep in her pussy, and all she could think about was how she wanted to be full of all three of them at the same time.

  “Ready?” Casis asked, and she nodded, because that was all she could manage, even if she didn’t have a big cock in her mouth.

  Casis moved away for just a second, and then she felt something chilled and wet move along her anus. They had lube? She looked over her shoulder, and with her eyes widening she watched as Casis ran a piece of ice over her hole. And then he leaned down, his warm breath moving over the chilled flesh. His warm saliva coated her back hole. He spread it around, pushed the fluid inside, and she felt her heart beat faster.

  Casis rose above her again, and pressed the hot, hard tip of his shaft against her anus. She stiffened on instinct, waiting for the inevitable burn of pain to slam into her.

  “Relax, Ruby,” Casis said, his voice tight, like he was having a hard time controlling himself, let alone speaking. “Don’t tense for me. Bear down, open up for my cock.”

  She breathed out and tried to listen to what he said. It felt strange having a dick in her ass, she couldn’t lie, but she knew in the end all of this would feel incredible.

  “That’s it.” He seemed to growl the words out, and stroked his fingers down the length of her spine. Casis started to press inside of her, and she closed her eyes and braced herself for the feeling of being full completely.

  As she moaned around Malachi’s cock, he reached behind her head and grabbed a chunk of her hair. The unusual sensation of being ass-fucked was almost too much, but then when he was balls deep in her, her ass clenching around the thickness, an intense pleasure rose up in her.

  Stanis dug his fingers into her waist, and she felt his cock jerk inside of her. She continued to give Malachi head, and the sound of wet sucking filled the cavern.

  “That’s it,” Malachi said harshly, his hold on her hair tight.

  She sucked on Malachi harder, moved her tongue around his cockhead, over the slit at the tip, and tasted the pre-cum that came from the crown. Humming at the flavor of him, she reached out and cupped his big balls.

  “Fuck yes,” he said, and she knew Malachi was close.

  “Milk my cock. Take my cum and swallow it.”

  She glanced up to see him staring down at her, a heavy-lidded look reflected back at her.

  And then Casis started fucking her ass, moving his cock in and out of her, his hands on her waist, right above Stanis’s. When Stanis started to move as well, lifting her up and bringing her back down on his dick, his movements in tandem with Casis’s, the three of them moaned in unison.

  “Fuck yes,” Malachi said again and started fucking her face, moving his dick in and out of her mouth, his hold on her hair painful but pleasurable, all at the same time. “So good.” The tip of his cock hit the back of her throat, and she felt her eyes water. “Yes,” he said in a low, but very hard voice at the same time he came. Jet after jet of creamy cum slid down her throat, and she eagerly swallowed it all.

  With Malachi coming down her throat, Casis fucking her ass, and Stanis pounding his cock in and out of her pussy, Ruby felt her orgasm quickly approaching.

  When his cock was semi-hard, Malachi pulled away, but he grabbed his dick and started stroking it. To her shock he got hard for her again. Was it a shifter thing that had him ready to go immediately after he came?

  “I’m not nearly done with you yet.” Malachi grinned after he spoke.

  She looked into his face, her lips numb, wet, with the taste of his seed in her mouth. He leaned down, took hold of her chin with his thumb and forefinger, and planted his lips right on hers, kissing her soundly. When he swept his tongue in her mouth, Ruby was a bit shocked, figuring he wouldn’t have done that because he’d taste himself. But as he moved his tongue around hers, a groan spilled from him.

  Casis went harder, faster, and she knew he was about to come.

  “Yes, mate. Take it all,” he groaned. “I’m going to fill your ass with my seed.” And then he was doing just that. Stanis still fucked her, his breathing harsh. Casis had a bruising grip on her waist as he pumped his cum in her ass. She felt the hot jets of it, and her muscles clenched around him.

  He cursed, and a few moments later, pulled out of her. But before he moved away he smoothed his hand over her cheek and leaned down to kiss the top of her head lovingly.

  “It’s my turn now,” Malachi said against her mouth.

  Casis moved away from her, and Malachi took his place. He slid his cock into her ass in one fluid motion, and she gasped at being filled once more.

  Malachi ran his hands down her back while Stanis continued to slide in and out of her. But then Stanis gripped one of her breasts, ran his big palm over it, and took the nipple between his thumb and forefinger. She closed her eyes at how good everything felt.

  The sensations were indescribable, her body on fire. Malachi started to pull out of her ass, poised right at the entrance, and then shoved back deep inside.

  Ruby felt tears trickle out of the corner of her eyes. Stanis kept pulling at her nipples, and then she felt herself explode around them.

  “Watch me,” Casis said, and she turned her head and forced her eyes to stay open as she came.

  “You feel so fucking good,” Stanis said, pumping inside of her, as Malachi fucked her ass.

  “So damn tight and warm,” Casis said right beside her ear. Casis grabbed a chunk of her hair and pulled her head back. Her throat was arched, bared.

  “I want to hear you scream out,” Stanis said.

  Casis still watched her as his brothers fucked her.

  Even though she’d climaxed, the pleasure just kept coming and coming. Her wolf was right at the surface, not demanding anything, just enjoying this as well.

  Casis would nearly pull out of her ass when Stanis would push in. They’d do this over and over, one retreating when the other would thrust in.

  “Come again for us.” The command came from Malachi, and it wasn’t to be disobeyed.

  “So. Fucking. Good.” All three of her mates said it at the same time.

  They became madmen, pulling out and slamming back into her in unison. She kept her focus on Casis, because she knew he wouldn’t have had it any other way. He was hard again, but he didn’t touch himself, didn’t even move. And then Malachi brought his palm down on her ass, spanking the flesh and causing a little more pain with her pleasure.

  “You’re ours.” Their voices all seemed to meld together as they spoke, and she smelled, sensed their inner animals rising. But they didn’t shift, stayed in their hum
an form. She wouldn’t have cared either way, because she loved having both of their sides.

  “I’m yours, all of yours,” she whispered, surprised she could say that much, and at how much she meant those words.



  “Yes,” she cried out as the sting from the spanking and pleasure coursing through her made her feel alive.

  The feeling of his palm against her ass, the burn it created was incredible, inspiring even.

  She was spanked over and over again until she was crying from how good it all felt.

  “You like that, mate?”

  She nodded after Malachi spoke.

  “You like having me in your cunt, Malachi in your ass, and Casis watching.”

  “Yes,” she moaned out the lone word. Stanis kissed the side of her neck, and something in her rose. She needed their mark on her, desperately.

  And then Malachi leaned down, pushed her hair away, and licked the other side of her throat. She felt another climax approach.

  “I’m so close,” she panted. Casis moved on the other side and kissed the curve of her shoulder. All three of them were licking and sucking at her throat. It was a tight fit, but they made it work, and it felt incredible.

  She tensed as her orgasm started to peak.


  The distorted sound of their animals speaking filled her head, and her orgasm broke free again, not as powerful as the last ones.

  Just as the pleasure washed over her, she felt them bite down on her flesh at the same time, piercing her throat. The pain lasted only a moment, and then a euphoric, unimaginable sensation consumed her as they marked her, deemed her as their mate.

  “Oh. God.”

  When her climax started to descend, they pulled away and lapped at the wounds they created.

  She felt Stanis tense, felt his cock seem to swell inside of her as he came. Malachi groaned behind her as he came as well.

  Only when she was filled with their seed, the fluid slipping out of her, did Ruby finally collapse on Stanis. Hands caressed her back, but her eyes were closed and she was too tired to see who it was. Malachi pulled out of her ass, and Stanis helped her off of him. She felt their seed continue to slide out of her, but it was an erotic sensation, one that told her she was owned.


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