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Crazy For You

Page 8

by Alexander, S. B.

  “I didn’t exactly see him naked,” I said.

  Georgia shook her blond head of curls. “Doesn’t matter. You will. And no, she hasn’t fucked him. Again, she will.”

  I took another long swig of the marshmallow vodka, which was rather tasty and went down easily. I tossed my beer, then poured vodka into my cup.

  Both of my friends watched in quiet fascination. “You said to let loose. Well, when we start talking about Colton or his dick, I have to do something.” The thought of having sex with him was making that spot between my legs throb endlessly.

  The three of us fell into a fit of laughter.

  “What’s so funny?” a familiar but irritating voice asked as bitter laughter tumbled free. “I heard ‘Colton’s dick.’”

  I snarled. The last person who needed to hear that was Amanda fucking Gelling.

  “You did not screw him.” Her glossy, ice-blue eyes were swimming in anger.

  Mia popped up and pushed her chest into Amanda’s. “What if she did?”

  “I’m dating him,” she said, not backing down.

  “Did you screw him?” Georgia asked.

  I didn’t want to hear Amanda’s answer. I would’ve bet my life she had.

  “Five times this week,” she said as sure as the moon was high in the night sky.

  I cringed, gripping the hell out of my cup.

  “So is he huge?” Mia asked as though she was talking about the damn weather.

  Amanda got in Mia’s face. “Bigger than Grady, and I should know. Stay away from Colton if you know what’s good for you.”

  Mia flipped her dark hair over her shoulder, ready to brawl. “Oh, I will. And I doubt anyone has a larger cock than Grady.”

  I spit up my drink. Georgia snorted, doing the same.

  Mia and Amanda were about to tear each other’s hair out until Colton of all people walked up, towering over us.

  I knocked back the half cup of vodka, afraid to look at him. Even at school, when I’d seen him at lunch, I turned away. I was relieved he hadn’t shown up at my house with my skateboard yet.

  Amanda hooked her arm around Colton’s. “There you are. These ladies want to know how big your penis is.”

  I shrank in my seat. My cheeks felt like they were on fire.

  Colton glowered, those brown peepers penetrating me like sharp daggers.

  Great. Now he must think I’m a loser. I stood and the beach tilted.

  Amanda laughed, a sound that grated on my last nerve. “Lawson, can’t handle your liquor?”

  The need to kill sat heavily inside me, and I started for her before listing to one side. Damn alcohol.

  Georgia came to my rescue, almost falling in the process and laughing the entire way.

  I held up one hand, holding my cup in the other. “I’m fine.” I was buzzing for sure, but I wasn’t so drunk that I didn’t know what I was doing, at least not yet.

  Colton watched me intently as Amanda pressed her tits against his arm.

  It was time to get the hell out of Dodge. I didn’t want to witness Amanda fawning over Colton like a horse in heat. Otherwise, the way I was feeling, powerful and free, my fist might land in her face. I wasn’t ready to show Colton how jealous I was. I wasn’t ready to make an ass out of myself, either. I was there to have a good time, not cause trouble.

  I skirted my chair, digging my sandal-covered feet in the soft sand. I was about to breeze by Amanda when she stuck out her foot. My cup flew out of my hand as I landed face-first in the sand.

  Laughter ensued from all around.

  Georgia helped me up. “Don’t engage.”

  I spit out sand as Georgia cleaned the rest off of me. When I finally managed to get most of the tiny pebbles out of my mouth, I spun around inelegantly. Once I had my bearings, I pushed Amanda, unleashing all my pent-up anger and jealousy on her.

  She fell with an oomph, her face twisting with fury.

  I flared my nostrils. “Try that again and I’ll toss you in the ocean.” So much for not causing trouble.

  Before she climbed to her feet, Colton stepped in front of me, raising his hands and shaking his head.

  I laughed at him before I sneered. “Get out of my way.”

  “Yeah,” Georgia said.

  Grady hurried over like security ready to break up the brawl—or maybe add fuel to the fire, given the grin he wore. “Lawson, what happened to you?” Then he busted out laughing. “There’s a crab crawling in your hair.”

  I snapped at Grady like an alligator chomping on its victim. I could feel the critter tickling my head, but I wasn’t afraid of a sand crab.

  Mia plucked the energetic crustacean out of my hair. “There. All gone.”

  I craned my neck up at Colton. “Get out of my way.” I wasn’t sure if he was protecting Amanda or me. My guess was Amanda, and that only made my stomach churn.

  Amanda poked her head around Colton. “You’ll never get your hands on him.”

  “Good. I don’t want him, anyway.” Liar. Liar. Liar.

  No fucking reaction from Colton. Not one ounce of emotion on his face.

  It figured. I wanted to scream. He’d had that same look when I saw him leaning against his truck, staring up at my window. It was unnerving and downright irritating. At least with someone like Grady, I could see when I pissed him off and knew how to prepare.

  Whatever. Carefully, I did another turn on my heel, hoping I didn’t fall and make an ass out of myself. That ship has sailed, girl.

  Georgia hooked her arm in mine before she tossed a look over her shoulder. “Colton is burning a hole in your back.”

  “Let him.” For the moment, I didn’t care. However, when Monday rolled around, I was sure I would be the brunt of the rumor mill at school, and Colton would look at me like a pathetic, foolish girl.

  Mia came up to my other side, handing me the vodka. “Your performance deserves a toast.”

  I busted out laughing, taking the bottle from her. “Let’s dance.” I wanted to forget the incident, forget Colton, forget that Amanda was sleeping with Colton, and forget how jealous I was of her for that.

  The three of us joined a group of girls who were dancing and letting loose.

  “We Are Love” by Don Diablo belted out of the speakers.

  As we passed around the vodka, my muscles began to loosen. I didn’t know what the next day would bring, so it was time to enjoy myself.


  I jolted upright, my head spinning like a merry-go-round on steroids. I grabbed my temples, wincing and moaning.

  Where the heck am I? I blinked several times to orient myself. The opulent room with light-blue walls, expensive watercolor art, and luxurious furniture was definitely not my room.

  I swished saliva around in my parched mouth. I felt as though I’d eaten a mouthful of sand. Maybe I had. I dipped into my memory bank as I slowly turned my head to the left, careful not to make my brain slosh around more than it already was.

  When my gaze landed on the bare, muscled back of the person beside me, I flew off the mattress. I didn’t have to see his face to know Colton was sprawled out. His hair gave him away.

  In true Skyler fashion, I tripped over a shoe and stumbled, catching myself before I face-planted into a very rich-looking fabric chair. My arms took the brunt of the impact, and I couldn’t help but moan until something far worse than falling registered in my foggy mind.

  I glanced down at my body and released a loud noise that was more like a grunt than a sigh. Thank heavens I was still wearing my clothes.

  I straightened my spine as another horror froze me to the spot near the floor-to-ceiling shutters. I didn’t have to check the time to know it was morning or maybe afternoon. Rays of light snuck through a few of the slats on the shutters, which weren’t closed completely.

  I was in huge trouble. Dad was probably freaking out.

  I patted my pockets for my phone. No luck. I briefly closed my eyes.

  Think, Skyler.

  I retraced my s
teps. I’d had it when I’d gotten into the scuffle with Amanda. Maybe it had fallen out of my pocket when she tripped me. Or when I pushed her. Things had blurred when Colton blocked her from me as if protecting his true love.

  I gritted my teeth as that irritating jealousy sloshed around in my stomach. I took another look at the guy who was making my knees weak. His hands were tucked neatly under the pillow, and his head was turned toward the door.

  I started to hyperventilate. I still had my clothes on, unlike him. He was sprawled out in red boxer briefs and nothing else.

  I wasn’t complaining. I drank him in from head to toe, my gaze stopping to admire his toned butt and thick thighs.

  Focus, girl. Find your phone, then get the hell out before he wakes up.

  It was hard to get my legs into gear. My head was spinning and my stomach was ready to protest. Damn vodka.

  I couldn’t worry about that. I needed a bottle of mouthwash before walking into my house.

  Maybe my phone had fallen out while I was sleeping. Ha, sleeping? More like passed out cold. I was usually a light sleeper.

  I tiptoed over to my side of the bed and started to feel around, careful not to disturb the sleeping giant. I would lose the contents of my stomach if he woke up. I probably looked like death. On that thought, I swiped a finger underneath my eye to clear away the mascara that I was certain was smudged.

  Georgia had made up my face before the party. I’d kept telling her I didn’t want too much makeup on. Most of the time, I hardly wore any. But my BFF hadn’t listened.

  “I’m giving you the smoky look,” she’d said. “Guys like that.”

  My breathing was somewhat labored as I checked under the pillow I’d been sleeping on.

  Just as I felt around, Colton stirred, moaning.

  I slapped a hand over my mouth.

  He turned his head and the blood drained from me. Then his eyes opened lazily, his long lashes fluttering as he pinned me with a hooded but blank expression.

  I held my breath, something I was doing quite a lot when I was around him.

  He sized me up, licking his lips like he was hungry.

  I gulped as my stomach twisted, setting me off balance and making me lightheaded. I lowered my hand, releasing the air in my lungs.

  He watched as I searched for words. The throbbing shifted from my head to that sweet spot in between my legs. “What are you doing here?” I managed to ask in a smooth voice.

  He gave me an easy grin. “I was sleeping. What are you doing?”

  I wagged a finger between us. “We didn’t…” I couldn’t even say what I was thinking, although the fact that I still had my clothes on was a good indication that we hadn’t screwed each other’s brains out. That thought only served to make the butterflies come alive again.

  He studied me for the longest time with no indication of how he was feeling or if he was irritated, happy, annoyed, or whatever.

  I stuck my hands on my hips. “Better yet, don’t answer that. Have you seen my phone?” My voice was getting stronger.

  “No.” His freaking Southern drawl was even sexier in his sleepy voice.

  Go, Skyler. Get out before you jump into bed with him.

  We were in a stare-off, and the more he watched me, the more I was melting to the white carpeted floor.

  I had so many questions, but I had to call Dad.

  The thought of Dad fried the feelings thrumming through me. I became a madwoman, searching under the bed to find only dust bunnies. I spotted Colton’s heap of clothes near the nightstand and picked through the pile. For all I knew, he could’ve taken my phone.

  Colton didn’t move anything but his head, watching me.

  “You could get up and help me.” Frustration and panic overtook me. That sour feeling was back.

  “Don’t think so,” he said as though in pain.

  My nostrils flared as I sneered, when all I wanted to do was lock lips with him. “For real?” I clenched my teeth. “Where’s your phone?” It wasn’t in his jeans or anywhere I could find.

  He adjusted his big body before he propped his head up with a hand.

  My panic over a damn piece of technology subsided for the moment as my gaze took a lazy hike down his body, stopping to admire the bulge in his boxer briefs. A very big bulge. I shouldn’t have been staring, but he had an impressive dick. I’d never seen Grady’s, and I didn’t care to, but Amanda might have been right. Colton’s mountain was huge—not that I was an expert in that department or could compare Colton’s to another guy’s.

  I bit my bottom lip, hoping not to make a whimpering sound. I was sure my eyes were as big as basketballs.

  Colton snapped his fingers. “Up here, Skyler.” His tone was light and on the verge of laughing.

  I clenched my jaw to prevent myself from saying something stupid. Still, my name coming from him fired heat south of my belly button. I needed water. I was beginning to understand the concept of cold showers.

  I shuddered, blinking before I gave him my attention. And I shouldn’t have.

  He belonged on the cover of some magazine. His pose was definitely Hollywood-worthy as he grinned, his hair brushing his shoulder, his biceps taut, and his six-pack abs polished to perfection. But what had my thighs quivering wasn’t any of his body parts, but the way he was looking at me, as though he was ready to pounce and pull me into bed with him.

  The words “pretty please” screamed in my head.

  A laugh tore free from my lips. I wouldn’t have known what to do if he had. I needed to get out of there.

  I cleared my throat, hoping my voice didn’t fail me. “I need to use your phone,” I said, surprisingly calmly. My plan was to call mine. If it were in the room, I would find it that way. I also needed to call Nan to let her know I wasn’t dead or hurt.

  He swung his legs over the side of the bed before his hand disappeared under the pillow. With his phone in one hand, he rose and sauntered over to me, the fingers on the other hand dancing through his hair.

  I stumbled backward as a gasp raked free. His arms snaked out like a whip, and before I knew what was happening, I was flush against a hard-as-stone body.

  The room spun as I stiffened.

  He smelled of the beach, a scent that was soothing to me. Or maybe his masculine cologne or soap was messing with my head.

  His hand slipped under my tank top, landing on the small of my back. His clammy palm sent electricity vibrating through my limbs. My knees became weak. My breathing was shallow and my heart was thumping so hard against my ribs that I was sure he could feel it. Or maybe that was his heart.

  My arms hung at my sides, resisting the urge to wrap them around him. My nose was aligned with his pecs, and I could feel his erection pressing into the waist of my shorts.

  I should get away before my hand slides in between us, eager to feel his hardness, or before I lift up on my toes and devour his thick lips. The last thought made me crane my neck up.

  Colton Caldwell grinned so darn easily as his gaze rounded on my lips, as though he was ready to take me to places I’d never been before.

  The air flared with lust or maybe something more.

  My tongue darted out as if to say, “Wait one minute, then attack.”

  He flinched.

  “I…” What was I going to say? Words were becoming difficult to find in my mushy brain.

  With the pad of his thumb, he traced the outline of my lips.

  I whimpered as my body became limp in his embrace. “I really need to call my dad.”

  He studied my mouth as though it was the most fascinating thing to him. I could see the debate going on in his head: to kiss her or not to kiss her.


  He placed his forefinger on my lips and shook his head.

  Please don’t do it. Sure, I wanted Colton as badly as I needed mouthwash. I also had to stink like alcohol and sweat and the ocean.

  I flattened my hands on his bare chest. Oh my! Soft skin, hard abs. The perfect comb
o. “My dad. He’s probably worried. He might think I drowned.”

  As if I dumped a bucket of ice over him, Colton let go of me faster than I could take the words back. He shoved his phone against my chest. “Call your old man.” Then he dressed quickly.

  I was such an idiot. “I’m… I’m sorry, Colton.”

  “For what?” He practically bared his perfect straight white teeth.

  “I didn’t mean—”

  He got in my face. “You didn’t mean what?”

  Shut up, Skyler. Call your dad.

  His nostrils flared. “What?” He spun on his bare feet, shoving both hands through his hair.

  I felt like a total loser. I wanted to say something to console him, but I knew firsthand that words didn’t mean much. Sure, the sentiment was nice when someone said how sorry she was for my loss, but it did nothing to erase the grief and sorrow I’d felt over my mom’s death.

  I set the phone on the bed and quietly started for the door.

  “Don’t you want to call your dad?” His tone was harsh, and he sounded hurt as well.

  “I’ll find Georgia.” I hoped she was somewhere in the house.

  Besides, in order to use his phone, I needed him to unlock it, and if I stayed in that room with him another second, I was seriously going to regret my actions.

  “The last I saw her was in the sunroom downstairs. She was passed out,” he said.

  And on that note, I left Colton standing near the bed with hurt written all over his beautiful face.

  As soon as I was out in the massive hall, I sighed, my body deflating as if Colton had just stuck a pin in me. I had no idea where I was going or how to get downstairs, but when I passed a room next door, I could hear moaning and heavy breathing.

  “That’s it,” Mia said in a breathless tone. “I’m almost there. Harder.”

  I rolled my eyes and ran down the hall, passing pics of Grady and his family. No way was I stopping to check out any. When the stairs came into view, I ran faster, my feet pounding on the dark hardwood floor. I took them two at a time, and when I reached the bottom, Georgia was sitting on a plush bench near the front door, looking like she’d had a wild night too.


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