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Crazy For You

Page 20

by Alexander, S. B.

  I couldn’t quite explain the feeling, except that it felt like my body was on fire, and at the same time, I was soaring… similar to catching some air on my skateboard, only multiplied by a million.

  My breathing was labored. The need to scream was so strong, I thought I would burst, and I did when the overpowering sensation of my orgasm made me cry his name.

  Colton crawled up my body, grinning. “Are you good?”

  “Can we do that again?”

  He chuckled. “As much as you want.”

  My hand seated on his erection. “What do you want?” I squeezed.

  His eyes rolled back in his head before he tickled his lips over mine. “I want to be your everything, Skyler.”

  My heart bloomed like a budding flower on a spring day. I wanted to cry at the sheer love that was growing between us, at the guy who I had no doubt I would marry one day.

  I started to unbuckle his belt until he hopped up. He watched me as he stripped down to nothing but his boxer briefs. Then he removed a condom from his wallet and placed it on the nightstand.

  I took comfort that he had thought about protection, because I hadn’t been thinking of anything but him. “Colton.” I swallowed my nerves, which hit me out of nowhere. “You should know this is my first time.”

  He resumed his position in-between my legs. “We don’t have to—”

  I mashed my forefinger to his mouth. “Shh. I want to more than anything.”

  He leaned down, and his hair fell around us, the ends grazing the skin on my cheeks. “I’ll be gentle.”

  “I know,” I whispered. I latched onto the waistband of his briefs, urging him forward.

  He gave me a sexy grin before he stood.

  I closed my eyes only because I was afraid if I looked, I might chicken out. I knew he was big just from those times I’d seen his erection through the fabric of his clothes. The sound of the condom wrapper tearing made me flinch. I imagined if a mirror was plastered to the ceiling, I would see myself stiff like a corpse.

  The mattress dipped, and my pulse quickened to breakneck speed. Mia had told Georgia and me the first time hurt, but only for a minute. This is it. I was about to lose my virginity. But that thought was swept away when Colton’s voice was in my ear.

  “Relax, beautiful.”

  My eyes popped open. “Is it that obvious?”

  “It’s okay.” He entered me a little then stopped. “Open your legs wider.”

  I obeyed. He seemed to have done this before with a girl who still had her virtue intact.

  He pushed in farther, then stilled again. “Tell me if it hurts. I’ll stop.” He lifted up, hovering over me, watching me intently.

  I bit my lip. I didn’t feel much except fullness so far. “Keep going.”

  Gently, he thrust in again.

  I winced.

  He dragged the backs of his fingers over my cheek. “Breathe, baby.”

  I blew out a breath. “Keep going.” Mia was right. It was painful, but not as much as I’d thought.

  When he was fully seated inside me, he stopped again, seeming like he was in pain.

  “Are you okay?”

  He blinked once. “You feel fucking amazing. I need a minute, though.”

  I wanted to tell him to take all the time in the world, but my body had other plans when I squeezed around him.

  He grunted. “Fuck, Skyler. I’m not going to last.”

  “Then let go.” I didn’t care if more pain was on the horizon, I wanted to see his emotions. I wanted to see how I could pleasure him like he had me only minutes earlier.

  “Wrap your legs around me,” he said.

  Once I did, he began to rock in and out. My body naturally followed his.

  “Tell me if it still hurts.”

  “Just a little, but don’t stop.” Mia had said to work through it, and the more he thrust into me, the less pain I felt, and when we got into a slow rhythm, I was on a new plane of emotions.

  I’d thought the pleasure from his tongue was out-of-this-world amazing, but I was wrong. The feel of him inside me, listening to his moans, the weight of him on me, him suckling on my neck and nibbling on my ear as he took me to heights that I didn’t want to end… it blew me away.

  I latched onto his waist, digging my nails in. He picked up speed, and I followed suit.

  “You okay?” he barely asked, his breathing increasing.

  “Perfect.” And I was.

  That one-word statement was all he needed. He rocked faster and faster, sweat beading on him and me. Then he slowed, and without breaking our connection, sucked one nipple, then the other.

  I moaned, rocking my hips, needing the friction. “Faster, Colton.”

  He obliged, and that control he’d said he would lose came front and center as he pounded into me hard and fast, and out of nowhere, a rush of heat blanketed me. As my stomach pitched and rolled and my toes tingled, I spewed noises I’d only heard from an actress in the throes of sex in some movie.

  He grunted as he slowed, crashing his mouth to mine like a man possessed. “I’m in love with you, Skyler.”

  I swore I was about to have another orgasm just hearing those words. Instead, I stiffened.

  He dashed away a lone tear that had leaked out as he searched my face. “What is it?”

  Why I was speechless, I wasn’t sure. It wasn’t that I didn’t think a guy could or would fall in love with me. But he was the man of my dreams. The one I’d had a crush on for so long had just taken me to places I could’ve never imagined, and he was telling me he loved me, which rocked my world even more.

  I cried softly, smiling at the same time.

  He sighed before showering me with the lightest of kisses all over my face. “I am so in love with you. I can’t get you out of my head. I go to bed thinking of you. I wake up thinking of you. And I want to be with you all the time.”

  My watery eyes tracked his as he waited for me to say something. “You’ve made me the happiest girl alive. I love you hard, Colton.” Then the waterworks opened, and for once, I was crying tears of joy.


  After rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I stretched, feeling the soreness everywhere on my body. I couldn’t help but smile so wide, I thought I would scream how happy I was, which I had never thought possible.

  The morning light wormed its way through the slats in the shutters, and the clock on the glass nightstand read ten a.m.

  I rolled over into a hot blanket of muscle to find Colton staring at me with a grin the size of Texas. “Morning.” His tone was husky, eliciting a string of goosebumps along my arms.

  I curled up to him. We’d gone rounds two and three throughout the night, and I’d been ready to go for four, but Colton had run out of condoms. I’d never thought my first time with a guy would be so amazingly perfect despite the small amount of pain.

  He brought my hand up to his mouth and kissed my fingers. “Any regrets?” I caught a glimpse of momentary fear in his eyes.

  “None. You?” I was sure the sudden bout of dread settling in my throat was clear on my face as I held my breath.

  He sucked on one of my fingers. “Nope.”

  I slid my leg between his thighs and scooted closer to him. “So what happens now?” I asked. I’d never had a boyfriend before, and certainly not one who’d expressed his undying love for me.

  So much had happened in the span of two days that I was somewhat dizzy with the next steps. Suddenly, my eyes watered as reality came crashing down like a meteor falling from the sky.

  “What’s wrong?”

  I swallowed thickly. “Just thinking of my dad.”

  “I’m here, Skyler. I’m not going anywhere. I know I said that the last time, but I promise. You come first now. I love you.” His husky tone and strong conviction behind his statement massaged my heart and sent delightful shivers skating along my skin.

  I would never tire of hearing him tell me he loved me. I wanted to hear him say it a million times more.
/>   “Say it again.”

  “I love you,” he whispered in my ear. “You make me feel alive for the first time since Josh passed away.”

  I traced a path up and down his abs and chest as silence filled the space between us.

  He didn’t know how much his love meant to me or how much he was the balm to my shattered soul. I was devastated over the loss of Dad, but I knew without a doubt that I could get through the days, weeks, months, even years ahead as long as I had Colton at my side.

  “Are you going to school on Monday?” I asked.

  “Yeah. I missed quite a few days.”

  I had as well, but I wasn’t sure if I was ready to sit through classes and see how happy kids were. Maybe being around lots of people would keep my mind from wandering. At some point, I had to get back to some sort of normalcy, and Dad wanted me to graduate.

  “I think I will go too,” I mumbled as my phone rang.

  I was sure it was Nan. Georgia was asleep in a guest room down the hall. She would have been pounding on the door otherwise. Mia, well, she had no reason to check on me.

  The annoying piece of technology wouldn’t stop ringing.

  “You should answer it,” Colton said.

  I rolled over and snagged it just as the trilling died, only to start up again. My stomach rolled once as an eerie feeling washed over me.

  Nan’s name flashed on the screen. Since it was Sunday, I wasn’t late for anything, or at least not that I knew of. Maybe I hadn’t heard Nan when I ran out the day before, all too eager to get in Georgia’s car.

  “Skyler.” Nan sounded panicked when I answered.

  I swung my legs over the bed, straightening. “What is it?” I couldn’t begin to think what had her spooked, unless someone had broken into the house. That was the only thing that came to mind. Nevertheless, the eerie feeling multiplied.

  “Um… you need to come home now. Your Aunt Clara is here from California.”

  “What? Why?” I knew she would probably want to go to Dad’s funeral, but Nan and I hadn’t set a date yet. “How does she know Dad died?”

  “I called her on Friday night after we came home,” Nan said. “She needed to know, since she’s family.”

  “Okay, but why is she here so soon? Dad just passed two days ago.”

  “Please come home.” Nan’s plea was strong, and I could sense she was holding something back.

  “What are you not telling me?”

  “I’ll explain when you get here.” Then she hung up.

  “What’s going on?” Colton’s hand flitted across my shoulder.

  I got up, staring at the blue, empty wall and wondering why she was in town. Dad had changed the trust, letting her off the hook. Unless he hadn’t. I dipped into my brain to figure out the time between when he told me he would change the trust and when he was rushed to the hospital.

  Colton waved a hand in front of me. “Baby doll, you’re scaring me.”

  I swung my gaze from the wall to him.

  A troubled frown cut a path across his forehead. “Talk to me.”

  “My aunt is in town.” I couldn’t remember if I’d told Colton about the situation with my aunt, so I explained the trust and guardianship as I dressed.

  He slipped on his jeans before trying to tame his unkempt hair. “Maybe she’s here for money.”

  I stopped midway of poking my arms through the sleeves of my top. “We don’t have any money.” Dad had his 401(k) from his former employer and other savings that I was aware of, but it wasn’t like we had a million dollars. Aside from that, I didn’t see my dad leaving his sister money. On top of that, she had a job, and I suspected one that paid well, especially given her recent promotion.

  I finished dressing. I wasn’t about to figure out her motives, not while standing in a bedroom with a shirtless Colton.

  I raked my gaze over my gorgeous boyfriend, drinking in every muscle and curve on him from head to toe. I was the luckiest girl on the planet.

  He gave me a cheeky grin. “See something you like?” His tone was playful.

  I licked my lips, shrugging as I fixated on his gorgeous body.

  He chuckled as he threw his shirt over his head.

  The doorknob rattled. “Skye, it’s Georgia. Open up.”

  Colton picked up his shoes. “I’ll meet you downstairs?”

  When he opened the door, they exchanged a good morning before she ambled in, looking like she’d had a rough night—wild hair, bloodshot eyes, and smudged makeup.

  She yawned. “I feel like shit. I’ll never drink again.”

  I giggled. “I know the feeling.”

  She took inventory of the crumpled sheet and blanket as questions started to pile up.

  “I’ll tell you everything later, but I have to get home. My aunt is here from California.”

  She stifled another yawn. “For the funeral?”

  I lifted a shoulder. “I guess.” That was the only explanation I could come up with other than money, as Colton pointed out.

  She pursed her lips. “Is she here to take you back with her? I swear, she better not.”

  “She travels a ton for her new job.”

  “Maybe she was fired,” Georgia said.

  “Not helping.” I huffed as I started for the door.

  “Sorry.” She followed me out.

  When Georgia and I approached the landing of the curved staircase, Mr. Dyson’s baritone voice boomed below.

  “I told you not to throw any more parties. Did I not?” Mr. Dyson asked.

  Georgia peered over the bannister. “I think they’re in the study.”

  “Let’s go,” I said. “Colton is waiting for me.”

  She didn’t move. “Um… We have to find another way out.”


  “If Mr. Dyson sees me, he’ll know I’ve been drinking and he’ll call my parents.”

  “The only thing I can tell is you had a wild night. Besides, he’s too busy chewing Grady’s ass.”

  She smoothed her hands over her hair. “I’ll meet you outside.” She bounded down the stairs like someone was chasing her, but no sooner than she reached the bottom, Mr. Dyson came out with a mean expression on his face.

  I held my breath as I climbed down one step at a time.

  The air thickened as Mr. Dyson considered Georgia, then me. Fury jumped out of his blue eyes, and I knew he was about to say something fatherly. Instead, he tucked a hand into the pocket of his tan pants. “Skyler.” His soft tone belied the terse expression he wore. “Please accept my sincere condolences.”

  Grady and Colton emerged from the study. Grady looked like he’d been through a hurricane, whipped around and battered. Or maybe it was bedhead.

  “See, Dad?” Grady stood next to the elder Dyson. “We were trying to help Skyler take her mind off her dad.”

  In part, he was telling the truth.

  Colton’s long legs crossed the room in three easy strides until he had his hand on the handle of the front door.

  I hurried toward Colton as I said, “Thank you, Mr. Dyson.”

  “Oh, and Skyler,” Mr. Dyson said. “Please let me know when the funeral is. I would like to attend.”

  “Yes, sir. I do need to get home.”

  “Very well.” Mr. Dyson gripped his son’s shoulder. “Grady, in the kitchen, please.” Then he strode away.

  The four of us let out a collective sigh.

  “Where’s Mia?” Georgia asked.

  Grady rubbed his neck. “Still sleeping. I need to clean up this mess before I get grounded for a year.” He waved his hand around.

  Red cups littered the floor and a couple of small tables that had framed pictures and silk flowers on them. Yikes! I could only imagine what the kitchen looked like after a night of beer pong.

  “I’ll stay and help,” Georgia offered on a sigh.

  “I would, too, but I have to get home.” I hugged Georgia. Then I said to Grady, “I’m sorry.”

  He shook his head. “Colton f
illed me in. It’s cool.”

  Once Colton and I were in his truck, I blew out a much-needed breath. “That went well. Not.”

  He started the engine, laughing, a sound that erased the nerves that had settled in my stomach, at least for the time being.


  The minute I walked into the house, I felt uneasiness in the air. I stopped by the leather couch and inhaled and exhaled a couple of times. That reality that had hit me earlier was back in full force. Dad wasn’t there. I clutched my chest, hoping the tightness would subside.

  Stella mewled before she emerged from the hallway.

  I grinned as she nudged her head into my leg. I’d never been so happy to see her. I bent over and picked her up. “Hey, girl.” I squeezed her to me. “Did you miss me?”

  She purred her answer.

  “I love you too.” I stroked her coat. “Where is everyone?” I wound my way through the house toward the kitchen. “Nan!”

  “Skyler.” Nan poked her head out of Dad’s room down the hall. “We’re in here.”

  Stella jumped down and took off in Nan’s direction as if to tell me it was okay. I wasn’t ready to go into my dad’s room yet. I wasn’t sure if I could. Still, I found it odd that Nan and my aunt were visiting in there.

  I rubbed my lips together and rolled back my shoulders. I can do this. Sooner or later, I’ll have to anyway. An onslaught of memories accosted me as soon as I ambled in. Dad’s scent was ever present, and I swayed for a brief second as I focused on a picture that hung on the wall directly ahead of me of Mom, Dad, and me at a carnival.

  “Skyler, are you okay?” Nan’s voice severed my trip back in time, and I turned to my left to find both Nan and my aunt staring at me.

  Nan stood near a rolling cart that held the medical supplies we’d used, and her outfit said she had gone to Sunday mass.

  I found a spot next to Nan. “Why are you in here?” I swung my gaze to my aunt.

  She sat primly and properly on the bed. Her blonde hair was styled in a short cut that reached her ears. She wore a soft-blue blouse that brought out the same color in her eyes behind thin, brown-framed glasses. I could see Dad in her. “I’m sorry about your dad.” Her voice sounded as though she’d been smoking since the age of ten, but if she had at any point in her life, her smooth skin didn’t show it. It had been a few years since I’d seen her, and even though I wasn’t a fan of hers, I could hear the sadness and regret in her voice.


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