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Protector Daddy

Page 17

by Roberts, Laylah

  “No one’s ever gone down on you before?”

  Christ. He was so blunt!

  “Yes, they have. Well, not like you did. That was . . . spectacular.”

  A smug look filled his face.

  “But only in the dark, under the sheets,” she explained. “I didn’t feel comfortable being exposed.”

  “We need to work on that, don’t we? Because when I look at you, I see someone beautiful and sexy. Someone who has made cold showers a constant thing in my life. That body of yours is fucking sin. And there isn’t an inch of it I don’t want to taste or touch.”


  “Really. And I’ll say it as many times as you need to hear it. I don’t lie, Millie. Trust me.”

  She let out a deep breath. He didn’t seem the type to say something he didn’t mean. He really thought she was sexy?

  “Gonna make you see yourself the way I do.” He sat next to her and leaned in to kiss her. “Daddy is gonna get you cleaned up and changed, okay?”

  She let out a breath, trying to rid herself of her nervousness. “Okay, Daddy.” She lay back on the bed.

  He unzipped her onesie. It took a lot to let him expose her. But with every inch that was revealed, his face grew more heated. She could see the hunger there.

  “You really do think I’m sexy,” she whispered in wonder.

  “My cock is so hard it’s fucking painful.” He stripped off the onesie and threw it onto the floor.

  “We totally defiled my poor, innocent onesie.”

  “Oh, we can do a better job than that.”

  She blushed bright red. Although she wasn’t sure if that was due to his words or because he was pulling her soaked panties down off her legs.

  “Part your legs,” he growled.

  Oh hell. She drew her legs apart, knowing she had to be as red as a tomato. He ran the cloth over her folds, cleaning her. This was so intimate. It wasn’t precisely sexual, even though she was turned on.

  It was him taking care of her.

  In a way no one ever had. And she wasn’t just talking about him cleaning her pussy. It was the way he undressed then dressed her. How he’d brought her food. How he wanted her to rest. How he gave her an orgasm without expecting anything in return.

  He slid some clean panties over her feet. She raised her hips to help as he drew them up her hips.

  “We need to get my girl some pretty panties,” he murmured. “What would you like? Some dinosaur ones?”

  “Ooh, yes. Dinosaur panties.”

  He helped her into her clean onesie. When she was dressed, he stood and held out his hands to her. She took them, letting him pull her up. But she was barely standing before she found herself swung up into his arms.

  “You shouldn’t carry me down the stairs,” she protested.

  “Baby doll, you are dancing dangerously close to a punishment,” he warned. “I’ll carry you where and when I like. Got it? Anything else out of that mouth that even strikes me as slightly self-derogatory and you’re spending time in the corner. And before you say anything more, if you weren’t recovering from a migraine it would be a spanking and lines.”

  Okay, time to zip it. Not something she was good at. Blurting things without thinking? She was all over that shit. Staying quiet, not so much.

  He carried her bridal style and wowed her by not even breathing heavily by the time they got downstairs.

  Seriously, he was fit. He settled her on the couch. “Going to get you some water and make you a new sandwich. What do you want to watch?” He picked up the remote and switched it over to cartoons. “Good?”

  “Um, I don’t like this one.”

  He clicked onto another channel.

  “Ooh, yes, this one.”

  He gave it a skeptical look. “I don’t think so. Too violent.”

  “Hey! No fair.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

  Spike just raised his eyebrows and gave her a look that she was beginning to realize meant she was about to get herself into trouble.

  “How about this?” He chose another channel and she nodded reluctantly.

  “Fine. I’ll watch that.”

  “Watch that tone. I’m sure I can find something far less pleasant for my girl to do.”

  “Like what?” she asked suspiciously.

  “Like lying on her tummy with a piece of ginger lodged in her bottom.”

  “This is fine,” she squeaked.

  “Thought so.” He leaned in to kiss her forehead.

  He returned quickly with a new sandwich and a big bottle of water. “I want that eaten and all the water gone by the time I come back to check on you.”

  “Urgh, water. Yuck.”

  “You need to rehydrate.”

  She sighed. “I just don’t like the way it tastes.”

  He looked thoughtful. Then he picked up the bottle of water. “Back soon.”

  She gave him a curious look as he moved away. He was gone for around ten minutes or so but when he returned, the water was a faint pink color and it had cut up pieces of strawberries floating in it.

  “Ooh, pretty.”

  “This is special. It’s fairy juice.”

  “Fairy juice?” She sat up, staring at the water. “Fairies aren’t real, Daddy.”

  “You so sure about that? Because if fairies aren’t real how come they live in my garden?”

  “Do not!” She gaped at him. This was a side of him she never thought existed. Sure, he’d told her he was a Daddy Dom, but she hadn’t expected him to be, well, playful. Stern, yes. Demanding, yes. Caring, sure. But playful and fun? Not really.

  “They do. And if you’re good, one day I’ll take you on a fairy picnic. But that won’t happen if you don’t drink your fairy juice.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because you won’t see them. You’ve got to drink the juice every day to build up the magic. See?”

  That was genius. She stared at the juice. “Okay, Daddy. I can do that.”

  You’re such a sucker.

  But she grabbed the bottle and started to drink. Okay, it didn’t taste so bad with the faint hint of strawberry in it.

  “Drink. Eat. Do not move off the couch. Hear me?”

  “Yes, Daddy. I hear you.”

  “How is your foot? Do you need some more cream?”

  “It’s fine.”

  He shot her a skeptical look.


  He grunted.

  “Have you heard anything from Steele about that Corey guy?” she asked anxiously.

  He shook his head. “Will call him. I’ve got some friends looking for him too. We’ll find him.”

  “And Luther? What about the threat to you?”

  Surprise filled his face before he cupped her chin, kissing her lightly. “You’re too fucking sweet. I will be fine. Rest.”


  Spike sat in his office and turned the camera feed on for the living room. He had cameras in every room of the house that fed through to here. He didn’t usually monitor them. They recorded then erased after forty-eight hours.

  But they served a purpose now since he didn’t want to make these calls with her listening in. He opened his phone and saw a text from Hack.

  How is our Little patient?

  Spike rolled his eyes at his nosiness.

  Better. Thanks.

  Maybe I should come check her.

  Spike didn’t answer. He didn’t think so.

  Does she like glitter?

  Nope. He knew how that went. He did not want a house filled with glitter.

  She hates glitter.

  She does or you do? Never mind. Will ask her myself when I meet her.

  Spike growled. Oh no, he wouldn’t. Hack was a flirt. He was charming. He was fun.

  He was almost the exact opposite of Spike. Crap. Was he really worried Millie would like Hack more?

  He wasn’t. This wasn’t serious. They were just having fun while she was here. He hadn’t realized how much he m
issed having someone to take care of . . .


  Spike couldn’t get attached to her.

  He’d missed having a Little around. And while it wasn’t what he’d had with Jacqui, it was still filling a hole inside him he hadn’t realized was there.

  Ignoring Hack, he called Ink.

  “Tell me you’ve found this asshole,” he growled down the phone.

  “Hello to you too, Spike. How are you today?” Ink replied.

  Spike groaned. Ink was cheerful. Fucker had been that way ever since meeting Betsy. Oh, he could still be a shit. He still liked to stir the pot with Reyes, only now he did it with a grin on his face.

  It was sickening.

  “Ink,” he warned.

  “Got nothing. Sent guys out to where we know the Devil’s Sinners hang out. No one matching the description of this asshole.”


  He wanted this guy found. The threat to Millie taken care of.

  Only then, you’ll have no excuse to keep her here, will you?

  He pushed that thought aside.

  “Thanks, man.”

  “We’ll keep on it. You heard anything about the fire at Senior’s warehouse on the docks?”


  “Hmm. You don’t think Reyes . . .”

  What? Would organize that? He didn’t think so. But then he wasn’t sure.

  “He’d tell us.”

  Would he, though? Reyes could be secretive as shit.

  He ended the call. He needed to get out there and talk to people. He had contacts in the underground that Ink didn’t. When it came to finding out information, Spike was good. Maybe only Grady was better.

  But he couldn’t leave Millie here alone. His place was secure, but nothing was completely foolproof. Well, maybe that bunker Reyes talked of. But he couldn’t see him leaving her there.

  Steele’s place is pretty secure.

  Yeah, but he wasn’t taking her near that fucker without being present himself. He’d seen the light of interest in Steele and Grady’s eyes. No way he’d hand her over on a platter to them.

  Ink’s place? It was secure too.

  But that didn’t feel right. No, he’d wait a bit longer, see if Ink or Steele found this asshole.

  He called Steele next.

  The other man answered quickly. “Spike.”


  “How is the lovely Millie?”

  “She’s fine,” he said shortly.

  “Good. Hope you’re taking care of her.”

  “Stop the bullshit. You found him yet?” Spike snapped.

  “I have not,” Steele said darkly. Spike knew that had to be pissing him off. That this asshole had gotten into the club, then escaped under his watch. Steele didn’t let stuff like that slide. “But I will.”

  “Millie’s been asking what we’re going to do about Luther.” She was sweet to worry about the threat to him, but he could take care of himself. However, he didn’t like the idea of Luther starting up where his father had left off.

  “I’m setting something up to see if we can figure out the traitor. Someday soon, I’m going to need Millie at Pinkies to point out this guy.”

  “Don’t want her leaving the house.”

  And not just because of the risk to her.

  “Nobody will get to her in here,” Steele promised. “If I find the traitor I can go after Luther.”

  Fuck it.

  “I’ll talk to her.”

  “Talk to her, huh? Hmm, you do that.”

  Spike rolled his eyes. Steele wasn’t the type to ask. He demanded. But he’d never been with a woman for longer than a weekend. He didn’t get that there was a time to make commands and a time to be flexible. While he’d never allow Millie to be in danger or put her health at risk, Spike knew he couldn’t make all the decisions for her.

  And if he could, then Steele would be disappointed because he’d order her ass to stay at home.

  Being a Daddy gave him more control. But she wasn’t his Little 24/7. At the end of the day, she always had the ultimate control. He thought that Steele hadn’t ever entered into anything more with a woman because he’d never found one he’d be willing to compromise for.

  Or maybe Steele hadn’t found someone who would be willing to give him all of her. To allow him as much control as he needed to function.

  Fuck it. It wasn’t his life.

  “I’ll set it up.” Steele ended the call. Spike had been watching the camera feed the whole time, satisfied to see she was drinking her fairy juice.

  That reminded him. He quickly went online and ordered the toys she’d put in the cart. He added some more things as well. Stuff he thought she might like. Then he moved over to an online age play and apparel shop that he’d heard about from Ink.

  Hmm. He ordered a bottle. Just in case. He spotted a pacifier with a dinosaur on it. That went in the cart. There were also some damn cute panties that he thought would be perfect for her. Satin with bows. Others with ruffles. An adorable romper set went in too. And a form-fitting onesie in pale yellow with pictures of puppies on it and a snap crotch.

  There was a ballerina outfit as well. He remembered what she’d said about liking to dance and sing.

  She’d also told him that she made her own clothes. If it took them awhile to find this Devil’s Sinners jerk, then maybe he should get something for her to do when she wasn’t in Little space. But was ordering a sewing machine taking things too far? She wouldn’t be here for long.

  He didn’t want to send the wrong message.

  Fuck it. He did a bit of research to find the one with the best reviews then he ordered it. He forced himself to do some work even though all he wanted was to return to her. He should stay away from her for a while. Give them both some space.

  But she’d been ill and she was injured, so he shouldn’t leave her too long. Having justified his need to be around her, he returned to the living room. Mr. Fluffy was asleep on her lap. He saw with surprise that she’d drunk all the water.

  “I drunk it all!”

  “You sure did, baby doll.” He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. “That deserves a reward.”

  There was a flash of heat in her gaze, which filled him with satisfaction. However, that wasn’t what he’d meant.

  “Not that, baby doll.” He tapped her nose. “How about a movie date? Popcorn. Your choice of movie. Might even find some chocolate.”

  “That sounds great.” She clapped her hands. Mr. Fluffy didn’t even flinch.

  “Never known a dog to sleep that much.”

  “Do you think I should take him to the vet?” she worried.

  “Maybe. He should go anyway. There’s shots he likely needs.”

  Her face dropped. “I’m a bad puppy mama.”

  “You’ve had a lot going on. And you found him in an alley, you’re taking care of him, not everyone would do that.”

  She sighed. “I guess. I’ve always loved animals. My grandma wasn’t a fan, but grandad always helped with all the strays that I brought home.”

  She had a big heart. That much was clear. He knew he should bring up Steele’s plan. Tell her that ink hadn’t found anything, but he wanted her to be worry free for a while.

  That stuff could all wait until tomorrow.


  Millie sat on the bathroom counter, watching as Spike filled up the bath.

  When was the last time someone ran her a bath?

  Hmm. She guessed when she was young, but she couldn’t remember. Spike had sat through The Secret Life of Pets one and two without complaining. She’d even gotten some popcorn and some chocolate. Although she’d had to drink another bottle of fairy juice.

  It surprised her how easily she had slipped into Little space with him. She was holding back a bit though, waiting to see exactly how much he wanted. She knew that all of her was probably too much. No matter what he said, she knew he wouldn’t want someone who was too needy. Or too emotional. Or too loud.
  So she just had to gauge how much he was comfortable with and give him that.

  Last thing she wanted was to scare him away. And since they were only going to be together for a short time, she knew she could easily hide those parts of herself.

  Much as she might wish this didn’t have an expiration date, she knew it was a good thing. She was batting way out of her league. No way was a country bumpkin who sewed her own clothes, was clumsy as hell and had a terrible habit of blurting out her thoughts, be good enough for him.

  He’d used her bubble bath to make it nice and sudsy, at least. So that would cover her up.

  “Don’t think I’m gonna like those thoughts, am I, girl?”

  No, she didn’t think so either. She bit her lip in consternation. He strode over to her, placing his hands on the counter on either side of her. He leaned in to whisper into her ear. Christ, he’d picked up awfully quickly how much that turned her on.

  “Know what I’m tempted to do?”

  She shook her head. Nope. But she was certain he would soon tell her.

  “I’m tempted to make you go naked for a day. I’d take you into my office. Have you lie on my desk with your legs spread wide and when I needed to play, you’d be right there for me to feast on.”

  He wouldn’t.

  Would he?

  Her breath sped up at that thought.

  Drawing back, he stared into her eyes. His eyes were wicked. And filled with heat and promise.

  “Oh, you like that idea.”

  The being naked part would suck ass. But the being feasted on part?

  Yeah, she could probably get behind that.

  “Christ, woman. What are you doing to me? I’m like a fucking horny teenager when it comes to you.”

  “Sorry?” She bit her lip to hold back a smile.

  His look told her that he thought she was full of shit.

  “Daddy might just have to spank you for teasing him.” He started unzipping her onesie. She held herself still and forced herself not to stop him.

  “That’s not fair. I didn’t do anything wrong!”

  “Teasing him is naughty. But I didn’t say this would be a punishment spanking.”

  Oh? Ohh.

  She swallowed heavily as he drew her arms free, then pulled the onesie down to reveal her full breasts. The nipples were hard and she fully expected him to lean in and lick them or touch them. But he grabbed her around the waist, slipping her off the counter so he could crouch in front of her and draw down the onesie.


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