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Devil's Due: Satan's Devils MC Colorado Chapter #3

Page 8

by Manda Mellett

  Crossing the room to the bed, Wills places my bags there, then turns back. “You’ve got a mini-fridge.” He points it out. “If you want anything else just call me.”

  “How long you been prospecting, Wills?” I ask conversationally, as I catalogue the contents of the room. There’s a desk, a comfortable looking armchair, a wardrobe, a chest of drawers and a bedside table. It’s quite a large room too.

  “Getting on twelve months. Oh, and I put beer in the fridge and condoms in the top drawer.”

  I grin. Everything a man needs. Yeah, prospect’s probably near done his time and knows what a brother needs. “Thanks.”

  As he leaves without fanfare, reluctantly I start emptying my bags. The other shit Pal brought back for me is sitting in the corner waiting to be put away. It feels wrong and permanent. I make myself remember this is just temporary, that Drummer sent me here to do a job. Soon as I help Demon choose his new VP, and know Colorado is running smoothly, then I’ll be able to return home. Unless Drummer has other plans for me. I hope not.

  My phone rings. I pause halfway through putting away my tee-shirts, fumbling with the armful I’m holding, shoving them in a drawer, then trying to get to the device before it goes to voicemail. I make it just in time without checking who’s calling.

  “You got Beef.”

  “Beef, I need help.”

  I breathe in deeply. “Sally…”

  “The air conditioning isn’t working,” she hurriedly explains the reason for her call. “I didn’t want to bother you, but I don’t know who to call.”

  “You know what to do, Sal. In the top desk drawer in the office, there’s a bunch of paperwork. The rental agent’s details are on the top, and there’s the emergency contact on it.” It’s Sunday, she’ll need that. “You really didn’t need to call.”

  “I thought you might have an idea what I could do.”

  The Tucson club owns the property, but through a shell company. We like to keep some things under the radar. We use managing agents to deal with all the shit so if we need to house anyone there without people knowing our connection, there’s no trail to be followed for anyone to find out. For the amount we pay the agents, they can get a call out on a Sunday and fix whatever’s necessary.

  “Sally, you’ve got to get yourself together, you know? This time will be good for you to start learning some independence.”

  “I didn’t think, Beef. Just panicked. The kids are so fractious in the heat.”

  “Yeah, I can imagine. Get in touch with the agent, then why not take them out? That play place will be nice and cool.” I’m sympathetic enough to offer a solution.

  “Okay. Good suggestion. I’ll do that. I’m glad you got there okay, Beef. I was worried.”

  “Yeah. Got here fine. Gotta go now, Sally. Prez wants to meet with me.”

  “Sure. Beef?” She poses her question hesitantly.

  “What, Sal?”

  “Did you party last night?”

  My teeth grind together. “No, I did not. And I don’t appreciate you checking up on me, Sally. I made you a promise.” Which I’m already fucking regretting. “If I’m having a problem keeping to that, we’ll have that conversation first.”

  I hear the sob down the line. “You’re not coming back, are you?”

  I’m sure she can hear my sigh. “I’ve every fuckin’ intention of returning, Sal. Got a job to do for Drummer. I told you that, but you know how we left things. We’ve both got thinking to do.”

  She’s quiet for a moment, then, “I’ve got to put the trash out. Can you go through the recycling again, Beef? What goes into what?” It’s an excuse to keep me talking.

  “Top drawer of the desk there’s a leaflet, Sal. Easier for you to read it and keep it to refer to.” So you don’t ring me every Sunday to check.

  She promises to do that. We exchange goodbyes, hers taking a little longer than mine, then I end the call. My thinking is done, she’s just got to come around to the same conclusion. For a second I sit, ignoring the rest of the unpacking. The contrast between a blind woman who’s so intent on keeping her independence, and Sally who wants none at all, is striking.

  Not for the first time I regret snapping up something offered to me on a platter. Not going to make the same mistake again. The last thing I want to do is become another woman’s support.

  Sally would be capable of a lot if she’d just put her mind to it, and hopefully she’ll start to do that now I’m gone. She can see what she’s doing for a start. Those everyday things that shouldn’t be a challenge to Sally would be impossible for the woman I met last night.

  Veering between finishing my unpacking, and giving up and going downstairs, in the end my sense of needing everything in its place wins out, and I continue putting my shit away, including dumping the bag of toiletries in the bathroom. Finally, I place a photo of me, Rock and Becca next to the bed, take one look around my new domain, and go down to formally meet my new prez.

  While I’ve been upstairs, a mountain of pizzas have been brought in. As Pal waves me across he pushes one of the boxes toward me.

  “Saved this one for you. It doesn’t have anchovies.”

  Thank fuck. I hate those salty little fishes, can’t see why people like them ruining their pizza, then settle down to feed my stomach. Demon can wait a little while longer. The room is mainly silent as everyone devours the takeaway, and I take a chance to go over names and faces in my head.

  Thunder, the sergeant-at-arms and acting VP is eating his standing by the bar. Now if I could persuade him to take on the role permanently, my job here would be done and I could go home. Nah, that wouldn’t work, not unless someone would step up to the SAA role he’d be leaving vacant, and that seems unlikely. Fuck, what a mess.

  Beside him is the enforcer, Mace. He’s a decent enough guy, though still a bit green. Hasn’t got that hard look around him like Blade wears. I wonder whether he’s been sufficiently tested. Probably won’t know how to scalp a man. Yeah, I might have watched Blade do that, under Mouse, our part-Navajo’s, careful instruction. Jeez, I can’t keep comparing these men to my Tucson brothers. Gotta give them a chance man. But Sally’s call has unsettled me, made me realise all over again it’s down to her why I’ve got the nomad patch on my back.

  “Who are they?” I point out two men I hadn’t seen before.

  “Karl and Beaver. Hangarounds,” Pal replies. “Got a vote coming up in church as to whether to take them on as prospects. Seem to be willing enough.”


  “Yeah, it’s his fucking surname, would you believe?”

  Poor man.

  “Settled in, Beef?” Jay plops herself at her man’s side and snags a piece of his pizza.

  As I’ve just taken a mouthful of my own, I simply raise my chin in reply. A burst of laughter catches my attention. Hellfire, the president who’s just abdicated, is holding court by the bar with Buzzard, the treasurer, and Rusty and Bomber, two other old-timers. At the other end, clanking beer bottles together, are Sparky, the road captain, Ink and Lizard, and the newest patched in member Skull. Skull’s an interesting one, the gossip around the circumstances of how he got patched even reached Tucson. Hell thought he had evidence against him when Jayden went missing, tortured the shit out of him, but the kid couldn’t tell what he didn’t know. Left the club for a month to get his body healed and his head together. Surprised the fuck out of everyone when he returned, seemingly bearing no grudges. If he’s straight up, I’ve got a hell of a lot of respect for the man, but there has to be some doubt he’d want no retaliation. I’ll best keep out a careful eye. Some folks can wait for revenge.

  Raising my head I can just see Cad, he’s taken over the right-hand end of the bar, and has computers and monitors set up there. Man’s so pale like the cadaver he was named for, looks like he never goes outside. Pyro’s talking to him. That’s all the brothers. I’ve met them before, spoken to all of them, fought beside them. I know them, but don’t really know them. A f
ew are sending curious glances toward me. It goes both ways, takes time to learn all there is about someone. The head start I’ve got is that we’re all Satan’s Devils. We wear the same patch and have all been tried in the same way to earn it. Any man found wanting gets his ass kicked out the door. These men would already die for me, as I would for them. Takes a certain brand of man to put his life on the line for another.

  Apart from Jay there are no old ladies around at the moment. With the exception of her and Pal, the few old ladies who belong to various Colorado members don’t live on the compound. Such a different vibe to Tucson. A welcome change, a return to the true biker life. Partying, drinking and fucking, without having to worry about falling over kids all the time. Yeah, this will suit me fine. Just got to get Sally off my back so I can fully immerse myself in the lifestyle, the one that I’ve chosen and want.

  With a kiss to her man, Jay gets up and leaves. Looks like she only came to steal his food.

  “You comfortable with the nomad patch, Beef?” Pal asks, then leans forward, and adds quietly, “Can see why Drummer sent you here. Good club, don’t get me wrong, but Demon’s not settled as the head of the table as he’s got no second to rely on. Unsettles all of us that no one is stepping up.”

  Glancing around to confirm no one’s in ear shot, I murmur back, “No one suitable, or everyone just goddamn lazy?”

  “Bit of both.” Pal grins suddenly. “I heard my name was thrown into the hat, but fuckin’ glad it wasn’t pulled out. Don’t want that kind of responsibility, or not just yet. I’m not stupid, looking as young as I do isn’t a good look on a VP.”

  “You’re right there. But otherwise, I think you’d be a good choice.”

  “Nah, just started life with my ol’ lady. Prefer to concentrate on doing that right for now. After you sort us here, Beef, do you know where you’ll go next?”

  Straight back to Tucson. But Pal’s reminded me, I’m essentially a roving enforcer. Drummer can send me where he wants.

  “Not aware other chapters have issues,” I tell him.

  “There’s Utah.”

  Hmm. Utah. Snatcher runs a tight ship. Only problem I can see is that none of us quite knows what goes on there. Shit. Drummer wouldn’t send me to find out, would he? Was that why he insisted I change the rocker? Nah. It was just so I could have as much time as I need and in case I outstay my welcome in Colorado. That’s why, isn’t it?

  Chapter Ten

  “Prez.” I raise my chin respectfully at the man sitting behind the desk.

  Sliding his laptop to one side, Demon regards me with tired eyes. “We got the welcome out of the way, Beef, so let’s cut through this shit. You’ve got the nomad patch on your back. Why the fuck does Drummer believe he needs to send an enforcer to Colorado?”

  He’s asked me out straight, no dancing around the subject. I scratch my head, debating whether to tell him the story Drummer and I concocted that conveniently skirts around the truth. I eye him for a moment, trying to get his measure. As he stares back confidently, I decide to be just as up front in return. “Don’t want to blow smoke up your ass, Demon. The answer’s as fuckin’ plain as the nose on your face. You’ve got a hole in your ranks.”

  “Drummer thinks I’m leaving myself exposed.” Sitting back in his chair, he folds his arms across his chest.

  “That’s about the way of it.” I lean forward. “You take a slide on your bike? Get caught up in something with the cops? Who’s going to step up and lead?”

  “Thunder knows what has to be done.”

  “Then you’re short of someone looking out for the safety of the club. Whichever way you look at it, Prez, you’re fucked. What’s Hellfire’s position?”

  Demon presses his lips together. “Hellfire has stepped down. He carried this shit too long to want to take the gavel back. Yeah, in an emergency he’d be there to lean on, but his time’s come and gone.” As I go to speak he holds his hands up. “Not my choice, not the way I wanted it, but it’s water under the bridge now.”

  “Hell must have been around your age when he got top spot.”

  “He was.” Dark eyes flare. “Ain’t gonna fuck this up, Beef. You can report that back.”

  “Let’s have no misunderstanding. I know you’re not going to fuck up. Drummer’s point is you need a second to help you out and have your back. Without one, you’re exposed and that’s a weakness we can’t have. I know he’s not happy wearing the patch, but is Thunder pulling his weight?”

  “No misunderstanding, you say? Okay, let’s show all our cards. No, he’s not. Oh, he sits in the right seat, but he’s constantly reminding me how much he doesn’t like it. He’s scared shitless of me taking that slide as you put it.”

  “So, what are the options?”

  Demon seems to have calmed. He presses his fingers against his temples, then pinches the bridge of his nose. “No brother here wants it. Thunder’s shown it doesn’t work if a man is forced into the role.”

  “Got anyone in mind if it’s a bit of persuasion they need?”

  “To be honest, no. No one’s ready.”

  “Then that means looking at other chapters. Want me to ask around?”

  Demon scoffs, “If someone has a good man, you think they’d want to lose them?”

  I breathe in, then let out a sigh. “You’re acting defeated before we start. Could be a man wanting a change of scenery. Someone with a personal reason for wanting to get away. Until you ask, can’t know what’s possible.”

  I’ve caught his interest.

  “I’ll put out some feelers. I’m not some kid fresh off the block, Demon. Got connections I can use. Get information quietly.”

  “I don’t want you to make any formal approach…”

  “Not going to. Just think who could be suitable, then we’ll discuss what to do next.” After speaking, I sit back, and let him digest my proposal.

  After a minute’s passed, he raises his chin. “You talk sense, Brother.”

  “Nah, not so much. Just been doing some thinkin’. Sometimes an outsider is better placed to sort out a problem.”

  “Drummer did right.”

  My brow creases and I shake my head.

  “Sending you here. I wasn’t certain, felt he thought I was a failure.”

  “Nah, he doesn’t think that. You’re not a big chapter, Demon. Ain’t got many to choose from.”

  “I don’t want this discussed at church. Not the reason why Drummer sent you.” He frowns, and I understand his position. He doesn’t want to appear weak.

  It’s my turn to come clean. “Then we’ll go with the other truth. My personal reason for wanting to get away from Tucson. That should sound credible enough.” Having caught his interest, I carry on, “There’s a woman—”

  “There always is,” he interrupts, huffing a laugh.

  I grin quickly, then grow serious. “You know what Tucson’s like. Christ, hear the jokes about something in the water often enough. But yeah, the club has changed. Majority of brothers are no longer single, and most have kids. Wanted me some of that.”

  “Can understand it.” His eyes stray to a photo on the side of the desk. His wife and child. “Nothing better than the right woman in your life.”

  “Yeah, well, the woman I chose, or, who chose me to be honest, turns out she wasn’t the right one. But she had expectations when we got together and won’t believe I can’t meet them. Needed a break to get away. She thinks she can’t function on her own. My absence will show her she can. Or, if she really can’t, she’s got family she can go back to.”

  He stares at me. His eyes grow wide, then narrow again. “You could have just told her to fuck off.”

  Most men probably would have, but that’s not how I’m made. “Would say it like it is to any brother. Even you, Prez. But a bitch? Nah, they need gentler handling. Would it have been better to rip off the band-aid? I think this wound needs to be nurtured better than that.”

  “Drummer know?”

  “Is ther
e anything he doesn’t?” I smile, again shaking my head. “Drum knows me, could see for himself this shit with Sal wasn’t right. Well, kinda gave it away when I lost my temper with Rock. Me coming here filled both our needs. Yeah, if I’d have stayed in Tucson, I’d have cut ties with Sal sooner rather than later, but she’s a woman who needs someone. While we’re keeping up this pretence, she doesn’t have to feel she’s completely alone.”

  “You supporting her?”

  “Don’t need to. She’s got money of her own. Her family’s still paying her an allowance, and she’s got money coming in from her ex.”

  He looks surprised, but it’s clearly not something on the top of his agenda to be bothered about one way or another. He chuckles, then enlightens me, “And now you’ve bumped into someone else who, according to Pyro, is hot.”

  “Not getting involved with another bitch before I’ve extricated myself from the one I’m still, unfortunately, with. Maybe never again. Kind of reminded me why I stayed single for so long.”

  He laughs, but it sounds dutiful. “I was like you. But it turns out I was waiting for my one. Now I’ve found her? Well, have to say, the grass is fuckin’ green and tender this side of the fence.”

  “Glad to hear it, Prez.” But I doubt it’s for me.

  A considering look comes my way, then a grin slowly slides onto his face. “Well, you won’t go wanting. Got five sweet butts here who’d be interested in a new cock.”

  That’s all I’ll be to them. For a moment I do miss having a woman to call my own. Problem is, the girl who I have in mind doesn’t yet have a face, and certainly isn’t called Sally. Which reminds me. I offer an explanation in advance. “Can’t do that just yet, Prez.”

  His eyes sharpen. “You got the clap or something?”

  “Nothing like that,” I say fast. “Fact is, I promised Sally…”

  “Oh man,” he gives a deep belly laugh, “you’re so fucked.”


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