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Page 9

by Mia Kayla

  I full-on pouted and pushed his chest, my hands a hard barrier between his holy hotness and me.

  He dropped his head closer, whispering so softly that I strained my ears to hear him, “I’m sorry.” An inch closer. “Do you forgive me?” Another inch closer. “I’m so …” Closer. “… so” Millimeters apart. “… sorry.” He closed the gap between us and pecked my lips. Once, twice, three times.

  I peered up at him, utterly frustrated from the waist down. “You’re the only man I know who doesn’t want to give in to what you want … what we both want.”

  “Because I promised,” he groaned.

  “I’ve heard that one before.”

  He held me in the silence. “And because I want to be sure.”

  I reeled back, studying his features. Sure of what? I wanted to ask him, but I was interrupted by my phone ringing again in the background.

  “You’d better get that.”

  My question would have to wait. For now.

  I straightened my skirt and walked back to the counter, pulling my phone from my purse.

  “Tene, where are you?” Angie’s voice echoed through the receiver.

  “At the Wells property,” I told her, my voice tight and annoyed.

  Jordan’s eyes were still on me, and he was rocking one hell of a boner. Good. His choice, not mine.

  “Dad and Mom want to try that new tapas restaurant downtown. It’s right by Allswell. Wanna come?”

  I shifted from one foot to the other, tapping my heels against the ceramic tiles. I wanted release. This was bad. I was like a dog in heat.

  “Sure, text me the address.” I hadn’t meant to sound so clipped, but I couldn’t help it.

  Jordan stood there, watching me, his eyes unreadable. I remembered I was his ride home. Guessed he was coming to dinner.

  “Add Jordan to the reservation.”

  “Jordan?” I could hear the questions in her voice.

  “Yeah, he’s with me right now. I have some good news to share tonight.”

  “About you and Jordan?” My sister’s voice pitch hitched with excitement, but I only had the truth for her.

  “For the millionth time, nothing is happening between us. But I did rent out this place.”

  She squealed over the line, which made my sexually frustrated insides ease up.

  “Yes. I’ve got the place rented. Don’t tell Dad. I want to give him the good news.”


  After we said our good-byes, Jordan walked toward me but remained a few feet away this time. “So, we’re going to dinner?”

  “Yeah. Tapas place.” I tipped my chin in his direction, my eyes dropping to his pants. “You want me to give you a few minutes to take care of that situation?”

  “No, it’s fine.” He adjusted himself and grimaced. “It’ll calm down in a few minutes. I’m used to this situation whenever you’re around.”

  I slipped my bag over my shoulder and laughed under my breath. “Suit yourself.”

  Chapter 12

  The drive to the restaurant was slow and torturous. He rocked the boner in the car until I pulled up in front of the Tapas Bar and shifted my car into park.

  He shifted in his seat and adjusted his pants. “Better?”

  “Nope.” I was still highly annoyed with him starting something he didn’t want to finish. And I absolutely loathed feeling off-balance whenever he was around.

  “It’s getting better.” He motioned to the action happening in his pants.

  If that was him getting soft, I wondered how he looked at a full salute. I squeezed my thighs together at the thought.

  “I know how to make it better,” I said, swiping at my bottom lip.

  His pants tented up again. I was going to make his balls so blue that he’d be walking funny for the rest of the day.

  “Tene, you’re killing me here,” he groaned.

  “Don’t even start with me.” I opened the door and threw my keys at him. “Don’t jack the hammer in my car. I’ll be thoroughly pissed if your jizz is all over my seats. Calm down first, and then come in.”

  I would’ve gladly eased his ache if he wasn’t playing Blocko My Taco.

  I touched my lips, reliving the amazing kiss we’d had at the restaurant. God, was he an amazing kisser. His lips had to be from the Almighty above.

  After I entered the double doors of the restaurant, my senses were bombarded with the scent of meats and spices, my ears were filled with the beats of a Latin drum, and my eyes took in the colorful decor of the Tapas Bar.

  Red velvet couches outlined the outer walls, and the yellow and orange decor was lit up by the lights hanging above us and the wall lamps anchored to the wall.

  I spotted my family and Cade at the far end of the room and raised a hand.

  Angie rushed toward my side. “Tene, where’s Jordan?”

  “Nice to see you, too, Ang. He’s parking the car.”

  Where Cade was purposely pushing us apart, I believed Angie wanted us together. This couldn’t be the healthiest thing for their relationship.

  When I approached the table, Nana and my father simultaneously asked where Jordan was, and I refrained from rolling my eyes. I wanted to tell them I had caused a major hard-on that prevented him from walking in without limping, but that would be inappropriate. I debated on it just to see the epic disappointment in my mother’s eyes.

  I made my rounds, bending to kiss my father and Nana.

  My mother lifted her head. “What took you so long?”


  She nodded and then dropped her stare to the menu.

  Unluckily for me, the only two spots that were empty were the two seats next to her.

  After slipping my purse over the chair and scooting in, Jordan strolled through the doors, walking at a slower than average pace—the blue balls swagger. His fault. His choice.

  Nana practically jumped up to greet him, followed by my father, Angie, and even my mother. Even though my mother didn’t want to admit it, I knew she was a little starstruck. She had to be. I’d caught her reading a magazine with Jordan on the cover.

  Cade’s eyes followed him as he sat in the only vacant seat—beside me—and his jaw ticked.

  “Jordan, so glad you could join us,” my grandmother cooed over my mother and me.

  I swore her eyes had heart emojis.

  “So, you guys were hanging out today,” my mother stated, her tone low and judgmental. “Was Christene here showing you a good time?”

  I hated how there was an insinuation with every word that came out of her mouth. Will she ever have faith in me? Think of me as anything other than her bimbo daughter?

  I straightened my back, pushing up my nose a tad, my body tense as a wire while the waitress dropped some appetizers at our table. “Actually, we secured a deal today.” My tone perked up, and my eyes avoided hers and instead went to scan the faces of the rest of my family members. “I finally rented out the Wells location.”

  My grandmother and father clapped, their praises known as I continued, “Yeah, it worked out perfectly. Jordan’s team is going to rent it and film there. And once filming is over, I don’t think it’ll be a problem to lease it out.”

  My gaze made its way to my mother, who showed no reaction, and my whole body tensed.

  Jordan placed his hand on my knee under the table. It wasn’t a sensual hold but a gesture to calm me. He squeezed my knee once, and the tension in my shoulders eased up.

  “During my last movie, we weren’t able to perfect a couple of scenes. It was horrible, actually. We’re way behind production. I asked Tene if we could rent out the restaurant to finish up those scenes. I had to clear it with our production crew and the studio, and today, it was finalized by the set manager.”

  My father’s beaming smile from across the table had my mouth ticking up in response. “That is the best news I’ve heard all day.”

  Angie smiled over her drink. “Like there was any doubt Tene would get the job done.” />
  Cade tipped his head, but his eyes were still cautious.

  “Good thing you finally got that thing rented out. It’s been such a money drain. What’s going to happen after filming?” My mother’s voice broke me from my happy cloud.

  I didn’t understand why she had to be such a Debbie Downer in life like her whole focus was to torment me and bring up every negative aspect in every situation of my existence.

  My smile was tight. “As a matter of fact, Mother, I believe this could be the end to the renter drought. Once filming wraps, it’ll be a tourist spot. I’ll have renters jumping at the property. I’ll probably have a bidding war on my hands.” I motioned to the Hollywood star beside me. “All because of this man.”

  “I hope so.” My mother stuck her fork into the little plate of patatas bravas, one of my favorite Spanish tapas dishes. Too bad I was no longer hungry.

  My mouth snapped shut, and I fisted my hands in my lap, heat rising to my ears. This woman! Would anything I do ever be good enough?

  I opened my mouth to speak, but Angie’s stare warned me off. I bit my tongue hard enough to taste blood and slowly breathed in through my nose and out my mouth.

  Sensing my mood, Jordan changed the subject. “I’m a double agent in this one. It’s based on a best-selling book.” He leaned in, resting his elbows on the table. “We’re stuck in a restaurant because there are terrorists in the place. We’re playing regular patrons sitting in the booths when the action goes down.”

  He continued talking about the film, and I noticed everyone around us was engrossed in his tale. Nana’s smile was so wide that I thought her false teeth would fall out of her mouth. I’d seen it happen once. We’d been at the movies, watching an old Chevy Chase film. She’d been laughing so hard that I thought she was going to go into cardiac arrest.

  Jordan’s phone buzzed on the table, but he didn’t pick it up. When it buzzed a second time, his eyes dropped to the phone again. The name Larry blinked on the screen.

  Jordan’s eyebrows pulled together, and his story slowed to a stop. He raised a finger and stood at the same time. “Excuse me. I have to take this.” He smiled before moving across the room.

  My family continued to talk about the upcoming filming at Wells, but my eyes followed Jordan, watching him pace, one hand on his hip, the other hand holding the phone. He wasn’t speaking, mostly listening. He rubbed at his brow, and his face creased with worry.

  I eyed Cade, who was focused on Jordan, his eyes probing and curious. As soon as Jordan hung up, Cade stood and was by his side. It took every ounce of self-control to stay in my seat. They exchanged some words, Jordan mostly speaking a mile a minute. Cade put a hand on Jordan to calm him, and that was when he shut his mouth.

  When they returned to the table, they took their seats and were silent, their demeanor melancholy—so different from only moments before.

  I discreetly asked Jordan, “Everything okay?”

  He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. There was a depth of worry behind the blue irises staring back at me. “Yeah.”

  My bullshit meter was on high alert, ringing loudly and pointing an arrow directly at Jordan. I narrowed my eyes at him. You’re lying, I mouthed.

  He shrugged and put his hand over mine, rubbing his thumb over my fist. Everyone saw—including my mother and Cade.

  We locked eyes for a brief second before he addressed everyone at the table, “Sorry, guys. The crazy studio execs need me to be available at all times. I’m going to have to cut this dinner short.”

  My nana groaned in disappointment from across the table.

  “I’m sure I’ll see you guys around. You’re more than welcome to come down for the filming, which should begin soon. I’ll be sure to let you guys know when.”

  That brightened Nana’s mood as she straightened in her seat and beamed a Nana false-toothed grin.

  I turned toward Jordan. “Aren’t you hungry?”

  “No, I’ll pick something up on the way to my new hotel.”

  “New hotel?” I frowned. “What happened to your old hotel?”

  “I’ll be transferring hotels tonight.” He averted his stare and bit his lip to prevent himself from speaking any further.

  “All righty, ready to leave?” I was the one who’d brought him here, so I assumed I was taking him back to his hotel.

  “No, Larry and Dex are headed over here.” He tipped his chin to the two overly burly guys standing by the exit.

  They both wore the same suit—black, custom-fitted. All they needed were sunglasses, and they’d be on the set of Men in Black.

  “Who’s Larry?”

  Another bodyguard? I knew he had one, but now two?

  “What’s going on, Jordan?” My voice was tight, cautious.

  Whatever it was, he obviously didn’t want me to know because he clammed up.

  He let out a long sigh, and his eyes found Cade’s across the table. My eyes ping-ponged between them, and the whole table went silent.

  Curiosity piqued within me, and I vowed to find out what was going on. I stood, pushed out my chair, and smiled. “Ready to get going?”

  “Tene,” he argued with a small shake of his head.

  I heard my mother murmur something under her breath, but I ignored it.

  “We still need to discuss a couple of things regarding the rental.” I clenched my jaw. If he denied me and embarrassed me in front of my family, I’d never forgive him. “Just tell your bodyguards to meet us at my place.”

  When he didn’t answer, and his eyes showed he was debating his next move, I pressed him further. “Let’s go.” I maintained strong eye contact, brooking no argument.

  “Tene …” Cade called from across the table. The big-brother tone was back in his voice, but too bad he was Jordan’s big brother, not mine.

  “No, it’s okay. I’ve got this.” I grabbed my thin jacket and kissed Nana and my father. “I’ll meet you by the door.”

  My mother’s sharp tone stilled me. “Tene, his bodyguards are picking him up. Why do you have to leave?”

  “Because I want to make this night more enjoyable for you, Mother,” I snapped, my whole body going rigid.

  Our staring contest cut through the air until Jordan cleared his throat. “I apologize again for leaving so early.” He reached for my elbow and walked us toward the door, ignoring Angie calling me back to the table.

  As we were leaving, Cade and Angie caught up with us.

  “Jordan, this isn’t a good idea. It’s not safe,” Cade said.

  I threw up both hands. “What is going on here?”

  “Cade?” Angie peered up at her man, pulling at his shirt, forcing his attention her way.

  He grabbed one of her hands. “I’ll tell you later.”

  “Why don’t you tell us both now?” My patience was running out. I was hungry, worried, and tired.

  “I won’t let anything happen to her,” Jordan promised.

  They held each other’s stare. For one, two, three seconds too long.

  Cade gritted his teeth and planted his feet far apart. “Just tell them to pick you up here.”

  “Quit playing big brother here,” I argued. “We’re leaving, and his people are meeting us at my place.” My voice was stern, and my patience at this point was nonexistent.

  Jordan reached for my hand and intertwined our fingers. It was the first time he’d done it deliberately in front of Cade. His hold was fierce and firm as he pulled me out the door. Cade murmured something under his breath, but before I could decipher what he’d said, we were outside.

  Jordan pulled my keys from his pocket and unlocked the car, which was parked by the curb. He opened my door, and I didn’t even argue about him driving. I slipped into the passenger seat, pressing the navigation to my apartment.

  When he shifted the gear to drive, my mouth spat out the questions roaming around in my head. “What’s going on? Who called you back at the restaurant? Why are your bodyguards here? Why do you have to switch
hotels? Why aren’t you telling me what’s going on?”

  My questions fired out like a machine gun, fast and unrelenting.

  But he changed the subject on me, trying to distract me like it’d work. “Is it always that volatile between you and your mother?”

  “What?” My face scrunched up because I knew what he was trying to do here. I was the queen of diversion. “No. I mean, I don’t know.” My mother was something I never wanted to talk about. “Don’t do that.” I jabbed a finger at his shoulder. “Don’t change the subject on me. What the hell is going on?”

  He pulled to the side of the busy road and shifted the car in park. The abrupt movement had me bucking forward, the seat belt tightening against my chest.

  Jordan’s nostrils flared as he exhaled. “They think my stalker is in town … in Rosendell.”

  The color drained from my face, and I blinked. Stalker? “What?”

  “I have this obsessed fan.” He shook his head. “I mean, I have quite a few obsessed fans, but this one … this one is unstable. I have a restraining order against her.”

  My eyes widened adrenaline pumping through my veins. His stalker is here?

  “I’m a big guy, and I’m not afraid, really. If anything were to happen, I’m sure I could protect myself. But the studio, my team, wants to make sure I’m safe, which is understandable. I’m more concerned about the people around me. Those I care about the most.” His knuckles brushed my cheek, and I felt the touch everywhere.

  “How do you know she’s here?”

  “My security team informed me.” He sighed and ran one frustrated hand through his hair. “I’m pretty careful. I didn’t think anyone would find me. I’m not from around here, and I tried to stay incognito. I’m just visiting my brother. Maybe someone spotted me and posted it on social media. With filming at Wells—eventually, it would have come to light, but security is tight on the set.”

  “But you haven’t been to that many places, and you’ve haven’t been in town for long.”

  “I did sign an autograph the other day when I grabbed some cigarettes.”

  I leaned in, worry creasing my normally calm features. “I could have bought some for you, Jordan.” I needed to know more. I needed to know what he was up against. “Who is this girl? What do you know about her?”


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