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Taming the Warrior

Page 17

by Samantha Bates

  He wasn’t sure if that made him feel any better, but carrying her up the stairs did, as did laying her on his bed. Normally she came to him covered up, but tonight she slipped off her clothes and pulled a t-shirt of his on and damn if he didn’t like it.

  He was starting to think that he would meet the criteria for becoming a monk, but decided that sainthood was more in order for that was how good he was being. As he kissed her cheek and shoulders, he settled in beside her until just as he was drifting off Ellie almost made him question the sainthood part.



  "Maybe we should start on that virginity thing." Not sure he had heard her right; he paused and opened his eyes.

  "Did you hear me?"

  "Shit yes, I just wanted to savour those words. Now is as good a time as any."

  In the dark of the night he couldn’t see her smile. "I didn’t say now, I said start on it, not let's do it now."

  With a groan he dropped back down. "Don’t say things like that until the exact moment I am not sure that my heart or penis could take it."


  She stretched out as the sun poked its head in the window, her limbs achy from the fighting though it was a marvellous and satisfying feeling. Luke was still sleeping so she slipped out as she did every morning, only today she felt like a run.

  Sandy was up and making coffee when she decided she would join Ellie for a run. They stopped in at the cottage where Sandy exclaimed her satisfaction at the decorating. Ellie wanted to take credit, but instead she admitted that her aunt Morgan who was something of an interior designer had given her ideas for the colour schemes.

  "What sort of furniture do you think would work here?" Sandy was thoughtfully looking around in answer to Ellie's question.

  "It doesn’t matter to me, it's for you and Luke." If someone had attacked her at that very moment, she would undoubtedly have taken a beating.

  "What, I don’t understand?"

  "What's to understand, you love my boy, but I also know you love your home so I wanted you to have a reason to come here."

  Looking at the hours of work she and Luke had put into the place, she could see herself here.

  "Who said I loved him?" The nerves were kicking in; she didn’t know how to deal with these things.

  "Tell me that you don’t." A loaded statement, one that Ellie had to consider in relation to her ability to refute it. If Luke had been here she would deny it, but he wasn’t, so she didn’t.

  "Sandy, for Luke this is a short term thing, I don’t fit into his world, we are so different." Sitting against the wall Ellie felt a little dizzy.

  "My son had an awful start in life yet he is a remarkable man, one who needs a remarkable woman which he has found. Instead of you fitting into his world, why not make his world fit you?"

  She turned that option around in her head while Sandy headed to the door. "How do I do that Sandy?"

  "Only you know the answer to that Ellie."

  This was something she would need to consider carefully. "Sandy."

  "Yes Ellie."

  "I love being here too, so thank you."

  By the time they arrived back, Luke and Claire were awake and eating breakfast. With a sneaky wink Luke was all smiles and happiness this morning; he was also waiting for her after her shower. This time she went to him for a kiss to be greeted by his soft lips and a slightly harder squeeze of her butt.

  "I was thinking that your first time needs to be memorable so how about we make it about you and me away from any distractions. I just need some time to think of something so give me a few days."

  Nodding they jumped apart when they heard footsteps on the stairs. As Claire entered her room, Ellie felt as though their secret was clearly exposed even though Claire made no comment about the fact that they were in her room together, alone.

  "Albert has just returned grumbling about Devil wanting to be rode." Excitedly Ellie rushed to grab clean clothes forgetting that she wasn’t alone, which led to a light bulb going off in her head reminding her that Luke could not see her half naked with Claire in the room.

  "Get out so I can dress." As Luke went to leave she called out to him. "About that other thing I have an idea, but first I have to go and visit the other man in my life."

  Chapter 28 When the door was unlocked and the boss called them up, Tom had no idea what was going on though he had no doubt that he would like it. How long they had been down there he wasn’t sure, for a while they had been without food and water so they now felt weak.The boss and his henchman ushered them into the main section of the church and then into a circle where the boss proceeded to lift his shirt and run a knife over his arm. As he muttered words in some sort of other language, Tom felt his head swim as his vision blurred, his body felt weightless, and his hearing seemed blocked as the sound drifted away. Hearing Mark cry out brought Tom back to his senses.

  As his vision cleared, he took in his new surroundings immediately noting that the darkness that seemed different to seconds ago, now it seemed heavier and denser. With mists of what appeared to be dark, cloud circling his legs he tried to move only to find he was unable.

  As a figure moved through the mist, Tom found himself to be facing a man who must have been over eight feet tall; at first glance he looked almost human that was until Mark saw his large black eyes.

  "Ah you bring us guests for which I thank you." The giant's voice was deep and loud vibrating through his body and over the walls of the room making him want to curl into a ball and hide.

  The boss seemed unconcerned as he answered. "Of course, the strength of the portal is beginning to grow even while I continue to search for the missing pieces of the pentagram. Soon we will be at full strength, and your armies can enter the mortal realm."

  The giant smiled, but it was a colossal toothy smile, one that opened unnaturally as he flashed three layers of razor sharp teeth, with the back layers resembling knives. An involuntary shiver ran through Tom as he considered what was to come.

  "You do well friend, and in return, we keep the female here deciphering the texts. Have you located any other documents that may indicate where the other stones are, I am anxious for her to decrypt them?"

  Tom kept looking between the boss and this man. They had some sort of alliance going; one that it seemed would result in death and destruction. Missing Mark, he found him on the floor unconscious and unmoving.

  "I have not my Lord. The last one took some time to find, I apologise for the delay."

  As the boss bowed, Tom was again looking for a way out as his fear of the unknown grew, especially when he saw that others had moved into the room, these ones though did not resemble the man, they resembled monsters of all shapes and sizes. Some had two heads, others had three eyes, but when he saw ones with multiple arms he lost it. His heart started to pound, his own limbs turned to jelly as his bladder let go releasing warm liquid that slid down his legs.

  "I understand these things take time, I ask you to remember that one human year is the equivalent of five years here. We have now been here for a millennia, and my army grows impatient with the need to enter the mortal realm. Although I have to say that your offerings bring us much entertainment and feed our needs well. As the portal grows I will be able to send more of my army to weaken those in your world, together we will rule." The man turned to face the boss's henchmen the one with the green eyeballs. "How is the mortal realm my soldier?"

  "It is like dining in a fine restaurant every day of the week. Our armies will be full, I have located a base for your arrival and will continue to prepare."

  Tom barely heard the words so focussed were he on the threat that would no doubt not only kill him, but would also kill both Mark and the boss. Self-preservation kicked in as the boss stepped into the mist that was thicker and higher to one side, he looked as though he was leaving and Tom needed to stop him.

  "Wait, where are you going? Where are we?" Toms voice was high pitched with terror.

  He shouted over the din of the mumbling monsters coming closer to him, causing the boss to face him with a strange smile on his face. "I am returning to the mortal realm, and you will remain in the demon realm of course. Enjoy it, they will."

  Then the boss stepped into the fog and disappeared, leaving him terrified and Mark unconscious. He dropped in a dead faint, hoping to remain that way.


  It had taken decades of waiting for the chance to escape, and now the opportunity was here while everyone was distracted she made her move. As she slipped towards the mist, she prayed she wasn’t seen for she believed her life was worth little here and any mistake would result in further pain. Her body shook in fear which she tried to control; they fed on her fear so she couldn’t let them feel a spike in her emotions.

  She watched the man she called father talking to Ba'al who ruled this realm, she needed to escape both this realm and her father. The text she was deciphering had told her to seek the one with the angel's voice to guide her on her journey. That wasn’t her plan, she didn’t want to seek anyone, she only wanted to hide away forever where she could be alone. There was no way she wanted them to find her nor would she risk being returned to this place.

  As her fingers drifted into the mist, she took a risk by quickly sliding into it. Losing her sense of reality, she held on to the thick, heavy parchment in her hands as she forced her mind and body to open itself to the new surroundings, her heart shook vehemently as her environment changed. Her legs threatened to leave her with the relief; with no time to lose she forced them to move, time was essential. She didn’t get far before she heard voices coming from the building she had just vacated. Footsteps followed in the distance forcing her to hide behind a large metal object, sliding down, she hoped for invisibility as she begged her loud, beating heart to slow down in fear of it being heard.

  She sat there for what felt like an eternity before she dared move. When she slid from behind her hiding place a new anxiety hit her. Now she was here she wasn’t sure what to do her only plan was to get away from this building.

  It was cold in this world, colder than she remembered. Rubbing her hands together, she tried to force her blood to circulate and warm her chilled body. Within days she was wandering the streets in the safety of the night, which allowed her to remain out of sight; she had taken to searching for scraps of food outside the eating places.

  So far she had remained unseen something she intended to keep that way, though she needed a shower. Her hair was starting to feel grimy and lank though that was the least of her worries. In her hand she still carried the book which she could not lose, if she could find somewhere the study it then she may be able to understand the meanings contained within it. Rubbing the spot on her stomach where her star shaped birth mark sat, she studied her surroundings looking for somewhere to hide. Spotting an empty doorway she placed the trash can in front of it giving her some shelter.

  Rubbing her arms she wished for a coat, anything to keep out the chills. The sound of a car had her huddling into the corner seeking invisibility. Listening to the sound of a door, and then the car speeding away brought untold relief until someone kicked the trash can away.

  Coming face to face with an old man with grey hair and a matching beard terrified her, shooting to her feet the man started shouting and gesturing with his hands. She ran and ran until she reached a park only this time she moved into the bushes, concealed from sight with her heart still racing, the tears fell. Opening the book it fell on the page that had given her courage, courage enough to attempt an escape.

  Staring at the star and the ice, she again tried to understand the meaning, some of which she understood, the ice and the star need to unite to prepare the army for war. It was the strange pictures that confused her; one had teeth while the other had wild eye, pictures that meant nothing to her.

  Placing her head on the floor of dirt, she closed her eyes just for a minute so she could recharge herself.

  Chapter 29

  Everything was ready, everything but her. Taking in the room she considered changing her mind even though she knew she did not want to. Grabbing her phone before her resolve left her, she text Luke telling him to meet her at the cottage.

  As the sun was setting, she knew she had missed dinner yet she could not eat due to her fraught nerves. With a longing look at the chilled champagne she opened it needing the alcohol to settle her. By the second glass she was starting to relax until the door opened.


  "In here." Her voice was quieter than usual, her mouth was dry, and her confidence had deserted her. The door opened to a wide eyed and open mouthed Luke.

  "Wow, this place is magnificent." It had taken her two days of secret deliveries, which as she saw Luke taking in the large bed had been worth it, with purple pillows and throws, along with the rug at the end of the bed, the mirror and furnishings, the closed curtains and dozens of small candles, the room screamed seduction. When he reached for the champagne bottle, he glanced at her quizzically.

  "Dutch courage in case you didn’t come."

  As he moved to stand in front of her, eyeing her closely he responded honestly. "I wouldn’t miss this for the world."

  She leaned up to kiss him, starting softly before the intensity increased. As she started to remove his shirt she tried for the buttons, however it was too fiddly for her shaking fingers so she ripped it open hearing as the buttons popped and hit the floor. He pulled her top up exposing the white lace bra.

  Luke was astounded, she had done all of this, she had turned this into a room of sensuality just like she was full of hidden sexuality. As he undressed her, he wanted to drink her in; conscious of not wanting to rush he slowed down savouring the opportunity of feasting on her body. He littered kisses down her neck slipping the bra off to take a nipple into her mouth, while she rubbed her hands down his back.

  As usual she was wearing her black combats so Ellie watched as he went down on his knees to slide them down, kissing her stomach and then her thighs. Conscious of being entirely naked in front of him, she made to move only to be gripped by strong hands as he kissed her mound, a little taken back at his actions she forced herself to trust that he knew what he was doing.

  When he kissed her there, Ellie nearly freaked until the pleasant sensations hit her. When Luke forced her legs a little wider she tried to pre-empt what he planned on doing, she couldn't which meant that when he licked her intimately she nearly fainted. As his hands stroked her thighs, her squeals and moans increased as her body went to another place. Ellie could feel something building inside of her, even though she was not sure what was building. Her hands went to his head hinging herself to the here and now as her back arched in pleasure. As her body hit a peak she felt he body's motions alter. As stars exploded in her head, she called out in release and sweet agony.

  As he kissed her, and her heart beat slowed to a more acceptable pace she asked. "Can I do that to you Luke?"

  He groaned though there was excitement shimmering in his eyes that the candlelight couldn’t hide.

  "Not this time Ellie, I have waited too long for you."

  He slowly touched her body kissing her everywhere, when he stood he moved round to her back. Holding her body flush to his, Luke turned her to face the mirror she averted her eyes from the reflection of her body staring back at her.

  "Look Ellie, look at us, you are the most magnificent creature I have ever seen, see how well we fit. Once we have made love that will be even more so." As she looked at their reflection, he ran his hands over her stomach kissing her neck.

  She took his hand and led him to the bed, all of her nerves were gone leaving only the urgent need to have him. As she lay on the bed he came up and over her, she kissed his neck and chest before he kissed her hard with his tongue taking possession of her. She wanted to explore every inch of him which Luke allowed to an extent.

  Luke took his time with Ellie s
avouring the opportunity to let his senses take in everything. As he slipped two fingers inside of her, he was taken aback at how tight her body was, he watched her eyes widen when the knowledge that he was penetrating her with his fingers hit her mind. Her naivety was adorable and he was honoured to be her first.

  Slowly he positioned himself at her entrance patiently seeking gentle access. As he inched himself into her willing and waiting body, he slowly stopped to allow her time to accommodate him, Ellie felt as though she would explode.

  "Ellie this will hurt and I am sorry, I will be as careful as …."

  Her patience had gone, lifting her legs so they were positioned around his butt she pushed him in quickly. The pain was fleeting, though Luke looked more pained than she felt.

  "Shit El, I was taking my time." Though he spoke she was revelling at the feeling of his long, hard penis inside of him. Ellie felt as though he was now taking ownership of her body, something she surprisingly liked.

  Lifting her head, she nipped at his chin. "I know, but I need this Luke."

  He started moving, and any pain was pushed away by the sensations that were building inside of her body and heart. As he started to move faster she arched her body to meet him, she moaned in sweet ecstasy moving in to kiss his chest before his head dropped into the crook of her neck alternately kissing and biting her, which only increased the frenzy building between them.

  Luke had never felt this way before, his body melted into hers, she fit him like a glove, and he never wanted to leave the warmth of her body. She felt so good when their skin touched. Her eyes were closed as he watched the expressions on her face, knowing that he had done that to her was a heady feeling.

  As he thrust deeper and harder they moved together in perfect symmetry as their bodies became slick with sweat she cried out as an orgasm ripped through her, when Luke joined her in heaven leaving them both panting.

  "I never knew it was like that, if I had I wouldn’t have waited." Ellie was amazed at how magical it had been.

  Luke playfully bit her shoulder. "Warrior it is rarely like that so don’t you get ideas of testing that theory." He was still on top of her and inside her, and she found that she quite liked it.


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