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Taming the Warrior

Page 20

by Samantha Bates

  Taru led them to the canoes not ten minutes from the waterfall. "Never swim in the rivers there are certain places where it is safe to cool down, but you need to check for track marks first. If you look down towards the water, on the left is a green anaconda although it is a baby." Taru's words had them all leaning over to sight this dangerous predator.

  "How the hell is that a baby it must be seven damn feet." Theo's tone was incredulous.

  "Oh Theo, fully grown it can be as large as twenty five feet." May was trying to get a picture, and though it was Ben who grabbed her as she stepped too close to the edge it was Danny who berated her, and threatened to tie a rope to secure them to each other.

  "Come we must move, we need to reach my village by nightfall."

  With a groan of despair they moved forward and climbed into the canoes where they had to paddle away from the waterfall. As she saw the large fish swimming by them, Ellie no longer saw the water as glorious, it was intimidating and inhospitable.

  By the time they had paddled to safety against the current they were all a little wearier and a little less enthusiastic even though the scenery was beautiful, though Claire was again joined by the monkeys. This was Luke's home, his birth place and while it was beautiful, and Ellie would be interested in spending more time here it was not a place she was comfortable in. It was time to consider what Ellie would do if he wanted to stay here where both he and his Jaguar would have a sense of freedom.

  Exiting the canoes they wound the rope around nearby trees to secure them before re-entering the forest. Luke and Taru stopped to watch as the forest grew alive around them, they saw the birds above them that seemed to have multiplied in number, as well as the small mammals that scurried through the trees and on the ground. The monkeys that had been following them in the trees jumped up and down in protest, the ones on Claire's shoulders were pulling at her hair.

  "This way guys." Claire moved off the track and headed left, everyone followed though they did not know why. As they went deeper into the forest Ellie's spine tingled, a rather large monkey was in front with Claire who was stupidly following it. The animals remained totally silent, even when Ellie grabbed Claire's arm to stop her wandering off at the perceived request of random animals.

  "What are you doing and why are we following a monkey?" Her voice was a whisper but a harsh one.

  "I don’t know why, I just know that we need to follow them to this……." Claire pointed to a rock in front of them. "This cave, see they know there is danger nearby and have led us here."

  Ellie wasn’t sure what to say as they went into the large, dark cave. Ben, Theo, and Luke were the last to enter the cave whispering amongst themselves, before Luke motioned her over.

  "One of my father's Jaguars is nearby, I can smell it so it can smell me." Ellie automatically drew her knife. "My warrior woman is ready for battle, but this time Ellie you need to do as I say."

  She frowned at the thought of agreeing to anything that may put Luke in danger which she suspected would be the next suggestion. "They have scented us and will return and tell him of new people in the jungle."


  With a smile he kissed her nose. "Not yet it isn’t. I need to lead them from our tracks."

  She knew where this was going. "NO."

  With a sigh Luke shrugged his shoulders. "I wasn’t asking Ellie, I won't be gone long. The scent of my Jaguar will distract them from the scent of humans and give us more time." Before she could respond he grabbed her shoulders kissing her hard and fast and before he rapidly left the safety of the cave. Turning Ellie's cheeks blazed red, with the knowledge that everyone had seen him kiss her.

  "Damn fool, he will get himself killed and then what? You can all stop staring and focus on the carnage I will impart if he gets hurt."

  Almost everyone was smiling except Ben who was frowning which was a usual look if he saw his girls with anyone of the opposite sex. While everyone else used the time to eat and rest, Ellie paced in a room no longer than ten feet, which whilst the cave contained this many people it was not easy an easy feat, she was nervously checking her watch. Luke had been gone nearly an hour nervously she considered how much longer she be expected to wait?

  "He has thirty minutes before I go looking for him." Wisely no-one commented. After more waiting she nearly had a heart attack when Theo let out an extremely ladylike squeal. Turning to the commotion, she saw Theo with his back against the wall and a look of horror across his face. Seeing the threat she inwardly smiled, so Theo was scared of spiders.

  Imogen moved towards the spider who inched closer to a now abundantly ashen Theo who in turn grabbed Imogen to remove her to safety. In fairness, it was a pretty large and hairy spider probably the size of a hand, an outstretched hand.

  "It’s okay baby, I will protect you." Imogen's sarcasm and amusement was evident although Ellie noticed that Ben too was quiet.

  "Don’t worry Imogen; Ben will get rid of it." Ellie almost laughed aloud when Ben went a paler shade of white. Claire though saved him the embarrassment of fainting by stepping forward gently and opening her palm to allow the spider to climb into her hand.

  May moved to stop her, but Taru pulled her back. "It will not harm your sister, here in the forest the animals will follow her without any danger to her."

  "And what does that mean?" Taru had made several comments about Claire and now Ellie wanted answers.

  "Please I cannot explain, but my grandfather can." Ellie wasn’t willing to wait and had intended to push it except Luke returned at that moment.

  She grabbed him hugging him hard before taking a closer look at him, he had a scratch on his cheek but other than that he was intact. Rubbing his cheek he smiled.

  "It seems that monkeys are not as enamoured of me as they are you Claire. What’s all this commotion?"

  When Claire explained that Ben and Theo were scared of spiders, Ben tied to challenge this until Claire threatened to retrieve the one she freed from near Theo. This time when they left they took a different track, one less travelled although it seemed to Ellie that this was a quicker route.

  "Why didn’t we take this route in the first place?"

  "It is one used more so by those who live here, and I was hoping to pass you off as tourists using the normal route, though Luke's distraction should help to keep them away."

  Ellie was brushing leaves from her face, this route may have been quicker, but it was much more overgrown and she was conscious of the dangers so her hand remained firmly near her knife. She wasn’t sure what might come at them, and she was still conscious that she was Luke's security. As Taru smiled, he led them out into a clearing which caused Ellie to sigh in relief at the first signs of life she had seen.

  They had arrived at the village, and though she was relieved that it resembled something like a village, it was still a village in the middle of the forest where the houses were wooden structures only much smaller than she was used to. All surrounded a fire pit in the centre, where there were children running around in small shorts and men and women milling around, some of the women had some sort of straw and were leaves rubbing the leaves to get something out of them. The men were shaping large sticks to make sharp points. A couple of the children were to Ellie's horror gutting fish.

  An elder man stepped forward. "Welcome to our village, your presence is most welcome." He surveyed them before breaking into a grin.

  "Sandy, you return home. You are still a beautiful woman, the forest lost one of their own when you had to leave, and your son looks like your father."

  His mom stepped into the man's embrace "Leochen it is marvellous to see you and to be back home, there is nothing like home. I trust you are in excellent health and Ean is she here, I have missed her?"

  As a woman walked out from the forest, Ellie was struck by her coffee, brown sun kissed skin and their jewellery, necklace's hung round their neck made of some sort of fruit. "My lovely girl, I have missed you so much Sandy."

  As Luke's mom hu
gged the woman, Luke was more than surprised to see tears rolling down his moms face. It occurred to him that he had never seen his mom cry, she had always been so strong for them both, so he had never thought that she might have missed what she ran from.

  "Where is your beautiful boy, Assandra?" The old woman followed his mom's gaze until it rested on him.

  "Ah but of course, so lovely like his grandfather, a handsome, strong boy." As she enveloped him in her arms, she stroked his head. "When your mother pushed you into this world I knew you would be special."

  The look of repulsion that crossed Luke's face when she mentioned his birth was not lost on anyone. "Ah child you were a beautiful babe and you have grown into your mama's boy, I see that you picked a lovely woman to bring to your land."

  Elli's face was tomato red when the woman hugged her, how did she know about them would have been Ellie's next question, except she was more concerned at the people gathering round Claire. Animals she was starting to be okay with, Ben and Theo must have had the same concern as they also started to move closer to Claire.

  "Taru said that his grandfather would explain why everyone and everything is focused on Claire." Ellie was not willing to wait any longer for an explanation.

  The old man called Leochen moved to Claire, everyone parted as he stepped closer. "In the forest there is a story that the queen of the forest will one day return to us. She has the ability to unite the animals and strengthen them against man. A woman who is strong and noble, a woman with the ability to feel what others can't. Our stories said that we would know her by the markings on her wrist and by the animals need to be near her."

  Ellie's heart sank; Claire had a distinctive birth mark on her wrist that looked like three leaves intertwined. "There must be hundreds of people with birthmarks on their wrist." Ellie was happy to argue that Claire was not the Queen of any jungle.

  "That is true, but how many display the leaves of our forest and how many of those people can comfort the animals?"

  Ben decided enough was enough. "Look that may be, and if Claire can help I know she will, so tell us what she is here to do so we can get it done and go."

  Claire interrupted them. "I am still here, and I know what I need to do. I don’t need to be told, but right now we need to deal with the reason we came here."

  "Come let us prepare food you must be ravenous." As they followed the woman, Ellie had other plans.

  "I need access to all of these huts, and space to prepare. How do you prevent an attack on your village?" Taru nodded and started to beckon her into the huts.

  "That is easy; we listen to the forest and let the animals warn us of danger."

  Ellie thought on this for a moment as she looked around the first hut. Modest small beds were evident and a relief for Ellie who was ready to sleep. A small table and three chairs were in the corner, large clay pots were filled high with water. Modest, primitive, and yet workable.

  "We live simply, and although we hold to tradition we have developed in some ways. I was so thrilled when we brought the beds in; while the floor is acceptable a bed is bliss. Come, I will show you the huts as you have requested."

  Ellie found similar set ups in the ten wooden huts. "How many people live here?"

  "Our tribe numbers twenty two unless a neighbouring tribe visit."

  Additional tribes would add to Ellie's nightmare. After touring the huts, she made her way round the back of them looking at the surroundings. By the time she had finished, Luke was waiting with a hot drink. Taking a sip her mouth was awash with sweetness, a citrus tang and berries, the thirst that had been building was immediately quenched.

  An hour later, all were sat on the floor around the fire watching as the women moulded clay and the men prepared the rest of the fish for cooking. Claire was elbow deep in clay as a young girl showed her what to do. The look of concentration and then rapture as she tunnelled a hole into the clay broke Ellie's heart. It seemed to do the same for Ben.

  "I have a dreadful feeling Ellie." His voice was quiet as they both watched her; she chose not to answer Ben mainly because she didn’t know what to say. How would he feel if she agreed with him? Her mind moved to May as she realised she was not there. Jumping, she looked in panic only to see Danny's large bulk stood near a tree where May was examining the berries.

  "Ellie come look, these help nausea. Do you feel sick, you could try them so I can observe you for side effects?"

  Woah, typical May. "I could try some unknown berries and hope I don’t get sick which is what they are meant to help, I thought more of you May." Her words were lost as May rooted in her bag.

  She called a meeting with Danny, Theo, Ben and Imogen. "We need to take shifts, Danny find something that resembles rope and secure a perimeter low to the ground, this way we will hear anyone coming close. Imogen the middle hut is the most secure so can you see that’s it's prepared for Luke, May and Claire. Theo can you check the trees for any elevated look out points. Danny can you make sure the weapons are secure. Ben stay close to Claire, I don’t like this Queen of the forest shit."

  Theo was hesitant. "Maybe I should stick with Claire; after all I can see the energy of the people around her and make sure they pose no risk."

  "Jesus Theo, there are spiders everywhere so get over it." She was tired and crabby and knew better than to take it out on Theo. Ben seemed to think the same.

  "Theo you take Claire, Ellie you and I will check the trees."

  Luke had wandered into her hearing. "What can I do?"

  "You can stay here where you are safe and let me protect you."

  Imogen pulled Luke away before he could respond, as Ellie left the tribe her last image was of Claire deep in talk with Leochan. Bracing herself for the lecture she was sure to receive from Ben, she kicked at the leaves.

  Chapter 32

  Luke had been watching Ellie during the meal, to say she was distracted was an understatement. She had gone for a walk with Ben only for him to say she had headed inside for a sleep when they returned so now Luke wanted to know what she was thinking, and he had every intention of finding out.

  As the night closed in on them, the sounds of the forest altered and although the monkeys still surrounded them, they were silent. Watching Ellie he noted her body language, every crunch of leaves outside of her line of sight had her reaching for the knife in her lap, or the gun sat at her feet. Seeing her prepared for a small war did strange things to him, bizarrely his groin tightened at the image of his warrior woman springing into action.

  The women from Leochan's tribe were singing and dancing, and surprisingly his mother joined them. To Luke she seemed happier here; more carefree than when she was in America. He pondered how different his life might have been if his father had been a normal man. A flicker to his right startled him, but not as much as it startled the others when Beth and Vlad appeared in front of them.

  Vlad was expecting Ben's disapproval and decided to counter this. "Before you say anything Ben, she would not stop harassing me. Apparently Beth has always hankered after a view of a rainforest which astounds me, when I consider the lack of department stores, make up and designer shoes."

  Beth was tutting at Vlad as she stared in wonder. "It's lovely and hot, bloody hot."

  As Leochan handed a cup of the sweet tea to Beth, Vlad intercepted him rather rudely. "My wife ingests nothing unless I know what is in it and someone else has tried it."

  "You are a cautious man, a good man. This tea is from the berries of our forest and will help with the indigestion." Leochan's knowledge raised suspicions in Vlad, suspicions Ellie understood.

  "I will drink some first." He nodded his thanks to Ellie only for Beth to snatch the drink.

  "Don’t be ridiculous." Downing the drink in one, she smiled. "That is lovely, wow do they sell it in the states?"

  Leochan smiled gently at Beth. "Alas they do not, but we can prepare some for you to take with you. The child within you is strong and almost ready to greet the world. We will prepare
some plant for the pain."

  Beth's face dropped. "Oh my god what do you know, oh god it's going to be really painful isn’t it, how bad, how do you know how bad it will be?" Beth was paling at the thought of labour a notion Ellie could empathize with.

  Leochan's wife laughed as she joined them. "My husband knows nothing he is a man therefore anything is painful. While all births are painful there is nothing to say that yours will be any more painful than the average woman, but he is right about our plants helping the pain." She reached out to touch Beth's hair. "The colour of gold, finely spun gold, your babe is a leader already."

  Claire had joined them so her next request to Vlad induced worry for Ellie. "Vlad could you bring my mother and Sylvia here please, oh and Nicky and Morgan?"

  Bens face paled. "Why Claire?"

  With a sweet smile she answered. "I need to speak to you all together." That was the only answer they received as Claire had sat back to watch the burning fire whilst a lizard sat next to her.

  Ben paced as Vlad left; Imogen remained guarding Beth even though she didn’t need it, though Ellie respected that Imogen was a woman with two alliances. When she was rescued from the deranged witch that had kidnapped their mom, Imogen had come to live with the pack to heal which is when a bond developed between her and Theo. The pack became part of her life until she became the victim of a second vicious attack.

  What no-one realised was the night before Imogen and Theo had been engaged in a heated argument and somehow Imogen had cut Theo's lip before they kissed, Imogen ingested a small amount of Theo's shifter blood. During the attack she had ingested some vampire blood, the result of this was Imogen turning, only it was neither a wolf, nor a vampire that she turned into; instead she had traits of both. From that time Imogen had changed physically and mentally, her hair turned white except for one strand of black, her body strengthened to the point where she was stronger than most vampires that were nearly one thousand years old, she could also freeze people. Vlad took Imogen under his wing to teach her about her new gifts, she then became known as the 'White Assassin' in the vampire world.


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