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Fate: An Action & Adventure Romance Novel (Sacrifice)

Page 7

by A. C. Heller

  I nod my head in agreement, mainly because well, he did.

  “Complete a task successfully, get your fix. That's how they operate.”

  “So that's why he was taking my blood.”

  He nods slowly, but I can tell there's more.

  “Yes, but it couldn't have been for him. The fusion has to be between the same sex. So a male can only benefit from a male Nephilim's blood and so on.”

  “Then he was taking it for someone else.”

  “I believe so. However, it is possible he was just trying to prove himself. Clearly he failed. He meant to harm you and for that he lost his life.”

  So he did kill him. I can't say I'm okay with murder but that guy did kind of have it coming. There's a loaded silence that lasts a few minutes until I can't resist the urge to ask.

  “Takeo? Am I really the last of my race?”

  “More then likely, yes.”

  “It's possible that I'm not?”

  “Anything is possible. However you are the only female we have found in over ten years.”

  Those aren't good odds. Sighing softly, I pull my leg up on the desk placing my heel on the edge. Leaning my head on my knee, I close my eyes and whisper to him.

  “Am I a Nephilim?”

  “Yes. You were born of two Nephilim parents.”

  “Is that rare?”

  “In modern times? Very. At the point your bloodline has been diluted down. Most are born to at least one human parent and lack abilities. They're called Elioud. They're considered a separate race from the Nephilim even though they are descendant from them. In fact, most of the men here are Elioud.”

  Lifting my head I stare at him a moment. Seriously?

  “So Aiden and Angelo...?”

  “They are Elioud. As I said, most are born lacking abilities, but not all.”

  This is all so hard to believe but the look on Takeo's face alone tells me it's all true.

  “What happened to me a few days ago?”

  He sits back in his chair and folds his hands behind his head, as if he's relaxing. His eyes close for just a moment as he takes a deep breath and when he lets it out he opens them and speaks.

  “That was you protecting yourself. You cannot turn it off because you were never taught how. However, I suspect it took effort to trigger in the first place.”

  Takeo pins me with a knowing look that implies I had better be honest. So being a smart girl, I nod my head and drop my eyes to my lap.

  “I was thinking of a star.”

  Raising my eyes, I look up in time to see him raise an eyebrow at the explanation. He shakes his head disapprovingly and sighs.

  “That explains why it escalated so quickly. You do not have to imagine something so powerful. Simply willing your body to heat will do ”

  Looking down at myself, I'm suddenly reminded that I'm still wearing my tank top and boy shorts. I don't wear a bra to bed so now that I've realized this I immediately tense up. Takeo leans forward in his chair and rests his elbows on his knees. I slide off the desk in front of him, expecting him to sit back, but he doesn't. He raises his head and his face is directly in front of mine. We stare into each others eyes for only a moment, but there's something about those eyes that makes me feel like I've always known them. His eyes drift down to my lips, then raise again to meet mine and one question comes to mind.

  “What does Figlia d'Oro mean?”

  To my great surprise he whispers back.

  “Golden daughter.”

  From the moment I met this man I thought he was beautiful. And now with him before me, looking as if he just rolled out of bed, I can't resist the urge to touch him. It's almost as if someone is guiding my hand. My fingers lightly touch his cheek and he sucks air in through his teeth as if the contact burns, but I don't pull my hand away. My palm flattens fully against his face and slides down until I'm cupping his jaw. His eyes are clenched shut now, so I take the opportunity to run my thumb over his bottom lip. This causes his lips to part and all I can think is that I want to kiss him so badly it hurts.

  Takeo abruptly stands and grabs me by the wrist. His eyes are intense and his gaze is heated. He nearly drags me over to the door and pushes me into the hallway. Leaning past the door frame towards me he speaks through clenched teeth.

  “The tattoo, the one on Angelo's neck. It means warrior.”

  And with that he slams the door in my face. Okay, what the fuck just happened? One minute he's staring at my lips like he wants to kiss me and the next I'm getting tossed out of his room...Again!

  As I walk slowly back to my room my eyes well up with tears. Tilting my head back so they don't escape I let out a ragged breath. I really thought we were having a moment in there, but it only took Takeo a second to easily dismiss me. Why do I care do much? He's just an asshole. I've known this!

  After showering I walk into the kitchen and everyone is there. Liza has made a feast. There are pancakes, eggs, bacon, hash browns, freaking everything! Which is great because I am absolutely starving. While making myself a plate of food I find myself listening to the four of them discuss what happened to us. Even though I almost killed them they still think it was an 'impressive display'. Rolling my eyes at their conversation I finish making my plate and leave the kitchen. I can't say that I didn't notice that all conversation stopped as I left, I just simply don't care.

  In the living room I sit cross-legged on the couch and flip through lame morning TV while picking at my breakfast. About ten minutes into some awful show about someone not being someone else's baby-daddy Angelo comes in and sits next to me on the couch. He doesn't say anything, he just stares at the screen with me.

  When I no longer feel like picking at my food I set it on the coffee table and turn and stare at Angelo. He meets my stare with one of his own. His eyes are intense and searching and I can tell that he's trying to feel my mood out. Good luck with that.

  “You're an Elioud.”

  It came out like an accusation. I didn't mean it like that, though I'm not especially happy no one else told me any of this.

  “I am. Takeo tell you everything?”

  “I think so.”

  Angelo nods and puts an arm around my shoulders, tugging me into his side. Sagging into him, I rest my head on his chest and let out a soft sigh.

  “I wish you or Aiden would have told me. Takeo isn't very nice to me.”

  “We fully planned on it, Sweetheart. Things happened and we got distracted. Takeo isn't very patient but he's huge on self preservation. So my guess is he feels it's necessary to keep you at a distance, yet informed.”

  “Well next time can you do the informing, please?”

  “Anything you want, Baby Doll.”

  Taking his hand into mine I inspect it. Only redness remains where he had been burned. The night it happened his hand looked far worse, and I find myself wondering why for the first time since I've met him, he didn't call me Sweetheart.

  “You heal fast, like me.”

  “Yeah, but not as fast. Aiden's dagger hit you in the throat and I watched it close within seconds. You didn't even bleed.”

  His words trigger a memory of my nightmare. The limbs of tree's were cutting into my flesh but there was no blood. As always Angelo reads my expression perfectly and his voice brings me back to the present.

  “When your abilities are triggered you won't bleed unless the wound is substantial. Like a shot gun blast to the gut.”

  My face scrunches at his awful example. What a terrible mental image. What's next, punting kittens? Which only makes him chuckle. He brushes a strand of hair away from my face and smiles at me.

  “I had to think of something that might actually cause you to bleed. Don't get all girly on me.”

  “Hey. In case you forgot, I am a girl!”

  Angelo takes his arm from around my shoulder. Taking my chin in his hand, he tilts my head up, so we're face to face and our eyes are locked.

  “There's no fuckin' way I could forget a crucial fact l
ike that.”

  Angelo leans in and places a chaste kiss on my lips before standing and walking out of the living room. Pressing a trembling hand to my lips, I take a deep calming breath. These men don't mess around. When Aiden kissed me he was thorough, and I could tell he wanted to make it good for me. Angelo simply stole a kiss, but still it left my lips tingling. Groaning, I slump back into the couch and stare at the ceiling. Why couldn't they have sent me to a convent?

  Chapter Seven

  Over the next couple of weeks, I came to learn a lot about 'the boys' as Liza referred to them. Aiden's parents were killed when he was young and he has a sister but doesn't know whether or not she's alive, and she told me that he spends all of his free time searching for her. Finding out this information kind of made me feel a little guilty, mainly because of how much time he's wasting playing guard dog for me. During a late night conversation, Aiden admitted to me that he has never been in love. He told me his mother always told him he would find a woman who was half of his soul. Which I think is a beautiful concept.

  Aiden was fun to be around and if nothing else he was just a great person. He always put everyone else first, even if they didn't deserve it. One day he let me go into the training room with him and his accuracy with his daggers was both impressive and really fucking scary at the same time, but his ability to manipulate the wind was amazing. He created a tiny tornado in the room and let me drop random objects in it. It was awesome!

  Angelo was an entirely different story. He spent most of his time in the training room. That is if he wasn't out fighting bad guys or whatever it is that he does. Watching him work out should be one of those things you need to pay for on pay per view. Insanely hot. His movements were calculated and agile. Occasionally he would bring a long sword, a katana I think, with him to practice with. The blade was impressive, and this is coming from someone who knows nothing about weapons. It had engravings all over it and he was careful to keep it sheathed when not using it, and no matter how many times I asked, I was not allowed to touch it. Ever.

  Admittedly I didn't get a lot of time to talk to Angelo. But each morning, without fail, when I woke up he was asleep next to me, and I have to say it's nice waking up to him in my bed. Even if he does snore entirely too loud.

  Takeo I seldom saw. I know he's been avoiding me and at this point. I don't care. Well, I do care but it's not like I can make him talk to me. So I just leave it be, and when I do see him I simply say hello and go about my business. I've been at the compound for over a month now and surprisingly it has become home. Aiden and Angelo are the first real friends I've ever had. I know that sounds pathetic but it's true. And Liza has quickly become my surrogate mother. She is always fussing over me and picking up around me even though I am more then capable of doing it myself. But I can tell she really enjoys taking care of people, so I keep my mouth shut.

  All of that leads me to tonight. Angelo is already asleep and I'm wide awake. I came upstairs to the cooling chamber mainly out of boredom, but now that I'm here I'm actually curious. Reaching my hand into the water I immediately want to snatch it back. It's so cold my skin burns. It's amazing, the last time I was in this water I couldn't even feel the bitter cold. I can't stop thinking about my abilities. I mean, I don't exactly understand them yet, but as of right now I think I'm essentially a light bulb? Experimenting is good, right?

  Closing my eyes I submerge my right hand into the icy water. My hand instantly starts to go numb, but I lock down my mind willing my hand to grow hotter. This actually works, soon not only can I not feel the cold but steam begins to rise from the water around my skin. Lifting my hand, I watch as the water on my skin vaporizes. A grin slowly spreads across my face and I know I've got to keep going. After taking a deep breath I hesitantly walk into the water. Once I'm at the deepest part and the water is just above my breasts I stop. I probably should have taken my tank top and panties off before doing this but oh well, it's too late now.

  Concentrating once more, I will my entire body to grow hotter just as I did my hand. Within a few moments I can tell it's working. My body is beginning to vibrate with the heat radiating from my core. The water around me grows warmer and warmer just as I do. Then all hell breaks loose. An alarm sounds, sending loud shrieks through the once quiet compound. Oh shit.

  Scrambling out of the water I find myself standing before Aiden, Angelo, Liza, and surprisingly, Takeo. Smiling at them sheepishly I wrap my arms around my chest. How embarrassing. Now that I'm out of the water and no longer using my abilities, my body is reacting as it should to the freezing water. Hooray, hard nipples! I want to die, right now. Seriously, where's that lightning bolt when you need it? Luckily Liza turns from the group and without even asking I know she going to get me a towel.

  Aiden is glaring at Angelo, Angelo is glaring at me, and surprise, surprise, Takeo looks annoyed! I feel like I owe them some sort of explanation, so I tell them the truth.

  “I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about my abilities and I wanted to try something.”

  The three men all continue to stare at me as if I have suddenly sprouted wings, but Aiden is the one who speaks first.

  “Chas, that alarm only goes off when the water in the cooling chamber isn't working. Meaning it's reached the boiling point.”

  Boiling point? Really? I made the water get that hot? That's actually kind of cool, but judging by the look on their faces I'm gonna keep that little thought to myself. Angelo is the one who speaks up next.

  “Sweetheart, that's two-hundred and twelve degrees fahrenheit. What the hell were you trying to do? Kill yourself?”

  Angelo and Aiden exchange a look that I don't understand, but I immediately defend myself.

  “I was not trying to kill myself! Besides I couldn't even feel the water.”

  Once the words leave my mouth Aiden and Angelo's faces pale. Takeo reaches both of his hands over his head and grabs hold of his shirt. He tugs it off and tosses it to me. I barely catch it because my limbs are so stiff from the cold that it's hard to move. Takeo shakes his head and walks out of the room. Their reactions are starting to freaking me out.

  “What? Is that bad?”

  Aiden takes a deep breath. Leaning forward he takes my hand and kisses my knuckles. He looks stricken, as if he doesn't want to say what he is about to.

  “Chas, tomorrow... We're going to need to do a few tests. Do you think you're up for it?”

  That sounds ominous as hell but Aiden looks very serious, so I simply nod my head and remain silent.

  “Good. Angelo, get her back to bed.”

  Aiden turns and walks out of the room just as there is a loud crashing sound in the locker room of the gym. Nearly jumping out of my skin I latch onto Angelo's arm.

  “What was that?”

  He shakes his head and takes my hand, leading me back to my bedroom. He's not going to answer me. Once we are in my room and lying on the bed he turns me to face him.

  “It's true.”

  “What's true, Angelo?”

  “You really are the girl from the prophecy. I'm sure of it now.”

  “Why are you so sure now?”

  He sighs and rolls to his back. Pulling me to him, he tucks me into his side and pulls my knee up over his legs. I don't protest because I'm hanging on his every word at the moment. And besides it's very comfy. His voice is soft when he speaks, and by his tone I can tell it's story time.

  “The night you lost control of your powers, Aiden and I, we heard you tell us to run, but we couldn't. We were in awe of you, in fact, we still are.”


  My voice comes out as a whisper and before Angelo speaks again he turns his head and kisses my hair.

  “The abilities you possess have only been documented once. A powerful Nephilim from long ago had the very same abilities as you. Her name was Seraphina. It was an appropriate moniker, because she was named after a Fallen referred to as 'The burning one'. Like you, she could will her body to heat, essentially becoming a l
iving blow torch. However, if you truly are the golden daughter, you will possess one more ability.”

  Lifting my head, I rest my chin on his chest and stare up at him. Angelo closes his eyes, and a pained expression crosses his face.


  He doesn't respond, but he looks so sad. I want to make it better but I don't know how.

  “Angelo, are you okay?”

  His eyes open and he stares at me for a moment.

  “Did you feel it?”


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