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Queen of Quarantine

Page 38

by Caroline Peckham

  "Maybe I like it in your cage," she teased, one hand running down my chest until she found the little bullet on the top of the cock ring and switched it on.

  I kissed her harder as the vibrations trembled through my dick and she lowered herself down onto me slowly, moaning like that was the best damn feeling in the world and I had to agree with her.

  Her pussy felt even tighter than usual with the plug in her ass and the cock ring making my dick so hard that it ached. I rolled my hips as I gave her a moment to adjust to so many sensations at once. The vibrating rabbit ground against her clit and she gasped before we began to move together.

  I ran my hands down her spine until I was gripping her ass and our movements grew faster, more frenzied as she rode me hard, her hands moving all over my body and I thrust up into her, making her scream between our kisses.

  My dick ached as the cock ring held off my release and I pumped my hips harder until she was coming for me, her pussy tightening impossibly more and I was exploding inside her, coming so hard that I swore and she bit my lip sharply enough to draw blood.

  "Perfection," Saint murmured as I reached down to stop the cock ring from vibrating and Tatum fell slack in my arms.

  I lifted my gaze to look over her shoulder at him where he was smirking at us from the bench he'd chosen as his viewing point, and I knew he was right. This here, us and the others too was all I needed. And I refused to allow anything to ever take it away.

  “T ime to go, siren.” Saint’s fingers brushed some hair away from my forehead and my eyes flickered open, finding him standing before me in a smart black coat.

  “What do you mean?” I asked, shutting my eyes again as I clung to sleep. The bed was cool behind me, no press of a warm body to be found. “Where is everyone?”

  “Saint’s been planning a secret mission,” Blake said from somewhere across the room as Saint gently pulled the covers off of me and I cracked my eyes open again.

  “Saint,” I complained, the darkness beyond the window telling me it was very much the middle of the night. Maybe I was just having a weird ass dream. But even I couldn’t convince myself of that as I shut my eyes tightly once more.

  “Nash, help me,” Saint commanded then two sets of warm hands started pulling off my nightdress.

  I smiled giddily, caressing their arms as I tried to draw them into the bed with me, but then someone yanked a sports bra over my head. “What the hell?” I woke fully, feeling grumpy and sleepy and I was pretty sure one of the Seven Dwarves’ cousins was gonna arrive soon too. Punchy.

  Saint yanked a soft grey sweater over my head while Nash lifted my hips and dragged a pair of jeans up my legs and over my ass. He’d left me without panties though and that filthy smirk of his said it was intentional.

  “Alright, enough. I can do it.” I tried to shove them off, but I was pretty sure they were enjoying it as Saint pushed my arms into a coat and Nash tugged some cosy socks onto my feet before kneeling down to lace on my boots. “Guys,” I half growled, half laughed. “This is ridiculous.”

  Saint started brushing my hair next and I swiped the brush from his hand with a pout. “Too far.”

  Saint smirked, running his thumb over my cheek and leaning down to peck my lips. “Go brush your teeth, siren, or I’ll lay you over my knees and do it for you.”

  “One day I’m going to tie you up in your sleep and spank your ass raw, Memphis,” I warned. I got to my feet, finding Blake and Kyan smirking at me by the door and I tossed them the finger as I slipped into the bathroom. I washed my face, brushed my teeth and hair, apparently taking too much time because Saint started knocking on the door.

  “My patience is wearing thin, Tatum,” he said darkly. “Are you going to start this day with a punishment?”

  I grinned as I opened the door, arching a brow at him. “You’re not the boss of me anymore, devil boy.”

  His eyes glinted like he didn’t entirely agree. “I may worship at your altar daily, but I assure you I am more than capable of putting a goddess in her place when the occasion calls.”

  “Stop flirting,” Kyan called. “Let’s go.”

  “Is breakfast planned on this mystery trip? I’m starved,” Blake said and I realised none of them had a clue where we were going either. I guessed they were used to Saint doing random shit like this, but even Monroe seemed to be going along with it without complaint.

  “I want a croissant,” I agreed, thinking of Martha’s freshly baked ones she brought to us every morning. Damn, they were beautiful. Flaky, sweet, buttery…mmm.

  Saint opened a travel bag at the foot of the bed, taking out a paper bag and promptly placing a croissant in my hand before putting them back and snapping the bag shut.

  “Hey! Where’s mine?” Blake complained.

  “You can have one on the journey,” Saint said simply, gesturing for Kyan to carry the bag and he moved to obey without a word of refusal.

  Saint led the way out the door and I jogged over to walk beside Blake, offering him up a piece of my croissant when our hot as shit dictator wasn’t looking. He tore a bite off with his teeth then grinned at me around a mouthful of pastry. “You’re a life saver, Cinders.”

  We followed Saint through the huge house, the place deathly quiet as we walked down the dark corridors.

  “Where are we going?” I hissed when I’d finished my food and officially woken up.

  Saint didn’t reply as he led us down a hallway with paintings of Irish landscapes on the walls, apparently knowing his way through this house as well as Kyan did. Maybe better.

  “We have a bet on,” Blake murmured in my ear as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “I guessed he’s taking us to sacrifice a goat to Satan and open up a doorway to hell.”

  Kyan stepped to my side. “Naw, my bet is we’re going to some underground African ceremony where Saint can make sure you’re married to all of us. Which I will totally fight by the way, baby.”

  “It’s obvious where we’re going,” Nash said from behind me and I looked around with a question in my eyes. “To see Doctor-”

  “Utter that name within these hallways and I shall castrate you and feed your balls to the O’Brien guard dogs,” Saint said cuttingly, but I got the message.

  We were taking the vaccines to Dr De La Cost. We were finally going to make a difference to this fucking plague sweeping across the Earth. My heart filled with warmth at knowing that. I hated knowing we had access to those vaccines yet couldn’t do anything to save the thousands of people dying every day. But we would now.

  We arrived in a large conservatory that extended from the back of the house and Kyan moved forward to unlock the double doors that led outside. The night air made me shiver as we exited onto the immaculate lawn and Blake hugged me to him tighter, acting as a barrier to the cold.

  Saint marched purposefully across the grass into the thickening darkness and I frowned as we followed. “Is there a way out onto the road from here?” I asked. “Or a garage?”

  Saint said nothing, but eventually stopped about a hundred yards away from the house and took his phone from his pocket. “Two minutes,” he announced.

  “Before what? An alien spaceship beams us up into the sky?” Monroe asked with a snort.

  “To be fair, I think Saint could organise that,” I said, slipping away from Blake to cuddle with Nash. He hugged me to his chest and I breathed in his pine scent with a smile. I swear my guys were all starting to smell more similar though. There was an apple undercurrent on him too and I guessed that was Saint’s doing as he’d packed the shower gel.

  The sound of propellors came from somewhere off in the sky and I looked up in surprise as the lights of a helicopter approached.

  “What the fuck?” Monroe breathed, the air whipping wildly around us as the helicopter came down to land.

  “We will need to board quickly,” Saint called to us. “The noise will wake the household.”

  The skids hit the grass and Saint beckoned us forward, pulling the
door open and climbing inside with Kyan. Monroe helped me up and Kyan snatched me away, tugging me down into a seat beside him.

  Blake pulled the door shut as lights turned on in the house and my heart rate ratcheted up. Saint poked his head into the cockpit, pulling on a headset so he could speak to the pilot.

  Kyan placed a headset in my hand and I put it on as Blake and Monroe moved to sit in the seats behind us.

  Saint turned and took hold of the strap at my waist as I finished securing the belt, tugging it sharply to tighten it further before dropping into the seat beside mine. The helicopter took off as he strapped himself in and Kyan spoke over the headset.

  “Grandpa’s gonna shit a lung,” he said with a bark of laughter.

  “Don’t worry about him,” Saint said. “I will explain this when we return.”

  “Good luck with that, brother,” Kyan said, placing a hand on my knee and squeezing.

  We flew up and away from the property and the few lights on in the nearest town glittered as we sailed towards it. The moon wasn’t out tonight, and I had the feeling that was no coincidence. Saint had planned this down to every detail and the cover of darkness was a part of it.

  It wasn’t long before the pilot flew us down to land in a wide farmer’s field and Saint unclipped his belt. “Stay in your seats,” he growled at us before opening the door and jumping outside.

  The pilot exited too and they shared a few words then Saint nodded to him before climbing back inside, shutting the door and moving to take the pilot’s seat.

  He tapped some buttons on the control panel then flicked some switches on the roof above him and suddenly we were taking off again with my beautiful sinner in the pilot’s seat.

  “Fucking hell, Saint, this is like some Mission Impossible shit,” Blake crowed excitedly, and I shared a smirk with Kyan as his hand slid further up my leg, sending a buzz of adrenaline into my veins.

  “Calm down, Double-0 Bowman,” Saint said, and there was a grin in his voice. “We can’t risk bringing anyone to Dr De La Cost’s home. I trust no one but the five of us. There’s not gonna be any shoot outs or evil masterminds.”

  “Is that because you’re already the evil mastermind?” Blake asked and I snorted a laugh.

  “Obviously,” Saint agreed.

  “Well, we’re gonna have to trust that doctor too,” I pointed out.

  “Hardly,” Saint scoffed. “I will blackmail her of course.”

  “But you said she was squeaky clean,” I said in confusion.

  “Yes, she is,” Saint said with a dark chuckle, but didn’t elaborate more than that. “I also just admitted I’m the evil mastermind. Keep up, siren.”

  We flew for over an hour north and I rested my head against Kyan’s shoulder as I gazed out of the window beside him. The further north we went, the darker the world became as we left the towns behind. At one point I thought I caught sight of army trucks moving along the roads below and I guessed that had been Saint’s motivation to fly. Army checkpoints were popping up all over the country and though we’d exposed the inside of one of their little Hades Camps, I had the feeling that wasn’t going to stop more of them being erected. The situation in the world was getting too dire. And now things had gotten bad, extreme action was being taken by the government in every damn state. By fucking Troy. But splitting people up from their loved ones and dragging them out of their homes seemed barbaric to me. Our country had already lost enough. And it frightened me how quickly the authorities could take over. Sometimes fighting back felt impossible, but we were doing it. We weren’t going to lay down and let people like Troy Memphis and his shady friends from Royaume D’élite get away with what they’d done. They had to be stopped. And more than that, they had to be punished.

  “Coming in to land,” Saint said, and we started descending towards the lawn of a lone house below surrounded by trees on either side of it, the lights beneath the helicopter illuminating the property.

  We landed and Saint killed the engine, the propellers starting to slow as he flicked the lights off too and got out. We unbuckled our belts and exited the aircraft while Kyan pressed a gun into my palm. I slid it into the back of my jeans, figuring some doctor in the middle of nowhere wasn’t going to be much of a threat against five armed people who’d just landed a helicopter in her back yard. Lights were on in the house and a window flew open on the top floor, a shotgun wheeling out of it. Apparently I was wrong.

  “Who are you?!” a woman cried, her voice laced with fear.

  Saint raised his palms in innocence. “We have a proposition for you,” he called back, totally fucking calm. If I’d known this was his plan, I would have suggested we land the damn helicopter a mile away and walk here instead of freaking the woman out.

  “Get off of my property!” she yelled. “I’ll call the police!”

  “You know as well as I do, the police are too busy corralling the population into Hades Camps alongside the army,” Saint said as Kyan moved up behind him, using Saint’s body to conceal the gun in his hand. “And if they did happen to come, perhaps you would need to explain the fact that you have no license to bear that weapon.” His jaw ground, telling me he’d checked out that information thoroughly and hadn’t expected this.

  This was seriously not the way to calm someone down who was holding a goddamn shotgun though. I stepped in front of my boys, taking the travel bag from Kyan and holding it up.

  “Dr De La Cost,” I called up to her. “We need your help. I was given a vaccine to the Hades Virus by my father long before it was released into the world. We have vials of that vaccine right here.”

  “What are you talking about?” she demanded.

  “I was taken by government officials and a new vaccine was produced from my blood,” I explained, knowing it sounded crazy, but we didn’t have much choice. “When these men helped me escape the facility, we took it with us. And we need someone who can make more of the vaccine to help…well, the whole world really. Someone like you.”

  She fell quiet and I imagined she was trying to figure out if we’d lost our minds or if there was a shred of truth to my words.

  I laid the travel bag at my feet. “I can show you…if you want? The vaccine is in here.”

  She hesitated then finally gave an answer. “Open it. Slowly.”

  I crouched down, unzipping the bag and taking out the refrigerated box. I popped it open, turning it around to show her the contents.

  Silence stretched out and she finally tugged her shotgun back inside. “Bring it to the porch. Just the girl.”

  She shut the window, moving back into the shadows of her room and I took my gun from my waistband, passing it back to Kyan.

  “Take it,” he insisted, shoving it back at me.

  “She’s a doctor. And she’s not going to trust us if we don’t show her the same courtesy,” I said firmly and the boys shared anxious looks.

  I walked away from them, picking up the box of vaccines and walking up the wooden porch steps, knocking gently on the door then stepping back to put six feet between us. It cracked open and the shotgun barrel peered out at me again, making my heart clench. But I’d be frightened too if the tables were turned. So I had to show her she had no reason to be.

  “Tatum,” Blake called, worry in his tone.

  “It’s fine. Stay back there,” I insisted as two wide brown eyes gazed out at me from the other end of the gun. “I know this is a shock,” I said gently. “But we had to come at night, we had to avoid the army and the roadblocks. We’ve been looking after these vaccines and my boyfriend spent a lot of time researching doctors we could trust. He is a very meticulous man, and he narrowed it down to one person in the entire state. You.”

  Her eyes darted back and forth between mine then she finally lowered her gun, revealing her soft features and cherub like cheeks. She was in her forties, with dark skin and had straight hair down to her shoulders.

  “Come in. Just you,” she said sharply, knocking the door wider.
br />   “Aren’t you afraid of catching the virus?” I asked and she shook her head.

  “I had it three weeks ago. Survived it luckily,” she said gravely. “I still have antibodies. So unless you are concerned then-”

  “Like I said, I’ve been vaccinated,” I replied then stepped into the house as she nodded, frowning suspiciously.

  “Tatum!” Nash barked, but I ignored him, pressing the door shut behind me.

  Dr De La Cost switched a light on, illuminating a small hallway with a few potted plants around the place. There was photograph on the wall of what looked like her parents and a few pictures of a white cat around it.

  I offered her the box of vaccines and she contemplated her next move before placing the gun down on a table behind her. She took the box, examining the contents with her brows pulling together.

  “Serenity Pharmaceuticals,” she murmured as she read the name off of a label on one of the vials. “I’ve not heard of them.”

  “They’re funded by Troy Memphis,” I told her, and her eyes snapped up to look at me.

  “The Governor?” she asked in surprise and I nodded.

  “He was the one who had me kidnapped to their facility,” I said, figuring honesty was the best plan here.

  “Kidnapped?” she echoed, a flicker of disbelief in her eyes.

  “I know this sounds crazy. And you don’t need to believe a word that comes out of my mouth except these next ones. That box contains the only working vaccines in the country. Probably in the entire world. So we need someone who can make more. And who will do it subtly, who will make sure they’re distributed fairly and efficiently to every man, woman and child on Earth.”

  Her mouth opened and closed as shock rippled through her features. “Why me?” she rasped eventually.

  “Like I said, my boyfriend chose you. And he would have only chosen someone who we could trust to do this, who won’t take the vaccine and sell it to the highest bidder instead of offering it to the people who need it most.”

  Her throat bobbed as she closed the lid of the box. “How can I be sure this isn’t some trick?”


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