The Mating Rite (Big, Beautiful Werewolf) (Werewolves of Montana)

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The Mating Rite (Big, Beautiful Werewolf) (Werewolves of Montana) Page 16

by Vanak, Bonnie

  Jenner had fucked her over for money.

  “I’m a million-dollar whore,” she whispered.

  Self-preservation urged her to power off the machine. But she could not move, nor breathe. A heavy weight sat on her chest as all her hopes and dreams of making it at the firm went up in smoke.

  Did Darius know? Had he joined forces with Jenner to get her into bed? Had both of them orchestrated this? Sam gripped the table. Darius was a womanizer, but he had honor and respected women. He simply wasn’t that sly or sneaky.

  Something inside her cracked. Sam sat back and thought of what Darius had said about doing business with Skins.

  Sometimes the system worked against you. But other times, it could work for you.

  She glanced at the printer, then back at the email and pressed the “print” button. Snagging the two copies from the machine, she folded them into her shorts pocket. Then she forwarded the email to her private account.

  Thickness clogged her throat. I have to calm down. I can’t let Ken see me upset or he’ll know and I’ll lose the advantage.

  But her emotions were haywire and she balled her fists, wanting to scream. Filled with impotent rage, Samantha stared at Ken’s laptop. Wind blew through the opened sliding doors, whistling through the room. The temperature dropped but she was not cold. She blazed with fury. Ice crystals began forming on the keyboard.

  Stunned, she stared. Then just as quickly, the ice melted, leaving a puddle of water on the computer, seeping into the circuits. With a snap and a crackle, the machine winked out and died.


  Sam glanced around and shut the lid. Nope, nothing to see here. She returned to her room, dragging out her suitcase, tossing several items inside and hiding one copy of the incriminating email inside her dirty laundry.

  But she couldn’t help the slight smile on her face.

  The smile faded. Had she caused that peculiar wind and the ice to form? Sam stretched out her fingertips, feeling nothing. Lupines could not call the elements.

  She needed to clear her head. But first…

  Sam walked upstairs into the living room and beckoned to her manager. “Ken? Can I talk with you in private a moment?”

  On the terrace, out of sight and earshot from Darius, James and Sienna, she faced her manager. The man who’d promised her a promotion if she landed a million-dollar account.

  Another promise broken. But this time, she refused to be a victim.

  Sam withdrew the printed email and waved it like a flag. “The Mitchell Ranch account means a lot to you, doesn’t it?”

  He watched her warily.

  She unfolded the paper. “This is my favorite part! ‘I don’t care if Bryant fucks her until the cows come home.’”

  “Where did you get that?”

  Sam considered the email. “This email is incriminating. But it’s such a well-written email, I could see this going viral. I could post it on Reddit, Tumblr and…bingo!”

  She let the paper drop, watching with satisfaction as Ken scrambled to pick it up. He crumpled it and his face went purple.

  “You little bitch…you’ll pay for this.”

  “No, Ken. You and the firm will pay.” She smiled sweetly. “I want a full year’s severance pay with my resignation letter on Monday morning when I return to the office. Plus health insurance for twelve months.”

  “You think you can get away with this? Blackmailing us?”

  Sam folded her arms across her chest. “I already have, Ken. Because your alternative is long, costly litigation that I’m going to win. And if you decide on that route, I’ll ask for a lot more than a year’s salary. You can bet on that.”

  It felt good to watch him lose his composure, even better to hear him grumble and agree to her terms. Sam put a spring to her step as she walked down to the beach. Kicking off her sandals, she padded down to the shoreline. Sand squished between her toes. The day was warm and bright, sunshine chasing off the early morning mist. Waves licked her feet, foamy and cold.

  She relished the cold, for it sharpened her senses.

  Crushed cedar chips and fresh rainwater threaded through the smell of salty air. She kicked at a frothing wave as she scented Darius behind her.

  “Meeting over already?”

  “Yes,” he said quietly. “Are you okay?”

  A brief nod.

  “Are you still sore from last night?”

  Flushing, she hugged herself. “I’m fine.” Then she changed the subject, desperate to avoid what happened between them. Knowing her manager had hoped for that very thing to happen made it ten times worse.

  “So, is Sienna finished gushing over you, Darius?”

  A deep inhale. “Small talk breaks the ice before getting down to business. I find Sienna to be pleasant and interesting.”

  As she glanced up, he added, “As a business woman. Nothing more.”

  “Not as bait to get your ranch’s account?”

  Darius stared at her.

  “I found an email from Ken to the company president. HG instructed Ken to use me as sexual bait to get you to sign the contract with the firm. He realized you had obvious interest in me. But if you didn’t sleep with me, Sienna would be a good alternative.”

  Red suffused Darius’ face. “That son of a…”

  She fisted her hands and took a deep breath. “Why are you angry at them, Darius? You’re the one who requested me on the job. You demonstrated you were interested.”

  “I wanted to help you, Sam.” His mouth flattened. “I wanted you to achieve your dream goal. I never intended to hurt you. Ever.”

  “And now I’m resigning from my job over this. Ken has accused me of sexual impropriety, which is true! I slept with you.” Sam laughed, and the sound was bitter and hollow. “I just never realized Ken and HG manipulated the situation to their advantage. They wanted me to sleep with you so you’d sign. And then they could yank the rug from my feet and never give me the promotion I deserve.”

  “They’re bastards, Sam. Cutthroat bastards.”

  She glanced at the beach house. “Are they still there?”

  “Sienna is in the conference room, using her computer to examine spreadsheets. James went into town for something. Ken left for Portland already. Said he had urgent business to take care of.” Darius gave a cold smile that sent a shiver down her spine. “Good thing, because if he’d stayed, he’d see the business side of my claws.”

  Sam took a deep breath. “You can’t let him know I told you. You have to keep quiet about this, because I just want it to go away. Get my severance pay and leave.”

  “I’m not going to let it drop, Sam.” His gaze glittered with fierce anger. “They can’t treat you like that and expect nothing to happen. That’s not how I work.”

  Her stomach pitched and roiled. “There you go again, being my wolf in shining armor. Let it drop, Darius. That’s how I have to work, at least in this situation. I need that severance pay, and I don’t trust Ken to give it to me if you turn his face into Shredded Wheat.”

  He scowled. “For you, I’ll restrain myself. But only because you’re asking me.”

  “Are you going to stay with Comairise Energy and sign the contract?”

  “No,” he said quietly, watching her face. “Not after the way they’re treated you. Sam, it’s taking every ounce of restraint and control I have not to jump into the car, drive to Portland and find Ken and beat the…”

  He took a deep breath.

  Her chest tightened. Darius wanted to be her champion. But she’d gotten herself into this mess as well by underestimating her manager and capitulating to her own desires. “What about Sienna? Is she a good account manager?”

  “She seems more concerned with how you’re doing with her taking over the account. I like her. She seems upfront and direct. And honest. She told me she hopes you will work closely together.”

  “Not after this.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m not sure yet.”
  “You’d love the ranch. It’s very wide and open and beautiful.” The stark male interest on his face made her shiver with anticipation. “I can book us a flight for tomorrow. Come with me, Sam.”

  “And what would I do there, Darius, learn to rope cattle? My biceps aren’t as big as yours.” With a mocking smile, she held up an arm. “See?”

  Darius shook his head and shoved a hand through his thick curls. “Darling, I have news for you. I can no more rope a steer than I can read War and Peace in one night. Those cows, they don’t like me. Horses, I can handle.”

  “Probably better than I can handle cutthroat business managers.”

  He gazed at her with fierce intensity. “Sam, come back with me and formally become my mate. I’ll arrange a mating rite. And then set you up with a small office and you could form your own company marketing clean, alternative energy. I’ll help you get started. You’re very good. Your proposal and research…”

  “Were excellent,” she said dryly. Her stomach knotted with quiet disappointment. Her dreams and hopes had died. Even with the severance money from Comairise, she’d still have to find a new job. Sam wanted to start her own company, but hadn’t made enough business contacts yet. If she went with Darius, he’d want her as his mate. She’d be forced to embrace the Lupine life once more. The Lupine life that had brought her nothing but misery and indentured servitude.

  She’d lived as Skin for years. The life had protected and hidden her until now.

  She couldn’t deny her Lupine heritage.

  Which was she? Samantha wasn’t certain anymore.

  But she knew one thing. The attraction hadn’t died with last night’s intensity. Being this close to Darius triggered her instincts to draw close, touch her mouth to his, trail her hands down his strong, muscled body…

  Biting her lip, she fisted her hands. The sexual attraction between them had been so damn obvious that Jenner had used it to lure Darius down here.

  Oh, screw it!

  Emotions lathering, she fisted a hand in his T-shirt and dragged his mouth down for a kiss. Darius stiffened and then opened his mouth, kissing her back deeply. Groaning, he went to slide a hand around her neck.

  And stopped. He drew back and glanced at the windows of the beach house. “Sam, what was that?”

  She licked her lips and thought of Jenner’s nasty email. “That was a million-dollar kiss. You didn’t like it?”

  “Loved it,” he said softly. “But why now?”

  Her throat tightened. “It was a goodbye kiss, because I’ve made up my mind.”

  A muscle jumped in his jaw. “About what?”

  “I’m leaving the firm, but returning to Portland today.” She gave a brittle laugh. “To find another life until I find myself.”

  “What do you mean, find yourself?”

  “Find who I am, where I belong. I don’t know if I belong in the Skin world anymore.”

  “I know exactly where you belong, with me, with your people. You’re a Lupine.” He reached for her hand, but she stepped back. “Sam, come back with me.”

  “And what? Endure the primitive ritual of a mating rite? Because that’s the only thing that will bond us together as mates, right? And I’ll have to remain in your pack for life, right? No going back?”

  Darius closed his eyes and nodded.

  “I don’t know if I’m strong enough to endure it. I don’t know if I want a Lupine life again.”

  “What do you want, Sam?”

  I just don’t know. Too much had happened in the last twenty-four hours.

  She needed time and space, away from Darius’ intoxicating, sensual allure. She needed time away from that snake, Ken. She needed to clear her head.

  Sam waded into the Pacific. Waves splashed up around her calves. Darius frowned. “That’s very cold water. Be careful.”

  “I know how to swim.” She waded in deeper, wishing she were a mermaid. Were there mermaids in the Pacific? If so, at least they knew where they belonged. She didn’t know where she fit in anymore.

  Sam she felt something brush past on her calves and saw a flash of green in the water.

  Maybe there were mermaids in the Pacific after all.

  “Be careful of the undertow,” Darius called out.

  She started to walk toward shore, when something tugged at her leg. Then it gave a mighty yank, dragging her under the water. She fought both it and a primal terror, flailing her arms, struggling to surface, in desperate need of air. And then the edges of her vision grayed.

  She was drowning.

  Chapter 11

  Darius seldom panicked. When Sam went under, he dove into the surf, his mind shifting to automatic. Salt water stung his eyes as he scanned the water for her, swimming further out. Then he caught a flash of pink. She’d been wearing pink shorts.

  Sam floated underwater, her body bobbing along. Darius’ heart dropped to his stomach.

  Her ankle was in the mouth of a scaled, green sea demon with very sharp teeth. It resembled an alligator, but was a dangerous Torathar. Seeing Darius, the Torathar opened its mouth, bubbles streaming out in a hiss.

  Fuck you! You are not having my Sam.

  With every ounce of strength, he grabbed onto Sam and pulled hard. Swimming with her to the surface, he gasped for air. Darius started for the shore in steady, strong strokes.

  He hauled her onto the sand. She wasn’t breathing. Blood trickled from the nasty bite on her ankle. Immediately starting CPR, he gave her his own breath.

  C’mon, sweetheart, breathe, breathe.

  Finally she coughed. Darius gently turned her onto her side as she retched up salt water.

  When she’d finished, she looked at him, violet gaze huge and confused. He helped her sit and rubbed her back.

  “Something.” She coughed again. “Dragged at me. Undertow.”

  He wanted to gather her into his arms, hug her tight and never let go. Ensure nothing would hurt her. But others were storming onto the beach now with alarmed shouts, including Sienna.

  Darius lifted her into his arms and started back for the house, giving orders in clipped tones to Sienna. Inside, he carried Sam straight to his opulent bathroom and sat her on the lip of the enormous Roman tub. He ran warm water into it, removed her shirt and shorts, and set her inside.

  Someone knocked at the door.

  “Come in,” he yelled.

  Sienna raced into the bathroom with a shot glass of amber fluid. “I found the brandy.”

  Kneeling at the tub’s lip, Darius held the glass to Sam’s lips. Her teeth still chattered. “C’mon, Sam, drink this.”

  He tipped the glass back, and she swallowed, coughing more, but finished it. Color finally returned to her face.

  Darius stood, took the glass and handed it back to Sienna. Their fingers touched and he felt a sudden current of pure power, as if he’d gotten a small shock from an electrical outlet. Sienna’s features seemed to ripple, like the surface of a lake after a stone is thrown in. Gone was the animated, intelligent businesswoman. And then he caught a whiff of damp earth, peeling bark and pine. Her eyes widened.

  She knew that he knew what she was. Other.

  Instincts on full alert, his nostrils flared. But he would save this for after he’d taken care of Sam.

  “Stay in the tub,” he told Sam and went into the bedroom, Sienna following him.

  “What else do you need?” Sienna asked.

  “There’s a fresh cut of prime rib in the fridge that I cooked yesterday. Cut it into bite-sized pieces and bring it here.”

  Without words, she left.

  Darius returned to the bathroom, drained the tub, helped Sam out, then threw a thick towel around her shaking shoulders. He examined her left calf, which bore teeth marks, now already healing, typical for Lupines. After treating the wound with disinfectant, he rubbed his cheek against hers, the instinctive action of a Lupine needing to connect with his mate.

  Sienna returned with a plate of beef cut into cubes.

bsp; “Put it on the desk in the bedroom.”

  Darius rubbed Sam’s upper arms.

  “I need a shower,” she told him. “Right now.”

  “You feel strong enough? Or you need my help?” He gave her a critical look.

  A delicate blush tinted her cheeks. “I can do it.”

  He found clean towels and hung his big terrycloth robe on the door peg. “Call if you need my help. I mean it, Sam.”

  He closed the bathroom door behind him. Sienna paced the big bedroom. She gave the closed door a critical look.

  “Will she be all right?” she asked Darius.

  “I’ll take care of her. I won’t let her out of my sight.”

  “Good.” Her gaze narrowed. “If you had her in your sight, it wouldn’t have happened. I know Lupines are savage beasts, but I thought they took care of their mates.”

  “Don’t criticize what you don’t know. What clan are you from? Woodland? Lakes?” His mouth thinned. “Or do you happen to be a sea Sprite who can call up a Torathar to drown my mate?”

  Sienna’s green eyes narrowed. “How dare you accuse me?”

  He dragged in a deep breath. “You smell like a woodland Sprite.”

  The trick worked, for anger flushed her face. “Do not insult me, Lupine. We Elves do not like being compared to weak Sprites.”

  “Now that we both know what you are, let’s clear the air.” Darius got into her face. “What clan?”

  She remained silent.

  Temper rising, he allowed his claws to emerge and held up a hand. “Don’t fuck with me, Fairy.”

  “Elf,” she snapped.

  “What clan?”

  “Glen Dáire.”

  Woodland Elves of the northwest. Their clan covered a large territory, both forest and sea. Deeply troubled, Darius allowed his claws to remain. “Did you call up a Torathar to attack her? You have the power.”

  “If I wanted her dead, she’d be dead already. Put your claws away.”

  The words chilled him, but he allowed his claws to retract. “Why are you here?”

  Her gaze flickered to the closed bathroom door. “I work for Comairise Energy. Many of us have taken jobs in the Skin world to help protect our territory from being polluted by Skins. That is all I will say, Lupine.”


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