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The Mating Rite (Big, Beautiful Werewolf) (Werewolves of Montana)

Page 28

by Vanak, Bonnie

  Because the rite reflected the wildness of the Lupine’s heritage, the pack had spent the night at the lakeside retreat high on Mitchell Mountain. Aiden had constructed cabins around the lake for members who desired to run wild.

  Now the entire pack gathered in a circle near the lake. Flickering torchlight cast shadows over the group. At a wooden podium Kyle had built for the occasion, Aiden set down the heavy leather book all pack alphas owned. The ancient book contained sacred Lupine laws, and the words he would use to seal Darius and Sam together as mates. A priceless silver goblet rested on the podium. It contained a mysterious liquid Aiden told them they would consume upon completing the vows.

  Sam shivered. Aiden had spent all night mixing the potion, using the recipe in the book. The drink would remove their sexual inhibitions.

  She wondered what her sensual nature was like. Would she be more Elf? Or Lupine?

  The alpha had shaved for the ritual, losing his customary black beard. But with the approaching moon, stubble covered his strong jaw and chin. Sam stood before the podium and glanced around at the other males, startled to see the same.

  They all sported the same stubble, as if the moon made them look wilder, and more dangerous.

  Dressed in black trousers and a black tunic, Darius looked somber and handsome as he waited next to her. He sported the same dark stubble on his face, but his gaze was warm and tender. He reached out and took her hand, giving a reassuring squeeze. “You okay?”

  “A little scared and nervous,” she admitted.

  “Me too. Just focus on us, and forget everything else.”

  “That will be extremely hard to do, considering the circumstances,” a deep male voice remarked.

  Sam’s heart raced as the Silver Wizard stepped out of the shadows. The circle of Lupines parted to allow him entrance. He approached the podium and tapped his chin. “You forgot to invite me to the wedding. I’m deeply hurt. Boo. Hoo.”

  Darius scowled. “You can’t stop us, Tristan. Sam and I are together now.”

  “As you were meant to be, Darius.” A mysterious smile curved his mouth. “The Lupine and the mixed-blood Elf. I knew you would find each other again, for it became your destiny as soon as you placed the mating mark on Samantha. I merely gave you a little assistance, with the ad I placed on the singles mating site.”

  She stared at him, suddenly understanding. “You were behind us getting together all this time?”

  Tristan shrugged. “It’s in my job description.”

  Aiden snapped the book shut. “If you’re finished playing matchmaker, we’re trying to conduct a mating rite.”

  The wizard’s smirk faded. “Precisely the reason for my arrival. Usually the alpha—you Aiden—performs the ritual. However, with Samantha’s mixed blood, it is necessary for me to officiate. And moderate.”


  “Why?” she asked.

  Tristan glanced at her. “Your Elven magick is very strong, Samantha. You have only begun to tap into it. It may overshadow your Lupine powers. There could be consequences.”

  The wizard wore his customary black. He unbuttoned his shirt and paused, looking at all the females. “I am removing my shirt now. Do not faint.”

  “Be still my heart,” Aiden muttered.

  Tristan slipped off his shirt and several females sighed in frank appreciation. He set it upon the podium and then raised an eyebrow at Sam. “Are you not impressed?”

  “Not swoon worthy. But a very nice chest. However, not as nice as Darius’.”

  Darius’ mouth quirked in apparent amusement.

  The smile faded a minute later as Tristan took a silver knife sheathed on his belt, grabbed Sam’s hand and slashed her palm. The white hot pain made her cry out. The wizard squeezed her hand, letting the blood run freely.

  “What gives?” Darius stepped forward, baring his fangs.

  Tristan did not answer, but made an identical cut over his heart. Rather, where his heart should lie, if the bastard had one. Sam gritted her teeth and managed to speak. “I’m okay, Darius.”

  The wizard pressed her laceration over the open wound on his chest. As his blood mingled with hers, power flowed into her. So much power, it screamed into her body. Sam’s knees buckled.

  “Now would be a good time to catch your mate, Darius.” Tristan removed her hand as Darius slid his arms around her waist, holding her upright.

  Sam shook her head. “I’m okay. Just need a minute. That was, whoa.”

  “Better than an orgasm?” Tristan offered.

  “Don’t flatter yourself,” she said dryly as Darius scowled. “But why the drama?”

  The wizard’s cut had vanished, leaving his chest smooth muscle once more. He shrugged back into his shirt to the accompaniment of several female sighs of disappointment.

  He glanced at the assembled pack. “I require a private moment with Darius, Aiden and Samantha, if you please. You may retire to the woods until I call for you.”

  When no one moved back, his eyes glowed ice blue. “Leave now.”

  The pack ran off to the trees. Tristan turned to Sam.

  “You now carry my heart’s blood inside you. Only a few droplets, but enough. As I have your blood inside me, enough to control you.” Tristan put a palm to his forehead. “I must sit. The sight of blood makes me queasy.”

  Cross-legged, he sat, hovering in the air, a floating wizard, a breeze lifting strands of his shoulder-length dark hair. His smirk vanished, replaced by a solemn look. “You are part Glythen, Samantha, and the Glythen are judged by the Crimson Wizard. I have only partial control over you. During the rite, your Elf/Fae half will resist mating and bonding forever with Darius. With your blood inside me, I can aid you through the process.”

  Sam stared at him, fear coagulating in her stomach. “You never said anything about my mixed blood being a problem.”

  “It was not an issue until now, when you agreed to formally mate Darius for life.”

  “What’s going to happen to her? Spill it,” Darius demanded.

  “Did I not already spill enough?” Tristan asked.

  No one spoke. He shook his head. “You Lupines, always so serious. Very well. After the formal vows are exchanged and you have both drunk from the cup of sharing, Darius’ instincts will surge. His wolf will take over, driving him to mate with you.”

  Tristan paused and gave her a steady look. “In wolf form. This is not a problem for a female Lupine, for she usually does the same and the mating is consummated successfully. However, since you are half-Fae, and the daughter of the Fae king, your Glythen half will resist. Your duel nature will struggle both against the submissive position you must take when Darius mates with you, and against him taking you as wolf.”

  Silence hovered in the air a moment.

  The wizard sighed. “Must I spell it out for you? Samantha, your Elf half will prohibit your shifting into a wolf and you will remain in Skin. But this will not matter to Darius, whose overwhelming drive will be to mate with you, no matter what form you possess. So even if you remain in your Skin form, he will overpower you and take you. It will not be pretty and can be quite traumatic.”

  “Say it, Tristan. You mean I’m going to force her against her will. Rape my mate?” Darius looked sickened.

  Aiden said softly, “Damn.”

  Sam felt fear clog her throat.

  Darius shook his head. “Forget it. I’m not hurting her. No fucking way.”

  “Yes, fucking way, for that is the fucking way if she remains in Skin,” Tristan said dryly.

  “Then we won’t be mated.” He turned to her, his gaze tormented. “I love you, Sam. But I’m not making our mating into a rape. Never.”

  Tristan sighed. “If you will listen…”

  Sam seized his hands and pressed them against her mouth. “It’s okay Darius. I can try to overcome it and if I can’t, and that’s the way it must be, I’ll understand.”

  “Hello?” Tristan waved a hand. “Wizard here with explanation�

  “No. I’m not forcing you.” He gazed into her eyes and cupped her face. “I love you too much. I’ll never forgive myself.”

  Tristan sighed again. “Excuse me, this little love display is quite touching, and nauseating, but I have—”

  “I love you, Darius. I trust you,” she whispered.

  A loud thunderclap broke them apart like two hands. Sam blinked and riveted her attention to Tristan. He clapped his hands again and the thunder kaw-powed once more.

  “Amazing invention, the clapper.” He glanced at his hands. “This trick truly works. I must thank the Crimson Wizard next time Gideon and I meet for drinks. Listen up. This is why Samantha carries my blood inside her. With my ability to control her, I can mind suggest to her Elf self to shift into a wolf, thus ensuring a successful mating, thus making for a happy fucking with all happily ever after, end of story. Got it?”

  Aiden rubbed his jaw, looking pensive. “It’s that easy?”

  “Not quite.” Tristan waved a hand and descended, then unfolded his long legs and stood. “As I said, Samantha’s powers are inherited from the Fae King and they will surge to full capacity during the rite. It will be like turning a flickering candle into a lighthouse. She may dematerialize unless I control her. I will need your assistance, Aiden.”

  Darius swore softly, and Aiden looked sickened. Then he glanced at Sam. “If that’s what it takes, as long as they both agree, I’ll do whatever you request.”

  “Maybe I shouldn’t do this. Not go through with a mating rite,” Darius mused aloud.

  “If you do not formally mate with Samantha, everything on two legs or four with a penis will be after her during her heat.” Tristan turned to her. “They will not only scent you from afar and desire to mate with you, but crave the power you carry inside you. You will not be safe, Samantha. Your powers will protect you for a while, and Darius can protect you as well, but eventually one male will find you and have you. And then it will truly be rape, only by a stranger.”

  “This sucks,” Darius said, rubbing her neck in a soothing gesture. “Who the hell invented these rules?”

  “Do not blame me. I opted for a money-back guarantee, but it was vetoed.” Tristan folded his arms and regarded them both. “Well? I need a verbal consent from both of you before we proceed with the rite.”

  “Yes, I agree to this,” she said immediately.

  Darius hesitated.

  “Please, Darius, it will be fine. I trust you, and I believe you would never intentionally hurt me.” She kissed his hands.

  He nodded. “Very well. I agree to this.”

  The wizard waved a hand and the pack reappeared, again in a circle. The wizard stepped behind the podium and looked at Darius and Sam. “Join hands and face each other.”

  Heart thundering, she did so.

  “Darius, repeat after me. I, state your name, take you, state her name, to be my husband/wife/wolf/fur rug, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in fur and out of it…”

  Standing beside Tristan, Aiden smirked. Several giggles sounded behind them from the pack.

  “You’re screwing with us?” Darius demanded.

  Tristan raised a brow. “What of it?” Then he looked at Sam. “I am trying to make you relax. Humor can be most beneficial at times.”

  To her astonishment, the wizard smiled. And some of her nervousness vanished.

  “Thank you,” she told him.

  He winked at her. And then he cleared his throat and his voice deepened. “The Rite of Mating is a binding ritual which no living being shall ever separate. This male and this female have agreed to join their hearts and their spirits together, as they shall join their bodies, to become one. Before these assembled witnesses, they state their vows to remain in pack, remain at each other’s sides and never forsake the other. Darius, state your vows by declaring what is in your heart.”

  Darius squeezed her hands tight and gazed into her eyes. “I, Darius Bryant, promise you, Samantha, to never forsake you, put your needs before my own, always hold you close to my heart, keep you safe and warm and protected. I vow to defend your body and your honor with every last drop of blood in my body, and love and cherish you unto my dying days, giving my life for yours if I must.”

  She looked at him and felt all the love inside her. “I, Samantha Evers, don’t have sweet words of poetry or formal vows, Darius. All I can give you is my love, my heart, my spirit and my promise that I will love you forever, do whatever I must to become your mate and always be at your side, and never leave you again.”

  “You’d better not,” he whispered. “Because where you go, I go.”

  Tristan handed him the cup. Darius drank and then passed it to Samantha. The liquid tasted cool and refreshing against her tongue. Honeyed and sweet.

  As she returned the cup to Tristan, something flickered in the wizard’s eyes. Warmth spread through her body, her female parts felt open, wet and aroused, her chest filling with a sensation of pure power. She glanced at the sky, and saw darkness drape the land.

  Her blood tingled as the moon began to rise above the treetops.

  “That’s it?” Aiden asked. “They’re mated.”

  “Not quite.” Tristan kept watching Darius.

  Suddenly Darius doubled over, gasping and holding his stomach. Alarmed, she went to his side, but the wizard materialized at her side and pulled her back. “Do not touch him.”

  “What did you do to him?” she cried out.

  Aiden scowled and fisted his hands as Darius fell to his knees, groaning in obvious pain. “What the fuck, Tristan?” The alpha picked up the cup and sniffed it. “Gods damn it! This is not the potion I mixed last night for the ceremony!”

  “No, it is not. I replaced it with something much stronger. Pure madragon, the aphrodisiac all male Lupines release when they bite their mates, mixed in with a few ingredients to aid in Samantha’s transformation. And his.”

  Panicked, she looked at her hands as Darius writhed on the ground. He opened his mouth, displaying sharp white fangs. His eyes glowed amber.

  He was shifting, and snarling.

  Sam felt her body warm and her powers surged. Stunned, she glanced down. She was glowing, a pure bluish light that pulsed in waves. Everything sharpened. She heard a distant music on the soft breeze, the song of Fairies and Sprites whispering to her. The forest pulled at her with seductive allure, inviting her to dance among the trees.

  Power surged within her, enabling her to feel the earth’s energy tingling beneath her feet. Impatient, she waved a hand and her shoes vanished. Samantha dug her toes into the soil. Tristan looked solemnly at her.

  “The potion accelerates your powers and lets them surface. This is who you truly are, Samantha.”

  “Caewellen,” she said in a sultry, musical voice she did not recognize. “My true name is Caewellen.”

  She felt the pack’s apprehension and fears, felt them move away as their instincts urged them to avoid this creature they did not recognize. Samantha did not care. Her whole being sang with the need to race through the forest, to connect with the creatures hiding there, and keep them safe and protected.

  The moon came out.

  Darius shifted.

  Standing high as her waist, weighing more than 200 pounds of pure muscle, her mate had become a snarling, savage beast with fangs long as dinner knives, thick gray fur and claws that could shred solid steel. Even Aiden backed off.

  “Sweet hellfire, what is that?” the alpha said, his eyes wide.

  Tristan nodded at the wolf. “That, my dear Aiden, is your best friend in pure Lupine form. He is the essence of raw, untamed wolf.”

  Samantha struggled to maintain control over her form, every cell urging her to dematerialize into thousands of droplets of mist. The forest called to her, needed her. She looked at the woods and saw the pack shift beneath the silvery moon. In wolf form, the Lupines raced toward the woods.

  To hunt and kill.
  They would kill the creatures she was honor bound to protect. Samantha whipped her head around and saw Aiden’s eyes glow amber. He too, wished to hunt and kill.

  “Aiden! Do not shift. Fight it, alpha. I command you to remain in Skin.”

  She cared not what the wizard wanted. The gown restricted her, prohibited her from dematerializing. The ancient call to protect the trees pulsed hot and heavy in her blood, shuttling aside arousal and the fierce need to mate. With an impatient scream, she tore the gown from her body, leaving nothing but skin.

  Samantha lifted her arms to the sky and felt her body pulse with pure power.

  Suddenly Tristan grabbed her around the waist and flipped her to the ground on her stomach. One knee on her back, he held down her shoulders. Sam screamed with the need to be free and saw the giant wolf paw the earth as he circled them, growling. A long, red shaft emerged from his sheath, signaling his eagerness to mate.

  “Aiden, hold back Darius, until I give the word,” Tristan commanded.

  Immediately the alpha was on his friend, his muscled arms wrapped around the wolf’s waist. Darius fought and struggled, his front paws scrabbling at the ground, trying to get to her.

  “Hold him back. I must not allow her to transform, or she’s lost to Darius forever.”

  “Damn it, I’m trying.”

  She felt the pressure of Tristan’s knee ease. Immediately she tried to rise, but was forced to all fours by an invisible set of hands. The wizard knelt before her and cupped her face in his strong hands. His touch burned with power, but it did not hurt.

  “Look at me, Samantha. Look at me and feel my power inside you.”

  Unable to resist the command in the wizard’s voice, she looked up. His eyes glowed a fierce blue, but there was a softness in them. Confused, she stopped struggling.

  Tristan gripped her face. “Shift into your Lupine form, Samantha. Do not resist me and do not resist Darius. He needs to mate with you. I command you by the power of my blood that flows inside you, shift into wolf-skin now.”


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