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Page 16

by Linton Bowers

  “But you’re Tuatha. Everything we know about your kind says you hunt Mages.”

  “Everything I know about this mage hunting this is that Mages started it, and a Tuatha was more than happy to end it. That doesn’t mean I want you dead,” I said.

  “Truly?” He asked.

  “No bullshit.”

  “Where do we go from here?” He asked.

  “Let’s start with your name,” Tula said.

  “Ah yes, I’m Michael Geoff, and this is Solara my significant other.”

  “My name is Tula, and I represent the other Tuatha. This is Terry.”

  “I wish I could say it was a pleasure meeting you,” Michael said.

  “Same here, buddy. How about we change that. I thinking have a fire mage as a friend would be awesome. Do you think we could work that out?” I asked.

  “This isn’t what we agreed to,” Tula hissed.

  “I have to do what’s best for my pack,” I said. “Powerful allies are good for my pack.”

  “And they are good for my house. I would like to enter into an agreement we could both benefit from.”

  Things were moving up the right direction for once. I walked around the couple and un-tied them.

  “I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” Tula said.

  “If we are going to have a relationship then I want one based on something other than fear. I need this to be as much of a friendship as it is an alliance,” I said.

  “Well put. Do you mind if we dress?”

  “Not at all. Can I trust you to not do anything if we wait in the living room?” It was a test. If they dressed then came out to talk, I knew this might be the right decision. If he came out guns blazing, then he would die. Five minutes later he entered the living room alone.

  “Solara will join us momentarily. She wanted to put on her face, as she put it. I tell her how beautiful she is without makeup, but she won’t believe me. What can you do?”

  “Not worry about the little things,” I said. “Traditionally, how do alliances like this work?” I asked figuring that Tula could shed light on any untruths.

  “Alliances are a common practice among Mage communities. We usually send a representative to work with our ally, almost like the kings of old marrying off their daughters to another kingdom. We don’t believe in marriage so it doesn’t get that label.”

  “I don’t think I like that very much,” I said.

  “I have a proposal,” Michael said.

  “Sorry for taking so long,” Solara said as she entered. “You’ve seen me looking my worst, so I wanted you to seem me looking my best.”

  “If that was your worst, then I’m impressed,” I said. “You are a beautiful woman, with or without the makeup.”

  “Thank you, that’s sweet of you.”

  “I was just about to make a proposal to our new friend,” Michael said. “You are right on time, dear.”

  “Excellent,” she replied.

  “As you may have guessed, we discussed it as we dressed, so Solara knows what I am going to say.”

  “Good, let’s hear it,” Tula said.

  “I have a rival in this city, one of different house and school. He has killed several of my mages in unprovocted attacks. I am asking you to eliminate the threat.”

  “And what do I get out of this deal?” I asked.

  “I have valuable information regarding Lassiter that I think you lack. Also, my daughter will accompany you and assist. She is a powerful and gifted Mage. If the mission goes well, then I offer her to you as my emissary. I know a little about how your kind works. You may tame her if it suits you.”

  “That sounds too much like an arranged marriage to me,” I said. “I don’t really like that idea much.”

  “One thing Mages and Mage, excuse me, Tuatha, share is the lack of monogamy. Having her join your pack, is up to you. She can function as my emissary without being a Tua. I do know that you and your pack, I believe, gain much in the way of power when you have Mage Tua. The choice is yours though. Get to know my daughter while you go after Morgan, then decide. Is this acceptable?”

  “Almost, I want a little more. Killing your enemy and taking in your emissary look more like victories for you than mutual benefit. I will agree to this, if you agree to help me gain more alliances in the mage community.”

  “Done.” Solara said.

  “As she said. It is late now, would you like to rest and go in the morning? I will have you, and your people, fed and given proper quarters to sleep in.”

  “Not me, Tula said. “My unit is done here. Terry, you still get the untamed as agreed upon, but I’m not part of this deal. Cool?”

  “That’s fine,” I replied. “Thanks for the help.”

  “You’re welcome.” She turned to face Michael. “I am sure you will be receiving a visitor soon from my Tuahta. We need as many friends as we can get, just as much as Terry does.”

  “I believe I have an idea of the size of your pack. I doubt you need us as friends, but I am willing to talk. I look forward to your diplomat.”

  Tula noded to the Mage then to me before leaving. We waited for her to be far out of earshot before talking. Considering she was an unknown Lycan, I thought ten minutes would be best.

  “This thing about your daughter kind of freaks me out,” I said.

  “That is surprising considering you are Lycan. This is a common enough practice,” Michael said.

  “I bet it is, but I wasn’t aware of being a Lycan until just s short while ago. Everyday I learn something new.”

  “Ah yes, the info we gathered said you lived a normal life until the the last PArty Arnold held. It makes sense you wouldn’t be used to this. To help this along, I will have her come to dinner. We will invite the Lycans that have stayed with you and make it a big affair. Casual thought, as I’m sure none of you have anything fancy readily available.”

  “I know I don’t, and I’m sure none of the others do,” I said. “Can I ask you a question regarding your magic?”

  “Certainly, what would you like to know?” He held up his index finger. “Before we get into it, let’s take a seat. What’s the point of having soft and comfortable furniture if we don’t use it.”

  “That laser thing you did?” I asked once I was seated. “What is that?”

  Michael smiled from his seat across the coffee table from me. “That is a higher level magic that few can do. It’s called infernal fire and is basically concentrated fire similar to how light is concentrated to produce a laser. It’s really cool, isn’t it.”

  “Cool, and scary as fuck.” We both laughed at that, him more than me. “How does fire magic work? High level stuff, I don’t think I could comprehend the theory of it.”

  Michael chuckled. “At its heart, fire magic is a manipulation of hot and cold. As young mages advance they learn to utilize combustible materials found in most things to create fire. For example, when we hold our hands out to form fireballs, we are using heat to draw the oils in our body out through our hands ten igniting it in the air. At that point we have enough control of fire to force it to dance in the air where we want or to shoot to like a rocket. And there is the higher level stuff, like Infernal Fire. Most of those spells are about manipulating the pressure affecting the fire or the explosmasive effects of the flammables. I’m better at the pressure compression stuff than the explosive stuff. Though, I can make some wicked explosives using pressure. Did that answer satisfy?”

  “I would say so. Thank you. One more question,” I said.

  “I bet I know the question and I can tell you right now that it's no. Magic can not be taught to just anyone. Its inherited and I can’t saw why or how. No studies I am aware of delve into the subject” Michael said.

  “That’s unfortunate.”

  “Yes, but as I understand it, you can pick up some forms of magic due to what you are. Have you gained any magic users in your pack?”

  Telling him seed like giving away vital information. If not for hm h
aving answered my questions I wouldn’t answer his. Two things helped me to decide to talk. One, his daughter would probably see Scarlett in action, and two, I had a good feeling about the situation.

  “I do, I am blessed to have a Hydro-Mage in my pack.”

  “Really?” Michaels eyebrows rose in surprise. “That is amazing. Hydros are very rare.”

  “As I understand it, the last three known Hydros are under my protection,” I said.

  “That is fascinating. Maybe one day I could come to your home and meet them. I think a conversation with a Hydro would be truly incredible.”

  “I’m sure we could arrange that assuming things go well between us.”

  Chapter 27

  Michael and I were the first ones at the dinner table. It wasn't hard considering it was one room over from the living room. Shortly after we sat down to his wife entered with my Tua and Antoinette’s people.

  "Terry, it's so good to see you," Scarlett said. My Hydro-Mage ran over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck squeezing tight. I wrapped my arms around her returning the hug and feeling much better for having her close.

  "Hey Terry, is everything OK with you?" Izzy asked.

  " I can't complain, just making new alliances and making new friends."

  "What, no bodies? That is a surprise," Izzy said.

  Izzy and Scarlett took seats directly to my right as I was at the foot of the table and the Mercs sat on my left. Then another woman entered one who looked a lot like Michael's woman only younger and with much shorter hair. She had green eyes that sparkled and were really set off by the short dark brown hair on her head. She came over and held her hand out and introduce yourself.

  "Hi, my name is Morgana. From what I hear I’m to be my father's emissary in your home, that's so exciting I can't wait to work with you."

  "Hi, Morgana, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name's Terry," I gestured toward my Tua, "this is Izzy, and Scarlett."

  Morgana walked around behind me to get to the other side where Izzy and Scarlett sat. She shook both their hands and exchanged pleasantries. Then she surprised me by asking if they would mind moving down one so that she could sit next to me and get to know me better. Izzy shot me a questioning look and I nodded so she nodded back and moved down so she was seated and seated on the other side of Scarlet.

  "Everyone is saying that when you first came here that you try to kill my father, is that true?" Morgana asked.

  "I wouldn't say that I tried to kill him more like had a very aggressive conversation with your father. In the end it all worked out, so I don't really think it's a big deal. This isn’t going to get in the way of us working together is it?" I asked.

  Morgana looked at me with a raised eyebrow for a moment then tilted her head to the right. After another moment she answered my question. "No, I don't think so. If you can get past so can I."

  "That's a relief. I really want this alliance between my pack and your house to work out. Starting with no animosity between us will make it so much easier."

  Our conversation was stopped when Morgan walked in followed by several other people carrying trays. The smells of cooked meats roasted vegetables and cool treats perked me right up. I sat up straighter waiting to see what culinary delights our hosts had for us. As always, I was hungry as hell. The server laid down the trays in front of each of us and remove the lid's revealing what looked to be roast beef smothered in gravy with a good helping of roast broccoli and brussel sprouts also smothered in gravy. I wasn't one to normally eat brussel sprouts but when they were roasted it made them absolutely amazing.

  All the Lycans quickly scarfed down the food presented but had to wait as the mages weren't as fast as we were. Morgana for her part stop eating halfway through her meal so she could continue talking with me.

  "I'm not really familiar with the Tuatha thing, do you think you could fill me in, Terry?" Morgana asked.

  I wiped my mouth with the folded napkin sitting next to my plate then set it on my lap. "I think I can do that. It's a little complicated though so maybe we could discuss it more when we’re on the road."

  "Yes, that's okay with me. So, my father has also told me that one of your pack members is a Hydro mage, is that true?" Morgana asked.

  "It is true," Scarlett said.

  My Hydro mage revealed her power to our servers and Morgana by coaxing the water in her glass out to rise up and take on the shape of the Washington Monument. Then she turn the water into a tentacle that thrashed around before finally raising completely out of the glass and forming a perfect sphere. For her final trick, she had a tendril of water move from the sphere to her mouth and she sucked down the sphere.

  "That is so amazing!" Morgana said.

  "You get used to it. I can't wait to see fire magic in action. That's something I've never seen but I've always wanted to see how it works. Do you think you could show me?" Scarlett asked.

  "I can but this really isn't the place or time. I'm not as skilled yet as my parents are and if I start casting fire now there's a good chance of setting the house on fire." That brought a laugh from everyone seated at the table.

  Michael and Morgana finish their meals then had servants clear away our plates. Soon after we were shown our rooms. Michael was more than eager for us to get some rest so we can begin our new quest early in the morning. Scarlet and Izzy both opted to stay in my room which surprised me as I was sure that Izzy would want her own. Instead my turtle asked if there was a possibility of getting a second bed in the room which she was told there was and one was brought. Izzy claimed the second bed for herself, but Scarlet insisted on sleeping with me.

  "Izzy this is kind of weird Scarlett wanting to sleep with me while you're in the next bed," I thought to my wereturtle.

  "It's not really that weird. You go ahead and do whatever you want, and I won't be bothered at all. In fact, I'm so tired I’ll probably sleep through everything, so knock yourself out."

  That shocked me more than Scarlet wanting to sleep in the same bed with me. And while she had given me the okay, I still didn't feel right about it. Not only that a big part of me wanted the person sleeping in the bed with me to be Izzy. I did want Scarlet, but I wanted to be intimate with the beautiful Hydro mage in a romantic setting. I still wanted Izzy more. I don't know if it was because she refused to give it up after having done it once. Or how wrong that one time felt. The best thing would be to set up an intimate situation just me and Izzy doing everything I could to make sure that our second time was something special. Knowing my turtle, rose petals and chocolates probably wouldn't do it. Maybe if I scattered bullet casings around and had a couple pistols on the bed laid out in the shape of a heart.

  Izzy settled in the bed after stripping down to her underwear. Then Scarlet turned the lights off and came over to the bed. The room was almost entirely devoid of light, but I didn’t use wolf sense. I felt when my Hydro mage crawled onto the bed and slid under the covers.

  I was used to sleeping in the buff so that's exactly what I was wearing when she slid in next to me, nothing. Turns out, Scarlet was wearing the same outfit. I felt her warm flesh pressed against mine instantly my cock reacted.

  "Is that for me?" Scarlett asked.

  I believe it is"

  My Hydro mage giggled as she wrapped her fingers around my shaft. Scarlet's touch ignited a fire in me. With the intimate contact our connection grew stronger and I suddenly had an overpowering urge. In that moment I needed Scarlet more than anything. At the same time, I felt more aggressive than usual and not only that I wanted her, but I wanted to fuck her hard.

  "I want it too, but please take it slow at first." Sometimes my Tua’s ability to read my thoughts paid off.

  I placed my hand between her legs and felt her slick warmth with my fingers. I rubbed her clit while she stroked my cock

  "Fuck me, fuck me now, Terry," Scarlett whispered.

  I didn't have to be told twice. I rolled over on top of my Tua and guided my length into her center. She moan
ed as I slowly slid my cock inside her. Since she asked, I kept myself in check and made sure to take it nice and slow. Through our bond I could feel that her need for me was just as strong as mine was for her and it wasn't long before we are fucking like animals.

  Chapter 28

  The vehicle Michael gave us was a big SUV with third row seating. There was enough room for my Tua, Morgana, the Merc girls, and I. This allowed me to get to know the Merc girls a little better.

  "Were you always mercs? Or is this a one off?" I asked the Merc Girls.

  "The four of us have worked for Antoinette for a year. They decided we wouldn't make a good fit as Tua, but our skills were still valuable," the bubbly Merck girl said.

  "What exactly are your skills?"

  "All of us are proficient with pistols and rifles, and we each have our own special skill set," Mark girl to said. "For example, I'm a demolitions expert."

  one of the Merck girls seated behind me tapped my shoulder getting my attention. "I'm really good with computers and security systems," Mark girl number three said.

  "In my specialty is long-range weapons. Or what you might call a sniper," Merck girl number four said from her seat next to Merkel number three.

  "In my specialty is hand-to-hand combat," said the bubbly Merck girl. "And being happy, being happy is also my specialty."

  "You ladies sound like one hell of a team," I said. "And all of you are okay with being sold off to me decide whether to make you my two or just use your skills?"

  "To be honest we're all hoping that you go ahead and make this Tua," Mark girl number two said. "We all think that the additional power and skills granted from being to will make us much more effective at our jobs. And there's the added benefit of being part of a group or a pack instead of having to hire our services out to the highest bidder."

  "We hear that being Tua comes with some really sweet benefits," bubbling Merc girl said.


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