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Page 23

by Linton Bowers

  I went to her and shook her shoulders. "Hey, hey, can you hear me?"

  The woman stirred in strange markings around and under her body lit up with the green glow. Then she went still. I scooped her up in my arms turned and laid her down on the floor. Then I shook to get her attention once more.

  This time when she stirred no glyphs lit up in her eyes fluttered open. "What… Who… Where…"

  "There's not much time, but that Dick Anders stuck you on some sort of thing to drain your power. I have to see if there's anyone else alive and get you out of here. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

  "Yeah, he tricked us. I remember. He tricked us and used us to gain more power. You have to save everyone."

  "I'm sorry, but you're the only person I found a life so far. I still have half the circle to check, but it doesn't look good. It looks like you guys have been down here for a while and most of you didn't make it."

  She let out a wail.then she curled into a ball and covered her face with her hands. She wept, and I felt really bad for. That didn't change the fact that time was running out and we had to move.

  "I'm sorry, I really am, but we have to go. Can you walk?"

  She didn't answer, but she did shake her head.

  "I'll carry you, that's not a problem. Are you ready to go?"

  She nodded and I had her in my arms before she finished the movement. It wasn't until we were three quarters of the way around the circle that I found another living person. Another woman, probably in her 40s was breathing but barely. I grabbed her and tossed her over my shoulder and then moved to the next person. This one was also life. A man, probably in his mid-20s. I said the two people I carried on the ground.

  "Can you try to wake her up I found someone else I need to check and see how he is."

  The woman nodded and reached over to the unconscious figure. I went back to the man and lifted him off of the platform then set them on the ground next to the two women. The second woman was already awake and sitting up. She looked around with fear in her eyes.

  "No time to explain," I said. "The building is on fire and we have to get out of here as fast as we can. Can you walk?" I asked.

  "I think I can." She stood and took a step then looked down to me and nodded.

  "Hey buddy, are you okay?" I asked as I shook the man.

  His eyes snapped open in his hand moved back as if he'd been hit. He looked around and when he saw the two women his face softened. "What's going on?"

  "No time to explain," I said. "Can you walk?"

  He nodded as he sat up. "I think I can."

  Scooped up the first woman carried her as I continued around the circle. The man was the last living person I found. As we went around the man we followed and I heard them gasp and cry out every time we passed a new body.

  Light danced through the door on the ground. There was so much of it that I knew the fire must to spread pretty far. My suspicions were confirmed when we made it to the door and I saw the stairs completely engulfed. Fire had spread to the ceiling as well in the trunk of burning wood fell in front of me.

  "Fuck," I said.

  "What's wrong?" The older woman asked.

  I turned to face her putting my back to the door. "We can go that way, the fire is made stairs unsurpassable."

  The woman looked for me to the man in back to me. "I can get us out of here, if you give me at least five minutes to rest."

  "And I can help after five minutes," the man said.

  "How does that work?" I asked.

  "Simple. We command the power of the earth. to wall, and will make a way out," she said.

  "Why not now?" I asked.

  "That thing drained us," the man said. "We probably need more than five minutes to gather the energy, but we can push through and get it done. We need at least five minutes though to gain some strength back."

  "Five minutes it is," I said.

  The woman turned and walked away and the man followed her. I followed them both thinking of a good idea to get as far away from the fires we could. When they reached the far wall they sat down with their backs to it and leaned against it.

  "Any chance you can tell us what's going on?" The woman asked.

  It seemed like a reasonable request. So while we waited I told them about Michael having asked us to come here and deal with Anders. Then I described the fight, and his death, his rebirth into the house, and the events that led to me going into the basement.

  "well that just sucks," the man said.

  "That's not helping, John." The woman gave the man a dirty look. "Before Anders betrayed us we were on good terms with Michael and his house. I hope that he will remember that and take us in until we can get back on our feet. I do have another question though," she waved her hand at me up and down pointing to the whole of me. "What is the deal with all of that?"

  I spent the next couple minutes telling her about being a Tuatha. I didn't go into too much detail as I did not know these people at all.

  "I think I'm ready," the woman said.

  "Let's do it then," the man said.

  They remained where they were placing her hands on the ground in front of the green glow surrounded their hand in the basement began to rumble. The wall behind them melted away becoming a set of steps leading to the outside.

  Chapter 39

  We climbed the stairs with me holding the woman in woman and John and the other woman holding onto my right arm. Creating the exit had used up a lot of energy and the two mages could barely stand.

  I had to shield my eyes from the bright light the mages do the same. He stepped off the cement and stone stairs onto grass. After a quick look around I figured that we must be in the backyard. My Tua had when at the front door so we would have to go around.

  "Hey, Izzy, I think I'm in the backyard and I have some friends can you come and help?" I sent through our mental link.

  “On our way,” Izzy sent back.

  While we waited the house groaned. A few windows blew out a d I heard Anders once more.

  “Put them back!”

  “Go fuck yourself!” I shouted. Then I looked at the woman. “Wait here. Help is coming. I’ll meet you at the front of the house.”

  I leapt into the air and my wings carried me up and over the house. I strafed it over and over sending flames into the roof, and sides. Before I landed I made sure the entire thing was burning.

  The Spec Ops team helped the two women and John into a green minivan as I landed in front of the house.

  “We liberated this from the garage,” Chloe said as she stood by the open door. “Thought we might need to use it to get these people out of here.”

  “Good thinking,” I said. Chloe beamed up at me with her pretty smile and cute gap between her front teeth.

  The black SUV we parked further up the road drove over the hill coming into view. It stopped behind the minivan and Reina stepped out of the driver’s door.

  “I better ride in there so no one sees me,” I said.

  “May I ride with you?” The mage woman asked.

  “I don’t see why not,” I replied

  Once we were all loaded in the two vehicles we left with the van in the lead. Lauren, and Izzy sat in the front seat of the SUV with the woman and I in the rear.

  “What do I call you?” I asked.

  “Oh, sorry. I’m Bethany-Ann,” she said while holding her hand out to me.

  “Nice to meet you, Bethany-Ann,” I said while shacking her hand.

  “The pleasure is all mine, Terry. Thank you for saving us. We would be dead soon without you.”

  “All in a day’s work, Ma’am,” I said in my best cowboy accent.

  “I want to offer you my services. As the senior member of our tiny house, I am in your debt.”

  “No,” I said. “You are not. I did what I did because it was the right thing to do. I appreciate you thanks, but it’s not needed. I appreciate the offer for your services, but I don’t want you to feel indebted for doing something any d
ecent person would do.”

  “I see,” Bethany-Ann said. She looked out the window for a moment, then looked back at me with her lower lip between her teeth.

  She was a stunning woman with black hair and blue eyes. Her time on the stone slab left her a little too thin and her cheeks and eyes were sunken in. Hwr skin was so pale it almost glowed, and I figured the lack of sunlight in the basement was to blame for her complexion.

  “I don’t want to take what’s left of us to Michael’s house. But we have nothing now. All of my house’s riches were in that house.”

  “I’m sorry I burned it,” i said.

  “Don’t be. Anything taken from it coyld have been used by Anders. Burning everything was the right move. I bring it up, because I hope you have room for the three of us. Atleast until we can get on our feet?”

  The question took me by surprise. Having three earth mages was a good thing. That gave me access to earth, water, and fire magics. I couldn’t see how this wouldn’t be a win for team Terry.

  “I have a place you can stay for as long as you need.” I said. “Actually I could use your help if you are willing?”

  “Yes of course!” She leaned closer to me. “You have us for whatever you need.”

  I chuckled. “I appreciate that, but you should hear what we are facing before agreeing to help. Either way, you have a place to stay.”

  “Oh, OK. I’m all ears,” she said as she move back to sit upright.

  I explained to her about Arnold and his pack wanting me dead and why. Then about the amalgamations that were made from kidnapped teens and about my dragon Cassie. I went on about my father and Antoinette being possible enemies we would have to face. Then I explained what I knew of Acashia and the threat she possessed.

  “You certainly know how to make friends,” Bethany-Ann said which garnered a laugh from Izzy and I.

  “True, but that's what I’m up against, and what you will be a part of should you join my forces.”

  “That is a lot to think about. Do I have to answer now?”

  “Not at all. Take all the time you need. Like I said, you three have a place to stay and working for me is not a required condition of your housing.”

  “Thank you.” Bethany-Ann went back to looking out the window.

  “Earth mages joining us would probably be a good thing,” Izzy thought to me.

  “My thinking exactly, but I was serious about them having a choice.”

  “I know.”

  The rest of the ride to Michael’s house was silent, unless you count road noise. There was plenty of that.

  “Welcome back,” Michael said as he walked out the front door to greet us. “I take it you were successful?” He asked.

  “I guess we were,” I said.

  Michael stepped back. “What happened to you, Terry?”

  “It’s a long story, but it’s fine. I can tell you about it after we talk about the earth mages,” I said.

  “Daddy!” Morgana shouted as she ran over and hugged her father.

  “Hi sweety, I’m so glad to see you.”

  “Wait till you hear what we’ve been through,” Morgana said.

  “I’m looking forward to it. Lets go inside and enjoy some refreshments while we talk.”

  “Michael, before we do, there is something you should know,” I said.

  “He means us,” Bethany-Ann said as she stepped out of the SUV.

  “You brought them here?” Michael asked as his brow furrowed in anger.

  “It’s not what you think,” I said. “I wouldn’t bring danger to your door. Can we all enter and talk?” I asked.

  “It’s alright, Daddy,” Morgana said.

  “Very well then. All may enter and be welcome.”

  Michael was one hell of a host. He had a spread of all kinds of foods waiting along with a bevy of drinks. We chatted about this and that while we ate. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until the first steak hit my tongue. Everything was set out on a large round table that was low to the ground. We sat on large pillows around the table. Morgana was sandwiched between her father and me.

  My fire mage leaned in and whispered something to her father, and his eyes went wide. He leaned forward to look passed Morgana at me. “You had Morgana join your pack?” He asked.

  I choked on the piece of meat in my mouth. After coughing it up I spoke. “Yes, I did in order to give her the power she needed to fight and heal.”

  “How is that even possible?” He asked.

  “I can’t say for sure,” I said. “I think there is magic involved, but I don’t know the particulars. I sort of invite those I wish to join my pack into a wide open space in my mind. If they accept, they become members of my pack.”

  “That is asstounding. You must let me study this, please?”

  “I think we can work that out. I would like to know more about it.”

  “I think we all would,” Izzy said. “We will have to work out a mutually beneficial arrangement.”

  “Yes, I agree. Since Morgana has joined you, I think we can form an alliance. A relationship similar to the system kingdoms of old used by marrying into each others fiefdoms. I think this will work out well.”

  “Would you be willing to come with us back to my compound and work out the details?” I asked.

  “Yes, I think that is a splendid idea. For now, I would like to know about Anders and his house, if that is alright?”

  “Yeah, that’s fine with me,” I said.

  Michael listened while I recounted our adventure in the earth mage’s house. Morgana, Izzy, and the Spec Ops girls joined in to fill in the areas I wasn’t present for or not clear on. I took almost half an hour to get it all out.

  “That was quite the adventure you had.” He looked at Bethany-Ann. “I am sorry to hear about the atrocity you suffered, and all those lost. I will do whatever I can to assist you three. I can’t imagine what you must be feeling right now.”

  “Thank you, Michael. I plan to rebuild my house, and I hope that we can build a much stronger friendship between our houses then we had before,” Bethany-Ann said.

  “I would like that. I’ve always thought we were better of united then seperate. There are always threats to mage communities and if we work together our chances of weathering the storms is much higher.”

  “Agreed,” Bethany-Ann said. “We are going to Terry’s compound as well. Can we work out the details when you are there?” She asked.

  “I find that to be an agreeable option. A peace summit of sorts between houses of fire and earth as well as the Mage Hunter Terry’s pack.”

  “And the hydro mages,” Scarlett added. “I’m sure my mother would like us to be a part of this peace pact.”

  “Oh yes,” Michael said with his face scrunching up in thought. “That hadn’t occurred to me. I like that idea very much.” He turned his head to look at me. “Might I invite some other like minded houses if they would be interested? I think we can form a large conglomerate of mage houses. This is exciting.”

  I chuckled. “I can’t wait to see what comes from this.”

  “Are we worried about other houses getting involved when they hear about hydro-mages being in the mix?” Bethany-Ann asked.

  “I’m not,” I said. “The hydro-mages are with me. Anyone who has a problem with them, has a problem with me,and my pack. You saw what eight of us did to Anders’ house. Imagine what my entire pack could do.”

  Chapter 40

  One thought came to mind when the five vehicles pulled to a stop in the warehouse above my compound. It was good to be home.

  My Tua waited for us in the command room of the command building. I hadn’t told them that I was stuck in the Dragonshift form because I didn’t want them to worry. It made me wonder what my reception would be like. Would they recoil at the sight of me, or embrace me?

  “Terry!” Tabitha shouted as I walked in. She ran to me and wrapped her arms around me. “It’s so good to have you back.”

  “It’s good to
be back,” I said.

  Miranda, Riley, and Andrea joined us in a big group hug. It was unexpected, but welcome.

  “I think we need to tak,” I said.

  “Shush,” Miranda said. “Izzy called and told us everything. I think we need to go spend some time together. We talk about the rest later.” She turned to andrea. “Everything good here?”

  “Sure is. Our pack can handle things here while we go take care of our boy here.”

  We turned to leave when someone ran into me and threw her arms around my waist. I looked down to see brown hair in a pixie cut. She looked up and smiled.

  “You?” I said recognizing the girl that transformed into the big rhino thing that beat the crap out of me a couple times.

  “Hi, Mr. Terry. I’m so glad you’re back.”

  “Me too, little one,” I said not knowing her name.

  “This is Gwen, Terry,” Roo said. “She wanted to come up and say hi.”

  “I’m sorry about fighting you before, Mr. Terry. I couldn't help myself. They made me.”

  “I know, Gwen.” I held her shoulders and pushed her back enough to crouch down and look her in the eyes. “I don’t blame you. I blame the people that controlled you. I just want to keep you safe and make sure you get to live a happy life.”

  “I know,” Gwen’s frown became a smile. “Miss Miranda told me the same. I just wanted to tell you I was sorry and that I’m glad you’re back.”

  “Thank you, sweety.”

  “Can I ask you a question?” Her head tilted to the side and she looked over my shoulder. I knew what she wanted to know.

  “It’s a long story, but the short of it is, that I’m stuck like this for now,” I said.

  “Oh, OK. But I wanted to know if you could take me flying sometime?”

  I chuckled. “I think we can do that. For now, I’m going to get some rest. I’ll see you later, alright?”


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