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Page 8

by Sheri L. Swift

  They swam even faster this time; he must have felt that she had adjusted to the idea of it. They neared what looked like a large underwater mountain range with a deep valley at the top. The Prince let Tempest lead them into the valley. This made Lana a little scared as it grew so dark. “Do not be afraid, it will not be dark for long,” he said comfortingly.

  “Okay, I’ll try,” said Lana as she kept trying to focus. They soon came into a cavern that was completely lit up and sparkling all along the walls and ceiling. Not only were the cavern walls luminous, but even the many plants on the cavern floor. Everything was a bright blue. There was hundreds of tiny silver fish swimming all around making the cavern glisten all the more.

  “Do you like it?” Prince Titus asked.

  “I love it! It’s so beautiful!” Lana said as she glanced all around.

  The Prince took her hand and swung her off his back and pulled her close. “I do believe that I told you I would show you how the mer dance.”

  “Oh yeah, okay,” said Lana a little nervous once again.

  “Relax, I am not that boy from your prom.” He gave a tender smile.

  “I know you’re not, it’s just that I’m not really a good dancer.”

  “Just let me do all the work,” said the Prince as he held her hand and placed his other hand around her waist. He began to swirl them around slowly by moving his tail.

  It made Lana let out a giggle. “This is fun and it’s so much nicer than my prom.”

  “I had hoped you would like it.”

  They swirled around dancing as Tempest swam around them in the opposite direction. Lana couldn’t believe how thoughtful the Prince was. Wow, he remembered about my prom and kept his word to show me how the mer dance.

  Lana lost track of time. She hoped this moment would never end. While they danced, they talked to one another about his family. He told her that his parents hoped to meet her one day soon. She told him that she planned on asking her father tonight if she could spend one month with the mer. She knew now that her father must have already read her thoughts about it. She hoped that he’d understand that she needed to see for herself where she belonged.

  “I suppose that I have to take you back, though I do not wish to,” said Prince Titus as he continued to hold her in his arms and looked into her eyes.

  “Yeah, I suppose so.” She smiled as she thought; I’d very much like to kiss him again. He smiled and gently kissed her, only this time, the Prince lingered with his kiss. It nearly took Lana’s breath away and she laughed to think; I can breathe underwater, but still can’t breathe when I’m this close to him.

  He smiled and said, “May all our days be as this one.” Then he gently brushed his fingers across her cheek.

  “Yeah, I could get used to this,” Lana said as she realized; I’m really not afraid of him anymore. Now she felt comfortable with and protected by his strength and size. She began to study his face and his crown of shells; she didn’t even find his ears strange anymore. He really is handsome, and with his white hair floating all around him, he looks like a beautiful dream and I don’t want the dream to end, she thought.

  “We must leave now or we will not make it before the sun has set.” He smiled as he gently pulled her on his back again. This time, Lana laid her head against his shoulder and allowed herself to enjoy the closeness of him.

  Prince Titus and Tempest flew through the water at top speed and in no time, she was near her dock. The Prince stopped and said, “Your father and Miss Perry are on the dock.”

  “Oh, I see their feet in the water. I didn’t think she’d still be here. Do you want to meet her?”

  “Not this time, perhaps another,” He smiled gently pulling Lana around and giving her one last tender kiss. Then he and Tempest quickly swam away. Lana jumped up onto the dock and grabbed her towel.

  “Well, you made it just in time.” Her father smiled.

  “Yeah,” she answered as she dried herself off with her towel.

  “I was just about to leave and I remembered that I hadn’t given you your gift yet,” said Miss Perry as she handed Lana the small wrapped package.

  Lana opened it up and lifted the lid on the box to reveal two white combs. They each had a carved raised dolphin at the top. “Why Miss Perry, they’re beautiful, thank you.”

  “You’re quite welcome. They once belonged to my mother. She said that when she was fifteen, she found them at Gull Island when she took the mermaids her gift. She believed that they had left them for her. She gave them to me and now I’m giving them to you,” she said as she hugged Lana.

  “Let me see those. Yep, they’re whale bone and I believe that they were carved by my friend Prince Tarrock. It was a hobby of his,” said Lana’s father. Lana was surprised that he was speaking so openly in front of Miss Perry and then her father sent his thoughts to her, “I’ve told her everything Lana, it was the only way if we’re to have any chance of a future together.”

  “I’m glad Dad, you two make a great couple,” Lana sent her thoughts to him. “That makes them all the more special,” Lana said out loud to her father and Miss Perry.

  “Yes, it does.” Miss Perry smiled.

  “Well, I gotta go take a shower, I’m freezing standing here,” Lana said as she quickly left the two alone on the dock.

  Lana decided that she would wait to talk to her father until tomorrow about wanting to stay with the mer for a month. He had driven Miss Perry home and didn’t get back until after midnight.

  Lana looked out her window and saw the waves in the moonlight and she wondered; what’s Prince Titus doing at this very moment? She knew he must be on patrol and she hoped he’d be safe. She thought about their dance in the blue cavern and how beautiful it was. It warmed her heart to remember his kiss and how handsome he was. She fell asleep with the memory of her cheek against his strong shoulder.


  Chapter 8


  The next morning, Lana woke to the smell of breakfast and the sound of her father whistling in the kitchen. How strange? I don’t remember him ever whistling before. This must be him being happy. She knew that the reason must be Miss Rose Perry. Lana quickly got dressed and went downstairs.

  “Good morning!” her father called in a cheerful tone.

  “Good morning to you too,” Lana said with a half grin.

  “Are you trying to read my thoughts?”

  “I don’t think I have to Dad,” she laughed.

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Is it that obvious?” He smiled.

  “Definitely.” She smiled back rolling her eyes.

  “I can’t help it kid, it’s been a long time since your old man felt this way. Are you sure you’re okay with it?”

  “Yeah Dad, if I was the one choosing for you, I’d have picked Miss Perry myself. She’s the best.”

  “Yeah, I guess she is at that. Enough about me how was your swim yesterday?”

  “It was wonderful Dad. Prince Titus took me to an old sunken ship called the BONNIE SARAH, it was great.”

  “Oh, I remember her. I used to scuba dive there with your mother. A striking family resemblance wouldn’t you say?”

  “Yeah I would. Then he took me to an underwater cavern that was all lit up in blue and we danced.” Lana beamed.

  “He did, I don’t think I’ve ever been there. He is behaving himself isn’t he?” asked her father with raised brows.

  “Dad, Of course he is. He always has, you know how he feels about honor and all that stuff.”

  “Yeah, but I know he’s waited a long time to be alone with you. He just better keep remembering his place.”

  “He’s the nicest guy I think I’ve ever known, not that I’ve really got to know any, but you know what I mean?”

  “Yeah, I guess I do. He comes from a great family.”

  “He told me that his parents want to meet me,” Lana said hoping he wouldn’t get upset.

  “I figured you’d be getting around to that soo
ner or later,” he let out a deep sigh.

  “Dad, I know you must have already read my thoughts, and I hope you understand,” she said hesitantly.

  “I know kid. I was just hoping it wouldn’t be so soon.”

  “Dad, I love you and appreciate all you’ve done for me, but I have to find out for myself where I belong.”

  “I know; I’ve known for a while now. I love you too Lana and I guess it’s just hard for me to let go and trust that you’ll be safe,” he said while staring into his coffee cup.

  “No one is ever safe Dad. I could get hit by a car walking down the road.”

  “Lana, it’s not the same and you know it. There’re a lot more dangerous things to deal with than you realize,” he said looking seriously into her eyes.

  “I know, but at least I’ll have Prince Titus looking out for me.” She smiled.

  “That’s all good, but I’m not so sure that I trust him either,” he said with a half grin.

  “Dad, I’m just asking that you give me one month to find myself and to get to know the mer. It’s the only way I’ll really know if I belong there or can even live that way of life.”

  “When did you grow up? It’s like I looked away for a few minutes and you turned into a woman,” he said with tears beginning to fill his eyes.

  “Thanks Dad.” Lana went to him and hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.

  “Okay, enough of that, I’ve got something I’ve been meaning to give you for a while and now’s a good a time as any,” her father said as he went to the counter and picked up a bundle of dark brown cloth. He brought it to the table and unwrapped what appeared to be a white knife. “This was a gift to me from Prince Tarrock when I married your mother. He carved it himself from a whale’s bone.

  Lana couldn’t believe the intricate carvings all along the hilt. It was of waves and mermen. The blade was long and thin, coming to a sharp point. There was also a belt that had a sheath for the knife. The folds of dark brown cloth that it had been wrapped in seemed to be some sort of hide. “What’s this?” Lana asked feeling the texture of the cloth.

  “It’s seal skin, I know a pretty good seamstress who can whip up a nice suit from it.” He grinned.

  “Dad, you didn’t kill it!” Lana said with wide eyes.

  “No Lana, it’s from a few years ago when one washed up dead on the shore. I knew you might need it someday. What do you think I wore? That old suit of yours wouldn’t hold up a week with the way you’ll be spending so much time in the water,” he chuckled.

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right about that,” she giggled.

  “I know how fast you sew, but I was hoping it might take you a few days before you leave,” he said a little sadly.

  “Yeah, I can take my time. Thanks Dad, this means a lot,” Lana said as she hugged him once more.

  That afternoon, Lana took the knife to the dock to show Prince Titus and to tell him about her plans.

  “That is wonderful that your father has agreed to let you come. I am glad he gave you the knife that Tarrock had made for him.” The Prince smiled.

  “Yeah, your brother was so talented, it’s such beautiful work.”

  “Yes, he made many beautiful things. I will show you more of them when I bring you to our people.”

  “I would like that very much.” Lana smiled.

  “How soon may you leave?” Prince Titus asked a little anxiously.

  “In a few days, I’m making myself a suit from seal skin that my dad gave me.”

  “Will it take so long?”

  “No, but I think my dad needs a few more days before he’s ready to have me leave.”

  “Yes, I see, it will be hard for him to let you go.”

  Then Lana was tired of the seriousness of their conversation and jumped into the water nearly landing on top of the Prince. He began splashing her with his tail and Lana dove down deep trying to swim away from him, but he was too quick and grabbed her by the waist and turned her to face him. They each smiled to the other and then he quickly kissed her, winked and took off leaving a white streak behind. Lana knew that she could never catch him, Yeah, like I could keep up with you! Lana waited patiently for him to return and he did. Then he pulled her onto his back and took off once more. They stayed closer to home, as her father wished for now.

  That evening Lana began to work on the suit. It was a little harder than she thought it would be. Her father even bought her special thread that would hold up longer. She broke several of her sewing needles in the process, but finally got the hang of it. She decided to make a two piece suit instead of one. She thought it would give her more flexibility and that she would try and fit in with the mermaids as much as possible.


  A few days later, Miss Perry joined Lana and her father for dinner. Lana had spent most of the day with the Prince, but made sure she was back in time to help her dad. She could tell that he was a little nervous. He made his famous spaghetti and meatballs. Lana made the salad and the garlic bread. Miss Perry brought an Italian creme cake with cream cheese frosting.

  “Everything smells so wonderful,” said Miss Perry as she entered the kitchen.

  “Yeah, dad makes great spaghetti,” Lana said with a smile.

  “The best on the island.” Cole turned and smiled to Miss Perry as he stirred the sauce on the stove.

  “That isn’t saying too much Dad; I think it’s the best anywhere.”

  “Yeah, but you’re a little partial I think,” he said with a wink to Lana.

  “Yeah, I guess I am,” said Lana as she placed the plates on the table.

  “Is there anything I can help with?” Miss Perry asked.

  “Nope, you’re our guest, just take a seat,” said Lana’s father.

  “Okay.” Miss Perry sat down and smiled to see how the two worked so well together. She knew that Lana and her father shared a real love for one another and was glad to see that they had gotten past their differences.

  “Lana has some news,” said her father with an encouraging look to Lana.

  “Yeah, I’ve decided to spend a month getting to know the mer and see what that life might be like,” she said a little hesitantly, not sure what Miss Perry might think.

  “Lana that’s wonderful, I know it will help you find some answers for yourself. I’m sure that isn’t going to be easy for your father,” she said as she looked to him.

  “No, it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do,” he said with a slight smile.

  “I’m sure it is.” Miss Perry smiled sympathetically.

  “At least I know that Dad won’t be too lonely while I’m gone.” Lana smiled as she looked at the two of them.

  “No, I’ll make sure I give him plenty of attention.” Miss Perry glanced towards him and smiled.

  “You promise?” He smiled back, making Miss Perry blush.

  “Yes, I promise,” she said softly.

  “Okay you guys, we better eat before it gets cold,” Lana said as she poured everyone a glass of iced tea.

  All three enjoyed their dinner and dessert. They enjoyed talking over Lana’s plans and Miss Perry was genuinely happy for her. Lana told her about all the fun she’d been having with Prince Titus. Cole didn’t enjoy it quite as much, but he let the two girls talk on. Miss Perry was amazed to hear that Lana was able to stay under the water as well as the mer and even more amazed when Lana showed her the gills on either side of her neck.

  Lana’s father drove Miss Perry home and Lana headed to her room. She went to bed and sat looking out her window once more. It was a beautiful starry night. The moon cast its light over the ocean making it appear to have a neon blue glow. Lana wondered; how do the mer sleep? She thought about Prince Titus and wondered; is he thinking of me? Lana was finished with her suit and knew that it was going to be hard to say goodbye to her dad.

  Lana was still staring out her window when her father came home. He came up the stairs and gently knocked on her door. “Come in Dad, I’m not sleeping,” she cal

  “Good, I tried not to be too long so we could talk,” he said as he entered her room and sat at the end of the bed.

  “I’d like that.” Lana smiled.

  “I know it’s time Lana, even though it hurts to let you go.” He smiled tenderly.

  “Thanks Dad, I was hoping to leave in the morning,” she said softly, trying not to hurt him.

  “That’s alright, but after you’ve had a good breakfast, okay?” he said finding it hard to get out the words.


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