Book Read Free


Page 23

by Sheri L. Swift

  “I see, she has her own personal mode of transportation,” chuckled Cole.

  “Yeah, she does.” Lana smiled.

  “So, who is this little merwalker over here?” Cole asked smiling at Talei.

  “This is our daughter Talei, which means precious. She is nearly one year old,” answered Micah as he picked up his daughter so Cole might see her better.

  “She sure is that; I remember Lana at that age.” Cole smiled to Lana.

  “You know Dad; I want to thank you for all you must have done for mom and me. I couldn’t help but see you both in Tarra and Micah.” Lana smiled brightly to him.

  “Yeah, it’s an adjustment to become part of the mer family when you’re an islander like Micah and I,” he said smiling to Lana and then Micah.

  “Yes, but I have a blessed life,” answered Micah and Tarra kissed him on his cheek.

  “Well Rose, it looks like it turned out to be a mermaid day after all.” Cole smiled to her.

  “Yes, it truly has. Thank all of you so much for allowing me to visit with you,” Rose said genuinely grateful.

  “You are now a part of our family,” said Titus with Jedediah still in his arms.

  “Yes, I guess I am at that.” Rose smiled.


  Lana and her family visited for a few hours more. It was hard to pry little Jedediah away from Titus when it was time to go; he was so taken with him.

  Micah agreed to meet Cole at the Marina in an hour with Lana. She made sure to bring the same suit and disguise she had worn before. Lana and Micah needed to arrive at the Marina together so everyone could meet them. She planned to see Rose afterwards up at the house for a brief visit. Titus planned to meet Lana at the dock later.

  Lana put on her suit after she got onto the Island Traveler. She was glad that the wrap was big enough to cover her now very large belly. Lana chose not to wear the blonde wig. The people of Safe Harbor Island knew that she had white hair and had accepted her odd appearance; they believed her to be an albino.

  When Micah pulled into the Marina, he quickly spotted which slip Cole was at and he gently drove his boat in. “Good job Micah, boy what a beauty. I can imagine what she must have cost,” said Cole as he came aboard.

  “Yes, she was expensive; I was able to get her with a wedding gift from my brother-in-law.” Micah grinned and gave a wink to Cole.

  “Yeah, that brother-in-law of yours sure knows how to give good gifts. That was nice of them.”

  “Hey Dad!” Lana called as she came out of the cabin and ran and hugged him.

  “Hey kid, I was just admiring Micah’s yacht.”

  “Isn’t it wonderful; I was able to visit each day and help with some meals for Micah and Talei.”

  “I bet you enjoyed that. This trip couldn’t have been easy for you in your condition.”

  “No, but it really wasn’t that bad with the yacht.”

  “I think she especially enjoyed the bacon and eggs,” Micah chuckled.

  “Oh, I’m sure she did. That’s always been a favorite meal of hers,” laughed Cole.

  “Yeah, and I plan on getting some from you too and some of your famous pancakes.” Lana smiled to her father.

  “Anytime kid; it’ll be my pleasure,” he said as he hugged her once more and kissed the top of her head.

  Before they left, Cole introduced Micah to the Harbor Master, his friend Marty Thompson and some of the locals. Then he drove Lana and Micah home with him in his jeep. Micah went with Cole for a quick tour of the lighthouse and Lana went into the keeper’s house where Rose now lived with Cole and Jedediah.

  It felt strange for Lana to be in the old house again. Her bedroom was now Jedediah’s. There were still some of her things all about. She realized how unimportant things were to her now. I really live such a simple life with Titus and Rose. She smiled to see little Jedediah sleeping peacefully in his crib.

  “Do you mind Jedediah having your room?” Rose asked her.

  “No, not at all; I really like him having it.”

  “We thought about putting him in the office, but it was nice to have him in the room right across from ours.”

  “I agree; it’s the best room for him. Believe me, my home is in the ocean with Titus and little Rose, and of course this new little one that will soon be arriving.” Lana smiled as she rubbed her tummy. “So what did you do with your cottage?”

  “Marty and his family are staying there now. Their son Robbie was born a few days after Jedediah.”

  “That’s great, I know that he and Catherine had been trying to have a baby for a while now.”

  “Yes, they had. So tell me, are you really happy Lana?”

  “Yeah, I never knew there could be so much happiness. Titus is everything that I could ever want in a husband and a father. I’ve always belonged in the ocean; only I didn’t always know it.”

  “I’m happy for you Lana; you deserve to have the best things in life,” Rose said as she hugged her.

  “Are you happy Mom?”

  “Yes, just hearing you call me that makes me happy; like you, I never dreamed of ever being this happy. I thought that I would never marry and just be content to teach other people’s children. Meeting you and your dad changed all that,” she laughed.

  “I want you to know how very much I always liked you. I couldn’t believe it when I found out that you were gonna be my mother.” Lana smiled.

  “I’ve always felt the same way about you Lana. Isn’t life wonderful when all your plans go out the window and get replaced by a much richer life than you could have ever dreamed?”

  “Yeah, that’s so true. Well, I should probably get going. I don’t want to be too long from Titus and Rose.” Lana smiled as she hugged her mother once more.

  “Thank you for coming; you know our door is always open Lana. This is still your home too.”

  “Thanks Mom, it’s good of you to say so,” Lana said as she waved and headed out the front door.

  As Lana walked across the beach towards the dock, there was a jogger getting ready to pass her. She waited for him to pass and then he stopped and said, “Lana, is that you?”

  “Yeah,” Lana said a little hesitantly as she just realized that it was Jody Harper. Oh no, she thought.

  “Wow, it’s been what, three years since our senior graduation?”

  “Yeah, how are you doing Jody?”

  “I’m good; I’ve been away in Virginia for college at Tech. I guess that brain of mine was good for something,” he laughed. “I’m hoping to help build the car of the future; you know, help save the planet.”

  “That’s really nice Jody; we all need to do our part,” said Lana as she was beginning to worry that Titus might not like the idea of her talking with Jody and so near the dock where he might just do something about it. “Well, I should get going, I was just gonna lay out a while on the dock.”

  “Oh, okay. So I see you’re expecting a baby; I heard that you got married.”

  “Yeah, I married a Chief’s son from Kaloki Island in the South Pacific.”

  “All of Safe Harbor is talking about that yacht of his; she’s a real beauty.”

  At that same time, Cole was showing Micah the top of the lighthouse and they both looked down to see Lana talking with Jody. “Oh boy, that can’t be good. Micah, I think you should go and talk with Lana and that guy. His name is Jody Harper and he danced with Lana at the prom a few years back. You might say that he made Lana feel a little uncomfortable and Prince Titus sort of took care of the situation. I know he won’t appreciate him talking with her now,” said Cole with concern.

  “I will go,” said Micah as he quickly went down the stairs; he knew just how upset Titus could get.

  Lana looked out past the dock and saw Tempest jumping and knew, it’s only a matter of time before Titus let’s his emotions run wild! She looked back to see Micah standing beside her and she breathed a sigh of relief. “Jody, this is my husband Micah.”

  Jody looked up to see the lar
ge muscular man towering over him and he seemed to be a little intimidated by his size. “Hi Micah; nice to meet you,” Jody said a little cautiously.

  “Bula Jody. Lana and I were just going to lie on the dock for a while,” said Micah in a serious tone and then looked to Lana, “Are you ready Lana?”

  “Yeah, it was nice seeing you again Jody,” she said as she waved and turned to go to the dock.

  “Yeah, nice seeing you too and nice meeting you Micah,” he said as he waved and began jogging back down the beach.

  “I can only imagine what Prince Titus is thinking at this very moment,” chuckled Micah.

  “It was only a matter of time before he’d have taken things into his own hands,” Lana sighed as she got to the dock. She could now read Titus’ thoughts and they weren’t very nice. “Thanks Micah, I owe you another one,” said Lana as she got in the water.

  “Tell Tarra that I will be there shortly; I want to say goodbye to your father.”

  “Okay,” she said and then swam below.

  Titus was not smiling as Lana swam to him.

  “Titus, everything is alright; he seems to have matured since I last saw him. He’s even trying to do something to help the planet.” She smiled looking into his eyes as she wrapped her arms around the back of his stiff neck.

  “I was beginning to wish I had brought my spear.” He let a half grin show.

  “Thank you for not bringing your spear,” she giggled and kissed him.

  “I am glad that Micah was on the island; I can see that it does have its advantages.” He grinned.

  “Yeah, you should’ve seen the look on Jody’s face when he first saw him,” Lana giggled again.

  “Good, perhaps he will leave you alone in the future.”

  “I’m sure he will.”

  “I cannot help but be a little envious of him and Micah. I wish that I could go on the land with you,” he said sadly looking at her.

  “Titus, you never have anything to be envious of. My place is in the ocean with you, forever. You know that we won’t even be staying here past the fall.”

  “I know; I am sorry. I do not wish to take any time away from you visiting with your father. I suppose it is enough to know that you carry my child and are the mother of Rose and that you love me.” He smiled his brightest smile.

  “Yeah, it is. There is no one other than you Titus and there never will be.” Lana smiled back and kissed him once more. Then he helped her gently on his back and she laid her head on his shoulder and they swam back to the city with Tempest.


  One morning, Lana and Tarra took their daughters to the coral reef gardens to play. Most of the mothers had gathered there with their children. Lana was so glad to be back in Torbist. She thought that the gardens here were the most beautiful she had seen anywhere.

  Talei’s favorite little playmates were two year old twins; Filene was their mother. Landon was her son, and Laken was her daughter. They each had the dark hair, eyes and the dark blue tail of their mother and father.

  Rose’s favorite playmates were four year old Victoria and her six year old sister Kristina. They also had dark hair, eyes and the dark blue tail.

  Kristina brought her small golden violin with her that morning. She set up her music stand with a slate of music and began to play a new song that she had learned from the Music Master.

  Victoria began to swim a little dance all around to the music and Rose, Talei, Landon and Laken joined in. Lana and the other mothers smiled to see their children enjoying the music.

  Lana couldn’t believe how talented Kristina was at such a young age. That’s one thing I love about the mer; they’re so skilled in music and encourage their children in the musical arts and in their wonderful craftsmanship.

  “Your father gave Micah a letter that arrived from his brother Eli yesterday.” Tarra smiled to Lana.

  “Did Eli and his wife Levani have their baby?” Lana asked with excitement.

  “Yes, they had a baby girl and they named her Faith.”

  “What a beautiful name,” said Lana imagining how precious she must be.

  Both Lana and Tarra looked to see Sirene swimming to them with a smile on her face.

  “Good morning, how is everyone?” Sirene asked.

  “We’re fine; how are you?” Lana giggled reading her thoughts of how much she loved her husband Tristan.

  “I am fine; Tristan and I are expecting a baby.” She smiled brightly.

  “Sirene, that is wonderful. How far along are you?” Tarra asked.

  “Only two months; now I know why I was so sick on our journey here.”

  “I remember those days when I was first pregnant with Rose; that time was the worst.” Lana smiled.

  “I did not have too badly of a time with Talei; I hope you will not be sick for long,” said Tarra sympathetically.

  “I hope not,” said Sirene.

  “So what does Tristan think?” Lana asked.

  “He is so excited; he went to tell Prince Titus and Prince Makoa. I made him wait until today.”

  “I can imagine how happy he is,” said Tarra.

  “What are you hoping for a boy or girl?” Lana asked.

  “I do not care; just a healthy little one.”

  “May Arius bless you both.” Lana smiled.

  “You do not have long to wait yourself Lana,” said Tarra.

  “No, sooner would be better; I’m beginning to feel like I’m the size of a whale and I can’t travel on Titus’ back,” she giggled once more.

  Filene joined in the conversation.

  Tarra told her of the letter Micah had received from Eli.

  Filene said that when Micah sent a reply, to be sure and mention that Fianna was missing Andrew.

  Ratu Daniel would not allow his youngest son to travel with Micah and the mer. He knew that Andrew and Fianna had come to care for one another and thought that their time apart might prove their love. He did not want Andrew following Micah’s path unless it was genuine.

  Lana and the other mermaids believed that there would be another union of the mer and the Chief’s son within a year’s time.

  The mothers all shared their stories of their little ones and how proud they were of them. Lana loved being a part of a community where everyone genuinely cared for the other and it did seem like she had a large extended family.


  Chapter 22


  Once more, Prince Titus waited outside his home for any news of Lana and the new baby. This time however, he had little Rose with him to remind him of what a miracle it was to have a child.

  Prince Makoa, Prince Uly, Prince Terrance and King Titan also were with Titus. They helped him to endure this time with stories of old.

  King Titan told one story of how nervous Prince Terrance was the day that Prince Tarrock was born. He said that he nearly fainted as he sensed his wife Princess Cassandra’s pain. Her labor began before the mermaids could come to her and he waited with her until they did, because it had started in the middle of the night.

  “You were very brave Father; I do not think that I could have taken it so well.” Grinned Titus.

  “Yes, it is a hard thing to see your mate suffer so and it was a hard labor for her; but as with such things, Tarrock was born and her pain passed and was replaced with joy that a Prince was born.”

  “I pray it will be soon for Princess Lana; I too do not think that I could stand to see my mate in such pain,” said Makoa sincerely.

  “One day you shall and I will be beside you my friend,” vowed Titus.

  Soon Princess Rema came out and told Titus that his child had been born. He quickly swam inside his home to see Tarra beside Lana as she held their little Prince.

  He was already trying to swim from his mother’s arms and Lana had to laugh to see it, “He’s just like his dad; eager to see more of the ocean where he lives.”

  Titus went to her and their son and gently kissed his wispy light blonde
head, “Hello little Prince Tarrock.”

  “I’m so glad you chose your brother’s name. I know your parents will love it and my dad too.” Lana smiled to Titus.

  “Yes, it is a fine name; it will keep the memory of my brother alive for us all.” Titus smiled to Tarra.


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