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Knight's Unforeseen Change (Wicked Angels Book 1)

Page 13

by Erin Osborne

  When the pair get to the camper, Onyx completely ignores me and heads inside to freshen up. I can see tear stains on her face and her hair is windblown and tangled in the back. She had taken it down when she was sitting in the field. And she’ll leave it down for the show tonight like she usually does.

  Diesel waits until she gets inside, and the door closes behind her before he talks to me.

  “It’s not good man,” he begins. “She got a letter with a picture from the photo shoot in it. Her eyes were gauged out along with several other scratch marks on her body. The letter warned her away from you. I don’t know what it looks like, but I’m guessing we won’t be able to run a handwriting whatever on it.”

  “Why do you say that?” I ask him, rage simmering just under the surface.

  “Because she let slip that the words were cut out from magazines and shit,” Diesel tells me.

  We both shut our mouths as the guys and Isabella leave the camper. Onyx is still inside and I know she’s probably hiding and trying to get ready. To calm her nerves that are frayed and frazzled beyond belief. Why the fuck didn’t she tell me this shit? Or anyone else?

  “What’s going on?” Memphis asks, reading my body language.

  “Someone sent a threatening letter to Onyx. We only just found out about it,” I say just as Martin passes by.

  He comes to a stop next to us and looks at me with shock and rage on his face.

  “Knight, I didn’t know. She hasn’t said a word about it to me,” he swears, telling me the truth we all know.

  “I know, Martin, but we need to up the security we have. If Onyx leaves the hotels or bus at all, I want no less than ten guys on her,” I say.

  “Knight, I don’t think that’s necessary,” Isabella says, interrupting me.

  “Isabella, shut up. I don’t want to hear your mouth. This is not your call. Someone is threatening a member of the band and we’re gonna take every precaution we need to for her. The same as if it were one of the other bands on tour with us or one of us,” I growl out.

  Martin crosses his arms and just stares at Isabella like she’s grown multiple heads. This is not like her and everyone here knows it.

  “Knight, don’t worry about it. I’ll have another crew here in a matter of hours. They aren’t your typical security guys though,” Martin says.

  “What do you mean?” Diesel asks.

  “They’re in a motorcycle club,” Martin answers. “In fact, Jagger knows them. His sister is with a member of the club.”

  “I don’t care who they are. If they’ll take the job seriously, that’s all I care about,” I respond.

  “Knight, you can’t be serious. Thugs from a motorcycle gang don’t belong near the band or on tour with us,” Isabella says.

  I don’t say a word to her as I level her with a deadly stare and wait for her to go against me again. She doesn’t have a fucking say in this and she’s going to learn her place. Or she’ll break her contract and we’ll be rid of her for good.

  Before we can say anything else on the subject, the camper door opens again and Onyx steps out. Her hair and make-up are done to perfection as she’s ready to be professional and go out on that stage. She looks at all of standing around as Martin pulls his phone from his pocket and gets ready to lead us to the stage. He’ll make his call and Onyx won’t be able to hear a word he’s saying.

  We all know not to say a word about what Onyx told Diesel. If it weren’t for her safety, he wouldn’t have broken her confidence. Not a single one of us wants her to think we’re betraying her, so we’ll keep our mouths shut and I hope Isabella knows to do the same thing too. If she says a single word to Onyx about this, I’ll fire her ass and she can personally sue the fuck out of me.

  “You ready to do this?” I ask everyone as we walk up on stage.

  Each man I’ve been on stage with for years yells out their ‘yes’. Onyx keeps her mouth shut and just nods at me. Her eyes remain downcast as she looks at her shoes and waits for us to head on up. She follows us and takes a mic from the amp for Diesel and stands farther away from me.

  “We’re gonna sound check with Took My Heart and Broke it,” I tell them.

  Onyx is standing in the background and waiting for the parts she adds her smokey, soulful voice to mine. We make the perfect pair and I can’t wait to make her mine in every sense of the word. My cock goes hard at the images of her body naked and covered in a fine sheen of sweat beneath my own.

  Turning my back on Onyx, I adjust myself as the guys chuckle. They know I’m wrapped completely up in the girl and it’s only a matter of time before I make her mine. Hell, I’m sure they already thought I have. No, I’m taking my time with my woman, so I don’t scare her the fuck away.

  We make it through sound check and make our way to the booth where our merchandise is sold. It’s not often we come here, but every now and then we come to meet fans and do an impromptu meet and greet. Isabella hates it when we do it, but I don’t give a fuck about what she thinks. I’m done with her and can’t wait until she messes up to the point we can get rid of her.

  I already know we’re getting Jagger Hughes when she leaves. It’s just a matter of time before she oversteps and breaks her contract. I’ve finally come to the conclusion she wants me, but I have never shown an interest in her. Isabella is not a woman I want, and I wouldn’t even if we weren’t working together. She’s just too much of a bitch for me. I’m all about the easy, simple life when I’m not on the road.

  Yeah, I have things I don’t need, but that’s from when I was young and immature. Now, I save my money and only buy what I need. I have the mind to spoil the hell out of Onyx because no one’s ever done that to her, and I know that from the small things she’s opened up about her past.

  “Onyx, we’re adding security to our team. Martin is calling some guys in,” I tell her as we head to the merchandise booth.

  “Oh, okay,” she mumbles.

  “You should know they belong to a motorcycle club. I don’t want you to be alarmed if you see them hanging around,” I say, trying to draw her into a conversation with me.

  “It’s okay. Whatever you guys think needs to be done,” she says, dropping her head back down to the ground so no one can meet her eyes.

  This isn’t happening. I grab her arm gently and steer her away from the guys. Martin and three other men on security detail follow us, but stay far enough away they can’t hear what we’re saying.

  “Onyx, I know something is going on. You’re retreating into your shell and I don’t like it. What you saw between Isabella and me isn’t what you think it is. Yes, we had lunch, but she led me to believe the guys were meeting us there,” I begin. “And, I wanted to head out before them so I could try to make her mess up and break her contract.”

  “Look, I’m the interloper here. You guys and Isabella have a relationship and I’m the one getting in the way of it. After this stop I’m thinking of leaving the band so you guys can get back to normal,” she says.

  “Not happening. What else is bothering you?” I ask her, pleading with my eyes for the truth in the matter.

  “Look, I got a letter that wasn’t something I should be getting. It was threatening and warned me away from you,” she finally says, pulling her head up to look at me.

  “Why didn’t you fucking tell me?” I ask, barely containing my rage.

  “Because you weren’t here and I don’t want to be viewed as the baby on tour who can’t handle her own shit,” she tells me defiantly.

  “Not a single one of us would’ve viewed you that way. No one should be getting any mail like that and I’m sorry you did. Now, tonight you’re in my room and we’re going to have a long talk about us and where this is going,” I tell her.

  Pulling her into my body, I expect her to protest, so I press my lips against hers. When I finally pull away, I’m breathless and I can see her chest heaving as she tries to catch her own breath. Her cheeks are flushed, and I know the color will go down as far as her ch
est. I want to own this woman as much as she’ll let me. It’s not going to be easy to get past the barriers she’s put in place, but we’ll get there.

  I wrap my arm around her waist, and we head over to the booth where the rest of the band is already signing autographs and taking pictures. Martin has a smile on his face as the guys surround us.

  “Knight, they’ll be here by the time you take the stage. They want to make sure they know what they’re getting into and to meet all of you,” Martin tells me.

  “Sounds good. For now, I know you’re taking this seriously and we’ll take every precaution we can. You surround Onyx but make sure she’s accessible to the fans,” I tell the man who’s been on almost every single tour with us.

  Before long, the men from the Knight’s Rebellion MC show up and we meet with them. They aren’t what I expect. The men have their cuts on but take them off and store them in their bikes while they’re on duty.

  Lash is their President and the man in charge of them while they’re on duty. He’ll report directly to Martin each day and find out our schedule. He’s got several men with him. They include Zeus, Sabotage, Boxer, Dagger, Skull, Fury, Razer, Decay, Lock, and Carbon. Each man greets us and then we let them in on our set for tonight’s show. Anything else they need to hear can come from Martin.

  Martin has explained to us that because the clubs were meeting up already, we have members from two different Knight’s Rebellion chapters. I have no clue what any of that means, but I’m grateful to them for being here to make sure my woman is protected. Even Isabella won’t be able to get to her. The one time she tried, one of the men literally growled at her. I’ve never laughed so hard in my life.

  The band and I make our way to the stage when it’s time and the men surround Onyx. They’re pretty much her own personal bodyguards and I know even I’m going to have to play it cool around them. But tonight, Onyx will be in my bed at the hotel while the guys take her room. She gave it up for them to have someplace to sleep when they take turns throughout the night.

  I get myself pumped to take the stage as we head up the staircase. Someday Never Comes is wrapping up their set and we’re ready to head on. Even Onyx is getting into it. She’s not staring at the ground or her feet, she’s looking out over the crowd as they begin to cheer and scream for us.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  EVEN THOUGH TONIGHT is only my second time on stage, I feel slightly more comfortable then the first show. But I don’t have the protection of spotlights just yet because it’s still light out and they haven’t been turned on just yet, so I see the crowd as they scream and cheer for the guys and I kind of hang in the background while they entice the crowd and get situated with their instruments.

  I’m waiting in the background because I won’t come on until the third song. I’m surrounded by gigantic men I don’t know and yet I’ve never felt safer in my life. Isabella is on the opposite side of the stage and I watch as she stares at Knight. There’s something in her gaze that makes me sick to my stomach. Suddenly, I’m pressed in tight between the men as someone else walks up on the side of the stage.

  “You can’t be here,” Lash says, turning his back toward me.

  “I’m here for the show,” says the young kid I can barely see.

  “You don’t have a pass, you don’t come up here. Go on back to your seat or you’ll be out of the show, period,” Lash tells him, his voice going tight with the rage I can feel simmering off him.

  The kid doesn’t get to say another word as one of the other men grab him from behind and pull him from the side stage. Always the professional, the guys on stage don’t miss a beat even though I can feel their eyes on me.

  Turning my attention back to them, I watch as Knight walks closer to the edge of the stage and kneeling down for the fans to touch his hand. Martin and the rest of the security detail are close by so no one gets a chance to do much of anything to him. They won’t take a chance of anyone getting to pull him from the stage or not letting go of his hand.

  I also watch on as panties and other clothing are thrown on stage at the guys. This is my least favorite part of the show and I wonder what’s going to be thrown at me eventually. I guess we’ll find out if it happens. Not that the guys would let me get hurt or anything like that, they’re too careful now that they know I’ve been threatened. Yes, I know more than just Diesel and Knight know about the letter I got.

  Finally, it’s my time to make an appearance. I swear it looks like Isabella is rolling her eyes as Knight introduces me and I walk out next to him. She hates me being here more than my own parents hate me. Yes, they hate me with the way they treat me and make me feel so alone and like I’m a burden to them. Hell, my own mother didn’t even take me with her when she left.

  Knight and I blend our voices perfectly as we sing our songs. The ones I’m singing tonight will all be in the middle so once I’m done, I can head back to the camper to make sure our things are together. We all want to get back to the hotel. I’m ready for a hot shower and a warm, comfortable bed to sleep in.

  We perform song after song and I’m so comfortable on the stage, I even let the guys talk me into performing one of the solo songs on the upcoming album. As I sing to the crowd, I keep my eyes open and focus all of my attention on them. The girls in front of the stage listen in awe as I belt out the lyrics for I Thought You Were The One. Knight is playing guitar for this song along with Diesel and they blend together as one too.

  As soon as the song is done, I rush from the stage and I’m once again surrounded by the men of the MC. They lead me to the camper and one of them walk in to make sure no one’s in there while I wait outside. Once he’s given the all clear, I walk in and begin to make sure everything is picked up. It’s not like we bring much here with us, but the guys have clothes here and I have make-up with my clothes and hair products. Once everything is bagged up, I sit and wait for the guys to meet me. The only things I don’t touch belong to Isabella.

  “So, what’s up with the band’s bitch of a manger?” Sabotage asks me since he’s the one who followed me inside the camper.

  “I don’t know. She hasn’t liked me from day one, so I just try to stay away from her,” I answer him.

  “I see. Looks to me like she has a thing for Knight, who has a thing for you. Jealousy is never good for a band,” he says thoughtfully. “But I guess we’ll see how this plays out. By the way, love your voice. Never heard anythin’ like it before.”

  I nod my head to him as I sit in silence. It’s not long before the guys burst in the door of the camper. Sabotage has his gun pulled and pointed at Isabella as she’s the first one to enter. She screams her head off as he lowers the weapon to his side.

  “What the hell are you pulling a gun on me for?” she asks, putting her hand to her chest and turning frightened eyes toward Knight.

  “You know what’s goin’ on and still enter the camper without any knockin’ to let us know it’s you comin’ in here? What the fuck are you thinkin’? We were hired for a job and I’m gonna fuckin’ do it,” he tells her, looking over her head to talk to the guys instead of her for the last part.

  “No worries. Respect you for doing your job and protecting Onyx. Thanks, man,” Knight says, walking over to me and grabbing his bag off the seat I have them lined up on.

  “Well, I have to get my things around and then we can head out,” Isabella huffs out.

  “Not waiting for you tonight. We’re heading to the hotel. You can catch a ride with Martin,” Knight tells her.

  “You always wait for me, Knight,” she cries out again.

  “Not tonight. You should have your things ready before we take the stage. Since you don’t, we’re not waiting around for you,” he says, grabbing my hand and leading me from the camper.

  The guys in the MC all mount their bikes once we’re in the SUV. They surround us as we pull out and head toward the hotel. It doesn’t take us long to get there. We park and wait for them to come over to
the SUV before getting out. As soon as we’re on our floor in the hotel, without incident, we all head our separate ways. Well, I head to the room I’m going to be sharing for the night with Knight.

  As soon as the door’s shut behind us, he leads me around the suite. I take it all in. The room has a kitchen, living room, and a closet. There’s two bedrooms toward the left side of the suite and a full bathroom with a standalone shower and a soaker tub. What I wouldn’t give to sink down in that tub right now. Knight has other plans as he leads me in the bathroom and to the shower.

  “Gonna get clean after the show,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to the side of my neck right below my ear.

  I can’t make a noise in response because a moan escapes me. He knows the spot just below my ear drives me insane and zeros in on it. Knight doesn’t let up until he has to move his head to remove my tee-shirt from my body. Once that offending garment is out of his way, he zones right back into the section of my neck.

  It’s like he’s making it so I don’t think about anything as he undresses me. My bra is the next thing to go and it’s quickly followed by my jeans and panties. I’m completely naked as he steps back and turns on the shower. We’re waiting for the water to heat up as he strips down himself.

  “Um, you’re taking a shower with me?” I ask, finally getting my mind back on track after watching each delicious inch of his skin become exposed.

  “Yeah. Saving water again and all that,” he murmurs, leading me into the shower.

  I’m under the water and I let the heat soak into me and cascade down my body. It seeps into my muscles and eases the tension from the show and the letter. Knight turns my body and begins to massage shampoo into my hair. As soon as he’s satisfied with it coating every inch of my long hair, he turns me back around to rinse it out. Then he repeats the process with the conditioner and then my body wash. Knight is making sure to pay attention to my body as he washes every inch of me.

  Now, it’s my turn. My hands tremble as I move aside and let him under the hot spray of the shower head. Once he’s wet, he turns and sits down on the bench seat in the shower. I grab his shampoo and apply it to his hair, making sure to massage it into his scalp. He stands to rinse off as I grab his body wash and soap up the loofah, he uses for it.


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