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Knight's Unforeseen Change (Wicked Angels Book 1)

Page 16

by Erin Osborne

  “She didn’t show up because she fell asleep. She cried herself to sleep when I told her she was missing the meet and greet,” I tell her. “She’s ready to leave the band because of the things you’ve been doing to her. Hell, you didn’t even want to add the extra security when she got a threatening letter.”

  “It’s not that serious,” Isabella says.

  “The fuck?” Diesel says, finally breaking. “Someone being threatened is very fucking serious. I don’t know what’s going on with you, but you’ve changed and aren’t someone I want associated with the band anymore. Knight is right, you need to go.”

  I watch on as Diesel holds his phone up and tells Mark to unmute his phone. Isabella really pales when she realizes everything she’s said has been heard by the label.

  “Mark, did you get all that?” I ask him.

  “I did. Isabella, you are hereby on probation. If there’s one more incident, you will be terminated. Not just taken off the Wicked Angels account. And you won’t have a leg to stand on because you will be breaking your contract. It’s stated you’re there to help the band, not pick and choose who is in the band and what the band needs as far as security. As far as that goes, you should be doing everything in your power to ensure the safety of all the members of the band. I’ll be talking this over with the rest of the label and we’ll let you know of our final decision. Knight, if there’s anything else, don’t hesitate to call me anytime and we’ll get it taken care of,” Mark tells us. “Isabella, I’ll be calling you in a little while to talk to you about your responsibilities and what you should and shouldn’t be doing on tour. I suggest you leave Onyx alone and don’t message her at all.”

  “Are you guys fucking kidding me? You had to go behind my back and bring Mark into this?” Isabella lashes out at us.

  “You’re the one who brought this on yourself. It’s your actions and lack of concern that are making you lose your job. Get the fuck over it and do what you’re supposed to be doing. And there’s no more personal meetings between you and I either,” I tell her. “You want to meet with someone from the band, you meet with one of the other guys. If his answer is no, that’s the answer. And they’ll have a member of the security team in the meeting as well. You’re not going to play any games Isabella.”

  Leaving the room, I make my way down to the lobby of the hotel with Diesel and Damon by my side. I want to do something special for Onyx because of all this bullshit, so I’m going to buy her a few things and we’re going to spend the rest of the day on the bus together. Alone.

  The three of us talk on the way to the small shopping center. We decide that Isabella is no longer allowed to ride on the bus with us. She’s causing too much shit and we want Onyx to be as comfortable as possible. She’s more to the band then Isabella is and now she’s my woman and I’m not going to have her unnecessarily hurt or anything else if I can prevent it. Isabella will be moved to the bus with the roadies and I know she’s going to absolutely hate it. Oh well, she should’ve listened and left Onyx alone.

  When we get to the mall, I walk into the jewelry store and look at the rings. This honestly wasn’t my intention, but now I can’t stop thinking of anything but having my ring on Onyx’s finger, so the world knows she has a man. As soon as I can, I’m going to marry her and change her last name to mine, and before long, she’ll have my baby in her belly. Hell, she could already be pregnant because I didn’t use a condom with her.

  I’ve never not worn a condom, even for a blow job, but with her, I don’t ever want anything to separate us. I want to always feel her skin on skin with no latex between us. If she’s not ready for kids, then we’ll have to figure out her getting birth control. I’m clean and I know she is. I’ll have to talk to her about this.

  “Man, you sure you’re ready for this step?” Damon asks me.

  “Yep. Knew the second I laid eyes on Onyx she was going to be mine. I want her to understand I’m all in and this is the way to do it. I love her and I’ll do anything for her,” I answer him.

  “Don’t you think it will scare her away because it’s too soon?” he asks me.

  “Nope. I know Onyx better than the rest of you,” I respond.

  I ask the woman behind the counter to see engagement rings. She’s eyeing all of us like we’re her next damn meal. Hell, she’s eyeing the guys with us from the MC too. I stare at her so she knows I’m not fucking around and gets to doing her job. She pulls out three different sets of rings and I look at all of them.

  There’s one that immediately jumps out at me. It’s got a medium size diamond in the top of the ring with red stones lining the band. Every other one looks like it’s in the shape of small hearts. It comes with a matching wedding band and there’s one for the guy too. This is the set I want for her. I’ll even wear the fucking matching one if it’s what she wants. Thankfully, the men’s ring doesn’t have the shape of hearts for the red gems lining the band. It’s a mix of the red gems and diamonds.

  We walk to a few more shops and I get Onyx some more things I know she’ll love. She’s never been spoiled in her life and I’m going to make sure that changes. But I’m not going to buy her a ton of shit. Onyx isn’t the type of woman that wants to be spoiled with materialistic things. She’d rather be taken out for a quiet dinner, or just cuddle on the couch with a movie and dinner we made together. If that’s how she wants to live her life, I’m all for it. We’re in the spotlight enough when we’re on the road and doing other things for the band.

  Onyx made it back to the hotel before we did. When I walked in our room, I hid the bags I got while I was out with the guys so she won’t see them and go in search of them. She’s in the bedroom packing the last of my stuff so we can get down to the bus and head out for the next town. I help her finish up and then we walk through the room to make sure we didn’t leave anything behind.

  On the bus, I give Onyx two of the three bags of stuff I bought for her today. She opens the bag with the new shirts and jeans first. I got her a few outfits to wear while we’re on tour. She has comfy clothes wear when we’re on the bus, but I want her to have more clothes to wear for the shows and when we’re out on the town.

  The second bag is a few more pairs of shoes. She isn’t one to buy herself things. And these are things I’ve seen her looking at more than once. Onyx looks at me with tears in her eyes. After wrapping her arms around me, I lead her into the shower so we can get ready. We’re almost halfway to the next town and when we get there we’re going out to dinner. Something for her and only her.

  After getting a shower and putting on our clothes, Onyx and I sit out in the main area with the guys. It’s nice with Isabella not being here. She was pissed as hell and threatened to call Mark about the abuse we were putting her through. We’re not abusing her. It’s not written in her contract anywhere that she has to ride on our bus. If she doesn’t want to sleep on that bus, she can get a hotel room and pay for it out of her own pocket. I’m done coddling her and she’s done riding our coattails.

  I think I’ve timed it so by the time we’re done getting ready, the bus will be pulling up behind the venue for the night and we’ll get with Lash and the rest of the MC to go out to dinner.

  She pulls on a pair of the new jeans and one of the black shirts I got her. The shirt is big on her and hangs down off one shoulder presenting an erotic picture. Her hair is pulled over her opposite shoulder and I walk up to her, placing a gentle kiss where her shoulder and neck meet. I feel her suck in a breath and hold it while her pulse point alerts me to her pulse racing under my touch.

  “You look beautiful, baby,” I tell her.

  “Thank you, Knight. For everything you’ve done for me today. You really didn’t have to,” she answers, her cheeks staining a bright red.

  “It’s not over with yet,” I answer her evasively.

  Walking back into our shared room, Onyx pulls on a new pair of wedge sandals and sits on the bed. She waits for me to pull my tee-shirt on and run my fingers through my hair
. At the same time, the bus pulls to a stop and I’m ready to get out of here. Making sure I have the ring box in my pocket and my wallet, we head to the front of the bus.

  “You guys heading out?” Damon asks me.

  “Yep. We’ll be back later on,” I answer, grabbing Onyx’s hand and leading her from the bus.

  Martin is already waiting for us as we leave the bus. He ushers us to the SUV with blacked out windows and opens the door for Onyx while I round the back and get in the opposite side of her. Once we’re closed in, I pull her over to me and she rests her head on my chest.

  “You okay?” I ask her.

  “Yeah. Just a lot going on and things I need to think about,” she answers, placing her hand on my chest over my heart.

  “Care to share?” I ask.

  “Not right now. I need to figure it all out for myself first,” she tells me.

  “Okay. But you know the only way this works between us, because you are mine, is if we’re honest with one another. I know you feel like you’re in over your head here and that we’re pissed because things regarding you, but we’re not. We know it’s not your fault and we’re not going to blame you for it,” I tell her, running my fingers through her long, silky hair.

  “I know. It’s one thing to know it and another completely to accept it though,” she says, her voice muffled as she buries her face in my chest.

  Looking out the window when I feel the SUV slowing down, I see the restaurant in front of us. The rumble of bikes gets lower as they park along the curb while Martin lets us out. He’s going to take care of a few things while we’re at dinner and the guys from the MC will be with us.

  “We’re here, baby,” I tell her.

  Onyx sits up and smoothes her hair out. Sabotage opens the door on my side, and I get out before turning to hold my hand out to my girl. She takes it and climbs out as the first fans recognize us. The guys hold them off as we wave and say hello to them. I usher Onyx into the restaurant, and we wait for the hostess to greet us.

  “Welcome. Can I please have your name?” she asks, never once looking up at us.

  “It’s under Martin,” I answer her.

  I watch as she types it into her tablet and finally looks up at us. Her face turns a bright shade of red while her eyes appear to bug out of her head. She knows who we are and wants to say something. I can tell it’s on the tip of her tongue. But at the last second, she refrains, plasters a smile on her face, and takes a deep breath.

  “Right. You two are out on the balcony. The reservation is for the entire thing, so you won’t have to worry about anyone bothering you. It’s already been set up,” she tells me. “Please follow me.”

  The hostess leads us to the balcony as customers follow us with their eyes. We can hear them murmuring and see the flash of cameras as they take our picture. Welcome to the life of someone famous. It’s hard as fuck to do anything without being recognized and having people take pictures.

  Most of them are harmless and just want a picture to show they were near someone famous. Other people want to use those pictures to sell some sordid story to a damn tabloid and make as much money as they possibly can. It’s bothersome to read made up stories about yourself, but now I have to think of Onyx and what’s going to go through her mind at the site of that shit.

  “Your waiter will be with you shortly,” the hostess says once we take our seats at the table.

  Our table is set for two and has a candle already lit sitting in the center. Further down, on each side of our table, are tables for the guys. Onyx looks around and her eyes fill with tears. This is not how I imagined this going.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” I ask her.

  “No one’s ever done anything like this for me,” she answers.

  “Oh. Well, I’ll do whatever I can to show you what you mean to me,” I tell her.

  “You’ve already done so much,” she tells me.

  “And you haven’t seen anything yet,” I tell her.

  There’s no way I can wait now. I need to show Onyx exactly what she means to me and how I feel about her. It’s time to lay all my cards on the table.

  “Onyx, baby,” I begin, placing my hand over hers on the table. “I know we haven’t known one another long, but I fell for you the second I saw you singing in the laundry room of our building. Your voice captured my attention, but it’s you as a person that’s held it and made me want to become the best man I can be, someone who truly deserves to be in your life.

  You’ve given me more than anyone I’ve ever known in the short time I’ve been around you and I can’t thank you enough for that. I love you, Onyx and there’s only one way I can show you I mean it. You’re a strong, kindhearted, amazing, loyal, caring, beautiful woman and you have no clue how anyone else sees you. The shadows in your eyes take that away from you. But I’ll do everything in my power to chase those shadows away and only give you warm, happy memories from here on out. Onyx, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  I stand from the table, drop down to one knee as I pull the box from my pocket. Opening it up, Onyx covers her mouth with her hands, and I see the fresh simmer of tears beginning to pool in her eyes. She looks at me, really and truly looks at me.

  “Yes,” she finally whispers. “Knight, you make me so happy and I’ll try to become the woman you deserve.”

  “You’re already there, baby,” I tell her, pulling the ring from the box and sliding it onto her finger.

  The ring is a perfect fit as I slide it down her slender finger. I pull her into my arms and plaster my lips against hers. The kiss is sweet, gentle, and full of the emotions we feel in this moment. I pour every ounce of love, passion, caring, and protective nature I can into the kiss and Onyx gives it all back to me.

  “Thank you,” I whisper against her lips when I finally break the kiss.

  “You’re welcome. And thank you,” she answers, a smile ghosting her face.

  The guys surrounding us begin to cheer and clap as I walk back to my seat and face my fiancée. They all come up to our table and congratulate us. Onyx gets kisses on the top of her head and a hug while I get man hugs from the men. Sabotage is the last one to come to our table and I can see the sorrow in his eyes. He wants Onyx for himself, but he knows she’s meant to be with me, so he hasn’t pursued her.

  Our waiter brings out the food I already ordered. Onyx is having the chicken parmesan while I’m having the spaghetti and meatballs. Dessert will be served once we’re done with our entrees. I ordered us cheesecake they make from scratch at the restaurant and it’s amazing. Yeah, I’ve been here a time or two. Never for this reason though.

  Onyx and I talk and laugh through dinner and she continuously looks at her ring with wonderment in her eyes. It’s almost as if she doesn’t believe it’s real and she’s waiting for the other shoe to drop from the look on her face. Well, I won’t be letting the other shoe drop if I can help it.

  As soon as we’re full, I lead her from the restaurant and back to the waiting SUV with Martin. He looks from Onyx’s face to her hand and a large smile breaks out on his face. Martin knew what my plan was and was excited for us.

  “Congratulations!” he tells us. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “Thank you, Martin,” Onyx answers, sliding to the middle of the seat and stopping so she can rest on me.

  We ride back to the bus in silence. Onyx is lost in her head and I’m sure it’s okay this time. She’s not shaking and there’s not a fearful look on her face like there usually is when she’s lost in her head, so I let her be for now. The guys won’t let her be once we get back to them, though. They can’t wait to see what her answer is and want to celebrate tonight, at the bus and not going out anywhere.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  IN MY WILDEST dreams, I never thought I’d be engaged to Knight Wheeler. Hell, I never thought I’d ever meet the man who’s voice took me from reality and made my days just a little brighter when I listened to the band’s songs.
Now, eventually, I’ll be marrying the man who captured my attention from the very beginning and I don’t know what to do.

  My life has spun out of control, not necessarily in a bad way, since meeting Knight and joining the Wicked Angels. Most of the time, I feel a confidence I didn’t know I possessed. It may not show, but I do. Now, I’ll really have to step up my game if I’m going to keep a man like Knight.

  He’s still got women throwing themselves at him no matter where he goes. Knight acts as if they’re fans and signs autographs for them and takes pictures, but that’s it. He doesn’t accept their numbers or anything else. If the guys go out, he makes sure to stay far away from any women joining the single members of the band and sticks to drinking until he’s ready to come back to the bus or hotel.

  Waking up this morning, I’m wrapped in Knight’s arms. He’s still fast asleep and I just take a few minutes to look at him. The stress of the road and my drama isn’t weighing on him. He looks peaceful and younger as he sleeps. This is the look I want to see on his face constantly.

  My bladder alerts me to the fact I need to head to the bathroom, so I carefully get out from under his arm and do my business routine. Once I’m showered and dressed for the day, I leave the bus. Lash and Martin are the only two I see outside and they’re deep in conversation as I cautiously approach them.

  “Um, morning, guys,” I say, my voice strong as I stay a few feet behind them.

  “Hey, Onyx,” Lash greets me. “Everythin’ okay?”

  “Yeah. I was wondering if one of you could take me to get breakfast for everyone?” I ask.

  “Yeah. Let me get a few more guys and we’ll roll out,” Lash answers.

  Martin leads me to the SUV and I slide in the backseat. Sabotage climbs in the front of the SUV while Lash, Decay, Razer, Boxer, and Dagger climb on their bikes. Lash, Razer, and Boxer ride in front of us leaving the other two men to follow the SUV.

  “Where do you want to go?” Martin asks from the driver’s seat.


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