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Knight's Unforeseen Change (Wicked Angels Book 1)

Page 23

by Erin Osborne

  “You ready to head out, Onyx?” I ask my wife.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be,” she mutters as she walks to my side.

  “I know you don’t want to face any of them, but the sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can start our lives on a positive note. One where we don’t have to look over our shoulders constantly,” I gently remind her.

  “I know. Let’s get this shit show on the road,” she says.

  For a minute, I say nothing. It’s not often Onyx swears so when she does, it always stops me in my tracks.

  Lash and the guys are waiting for us outside. They’re all sitting astride their bikes as we walk out to the SUV that was left behind for us. I’ll be driving today and the guys will be surrounding us. I want Onyx to feel as safe as possible. They’ll all be sitting in the courtroom with us and Detective Michaels knows this. He’s paved the way for it to happen and not have the judge flip his shit when we all pile in.

  Once Onyx and I are settled in the SUV, I pull her hand over and rest it on my thigh under mine. She doesn’t fight or argue about it and leaves it in place. Her attention is focused on the scenery passing as we make the short drive to the courthouse.

  When we get close, I can already see multiple news vans and paparazzi waiting for us to get there. She’ll wait in the SUV until Sabotage and the guys are able to surround her as soon as she steps foot out of the vehicle. We’ve already gone over everything before I got her to leave this morning.

  Pulling up as close as possible to the courthouse, I let the guys park before doing anything else. Lash and Dagger come over to my side while the rest of the guys go to Onyx’s side of the SUV. She waits for Sabotage to open her door before she steps out. As soon as the first reporter sees her, the flashes start and questions are being shouted at her.

  Onyx puts her head down and lets her hair cover her face. I’m just behind her so the guys from the MC can cover her completely. No one is going to get to her at all. Hell, no one can barely see her with how tall they are. I don’t want to draw more attention to her, so I stay where I’m at and make sure I keep my mouth shut. Sabotage is making sure no one gets close and he doesn’t give a fuck if he goes to jail or not. None of the guys around her do and they aren’t above becoming physical to make sure no one touches her.

  When we finally get inside, the guys slightly give my wife some room but make sure she can’t see the bitch, Isabella, being led into the courtroom. We’ll have more than enough time to see the psycho bitch once we’re in our seats. Onyx is led directly to Detective Michaels and he leads us into the courtroom. We sit in the rows behind the Prosecutor.

  It’s not long before Onyx is called to take the stand. She gives her story in as much detail as possible. Tears fill her eyes as she talks about the treatment she received while being held hostage and how she overheard Isabella on the phone. I didn’t even know that. Fuck!

  As soon as my wife is done giving her testimony, she leaves the courtroom. Now, it’s my turn to go over everything. In all honesty, I’m glad she isn’t in here to hear about Isabella climbing in bed with me and trying to have sex while I was passed out. Sabotage is with her and I know a few of the other guys are too. They’re not going to leave her alone.

  I give my side of the story and let them know exactly what’s been going on since Onyx joined the band. Like my wife, I give as many details as I can to the jury while telling my story. My voice sounds monotone to my ears and the only thing I can think of is getting to Onyx. She needs me and instead I’m on here telling a bunch of people I don’t know about things that were done to violate my wife in the worst ways possible.

  It’s been a few hours and we just got the phone call about Isabella and the guys. They’re going to be held in prison for a long time. Isabella may be going to a mental institution instead of prison, but she won’t be getting out of there either. The determining factor will be whatever the psychiatrists says after they see her.

  We let everyone know and celebrate as soon as we get to the next venue. The guys have food, drinks, and a huge banner saying how proud they are of Onyx. She accepts hugs from everyone and then we settle down to eat and have fun.

  Onyx enjoys herself along with the rest of us. I’m glad to see she can have fun and let go after the day she had in court. But I know she just wants to put it all behind her. Well, we’re almost there. We still have to go to one more court hearing but we’re not sure when that’s going to be. Detective Michaels or one of the officers will be in touch with us once they arrest Onyx’s dad. So far, there hasn’t been any word on him at all.

  It’s not long before Onyx is ready for bed. She can’t drink with the rest of us. After giving me a kiss and telling me to enjoy some time with the guys, she heads on the bus and it’s not long before I’m following her in there.

  Onyx is passed out already and I wrap my body around her as she lays holding onto a pillow. It’s cradled into her stomach as if she’s protecting our unborn child already. I pull her even closer to me and place my hand on her still flat stomach. It’s amazing to think she’s growing our child in there. A part of each of us grows inside her each and every day.

  My thoughts drift to what it’s going to be like when he or she is born and how I’m going to feel about becoming a dad. I already love the baby so much and I want to tell my wife how I feel but I don’t know how to put it into words. Thoughts of the amazing mother Onyx is going to be fill my head as I close my eyes and let sleep claim me.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  TONIGHT IS OUR last show. I’m pumped and ready to get on stage. Knight has decided to announce we’re married because court is over and there’s no threat to me. Well, not here anyway. My dad hasn’t stood trial yet, but he’s about to get arrested according to the Detectives on the case. He wasn’t here when the arrests were made and cancelled his trip, so he thinks he’s safe. Dumbass!

  We’ve done sound check and have been to the merchandise stand to do autographs and an impromptu meet and greet session, which Jagger is excited for us to do. Now, we’re just relaxing and listening to Someday Never Comes on stage. They just took the stage, and Knight and I will be changing in a little bit to get on stage for their last song, then we’ll stay on stage and our guys will join us for our set.

  Jagger saw the reaction to the first, and only, time we joined them on stage and wants us to do it at more shows when we tour with them. Not only is it good exposure for them, but the fans love us for doing it too. I’d do it regardless because I love the guys from Someday Never Comes. They’re sweet, honest, and hard workers. They deserve as much exposure, fame, and time on stage as possible. Hopefully, Jagger can get us on tour with them again.

  “I’m going to change,” I tell Knight as I stand from his lap. “It’s going to take me longer to get ready than you.”

  “Okay, baby. I’ll be in with you in a few minutes,” he answers.

  Walking onto the bus, I grab the jeans and shirt I’m going to be wearing on stage tonight. Tonight, I’m showing my support for SNC by wearing their shirt. I’ve cut a few holes in it and took off the sleeves and neckline of the shirt. I’ll be wearing a tank top underneath it.

  As soon as I have my clothes on, I do my make-up and hair. Tonight, I’m wearing my hair up because the night is still hot and we’re going to be sweating our asses off. I don’t want to make it worse by wearing my hair down to stick to my neck and back.

  Just before I’m ready, Knight comes on the bus and grabs his clothes. He gets dressed, make sure he has everything for the show on him and together we head outside. Sabotage, Lock, and Lash lead us to the stage while Martin waits in the wings for us. Together we stand and wait for Jonathan to introduce us.

  “We want to thank you for hanging out with us tonight. As part of our appreciation, we have a special surprise for you,” Jonathan says. “Please welcome Knight and Onyx from Wicked Angels.”

  The crowd goes wild as they did two days ago. Knight and I step on stage
as the first cords of the song start. We sing our hearts out and put on the show of a lifetime for our fans. I don’t recognize the nerves fluttering through me or pay attention to the lingering doubts I have in my abilities to perform on a regular basis.

  As soon as the song is over with, we remain on stage and throw a few hats and shirts the band signed while they get on stage and in position. We give them time to make sure their instruments tuned and ready before Knight turns to the crowd.

  “How’s everybody doing tonight?” he asks.

  The crowd goes wild to show their appreciation.

  “That’s what we like to hear,” he says. “So, you all know this is our last show of this tour. And, I’d like to let you all in on a secret. Onyx and I got married a few days ago. I’d like to introduce you all to Mrs. Onyx Wheeler. Let’s give it up for her!”

  The crowd again goes wild. There’s no booing me or fans pissed off. I thought there would be more than a few angry fans, but they seem to be excited at our news.

  Damon starts the song and we count in.

  I can’t keep the smile off my face or the energy from showing on stage. This is the first time I truly feel free and happy. I don’t have to worry about anyone coming after me or my dad trying to get my money. The only thing I have to worry about is making sure I don’t mess up our songs and the future of the band and Knight and me.

  Our baby is on my mind too. I know I’m not that far along, but already I love our child more than anything else. Knight is right up there, but our child will know how loved he or she is and they won’t ever live in fear the way I did growing up. Hell, up until a few days ago even.

  Tonight is a good night, but I can’t wait to get on the bus and know it’s heading home. With the way the tour was lined up, it’s only going to take us a few hours to get home, so it should be around midnight by the time we pull up and unload from the bus. I’m excited to sleep in my own bed and know we don’t have a thing on our schedule tomorrow. It’s not until next week that we have to meet with Jagger and go over what’s next on tap for us. Especially with the record getting ready to release soon.

  Instead of sleeping on the bus, I’ll be packing our things and making sure we don’t leave anything behind. Especially my wedding dress. I’m going to hang it in my closet because I want to remember every single thing about that day and have as many mementos as possible.

  We’ve been back in Blue Springs for a half hour and I’m more than ready for bed. Knight and I are in an SUV with Martin and he’s dropping us off at our apartment complex before he heads home for the night. He helps us unload our bags from the back before giving me a hug goodbye and pressing his phone number into my hand. Not that I don’t already have it.

  “I’m ready for bed,” I tell Knight as we each grab our bags and head inside.

  Before Knight can respond, a man steps out from the shadows.

  “Look what we have here, my slut of a daughter and the man slumming it to be with her,” my father says.

  “Don’t you talk about my wife that way!” Knight yells, the sound echoing in the parking garage of our building. “You’re not supposed to be anywhere near her. She’s got an order of protection against you and I’ll have the cops here for you before you can blink.”

  For a minute, my dad doesn’t say a word. But I see the veins pulsing in his forehead and his face is turning red as hell. He’s pissed and I don’t know what he’s going to do now.

  “You’re not married. You can’t get married without my consent,” my dad tries to argue.

  “The hell we can’t. She’s over the age of eighteen and you have no say in her life. Hell, I’m surprised you’re not locked in a cell about now,” Knight says, taunting him.

  “I’ll never see the inside of a cell. You have no proof I was involved in anything,” my father denies his part.

  “Oh, okay. Well, we’ll let you believe that and see you in court then,” Knight says.

  As we round my father, I hear the sirens coming our way. There’s cameras all over the parking garage now and I’m sure they caught everything that just went down.

  “This isn’t over with Onyx. You’ll never be free of me!” my father shouts as I turn to look over my shoulder.

  He’s got a gun in his hand and my eyes widen in fear. I go to push Knight away from me when my dad is tackled to the ground. Knight pushes me behind him and watches as the police officer removes the gun from his hand and places cuffs on his wrists.

  “Get off me! Do you know who I am? You’ll lose your job!” my father screams and shouts the entire way to the officer’s car.

  “Miss Carrington, are you okay?” a voice asks, walking around the pillar at the entrance of the parking garage.

  “I’m okay. He didn’t do anything,” I respond.

  “I’m Officer Cruise and I need to get a statement about what happened before you head in for the night,” he tells me.

  “Okay. Knight, do you have my keys? And it’s Mrs. Wheeler now,” I inform the officer in front of me.

  “Yeah. Let’s go, baby,” Knight says, heading for my SUV.

  We put our bags in the back and he opens my door for me. Once I’m inside and buckled up, Knight goes around to the driver’s side. I’m shaking and terrified of my dad being let loose because of his name and who he is. That it won’t matter Isabella flipped on him and they’ve got messages and phone calls exchanged between the two of them and between him and the men who kidnapped me.

  “It’s going to be okay, baby. Let’s get this done and over with so we can get home and spend the next two days in bed. No one but us,” Knight says, pulling my hand over to rest on his thigh.

  We follow the cop car to the station and wait in the main office for an officer to take me back for my statement. Knight never once lets go of my hand and doesn’t let the officer try to get me to go with him alone. He was there with me and can tell his version of the story at the same time. Honestly, he knows I’m nervous as fuck and I’d rather have him by my side.

  It’s almost two in the morning by the time we can leave the station. They ended up separating Knight and I to get our separate versions of the story. While I wasn’t happy about it, I understand why they want to hear it from each of us without the other one present.

  Officer Cruise assures me my father will be getting charged with breaking the restraining order as well as the other charges from everything that happened while I was on tour. Once again I’m going to have to testify, but I’m hoping they make it go as quickly as they did with Isabella and the men who kidnapped me. I just want this over with so Knight and I can move on.

  “Are you okay?” Knight asks as we pull into our building.

  “Yeah. I’m exhausted and ready to climb in bed,” I answer him.

  “I know, baby. Let’s get to bed and I’ll make sure you have breakfast in the morning. Do you want anything to eat before we go to bed?” he asks me.

  “No. I don’t think I can stay awake long enough to eat anything, babe. I just want to lay with your arms wrapped around me and go to sleep.”

  Knight helps me get upstairs and into my apartment. Well, I guess it’s ours but I have no clue. Or energy to talk to my husband about it. He takes me to the bedroom and strips me down to my bra and panties before pulling the blankets back and helping me climb into bed. As soon as my head hits the pillow, I’m out and don’t hear or feel him climb into bed with me.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  IT’S BEEN TWO weeks since we got home from tour and Onyx’s dad was arrested. He’s already been tried and will be serving a very long time in prison for what he’s done to Onyx. The judge was not impressed with everything he’d done or the outbursts he made while in the courtroom.

  I was right by her side and so were the band members and Jagger. Martin was here and didn’t let a single person get close to my wife as we made our way from the SUV to the courthouse or back outside when it was time to go home.

  We didn’t wai
t around for the verdict. Onyx wanted to get away from the courthouse and not worry about seeing her father again, so I made sure she didn’t have to. Instead, we went home and started packing up my apartment. It kept her mind busy and ensured we’d be living together.

  Onyx thinks I’m moving into her apartment with her, but that’s not what’s going to be happening. While we were on the road, I contacted a realtor and let them know what I was looking for— something big but simple, a nice yard for our children to play in, and a recording studio somewhere on the property to make things easier when Onyx gets further along in her pregnancy. Derek, my realtor, let me know yesterday the house was closed on and we can move in at any time.

  The only reason it’s possible for it to be so quick is because the owner died and it’s the last piece of his estate to be settled. His kids have been trying to sell it for almost a year and they want the money, so I put in an offer just under asking price and they jumped on it. So, today is the day Onyx and I move into our new home and begin living the rest of our lives.

  “We’re here, you can all bow before us,” Diesel says, walking in the apartment about a half-hour after Onyx and I got back here.

  Onyx laughs her ass off, so I bite my tongue to stop from saying anything to him. If he can make her laugh right now after the day she’s had I’m not going to say a fucking word.

  Each of the guys come in the apartment and kiss her on her cheek and tell her how proud they are of her for testifying today. I growl each and every time which earns more laughter from Onyx. She knows how I am and I hate when the guys get too close to her. At least Sabotage isn’t here.

  I thought I was going to lose my shit when they parted ways. He wrapped her in his arms and whispered some words to her. Then he placed a kiss on her cheek and swatted her ass before walking away to get on his bike. Seeing Onyx with tears in her eyes is the only reason I didn’t go after him. I pulled her into my arms and held her while she cried at the loss of her friends. We’ll miss all the guys but she’s the closest to Sabotage. I’m sure they’ll be in contact though.


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