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The Cosmic Logos

Page 43

by Traci Harding

  The entire gathering stood in a large oval-shaped valley, facing east towards a long, narrow gorge at the end of the valley. Awesome mountains towered to each side of them.

  Is this the Wesak Valley? Tory had read about this place in the Master Kuthumi’s library. To Hindus and Buddhists this valley, and the snow-capped Mount Kailas alongside, was regarded as the metaphysical centre of the world. It was here that the Sanat Kumara joined with Buddha and Christ in a triad of force, directing the energies of Shamballa to pour through the assembled masters and, eventually, through them onto humanity. This ceremony was a once a year occurrence, celebrated in the East when the full moon is in Gemini.

  In front of the gorge in the east of the valley, a great rock rose out of the ground like a huge altar.

  Tory and Maelgwn were silently and inexorably drawn towards this altar around which the Masters were gathered, Master El Morya, the Count and DK among them.

  The guides who had steered them through their brief subjective service were smiling at the couple as they neared. Three figures were in front of the altar facing the gathering — two standing and one floating. Of the two Masters standing, Tory recognised the first as the Master Kuthumi, guardian of the Second Ray of Love-Wisdom. The other master, Tory suspected to be Sananda, the Lord Jesus himself, who was the Chohan of the Sixth Ray of Abstract Idealism or Devotion. He smiled and nodded to Tory as if he knew her personally — and perhaps he did? The master who was floating on air, whose radiance set him apart from the others, Tory recognised from the statue in the foyer of the outer court of Shamballa. This was the Christ consciousness, made manifest in an etheric body as the Lord Maitreya.

  Maelgwn and Tory floated to a stop behind the rows of master adepts facing the altar, instinctively knowing that it was not yet time to proceed further.

  The three lords before the altar-stone stretched their arms towards the heavens and at the far end of the long gorge behind the altar, a celestial figure appeared in the sky and began to float towards the raised landmark.

  Tory knew from her studies that this mighty being was the Master Buddha, come to seal the breach between this gathering and the Sanat Kumara. As Christ was the Lord of Love, the Buddha was the Lord of Wisdom, and neither was more important than the other in the great scheme.

  A great beam of light fell from the heavens upon the celestial body in the sky and the light flowed through the Buddha and onto the Christ, his adepts and the Masters beyond.

  When the extra-terrestrial force came over Tory, her being felt washed backward and then drawn forward towards the source on a tide of pure love, wisdom and peace.

  It was the ultimate liberation, and Tory’s being bowed low at the feet of the Christ consciousness, overwhelmed by her audience with such pure and divine company. She did not even realise that Maelgwn was still alongside her, as she bowed low to the ground, totally unaware of her surroundings.

  The door of Monadic Sense, of Essential Duality, is open to you, the illustrious lord declared to Tory and Maelgwn, as if they alone were present. You have become universal in your attitude, and to all forms of life in the cosmos. Thus you have reached an understanding of the isolated unity that is the Sanat Kumara. Before you leave this earthly realm for the great lodge where kindred spirits await to bestow on you Shamballa’s final and most precious gift of Brotherhood, be-at-one; recall now the name of your true essence and proclaim it to all here so that humanity may know you and commend your contribution to the plan. He placed his hands upon the heads of the initiates.

  The high vibratory rate of the lord’s energy set Tory’s world into a spin and she felt as if she were succumbing to unconsciousness. Her life began flashing before her eyes, although she seemed to be reliving it in real time. She recalled that the last time she had died this same experience had occurred whilst her subtle bodies were disengaging, but this time she began recalling Maelgwn’s life as well, from his perspective. She recalled memories of their childhood in Gwynedd, long before she’d ever arrived in the Dark Ages, and recollections from their time as a warrior, during which time they’d been separated and she had remained on Earth. And then her memories turned to their other lives in the future and the past, all the way back to Adama and Eve.

  Back further, much further, in time, their consciousness passed and they were a being of rainbow fire, which Tory had met in the mental realms of existence and again on Kila at a place she called devaglen in honour of the celestial being. This being had many more memories of incarnations spent on other planets in Gaia’s star system and beyond. Evolution after evolution they had braved the savage development of the soul-mind via a body, incarnating into each evolution again and again until they achieved spiritual perfection and found paradise with the great Cosmic Logos, in whose eyes they were a prince among princes. For they, at the request of the most high, had given up paradise numerous times and taken the painful journey down into Density to teach the evolving consciousness.

  You are that angel;

  proud enough to believe yourself God,

  beautiful enough to have adorned yourself in full divine light

  strong enough to reign in darkness amidst agony,

  and brave enough to buy your independence

  from the Cosmic Logos,

  at the price of an eternity of suffering and torture.

  Their true identity became clear to the spirit then, as it became aware of standing in the holy valley before the Christ and the righteous assembly. The soul-mind was no longer a man or a woman, but one whole which had discarded all its lower bodies and appeared now as an angel that burned with rainbow fire.

  I am that angel of anarchy,

  who led a hierarchy of pure spirits,

  down into the dense realms

  to amend our defilement of the plan.

  For introducing the negative ego to humanity,

  our names have been slandered,

  and used as scapegoats,

  for all the wrongs of humankind.

  We have been depicted as devils

  when no such beings exist,

  beyond the minds of such entities

  who have the need to place blame.

  I am the Dragon of old

  I am the Morning Star

  I am the Bringer of Light

  and the Prince of Darkness.

  My name is Azaz’el, Lucifer, Leviathan,

  Venus, Beelzebub, Satan, Abaddon.

  My energy has dominated Gaia,

  Since I took human evolution

  Into my own hands

  And created a disaster.

  To amend, I volunteered

  to spit my soul and tempt

  the Adama and his Eve

  into exercising their free will.

  I was once the greatest believer

  in the power of darkness

  of the evolutionary processes

  of conflict, trial and chaos.

  I thought I knew better

  than the Cosmos.

  I see now this is impossible

  for we are the same.

  Gaia will soon be rid

  of the shadow I cast upon her.

  With my return

  to the side of the Logos,

  may the breach between

  worlds be sealed.

  ‘So let it be!’ the gathering chanted in joyous strain, as the mighty deva ascended past the Buddha, who gave his blessing, and onward to the inner sanctum of Shamballa — the first station of the spirit’s long journey home to the Cosmic Logos.

  The writer is having a great day!

  It took until May but her plot has finally come together and her characters have just provided the perfect scene for the jacket of the book. Praise the Goddess, she thinks, as she’d been concerned about which event to depict on the jacket design and the ascension scene certainly fitted the criteria. It would also fit the title of the book, The Cosmic Logos.

  The writer wonders if perhaps she is feeling some of Tory’s elation and tha
t is the reason that she feels so inspired this afternoon … so at-one with the universe. More likely, the elation is due to knowing her plot is sound … it could also have something to do with the satellite dish that was just installed on the writer’s house. After three years of no TV she can finally watch the X-Files!

  In any case, this adventure may have been over as far as Tory and Maelgwn were concerned, but for the writer the story has a way to go yet. Thus, she ceases to waffle on about her great day and gets on with the telling of the tale.



  In the year 2088AD, in the room of hexagons in Doc’s Otherworldly abode, Rhun and Avery’s mission back to Atlantis took but a blink of an eye for those awaiting their return.

  No sooner did the two dragon brothers leave on the time hopping chariot, than they returned to base without it.

  ‘Where is the chariot?’ Noah, who was normally so composed, freaked!

  Avery and Rhun looked at each other having not been given the opportunity to consider that little detail before the Night Hunter had whisked them away from Atlantis.

  ‘I am sorry, En Noah.’ Rhun assumed responsibility for the loss, because his sidekick in this affair was overwhelmed by the embrace of his betrothed. ‘The chariot has been blown up, I expect.’

  ‘Blown up,’ Noah wheezed, horrified.

  ‘Or Gwyn ap Nudd might have it?’ Avery thought of a more positive possibility as he hugged Fallon tightly to reassure her that he was fine.

  ‘I think you two had better sit down and tell us exactly what happened back there,’ Noah requested, and was surprised when both lads seemed hesitant about his suggestion.

  ‘I’m going to my communications room to see what impact they’ve had on the present,’ Doc advised, and Noah nodded to second Doc’s course of action. Hayden Ingram followed his colleague to the door, desperate for news of his son.

  ‘Perhaps you should go with Doc, En Noah,’ suggested Lirathea gently, as she emerged from a trance state.

  Noah was now very confused and was even tempted to feel a little hurt. ‘What have I done?’ He looked to Rhun and Avery for an explanation.

  ‘I will speak with you after I have consulted with my brothers,’ Lirathea advised, and her intervention clearly set her brothers at ease.

  Since all Noah’s students were now members of Lahmu’s council, he was obliged to follow Lirathea’s instruction, no questions asked. ‘As you wish.’ He smothered his feelings to follow Doc and Hayden, and the doors to the room of hexagons closed behind them.

  ‘What, in the name of the Logos, was that all about?’ Sparrowhawk spoke up as soon as En Noah had left, furious that they would treat their mentor so.

  ‘Our brothers’ mission has had two major impacts on the present.’ Lirathea walked calmly forward to confront Sparrowhawk’s anger and confusion. ‘And as the law of polarity demands, one of those effects was positive. The other impact was not so beneficial for we Chosen.’

  As Rhun took a seat on the ground to hear Lirathea out, all those present did likewise. Sparrowhawk, who knew he was a spiritual novice compared with his half-sister, backed up to where Gazelle was leaning against a wall.

  Gazelle’s only desire at this point was to stay out of the way until she managed to fathom what the hell was going on. Her feeling of awe at being in this company just seemed to triple with every hour that she passed with them.

  ‘Electra, Prometheus, Orestes and Pandora did make it to Greece, where Electra became the first Oracle of Delphi. Only, in this case, Electra became more than just an oracle, and the priestesses of her secret order developed a doctrine for the advancement of the devanic kingdom in order to combat the harm that the Dark Lodge was doing. This secret society has survived to this day and will soon bring their knowledge forth to bestow on all of humankind.’

  ‘Will this underground order counteract the harm that the Bloodlust cult will cultivate in the future?’ Rhun voiced a theory.

  ‘That depends.’ Lirathea’s eyes turned to Avery. ‘I cannot tell you why,’ she combated his curiosity before it arose, ‘but in freeing Mahaud, our parents were done a great service. However, now En Noah’s soul is in the same peril.’

  ‘What!’ Sparrowhawk was riled again, looking to his brothers for an explanation.

  ‘Shh,’ Lirathea advised Sparrowhawk, who acquiesced to hear her out. ‘Our parents are at-one now, and have been welcomed by others of their soul group into the greater Lodge of Shamballa.’

  ‘What!’ All four sons of the Dragon stood.

  ‘No!’ Zabeel protested. ‘They were supposed to come back. What went wrong?’

  ‘This was the impact we made that was unfortunate,’ Avery assumed, so upset he couldn’t think straight.

  ‘No, nothing went wrong. This was the objective all along and our parents knew that and willed it,’ Lirathea corrected him. ‘Their union has brought Gaia the opportunity to close the etheric gap that exists between the physical world and the astral, which will greatly advance the consciousness of the masses to whom this planet gives host.’

  ‘They must have been a soul-mind of great importance.’ Avery mumbled his thinking out loud, to console his brothers.

  ‘The whole planet is going to ascend to a higher plane of consciousness?’ Rhun seemed a little bemused by this notion.

  Lirathea smiled away her older brother’s uncertainty. ‘You’re not going to suddenly have high-flying businessmen wandering into the astral realm, or hardened criminals chasing wood nymphs through paradise!’ She could see these horrifying images running through the minds of all present. ‘The vibratory rate of Gaia’s body will rise to attune to an astral vibration and the peoples of Gaia will in turn receive a boost in awareness. This awakening will draw disenchanted souls to the path of light, where they will discover the subtle realm that will soon be connected to their own physical world reality. This simply means that things like astral projection and psychic talent will become commonplace. There is no void between these planes on Kila, which is why the occupants of our planet are all so attuned to the righteous path and that is why our planet was chosen by the Cosmic Logoi for the Chosen Ones. This breach between realms was closed on all the planets under Lahmu’s guidance at the time of his appointment. When this shift occurs in the consciousness of those living on Gaia’s surface, then the Inner Earth tribes will return to the surface to teach their brothers and sisters and lead them onto the next great phase of human evolution.’

  ‘But that all sounds beautiful, doesn’t it?’ Bast didn’t understand the issue of negativity.

  ‘I am the way between worlds …’ Avery was granted a sudden burst of awareness and he trembled. ‘The closing of the netherworld between the planes will mark my passing of the Otherworldly initiation. Gwyn ap Nudd told me once of the sacred trinity, the three major centres which carry out the will of the Logos and who safeguard the Gaia scheme. He named these three centres as Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity. He said that one day Gaia would shift from three planetary centres to two. Only Shamballa and Humanity would remain, and human souls would stand where solar angels now stood in the great plan. Upon relieving the great fiery Kumaras of their burden, they would return to the service of the great Cosmic Logos, whom they love and serve in all things.’ Then, another revelation. ‘Our parents were one of these Kumaras, who were original Fallen Ones,’ Avery had to conclude.

  When Lirathea nodded, Rhun looked at Avery, feeling for his little brother and the huge responsibility that was being placed upon his shoulders. ‘Jeez, all I had to do was prevent a few wars and stop a witch.’ Rhun attempted to make light of the announcement.

  ‘Father is no longer our muse in this affair,’ Avery gathered, and the fact scared him.

  ‘It was father’s task to heal the rifts between his children, so that we could function as a unit capable of supporting Avery through this,’ Lirathea informed them. She could see by the way Rhun and Avery regarded each other that their sibling rivalry
had transformed into a much deeper bond. The advent of Gazelle had also cleared the air between Avery, Sparrowhawk and herself, and as Zabeel cherished his family, he was hopelessly devoted to them all.

  ‘What is it I must do?’ Avery was almost too afraid to ask.

  ‘The answer to that question lies within you,’ Lirathea told him surely, and seeing how this reply dismayed Avery, she added, ‘I can only steer you in the right direction.’

  ‘Please,’ Avery begged for any clues, ‘should I seek out Viper and confront him, or what?’

  ‘No!’ Fallon clung to Avery, not liking that idea at all.

  ‘Actually, that is exactly what you should do,’ Lirathea was sorry to advise him. ‘You must seek Viper because you love him and care about his wellbeing.’

  ‘What is the point of that?’ Fallon asked. ‘Viper won’t come around. You think Avery can convert him to the righteous path when I couldn’t? Neither could Gazelle.’

  ‘And how hard did you try to convert him?’ Avery pretended to take offence at Fallon’s point and make light of her worry.

  ‘Avery, this is serious.’ Fallon appealed to his good sense.

  ‘Yes, it is,’ he confirmed, ‘and you’re supposed to be supporting me, remember?’

  Fallon went to protest, but then recognised fear and jealousy as her own motivators, and changed her tune. ‘I’m with you no matter what you must do.’


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