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Fuel to the Fire

Page 2

by Kait Gamble

  “You could say that.” Logan got the feeling that the man wasn’t privy to the details of their relationship and he was going to keep it that way. The last thing he needed was the news of how she’d dumped him spreading through the wedding party.

  “It’s not going to be a problem, is it?” Charles eyed him critically.

  “We’re not going to do anything to ruin your wedding.” No, it wasn’t going to be a problem for him.

  He would make sure it was going to be a problem for her, though.

  * * * *

  “Really, I’ll be fine.” Jackie must have said it at least five times, but Caroline actually seemed to take notice this time around.

  Her friend fluttered to one end of the room and back as she paced aggravated lines. “Are you sure? I’ll go tell Charles to get rid of him right now if you want.”

  “I can handle it.” The last thing Jackie wanted was for her friend to get all bent out of shape when she was supposed to be celebrating a huge moment in her life. Though, watching her now, Jackie wasn’t sure if it was too late to worry about that. “I can’t let you upset your wedding plans yet again on my account.” Surely, he wouldn’t be able to stay here too long. She could barely afford two nights in the luxurious hotel. The week she had booked had taken a lot of creative meal planning and skipping out on the few luxuries she allowed herself in the months leading up to the trip… And probably would for a few months to follow.

  “I want to kick his ass for you,” Caroline fumed.

  “You can’t afford to ruin your nails.” Jackie chuckled. “I’ll be fine.”

  Caroline studied her eyes for a second before she nodded. “Right. But say the word and I’ll have him removed from the hotel.”


  “How can you be so calm?”

  Is that how she looked? Inside, she was a seething, confused mess. Seeing him again had brought back too many feelings all at once, and Jackie had no idea what to do with them or how to vent.

  “I’m not, really. But I’ll be fine.” The words sounded absurd even as she repeated them.

  Caroline narrowed her eyes. “You keep saying that like you’re trying to convince yourself.”

  She probably was. At the moment, Jackie felt as though she was a completely disassociated bystander just witnessing things unfold.

  “I honestly don’t know what I’m feeling,” She sighed. How could she explain the molten mass of confusion?

  “You’re in shock.” Caroline wrapped an arm around Jackie’s shoulders and rubbed her bare arm. “Come on. Let’s get some drinks. Then go down to dinner.”

  With a sigh, Jackie got up and kicked at her small, worn Louis Vuitton suitcase. “I need to freshen up.” Not that it would matter, since nothing she’d brought with her was anywhere near the quality that everyone else would be wearing.

  “Do you want to borrow anything of mine?” Caroline offered helpfully.

  Jackie gave her friend an exasperated glance. “You’re kidding, right? We might have been the same size once upon a time. But now?” She waved at herself.

  Over the past few years she’d gained a few pounds. Nothing excessive, but it was enough to make her self-conscious. She was no longer the slender beauty that Caroline still was. Work had taken over most of her life and it left her too exhausted to do anything but search for ways to relax.

  Caroline gaped at her. “Don’t be ridiculous. You’re gorgeous.”

  Jackie rolled her eyes. “Please.”

  Caroline mimicked the move in a more exaggerated way. “If it’ll make you feel better, I’ll bring my makeup and hair stuff. Or, better yet, we can hit the spa and have the staff give you a bit of a makeover to boost your confidence.”

  That did sound great. Jackie couldn’t remember the last time someone else had done her hair and makeup. “It’s tempting.”

  “It’s settled.” Caroline had already picked up the phone and started making the arrangements. In only a few minutes, her friend had her hustling down the hall toward the spa.

  Jackie dug her heels in. “I can’t afford it. I can barely handle being here in the first place.”

  Caroline waved her concerns away. “It’s my treat. Now shut up and let me do this for you.”

  Her friend had a slightly maniacal look on her face that pinged an alarm in the back of her mind. “Why are you really doing this?” Was it because she wasn’t up to par with her other bridesmaids? “I’m sorry if I don’t look as good as the other girls in your party, but—”

  Caroline’s green eyes rounded incredulously. “I keep telling you, you look amazing.”

  Jackie shook her head. “So why do you look like you’re on a mission?”

  Caroline clenched her free hand into a fist. “Because I am. I’m going to make you so drool-worthy that Logan will swallow his tongue when he sees you again.”

  Jackie yanked her arm out of her friend’s grasp. “That’s what this is all about?”


  Jackie almost laughed at the feverish glint that sparked in her friend’s eyes. “I don’t care what he thinks of me.”

  She gripped Jackie’s shoulders. “Yes, you do. And we’re going to make him wish he never took off on you. Then you’re going to be the one to destroy him.”

  That did have a poetic ring to it. To be the one to tear out Logan’s heart would be so satisfying… But she shoved the idea aside. “I don’t want to go down that route again. The man’s toxic and the further we stay away from him, the better.”

  “Well, you do have to walk with him down the aisle… Unless I rework the line-up for you…” Jackie could see her friend file away the thought for later. “We just want him to see you and kick himself for ever letting you go.”

  “That does sound appealing.” What could it hurt? It wasn’t like she gave a damn about how he felt. She would give him a taste of what he’d been missing out on then she’d get on with her life.

  The triumphant smile lit up Caroline’s face. “Of course it does. Plus it will give me something to do other than obsess over the wedding.”

  That definitely sounded good. The last thing she needed was for Caroline to worry herself sick over what was sure to be a perfect wedding.

  Jackie sighed and relented. “Okay, then. But nothing over the top.”

  Caroline grinned. “That’s the spirit!” Grabbing Jackie’s hand, she bounded the rest of the way to the spa.

  * * * *

  It took a couple of hours and half a glass of champagne for Jackie, and three for Caroline, but by the time the team at the spa stepped back with satisfied smiles, Jackie felt like a new person.

  Regina had been right. The spa was amazing. Jackie stared at her reflection. She was as bright and shiny as a new penny. After a masterful facial and a full body mud pack, her skin had regained a healthy glow that she hadn’t seen in ages, while her hair shone in the light, thanks to the magical concoction that had been smeared into it. A manicure and pedicure had rounded out the session. Jackie felt and smelled amazing.

  “That’s the smile I’m looking for.” Caroline eyed Jackie critically as she circled her.

  “You know that’s kind of creepy when you do that when I’m standing here in just a robe.”

  Her friend waggled a finger at her before pressing it to her lips in thought. “Hush. I’m just trying to figure out if there’s anything else we need to do.”

  “I think they’ve done just about all they can do.” Jackie looked at herself in the mirror. “It’s a miracle.”

  Caroline didn’t respond. Instead, she ran her fingers through the ends of Jackie’s chestnut hair. “You should go a bit shorter.”

  Jackie snatched her hair back. “Is a bit one inch or ten?”

  “I’m not saying you need to get scalped. Just some shaping.”

  Murmurs of agreement came from the small group.

  “Fine. But I don’t want to lose too much.” And she narrowed her eyes at Caroline. “And I’m paying for the cut.”<
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  From the grin on her face, her friend was just happy to get her way.

  Jackie let them lead her to a chair, her heart feeling lighter than it had in a long time.

  * * * *

  It was amazing how much a few hours at the spa could change her outlook on life—on herself. Her spirits at a euphoric high, she grinned at herself in the mirror.

  She’d let Caroline buy her one outfit, at her insistence. Jackie would make sure to pay her back in other ways to salve her conscience.

  Caroline did have exquisite taste. The floaty, sleeveless, silk swing dress was perfect for the tropical atmosphere. Dressed up with a long gold necklace, strappy sandals and her new hair, she looked glamorous enough for a meal with society types. At least she could pretend to fit in with them for a while. This one meal, to be precise. Afterward, the outfit would be unfit for any other event during this trip lest she become even more of a point of ridicule.

  She pushed that thought aside. What she relished was the prospect of making Logan regret his decision to walk out on her.

  The thought of having to have a meal with him took a little of the shine out her eyes. Jackie had never imagined she would see him again. She would never admit it aloud, but in the year just after he’d disappeared, she had done a quick search or two online for him, but nothing had ever come up. Once she’d gotten it out of her system, Jackie had refused to waste any more time on a man who obviously didn’t give a damn about her.

  So why did she care what she looked like to him tonight?

  Jackie kicked her open suitcase and watched it skid across the floor. It would be so easy to just stay hidden in the suite. It was huge and beautiful, and she could happily stay ensconced within it until the wedding, and afterward until it was time to leave.

  Caroline would be disappointed, though. Jackie couldn’t do that to her oldest friend. Not to mention, she couldn’t let a trip like this go to waste. Who knew when she would get another vacation like this one?

  She’d flown all the way out here and had been prepared to deal with the condescending comments and snide remarks. What was one more thing to endure?

  Jackie put on a confident smile and brushed her now gleaming hair over her shoulder. He wouldn’t know what had hit him. None of them would.

  Chapter Three

  Logan smiled wanly as he sat listening to yet another mind-numbing anecdote about someone’s car, or dog, or something. There was no way he could get his mind to focus on the drivel that was coming out of these people’s mouths. Not only was it completely uninteresting to him, but he could not stop thinking about Jackie.

  The years hadn’t changed her much. She was just as beautiful as ever. The emotion in her eyes when she saw him, however… That was very different.

  He had seen a myriad of emotions pass over her face in that fleeting moment. There had been anger, most definitely—that had been at the forefront—but behind it he was sure he’d seen sadness—devastation, even. What the hell did she have to be that upset about? She had been the one to instigate their breakup.

  And anger? He was the one who should feel both.

  Wanting to get to the bottom of everything, Logan made sure he would be there for the meal, though he had planned to be ‘busy’ for most of the festivities unless absolutely necessary.

  These people weren’t his friends or family. He was simply doing a guy a favor. That was until Jackie had been added to the equation. She definitely gave this week a more interesting turn.

  He forced himself to join in when he heard the collective laughter from all around him. Might as well make some effort to fit in while he was there. And if he was going to be spending any amount of time with the group, it was better not to stick out any more than he already did.

  His chuckle died when his gaze fell on Jackie, who had just appeared at the entrance to the restaurant.

  Her wide-eyed glance at the room and the way she clenched and unclenched her hands at her sides were a red flag that she was uncomfortable, even dreading being there. Was that because of him?

  As far as he could tell, she hadn’t even seen him yet.

  Logan continued to watch her.

  Obviously recovered from her flight, Jackie presented a stunning figure in that little dress. It showed off her long, shapely legs to fantastic effect. Her hair gleamed in the low light, adding to the glow that seemed to surround her. He witnessed her transformation from timid bunny to fierce tigress as she swept her hair over her shoulder. She straightened her spine and put a smile on her face as she strode in.

  He bit his lip, forcing back the urge to go over, pick her up and take her to his room. It was just the lighting—his hormones. It was amazing what the right clothes, hair and makeup could do.

  Logan clenched his fists and forced himself to look away.

  “Jackie!” Caroline’s mother smiled hugely when she saw Jackie. The woman immediately swooped, as if Jackie was the most important lady in the room. “You look wonderful, dear. Didn’t I tell you a little time at the spa would work miracles?”

  The woman’s snide comment rankled him. What the hell was that supposed to mean? He might not have any claim on Jackie, but he knew she was the most striking woman in the restaurant. She could have been dragged backward through bushes and worn a sack and would still have been miles prettier than all the other women present. Unless she wanted to make a dig at Jackie because she made her and Caroline look like a couple of hags?

  He kept his mouth shut as the harridan made an outrageous fuss over Jackie before ushering her over to the empty seat next to Logan.

  “We thought pairing the couples who are to walk down the aisle together would be a good idea so that you could all get to know each other a little better.” Regina practically frog-marched Jackie to the seat. He was sure that if Jackie hadn’t sat as easily as she had, the old woman would have kicked her legs out from under her.

  The waft of a scent that came from Jackie shot straight to his groin and had him shifting in his seat. The delicate aroma of her mingled with a lightly floral perfume and it made his mouth water.

  “Hi.” Jackie barely even looked at him as she settled into her seat.


  Logan saw her catch Caroline’s attention as she entered with Charles. Her friend’s eyes widened when she saw them together. She raised her eyebrows at Jackie, who shrugged minutely, and he knew there was some sort of silent communication passing between the two women.

  So she was stuck seated next to him. So what? Was she so revolted by him that she couldn’t even stand sitting there?

  He shifted and accidentally touched her foot with his. Jackie jolted as if he’d wound up and kicked her.

  What the hell?

  Jackie refused to look at him. Whenever conversation came her way, she would answer politely, but she seemed as uninterested in it all as he was.

  So what was she doing here? He supposed her loyalty to Caroline was what had compelled her to fly over. Or perhaps she was in need of a new place to vacation?

  His thoughts screeched to a halt as she played with her napkin. It had been rolled up like a tube and secured with an intricately carved wooden ring.

  That she was sliding up and down unconsciously.

  As if it was a cock. His cock.

  Memories of her little hand wrapped around him choked his next breath. Logan ran his thumb over his brow as blood instantly shot south. Did she realize what she was doing? Was she teasing him on purpose?

  If she was, two could play at that game.

  Jackie shifted her knee away from Logan’s for the umpteenth time. Of course she would have to be seated next to him. She took solace in the fact that at least, with him at her side, she didn’t have to look at his face.

  Not that she needed to see him to know that he was watching her. Jackie sensed his gaze on her skin as if he’d reached out and touched her.

  His knee grazed hers again. Jackie glanced at him, and he shrugged as if he couldn’t help what he was

  She stabbed the artichoke-baked brie with her fork and carved into it viciously. Then she nearly dropped her knife when his arm grazed hers. The contact was light—just a brush—but she might as well have stuck the knife in a power socket.

  The conversation from around the table faded away—not that she was paying too much attention to what was being said. She didn’t care about so-and-so’s new car, or who was going to be wintering in Gstaad. Even less did she care about who had booked a seat on the Virgin Galactic for the first flight into space or someone’s cousin’s friend’s misaligned new nose.

  What she couldn’t ignore was the heat coming from the man next to her. Or the scent of his cologne. Or the fact that she hated him, but for some insane reason wanted to climb on top of him and rip his clothes off right there in front of everyone.

  Jackie gritted her teeth and attacked another slice of baked brie. Logan was the only man who’d ever made her lose control. And, as a result, lose her mind. She had fallen for every line he’d given her. Every stupid story and lie. All because they were compatible in bed.

  So very compatible.

  Sex with Logan was everything she’d ever dreamed and more. The kind of thing she’d read of in romance novels with all the fireworks that TV and movies made seem commonplace. It wasn’t until she had dated other men that she’d realized the chemistry that she and Logan shared wasn’t so easy to come by.

  But she wasn’t about to be an idiot for the second time. Jackie was older, wiser. She now knew the difference between good sex and love. Not that she’d had much experience with the latter. Or any at all, for that matter.

  Sullenly, she glared at her food. It all looked so beautiful, and she was sure Caroline had agonized over every tiny detail, but she just couldn’t enjoy any of it.

  So she stared at the immense cylindrical aquarium the dining room circled like a donut. The water rippled with sunlight from above, lighting up the rainbow-colored coral and fish. Jackie loved the blue glow it gave the room. It was almost as if they were dining in an enchanted grotto deep below the waves.


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