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Fuel to the Fire

Page 5

by Kait Gamble

  “You’re right. This is a terrible idea, but I can’t just let you walk away. Not after meeting again after all this time. It might not be kismet or fate, but we’re here, so I’m just suggesting we make the most of it.” Logan have her a hint of a smile. “Your rule is also good. We should just keep this about here and now. What happened, happened. Nothing we can do to change that now.”

  He caught the glint of tears in her eyes. Did she regret what had happened between them? Jackie kept her eyes down and her focus on his chest as she nodded.


  “Are you okay?” He tipped her chin so he could look at her, but the tears were gone. He knew he hadn’t imagined them. Jackie must have gotten better at controlling her emotions.

  She turned her clear gaze up at him. “I’m fine. But yeah, I agree. Here and now. Just us. Nothing else.”

  Logan’s entire body tightened at her words. That was how it had been for him their entire time together. How it had never been with anyone else. Only it hadn’t been enough for her.

  This time around, he would make sure that she was the one hooked then he would discard her the same way she had him.

  Logan rocked them in time with the music, pressing her against him with one arm. The feel of her body against his brought back a tsunami of memories to blend with the sensations that touching her evoked. They’d had some good times together and not only when it came to sex.

  He recalled occasions spent just the two of them spread out on a blanket, stargazing on the beach. They were, by far, some of the best memories he’d had, and it hadn’t cost a dime.

  Things had changed for him since. Money was no longer a problem. He didn’t have to think twice about anything anymore. There was no more penny pinching. If he wanted something, he bought it. If there was a place he wanted to go, he could be there the next morning. Nothing was out of the realm of possibility any longer. He had everything he could possibly, except for one thing. Logan had kept himself largely solitary since Jackie. There were women here and there, but there hadn’t been anyone who’d tempted him to settle down.

  Never again had become his mantra.

  That, however, didn’t exclude a few one-night stands. As hot as they were, every single one of them was eclipsed by the mere memory of Jackie.

  And now he had the chance to experience it all again. His dick throbbed at the thought. After that little interlude in the pool, he was more than ready. And she was too. At least she was physically.

  He just had to get her mind in synch with her body.

  What fun that would be.

  She tried to focus her attention anywhere but him, but failed miserably. After so long apart, Jackie kept finding bits of him to compare with his old self. What had changed. What hadn’t. To her consternation, she could pick out every minute difference.

  Why was she able to do it? Why did she even care?

  Jackie stared at the lights in the ceiling in an attempt to distract herself. So pretty. They actually looked like stars. Just over their heads was a cluster that almost looked like the Big Dipper constellation.

  Someone bumped her just as they turned, sending her toppling into Logan. Without pause, he gripped her to him and kept her steady with one arm while he cocked the other back aggressively. For an agonizingly long moment, she thought he was going to punch the other guy out.

  The man, who looked more suited to a fight in the boardroom than in a bar, put up his hands in apology and hurried away.

  She glared at Logan. Even though her heart had picked up its pace, she was far from hurt. What he’d done had been a gross overreaction. One that had drawn far too much attention. She dragged his arm back down to his side. “You can’t go beating people up over me, you know. Not anymore.”

  It took him a long while to draw his attention away from the man to focus on her. “I wouldn’t let anyone hurt you. Still won’t. What kind of man could?”

  Jackie wanted to point out the irony of his words. Out of all the hurt she’d endured, did he have any idea that he was the one who had devastated her the most? She almost smiled at the thought of Logan beating himself up.

  “I’m serious.”

  “I can take care of myself.” She pushed on his chest and took a big step backward. “And right now, I’m going to go and try to get a good night’s sleep.” Not likely, but tossing and turning until dawn was preferable to staring at him any longer.

  “I’ll walk you.”

  Jackie stopped, turned then stared up at him. “What kind of game are you playing?”

  “I’m not.” He tried to put his hands on her shoulders, but she kept out of reach, so he let them drop to his sides. “I’m sorry, all right? Seeing you again is bringing back a lot of stuff. I just want a chance to spend some time with you. Get to know you again.”

  Hadn’t they just been discussing rules for a casual sexcapade? “That’s not part of the deal.”

  “Fine. My dick needs to be inside you again. How’s that for honest?”

  Heat blasted her cheeks at his blunt words. A quick glance around proved that no one had overheard him, thanks to the music.

  He edged closer, growling, “I want to bend you over and fuck you until you’re a screaming, trembling, sticky mess.”

  And damned if she didn’t want him to.

  Slack-jawed, Jackie stared at him for a moment as his words and the images they conjured washed over her. They alone were enough to put a tremble in her knees and slick her panties.

  Mind made up, she took his hand and led the way out of the bar.

  She turned toward the same path she’d taken on the way over, but Logan tugged her back.

  “Over here.”

  He led her down another trail toward what looked like the mountain. “I’ve got a faster way.”

  Jackie hurried to keep up with his long strides, aware of him retrieving his phone and typing something with his free hand. Luckily for him, his hand was big enough to do it easily. She’d never be able to do that and hold onto the device at the same time.

  He quickly finished whatever he was doing and pushed her into an elevator. Jackie hadn’t even known it existed. Then again, she hadn’t had much opportunity to explore since she’d arrived.

  They entered and he pressed the button to close the door before anyone else could follow. He jammed his thumb against the number for the top floor before spinning around and gathering her up in his arms once again. Pushing her back against the wooden wall, Logan grinned before he went to work on the fastening of her jeans.

  Jackie gripped his shoulders, seeking his mouth with hers, only dimly aware of anything other than Logan. He shoved her jeans down her legs, trapping her feet. With a parting nip at her bottom lip, he slid down to his knees. Logan closed his hands around her hips and dipped his tongue between her thighs.

  Holding back a squeal, Jackie spread her legs as much as she could and remain upright.

  Logan took full advantage of the better access. Kissing her folds, he parted them with his fingers and immediately slipped his tongue into her, humming appreciatively as he did so.

  He licked and sucked, murmuring as if he’d never tasted anything so good and wanted as much as he could get. He added his fingers, quickly multiplying the heady sensations clouding her mind, winding her body tighter.

  It was madness. Pure lust coursed through her veins, blocking out everything but the pleasure only Logan seemed to be able to draw out of her.

  Jackie let her head fall back as her orgasm slammed into her. Reeling, she clung to him for several breathless moments as she tried to regain her balance—her control. What was it about him that always had her throwing caution to the wind?

  It had been good—more than—but they were in a damned elevator for goodness’ sake. She craned her neck to find the cameras she knew would be there.

  Cringing, she pushed herself off the wall. “Logan… The cameras.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” He gripped the waist of her jeans and pulled them up
. “What we do need to concern ourselves with is that we’re almost at our floor.”

  Her movements were jerky with panic, but she helped him tug her jeans back in place and had rebuttoned them seconds before the doors slid open.

  Ignoring the knowing glances of the people waiting to get on, he swept them past as calm and collected as ever. At least to anyone who didn’t know him. Jackie could see the glow in his eyes and the set of his jaw. Logan was barely hanging on to his control.

  The revelation made her smile a little. At least she wasn’t the only one affected by the chemistry between them.

  He led the way, striding ahead with a clear destination in mind.

  It wasn’t long before they were charging across another path toward a building on its own, perched high above all the others.

  Swiping a card over the reader, he pushed the door open the instant there was a muted beep.

  Logan turned to her then, held her gaze. Was he giving her a chance to back out? Was this what she really wanted? It took her a split second to come to her conclusion. They didn’t need words. She tightened her grip on his hand.

  He sighed—was that relief?—before Logan picked her up and kicked the door closed behind them.

  Chapter Five

  Logan gently put her down, whipped Jackie’s T-shirt up and off then threw it behind him. He stared down at her, her torso bare except for the thin lace bra holding her small breasts. Logan had once convinced her to stop wearing them. It wasn’t like she needed the support. He had loved seeing how easily he could arouse her nipples to hard little peaks. Or just being able to slip his hands up under her clothes and graze her creamy, bare skin.

  It had served as a test on him at the time as well. Pushing himself to his limits of self-control. Not that it would take much to push him over the edge when it came to Jackie. All she had to do was look at him, smile, flutter her lashes, bite her lip—breathe in his general direction—and he would get hard. Then chances were they’d find a quiet niche somewhere and they’d temporarily burn out the tension. His body was, and very obviously always would be, ready for her.

  “This is coming off.” He quickly disposed of the bra. He needed to see her bare. With it gone, he took a moment to just stare. Her pale skin was as smooth as he remembered. Her nipples the same dusky pink that reminded him of the sky just as the sun set during the summer.

  God, she was beautiful.

  The sight of them made his mouth water.

  Tasting her in the elevator had been heaven. There had been times when he’d dreamed about spreading her under him and feasting on her as he had just moments before and he’d woken, craving her. Or, out of nowhere, he would experience something as simple as hearing a song and knew she would enjoy it and wished he could share it with her.

  It annoyed him.

  It saddened him.

  Frustrated the shit out of him.

  He shook off the melancholy. He was with her now. Again. He would make the most of it.

  Impatient, Logan flicked the button of her jeans through the loop and yanked the zipper before tugging them down her legs, taking her panties with them.

  Jackie kicked them off and stood before him, her eyes averted almost as if she was…ashamed?

  “Hey, what’s the matter?” He tipped her chin up so her gaze met his.

  She shook her head. “Nothing. I just need you naked.”

  Her statement shot straight to his groin, but he pushed her hands away when she reached for his shirt. “Are you regretting this?”

  Jackie’s eyes widened slightly. “No.”

  “Then what is it?”

  “I… I’m not the same.” She huffed a breath when he just stared at her, waiting for an explanation. “I’m not the skinny girl I used to be, all right? It bothers me.”

  It took a long moment for her words to sink in. She was worried about how she looked? There was nothing wrong that he could see. Jackie might not be as waifish as she had been, but she was hardly obese. Far from it.

  Logan gripped her hand and pressed it to his erection. “Does it feel like it bothers me?”

  She didn’t look amused, though she curved her hand to cup him for an instant before pulling away. “You’re staring at a naked woman, Logan. Of course you’re hard.”

  He swore under his breath. Where had the self-confident woman he’d known gone? “If you think I get this hard for just any naked woman, you’re wrong. If you honestly believe I’d just go down on any random woman in an elevator, you’re out of your mind.”

  Logan ran his hands down her arms to slide them up over her hips and waist before bringing them to a stop to cup her breasts. “I’ve been going out of my mind trying to keep my body under control ever since I saw you in the lobby. Whatever it is between us hasn’t burned out and it isn’t anything I’ve experienced with anyone else.”

  The look in her eyes morphed into something else. The reticence had given way to something a little bit like awe and a lot like desire.

  She licked her lips, sucking in the bottom one to nibble on pensively as she considered his words.

  Logan tugged his shirt off and quickly shucked his jeans to stand bare before her. Her eyes widened as she let her gaze rove over him. Her breath picked up pace and her skin flushed as she stared. Jackie obviously still found his body a turn-on if her reaction was anything to go by.

  He waved his hand over himself. “I’ve changed a lot too. You don’t see me worrying about it.”

  The expression on her face shuttered a little. “That’s because you look fantastic.”

  “And so do you.”

  Jackie didn’t get a chance to respond. Logan picked her up and wound her legs around his hips as he dropped his head to capture her mouth with his. Carrying her over to the curtain-shrouded bed, he then placed her on it and followed close behind.

  If she had any concerns that he found any part of her unattractive, they were soon blown away. Logan gazed at her as if she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He worshiped all the parts of her that he could reach, as if he couldn’t get enough.

  He caressed her. Kissed her. It seemed as though he needed her more than air.

  Jackie clung to him. The last time she had kissed anyone and felt the same way—the same urgency and fire—was the last time she’d kissed Logan before he had disappeared.

  The memory sent a shaft of hurt lancing through her. She didn’t want to think about that. Jackie wanted to feel what only Logan was capable of doing to her.

  He cupped her cheeks as he gave her another biting kiss. Ran his hands over her skin as though he was trying to memorize the feel. Or perhaps compare the reality of her now to the girl in his memories.

  He followed the path his hands blazed with his mouth, tracing with his lips—his tongue—nipping gently as he went.

  Jackie arched, needing more contact, wanting to feel more of Logan. Clawing her nails into his back, she attempted to drag him closer, but other than a slight hiss, he didn’t seem to notice. He seemed intent on exploring her at his leisure.

  He slowly kissed and licked his way down her body. Logan paid lavish attention to her breasts. He teased them with his hands, tweaking her nipples between his finger and thumb before sucking one into his hot mouth. The sensation of him drawing on her sensitive flesh, him laving her with his tongue, was exquisite. It curled her toes and brought a sigh to her lips.

  It quickly turned into a keening cry when he brought his hands back into play.

  Logan hooked his arms around her thighs and gripped them as he wedged his torso between.

  With a wicked grin, he lowered his head and ran his tongue along her slick folds. Logan groaned his appreciation before pressing his tongue deeper, delving into her. He lapped at her slowly, curling his tongue to great effect.

  Jackie closed her eyes, not wanting anything to interfere with her experiencing the zaps of pleasure pin-balling through her with each glancing touch of his tongue.

  But it was when he closed
his lips over her clit that a screaming orgasm raced through her, convulsing her under him, bucking her against his mouth.

  Logan gentled his touch, but continued to lick and suck until she sagged under him and clutched at his head, trying to pull him away from her over-sensitized flesh.

  He lifted his head and gave her a small smile before he lowered it again.

  There was no way she could take any more just then. Jackie squirmed out from under him then pushed on his shoulders until he let her topple him to his side. She let her hands roam over his taut skin, admiring how solid he was and the intriguing play of light and shadows.

  He was beautiful.

  “You’re staring.”

  She shrugged. There was no point in denying it. He was definitely worth a good ogling. “You want me to stop?”

  He shook his head. “There are other things I want you to do.”

  She closed her hand around his erection, squeezing gently as she slid it up and down over him. Could a man get any bigger? Because she was sure he had since she’d touched him last.

  “Something wrong?”

  “Not at all.” Jackie let her eyes follow the muscles of his arms up to his shoulders and across his chest before meeting his gaze

  Logan ran his hands over her waist to bump over her hips and back up again as she continued to pump him.

  “You feel incredible.”

  Jackie chuckled. “So do you.”

  She lowered her other hand to cup his balls and continued to stroke him. A shudder rippled through him as he groaned.

  Confidence surged through her, prompting her to make her way down his body, licking and kissing a path until she was face to face with his magnificent cock.

  It was as beautiful and as well formed as the rest of him. Thick and strong, it rose from a dark thatch of hair to the hollow of his belly button. The sight of her hand sliding up and down, unable to close fully around his girth, sent a thrill down her spine. Jackie slid it from root to wide head over and over enjoying the way the tension built in him with each stroke.


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