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The Blush Factor

Page 16

by Gun Brooke

  “Dr. Reimer said coiling was the way he meant to operate as well,” Addison murmured, fighting back nausea.

  “Stephen Reimer? I know him well. I’ll get in touch with him when I’ve looked in on Stacey, to update him on the fact that we sort of beat him to it.”

  “What does coiling entail?” Eleanor asked.

  “As Stacey’s aneurysm was located close to her speech centers and had begun a slow, but obvious seepage, we couldn’t surgically clip it without endangering the surrounding brain tissue. Instead we used coiling, an endovascular treatment. I inserted a catheter into a blood vessel at Stacey’s hip, and, with the help of that, my team and I packed coils into the aneurysm until the blood flow couldn’t reach it anymore. It went extremely well, and Stacey’s condition remained stable throughout the procedure.”

  “Can we see her?” Addison clasped her hands, tugging hard at her fingers.

  “Yes, as soon as she’s settled in the ICU. We’ll monitor her closely until we’re sure there’s no further swelling of the brain. So far, we see only minimal signs of it. The seepage was also slight, and we hope to see a full reversal of the symptoms she had when she was admitted.”

  “Oh, God.” Addison was trembling hard enough for her teeth to clatter. She felt Eleanor’s hand take her own, gently unclasping them and pulling them apart.

  “You’re hurting yourself, darling.” Eleanor massaged Addison’s hands.

  “Oh.” Taking a deep breath, Addison returned her focus to the doctor. “So the bleeding has stopped completely?”

  “Yes. As Dr. Reimer might have explained to you, Stacey will need regular checkups, as the risk of the problem recurring is greater than with open-brain surgery.”

  “I want to see her. How long before she’s in ICU?”

  Dr. Stromberg checked the clock on the wall. “Oh, I’d say we could start walking over there now.”

  “Oh, yes. Let’s go see her. Right away.” Bouncing up from the couch like it was electrocuting her, Addison looked pleadingly at Eleanor. “You’re coming too, right?”

  “Try to stop me,” Eleanor murmured.

  “This is still your private waiting room, which you can keep for as long as Stacey is a patient in the ICU. I don’t expect she’ll need more than a few days, unless she has complications. She should be able to go on to the rehabilitation clinic after that.” Dr. Stromberg politely held open the door for them.

  “Oh, the keycard?” Addison stopped outside the door, turning too fast and running back into the room. Inside she looked and looked, but everything was spinning and she couldn’t find the little pamphlet with the keys. “No, no, no. Where is it? I can’t…I can’t…”

  Strong arms wrapped around her. “I have them, darling,” Eleanor whispered in her ear. “You’re panicking. It’s all right. We’re going to see Stacey and she’s going to be all right too.”

  “Yes.” Addison leaned against Eleanor for a few moments. “Yes. Thank you. Let’s go.” Calmer now, she passed Dr. Stromberg, her hand safely in Eleanor’s.


  Stacey was pale, but not the way she’d been when the aneurysm started leaking. Eleanor stood behind Addison, who sat on a chair at the side of Stacey’s bed. Holding Stacey’s hand carefully, Addison murmured terms of endearment. Eleanor kept her hands on Addison’s shoulders as she studied the unmoving form in the bed.

  Stacey’s long hair lay in a brown river of curls above her head. Her face, now void of makeup and so very young looking, appeared serene, and Eleanor didn’t want to think about how contorted in pain it had been only hours ago. The way Stacey had clung to her as they both went down in the lounge, looking at her in sheer terror and agony…Eleanor prayed she would never have to witness that again.

  A nurse came up to the bed and checked Stacey’s vital signs. She smiled encouragingly at Addison. “Everything checks out. Her blood pressure is fine and so are her pulse and respiration.”

  “What does that mean?” Addison pointed at a monitor. “I get the pulse and respiration part of it, but that one, that says 98?”

  “That’s her oxygen level. 98 is normal so she doesn’t need oxygen.” The nurse checked the IV fluids. “I’m responsible for Stacey until my shift ends. Just holler if you have a question, Ms. Garr.”

  Eleanor grabbed another chair, as her feet were beginning to object to standing in her high heels. She sat down next to Addison and placed a hand on Stacey’s lower leg.

  “I’m glad I could persuade you to eat earlier.” Eleanor caressed Addison’s shoulder. “Not to mention that you actually nodded off for half an hour.”

  “I could do that only because you were there. Really.” Addison tilted her head until her cheek touched the back of Eleanor’s hand.

  Around them, nurses carried out their jobs, efficient and kind. Dr. Stromberg seemed pleased with Stacey’s condition and had come and gone twice since they took up their vigil.

  “Addison? I have to go make a few phone calls.” Eleanor bent down and spoke quietly to not disturb Stacey. “I’ll be right back.”

  Her head snapping up, Addison nodded solemnly. “It’s all right. I’ve kept you from your appointments and meetings all day.”

  Eleanor realized Addison had misunderstood. “I’m coming right back. I’ll just be gone for half an hour or so. As we’re spending the night here, I figured I’d save time if I worked from here. We also need a change of clothes.”

  Blinking rapidly, Addison mouthed “Oh” and then smiled. “Thank goodness. I really need you here. I have so much to do tomorrow with all the paperwork. I’m surprised nobody has come to push a bill under my nose yet.”

  “Hmm. Yes. Well. I’ll order us some food for tonight.” Eleanor checked her watch. “It’s almost eight. What would you like to eat?”

  “Anything. Something light. Chicken?”

  “I’ll figure it out.” Eleanor made a mental note about what to have them bring Addison. She rounded the bed and pressed her lips softly to Stacey’s forehead. “See you soon.” She turned as if to leave and then pivoted, took two quick steps toward Addison, and kissed her gently on the lips. “Hang in there. I have my cell phone if you need me.”

  “Good to know.”

  Eleanor stepped into the corridor, her cell phone already at her ear. “Susan, hello.”

  “Eleanor? How’s the girl doing?” Susan sounded relieved to hear from her, and Eleanor guessed she had been more or less sitting with her phone in hand, ready to answer.

  “She’s doing well considering she just had surgery. Addison is with her and we’re staying here tonight. We have a private room, which means we’re going to need clothes. Messenger over one business outfit for me, the charcoal one with the ivory shirt. Black Manolo Blahnik pumps. I will also need some sleepwear. Any of the flannels. Two sets of lingerie. Something comfortable for my feet. My Nikes. When it comes to Addison, buy her two leisure outfits. Two sets of camisoles, socks, and underwear. She’s a size eight. Oh, and some Nikes for her as well. Size 8½. We also need two servings of chicken salad, mineral water, and orange juice. Did you get all that?”

  “Yes, Eleanor. I’ll have it delivered to your room.”

  “Good. Now, make sure all the documents I need for tomorrow are available on the server. I have my laptop here with me, and I want you to set up teleconferences for all my meetings as I will be here.” Eleanor gave Susan the number of Addison’s and her room. Disconnecting the call, Eleanor closed her eyes briefly. She trusted Susan implicitly after having worked with her for years, but she was also certain her assistant was curious and wondering why Eleanor was taking such a personal interest in Addison and Stacey Garr. Eleanor also knew Susan was too professional, and also too nice, to ask questions or gossip about something that didn’t concern her.

  Returning to Stacey’s room, she stopped in the doorway, taking in the sight of the two sisters. Addison was bent over resting her upper body on the bed with her head next to Stacey’s, her eyes closed. Stacey’s eyes, however, were

  Eleanor walked as quietly as she could, despite her heels, up to the bed. “Hello, Stacey,” she said in a low voice. “How are you feeling?”

  “Th-thirschty.” Stacey’s voice was slurry, but it sounded like it was more because her mouth was dry. Her eyes appeared a little swollen, but other than that, she looked remarkably good. “Addie’s sleeping.”

  “She’s tired. She’s been very worried about you.” Eleanor moved her chair to the other side of the bed. “We should call the nurse.” She pressed the button on the panel next to the bed. “Addison?” Placing her hand on the top of Addison’s head, she scratched her scalp gently. “Addie?”

  “Mmm? What?” Looking pale and drowsy, Addison blinked toward them and then her eyes grew huge. “Stace? Stacey!” She took a firmer grip of Stacey’s hand. “You’re awake.”

  “And looking great,” the nurse from earlier said from the foot of the bed. “I’ll page Dr. Stromberg.”

  “Can she have anything to drink? She’s thirsty.” Eleanor blinked tears from her lashes at the sight of Addison’s expression of total relief.

  “I’ll bring some ice chips until Dr. Stromberg okays something else. I’m sure fluids will be fine shortly.” The nurse made a note on the chart and left.

  “How are you feeling, baby-girl?” Addison patted Stacey’s arm.

  “Foggy. What happened?”

  “How much do you remember?” Eleanor asked.

  “Taking notes. The tea…P-pain.” Her brow furrowed. “Bad headache.”

  “And now? Are you in pain now?” Addison sat up, looking alarmed.

  “No.” Stacey shifted toward her. “Oops. Oh. Yeah. My hip? Ow?”

  A male voice interrupted. “Hello there. Easy. You’ll be a little sore for a few days. We poked around just above your thigh quite a bit with a catheter. I’m Dr. Stromberg. I performed the procedure with my team.” The doctor held out a mug with a spoon tucked into it. “Here. Start with some ice chips, and if you’re not nauseous from that, we can move onto water, apple juice, and so on.”

  “Juice…” Stacey said in a longing voice.

  Eleanor took the mug and scooped up a few chips with the spoon. Placing it at Stacey’s lips, she watched the girl suck on them with what had to be described as a blissful look.

  “Do you know why you’re in the hospital?” Dr. Stromberg smiled gently, but his steel-gray eyes were focused like lasers on Stacey’s face.

  “I don’t remember, you know, exactly what happened, but I suppose my aneurysm blew or something.” Stacey was regaining her voice and motioned for Eleanor to give her more ice.

  “Not quite that dramatic, but it did begin to leak. What do you remember?”

  “As I told Eleanor and Addie, not a lot. Just moments. And pain. And people speaking in my ear and poking me.”

  “I apologize. We do poke and prod a lot around here.” Leaning against the foot of the bed, the doctor smiled crookedly. “Can you tell me the names of these two lovely ladies and your relationship to them?”

  Eleanor wanted to roll her eyes, but she guessed Stromberg had adopted this light and flirty tone for Stacey’s benefit.

  “Of course.” Stacey actually looked quite affronted. “This is my sister Addison Meredith Garr. And that’s her girlfriend, Eleanor Maryanne Ashcroft.”

  Eleanor never, never dropped her jaw. Nothing surprised her very much these days, but now, this fragile-looking teenage girl had managed to shock and surprise her with just a few words. Girlfriend, indeed. And how the hell did Stacey know her middle name? Oh, that was right. She’d confessed earlier that day about researching her on the Internet.

  “Stacey.” Addison covered her eyes and cautiously peered at her between her fingers. This gave Eleanor a flashback from when they’d Skyped only four nights ago. Oh, God. She forced those images out of her mind instantly.

  “Well, that settles that, then.” Dr. Stromberg smiled even more broadly. “Now, I want to perform some basic neurological tests to see how you’re doing. Squeeze my hands as hard as you can, please.” He moved up next to Stacey and took her hands.

  Eleanor tried to determine if Stacey was stronger in the hand that had been affected before, but it was hard to judge from just observing.

  “Good,” Dr. Stromberg said noncommittally. “Close your eyes and point at your nose like this.” He demonstrated with wide gestures.

  Stacey did as told, and this time it was obvious that she missed her nose by a few inches with her left hand. “Damn,” Stacey said, and tried again, but with the same result. Her chin began to tremble.

  “Don’t worry about it. It’s early days yet and you will get better. Try this.” The doctor wiggled his hands back and forth.

  Stacy did better with that movement, which made her look a little less stressed. After several other tests, Dr. Stromberg smiled encouragingly. “Well, first, I’ll let the nurses know you can have water and juice. If that goes well, you can have some yogurt or ice cream.”

  “Oh. Ice cream.” Stacey lit up.

  “Then I want you to have a good night’s sleep. It’s late.” He checked his watch. “Almost midnight. The staff will be checking you several times during the night, but in between that, I hope you’ll be able to sleep.”

  “Okay. Thanks, Doc.”

  “Stacey.” Addison looked at her sister with tender admonishment.

  “Sorry. Thanks, Dr. Stromberg.”

  “You’re very welcome. And if I’m not overstepping any boundaries, I suggest that you ladies get some rest too. We promise to call your room if Stacey needs you.” He nodded and strode out of the room.

  “I’m not leaving you!” Addison looked shocked.

  “Sis, honestly. I’m fine. I’m going to drink some juice and hopefully have some ice cream and then sleep. I’m so tired.”

  “But I can sit here and—” Her voice catching, Addison gripped the bedding as if she thought they’d drag her out of there.

  “No, sis. Please.” Stacey tugged weakly at Addison’s shirtsleeve. “Give me a big hug and then go get some sleep. I promise if I need you, I’ll have them call you.”

  Addison sucked her lower lip in between her teeth and blinked rapidly. “You sure?”

  “Very. I’m going to need you tomorrow when some perky PT forces me out of bed.”

  Eleanor knew that in ICU, they didn’t allow you to stay inside the room but didn’t see the need to inform Addison just yet. She hoped Addison would listen to Stacey and feel reassured enough to leave, but if she didn’t, she’d have to let the stubborn and worried woman know.

  Addison glanced between them, her chin lifting as if to challenge anyone, but then her shoulders sagged and she pushed her hair behind her ears with a defeated expression. “All right. Just promise me, Stace. Okay?”

  “Are you kidding? You think I’d suffer anything without you here?” Stacey was also paler now and seemed happy just to rest against the pillows up in the hospital bed and close her eyes. “I’ll just stay awake enough to persuade them about the ice cream.”

  “Anything for ice cream. That’s my girl.” Addison kissed Stacey’s forehead. “Rest, and I’ll see you tomorrow morning, first thing.”

  “Sleep well. I’m fine, remember? Freshly coiled and hardwired.”

  “God,” Addison muttered.

  Eleanor bent and kissed Stacey’s cheek. “I’ll take care of her,” she whispered in her ear.

  Stacey nodded. “Good night. Thanks for being here for Addie and for me.”

  “I’m glad I could help. Get some sleep, Stacey.” Eleanor rounded the bed and wrapped her arm around Addison’s waist. “See you tomorrow.”

  “’Night.” Stacey closed her eyes and looked as if she fell asleep instantly.

  Eleanor guided Addison back to their room. Inside, she noticed that Susan had fulfilled her assignment as two overnight suitcases sat just inside. Two wardrobe bags hung against the closet door.

  “Who—? Oh, you arranged this?” Addison looked at
the bags with surprise written across her face. “But how?”

  “Susan. I had to guess what you might like to wear while you sit here with Stacey, but I’m sure you’ll be comfortable.”

  “And here I was dreading having to wear the same underwear one more day. Or going commando.” Addison gave half a laugh but seemed ill at ease. “I don’t think my insurance covers this room, Eleanor.”

  “Don’t worry. It’s included. I checked.” She crossed her fingers, hoping Addison wouldn’t ask more in-depth questions tonight. Addison needed rest, they both did.

  “Yeah?” Frowning, Addison rubbed her temple. “Well, if you’re sure.” She seemed too fatigued to remain focused. “I’m dying for a shower. Can I go first?”

  “Of course. When you’re done, there’s a chicken salad with your name on it over on the table.”

  “Really? Wow. I’d forgotten about that.”

  “That’s why you have me here. To make sure you rest and eat, so you can focus on Stacey.”

  Addison’s expression altered immediately. Her eyes glowed a soft amber, and then she threw her arms around Eleanor’s neck. “God, Ellie. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you here. You’re amazing. Absolutely amazing.”

  “I’m no saint,” Eleanor said, cautiously. “I have a vested interest in both of you.”

  “You do?” Leaning back to gaze into Eleanor’s eyes, Addison looked questioningly at her. “How so?”

  “I care about you, and to quote you, I can’t imagine what I would do without you.”

  “Ellie…” Addison caressed her cheek and moved in for a soft kiss. “Why don’t you eat while I’m in the shower, and I can do the same? I’m so tired, and all I can think of right now is sleeping next to you.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Addison dried herself after a quick, hot shower. Her stomach was growling, and even if it was very late, she was ready to dig into the chicken salad. She pulled on a pair of white panties and the blue-and-white-striped flannels Eleanor’s assistant had brought. Browsing the toiletry bag sitting on the counter, she discovered new toothbrushes and toothpaste. She would have to brush her teeth again after eating the salad, but she was dying to feel fresh all over.


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