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Ethereal Sylphs: Sylphs living in the higher heavens, usually under the guise of a star. The nearest stars are the sons and daughters of Moriah and Nebo, whereas the farthest stars are descendants of Megiddo and Tabor. Some of the brightest stars were birthed by Salem. The twelve Higher Sylphs can also be counted as Ethereal Sylphs, since they also appear as stars in the sky.
Aerial Sylphs: Sylphs living in the lower skies, ruling over the airs and winds. They also shepherd the clouds and are responsible for the rainfall. Sons and daughters of Mamreh, daughter of Thebel.
Aquatic Sylphs: Sylphs living in the seas and rivers, where they shepherd the waters. Sons and daughters of Meribah and Massah.
Cthonic Sylphs: Sylphs living underground. Adopted sons of Mizar, son of Thebel.
Igneous Sylphs: Little is known about these sylphs, since they were seen only during the war against the monsters and during the Great Calamity. Some say they were born of Moriah’s fiery sword, others say that they were born out of Aigonz’s wrath. They drive chariots of pure flame. While the other sylphs shepherd clouds or water, the Igneous Sylphs bring only destruction with them.
Miasma: Corrupted form of a sylph. They are the bearers of storms, pestilence, and bad fates. Adopted sons and daughters of Gehena.
Sylphid: See "sylph".
Woman: See "human".
About the Author
Pedro Gabriel is a Portuguese oncology doctor with a penchant for Shakespeare, Milton, Chesterton, Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and Charles Williams. Having published his first novel in Portuguese in 2013 (“O Profeta e o Anticristo”, Edita-Me), he now decided to take up the challenge of writing in the language of some of his favorite writers.
Since his younger years, Pedro has been fascinated by ancient myths and legends, and dreamt of creating his own full mythology. “The Chronicles of Dumah” is the fulfillment of this dream.
Taking its name from the Hebrew word for “silence”, Dumah is a brand new cosmos with fascinating locations, imagination-inducing creatures, and incredible heroes. Follow the history of this universe from its creation to its end, and allow yourself to be touched by the lifestories of its characters.
“It is not good for man to be alone” (Gn 2:18). In this sense, no work of man is brought about in complete isolation. I would like to dedicate some words to those who made the completion of this dream possible.
First, I would like to thank my beautiful wife Claire Domingues, to whom I dedicate this work, for all her support and encouragement. It was thanks to her that my fiction ventured into the Anglosphere. Her IT expertise was crucial in setting up my website and social media presence. It was also her love that kept me going, bringing this work to good harbor.
I would also like to thank Devdiaart for her cover design and Stephen Little for his editing. I thank them for their professionalism, interest, and promptness. I also thank them for being so attuned with my vision, and for dramatically increasing the quality of my work.
Finally, I would like to thank my friends and fans who have shown an interest in my book. I thank them for keeping me motivated and focused on my goal.
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