The Naive Bumblebee
Page 15
“Sure. Gosh, I really feel sad now. I’ll have to come up there to see you.”
“Yeah. I’ll miss you too, Petal, but I’m ready for the move.”
“Hey! Who is moving you?” Petal asked suddenly.
“I’m using a small moving company; that’s about all I can afford, why?”
“Oh, Nelise! Vince has a truck! I’m sure he and Byron can move you and since he likes you so much, I’m sure he’d do it for free!” Petal exclaimed excitedly.
“Oh no, I couldn’t ask him after the way I’ve been treating him.”
“I’ll ask him. This is a golden opportunity, Nelise! Get moved while getting to know him a bit. C’mon, I’ll be with you. It could turn out to be fun. I’ll ask him and get back with you!” Petal said.
“If it weren’t for the money, I wouldn’t even consider it,” Nelise was saying when she realized Petal was calling Vince right then. It was agreed that they would go to Nelise’s Friday night after work to see what had to be moved and Vince would get his cousin to help if needed on Saturday.
When Nelise got home, she went to Garden early.
“Nelise, nice to see you. What’s on the agenda for this visit?”
“I want to go on a buggy ride.”
“Through the city or the country?” Esleen asked.
“Through the city. I want to see people and hear noise around me.”
In a few seconds, they were standing before a horse-drawn buggy ready to take them through a town where people were busily shopping, eating at outside cafés, walking and chatting. It was pleasant and Nelise could feel herself relax as passengers in another buggy passed by and waved to them. Nelise began to feel the presence of her invisible lover and realized he was driving the buggy.
“Yes, Nelise.”
“Why does this supposed love of my life keep showing up when I’m not thinking of him nor want to think of him? There is only one person I want to think of and that is Loyle.”
“You can say what you want, Nelise, but your heart knows the truth of it all whether you are ready to consciously know it or not. If this lover is not right for you, he will simply disappear. If Loyle is truly the one for you, he will show up again. Don’t fret about it; just enjoy whatever you are doing. The best will work out for you.”
Nelise was getting tired of fighting the chain of events going on in spite of what she thought of as her obvious desires. She laid her head back against the softly cushioned seat, listened to the clop, clop, clop of the horse’s hooves on the road and, before she knew it, dozed off.
She awoke suddenly to the sound of her morning alarm. What? I fell asleep on Esleen again? Uussshhhh!
Time went by fast during the week. She and Celia got everything in order and spent most of the last day of training in conversation.
That evening, Petal picked Nelise up and they met Vince at a café. As they came in, he stood up and smiled wholeheartedly at Nelise. He pulled the chairs out for each of them and Petal winked at Nelise who ignored her.
Petal ordered a drink, Vince ordered a beer, and Nelise played it safe with sweet tea.
“Where is your truck?” she asked Vince.
“I rode my bike. I can take you to see it later if you want.”
“No, I can wait until tomorrow. I hope it’s big enough for everything.”
“I’m sure it is; I’ve moved a few friends who had a lot more furniture than you said you had. I think two trips ought to do it, maybe three.”
“Three trips?” Nelise asked suspiciously.
“Nelise is so appreciative of your help, Vince,” Petal jumped in and said. “You are saving her a lot of stress as well as money.”
Nelise gave her a dirty look.
“Yes, I really do appreciate your help, Vince. It does make things easier,” she added reluctantly.
“That’s good. I’m glad to do it; I didn’t have anything much planned for the weekend so why not do something nice for a friend? Especially a pretty friend,” he nonchalantly added.
Nelise felt her face get warm and knew she was blushing.
Petal excused herself to go to the restroom and jumped up before Nelise could join her without looking foolish.
“So Nelise, Petal said you were dating someone?” Vince asked.
For some reason Nelise could not bring herself to lie to him when she looked into his mesmerizing green eyes.
“I . . . uh . . . was seeing someone. I haven’t heard from him lately but I’m sure he’s probably dealing with something and will catch up with me soon,” she said honestly.
“How long have you two been dating?”
“A couple of years,” she said and immediately felt a twinge of guilt. Well, we have been spending time with each other for those years, she added inwardly to justify the stretch.
“Ahhh, I see. I’m sure you’ll hear from him. I know I wouldn’t leave a woman like you in the lurch.”
Petal sat down. “Shall we head over to your place, Nelise, and see what’s what?”
“Sure, I’m ready. Are you, Vince?”
“Yes, I’ll follow you girls.” He stood up at the same time Nelise did and their hips bumped slightly. Nelise felt that electric current go through her again but did her best to ignore it.
After they measured furniture and made their plans, Vince left. They could hear the roar of his motorcycle as he drove off.
“I love that sound; don’t you, Nelise? One day I’m going to convince Byron to get a bike. Wouldn’t that be fun; the four of us taking a motorbike journey across the states.”
Nelise looked at Petal cunningly.
“Are you sure ‘you’re’ not the one who wants to date Vince?”
“Bite your tongue! I wouldn’t give Byron up for the world! It’s just that I can see the two of you together and since you’re my best friend, I get happy thinking of the things we could all do together! Before you say anything negative and put a damper on my fantasies, I’m leaving now. I’ll see you in the car,” she said, hurrying out the door ahead of Nelise.
It was so late when she got home, Nelise decided to get some sleep rather than go to Garden. She felt as if she were going through withdrawal from her job. I didn’t think I cared about those people until this happened. I’m really going to miss some of them; even Chad, she mused. It’s like leaving a story before you finished reading it.
Chapter 27
The next day went smoothly with Vince in charge. Vince’s cousin left after helping to load the big pieces onto the truck. Aunt Gertie liked Vince but kept her silence since Nelise didn’t seem to be interested. She ordered pizza and beer for everyone when they were finished.
“Thank you, Miss Gertie, we appreciate this,” Vince said respectfully.
“Yes, Auntie,” Nelise added with a hug while Petal nodded agreeably with a mouth full of pizza.
“You’re very welcome, Nelise. I’m glad everything went so smoothly; if I ever need to move, I will call you,” Gertie said to Vince.
“And I’ll be there. Of course, it’s easy when there isn’t much furniture,” he said with a wink to Nelise who promptly picked up a piece of pizza as if she hadn’t noticed.
After everyone left Gertie’s, Nelise went to clean up and rest. It was after dark when she awoke and joined her aunt in the kitchen.
“I really like that guy, Nelise. He’s polite, respectful and careful in what he does. I noticed he has a thing for you. Are you aware of that?” Gertie asked enthusiastically.
“Yes, Petal tells me constantly.”
“He couldn’t keep his eyes off you!”
“Auntie, I’m waiting to hear from Loyle so can we forget about Vince for now? Besides, I want to hear your news. What is it?”
“Loyle? I thought you had moved on by now. Anyway, I have a new beau in my life. Can you believe it after all these years?” Gertie asked as if it were a miracle.
“That’s wonderful, Auntie; tell me all about him!” Nelise said happily.
/> “Well, I met him after you and Loyle had visited. I went back to the lake one afternoon to take a paddleboat ride and he slipped me a note as I was leaving. I waited until I got home to read it. He had written his name and telephone number and said to call him. He wanted to meet for coffee. That sort of thing doesn’t happen to me, you know.”
Nelise looked at Gertie with alarm. “Don’t tell me you called him.”
“I did sometime after that. I was bored so took a chance.”
“And?” Nelise asked incredulously. It was not like her aunt to take risks.
“We met for coffee and have had long telephone conversations every night since. He finally asked me out on a date. We got along so famously that we’ve been dating ever since,” she said, beaming.
“This all happened from my visit? That’s funny because Petal met Byron because of me. Everywhere I go, I’m creating love connections for others while mine evaporates! If that doesn’t beat all!”
“Perhaps one ended so another could begin,” Gertie suggested, tapping her fingers on the table.
“No! Don’t even say that,” Nelise ordered, revealing her annoyance with the idea. “So, do I know this guy?”
“I don’t think you do but you’ll meet him soon now that you’re living here. We have a date Saturday night. Do you want to join us?”
“No, Auntie,” Nelise said with a laugh. “I don’t like being a third wheel but you sure have me curious! What does he look like? Does he work? Has he ever been married?”
“You want me to run down his profile for you here and now?”
“Of course! Are you surprised?” Nelise asked with her hands on her hips.
“I will tell you this one thing for now because I don’t want you to be too surprised.”
“He’s a bit younger than me.”
“How much is a bit exactly, Auntie?”
“Ten years, give or take.”
“Ten years!” You mean you’re robbing the cradle!” Nelise exclaimed.
“I wouldn’t call thirty-something robbing the cradle,” Gertie said defensively. “We’re both grown adults!”
“I suppose you’re right, but what do you have in common?”
“OK, end of story. You’ll meet him, you’ll like him, and all will be fine,” Gertie said with finality. “I’m running to the store. Do you need anything?”
“No, I’m going to unpack. I’ll be settled in by the time you get back so I’ll say goodnight now. All I need to do tomorrow is clean the floor of the apartment; I already cleaned up everything else so you don’t need to get up early to help me,” Nelise said.
“OK, dear. See you in the morning. Sleep well,” Gertie said, grabbing her keys and leaving.
Nelise showered, changed, and sat in her chair.
“I’m looking for the Garden.”
“Hi, Nelise. How are you? You’re looking well, less stressed.”
“Yes, I am, but I have more questions.”
“Sure.” Esleen took Nelise’s arm and led her to a small café with little golden lights lining the windows, urns of leafy trees in the corners, and the scent of cinnamon in the air.
“First of all, it seems funny to me that my best friend and my aunt each met the love of their life around me while mine disappeared. What’s up with that?”
“The love you have evolved out of your desires is apparently so strong that it has influenced those around you. That’s a very good sign! Your own love life can unfold very quickly now.”
“Great! Then I will be running into Loyle’s arms very soon!” Nelise said excitedly.
“You might slow down on making assumptions, Nelise, and let things develop as they will,” Esleen advised.
“I have truly become better at doing that, Esleen.”
“Then why treat some people so coldly?”
“Esleen, you’re exaggerating. I suppose you’re referring to my behavior regarding a new male acquaintance, right? I will do better with him. I just don’t want him to get the wrong idea about me if I’m nice to him. Do you understand?”
“Communication is always the key, Nelise. Treat him kindly and if he approaches you in some way, be honest with him. Just because he likes you a lot doesn’t mean he won’t respect your wishes.”
“Fine then, Esleen. Anyway, when is this shifting stuff going to stop?”
“It never completely stops although it may seem so to you. You will know because things will settle into more of a steady rhythm again. Think of the waves in the ocean. Does that help?”
“I guess it will have to do but it doesn’t give me much to go on.”
“You want a complete picture but there is so much involved that if I gave you one, it would change within the next second and make my telling you pointless. You will know, Nelise; I promise,” Esleen assured.
“Well, I’m done for now. I will look forward to seeing Loyle again,” Nelise said defiantly.
“Nelise, what if you don’t see or hear from him again? Why are you keeping your focus on a situation that most likely won’t occur rather than delving into the life that you have drawn yourself into? What if this man now is the love of your life?”
“I don’t think he fits the bill, Esleen.”
“Are you sure? Something within you seems to think so; you drew him to you.”
“That’s chemistry and you can’t build a relationship on that; I found that out through my ex-husband.”
“Chemistry is a symptom of something deeper, Nelise. It depends on whether it rules you or you rule it.”
“Esleen, I’ve had a long day,” Nelise said and got up to make herself some tea before Esleen could respond.
Chapter 28
As the days passed by, Nelise spent her time sending out resumes and making calls. She had her hair trimmed and her nails manicured. Every night with Esleen was pretty much the same, relaxing and talking about various things. Lately she had more questions than things she wanted to do but she did not bring up Loyle’s name again.
One afternoon, after Nelise’s errands were done, she chatted with Petal about their ongoing job search when Petal said she had things to do before Byron came home from work so that ended that.
Great. Everything is ready and for what? I can hardly keep up with Auntie now that she has a boyfriend. I think I’ll go buy a new suit for my next job interview. She left Gertie a note and headed out the door. As she pulled out of the driveway, her thoughts wandered to the old house and the blue rock. Auntie hasn’t mentioned it since our last visit to the place. I think I’ll take a little detour and check it out.
As she drove down the street, she noticed the house across from her old one had been sold but was still empty and hers had been renovated. There were two cars out front. She parked across the street where she wouldn’t be noticed. Moments later a familiar-looking man came out the front door. Loyle!
Nelise was hurriedly exiting her car when another man came out right behind him. She jumped back into the car and waited until Loyle was alone so she could talk to him. The two men took a few steps, then turned and held each other tenderly for a few minutes. The other man was slightly taller than Loyle, with dark hair and a beard. He kissed Loyle on the temple and they parted to get into their own cars and drove away.
Nelise felt as if her stomach had fallen through the floor of the car onto the ground. No wonder he dropped out of sight. Why couldn’t he tell me he had a boyfriend? But then why did he date me? Well, he never did attempt to kiss me. But he wanted to do the trip to my aunt’s again. Oh! How could this be? I’m so confused!
Nelise drove back home instantly and ran to her room. She sat on her chair to go to Garden but she couldn’t stop thinking about what she had seen.
Was it really Loyle? Yes, it was his car. There’s no way around it.
She lay on the bed, contemplating whether or not she should talk to him. Was he living there? Were “they” living there?
“UGH! UGH! UGH!” Nelise groaned out loud.
She heard the back door open and close.
“Nelise, are you here?”
Nelise came out to the kitchen, sat at the table, and stared blankly in front of her. Gertie made herself a coffee in the microwave.
“What a day this has been. I was supposed to meet up with Stanley but he got called away on family business. Then I was going to go shopping but there was a traffic jam. I had to go to the grocery store but that parking lot was a mess because of the traffic jam so I just came home with absolutely nothing accomplished. How’s your day going, dear?” she asked, settling into a chair across from Nelise.
“Oh, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”
“Why do you say that?”
“I saw Loyle.”
“You didn’t! Where? Did you talk? Where has he been?”
“I didn’t get a chance to talk to him. I went by to see the old house and guess who came out the front door?”
“Out of your old house?”
“Yes, he and another man. I was going to run over and say hello until I saw them embrace.”
“No way. Loyle and some guy? I don’t believe it,” Gertie said assuredly.
“You don’t have to but I saw it with my own two eyes. That explains why he dropped off the face of the earth.”
“You should try to talk to him anyway,” Gertie recommended. “You need to know the truth of the matter.”
“Why do I want to hear the details? I don’t want to make him or myself that uncomfortable, Auntie.”
“Meaning you don’t want to confront him in case it is true?”
“Oh, it’s true; there’s no doubt in my mind. I believe it’s nobody’s business who someone loves but that doesn’t mean I want to talk about it.”
“Well, I suppose that settles it then; you can finally move on,” Gertie said, placing her empty cup in the sink. “I’m sorry it didn’t work out, dear. I’ve got some ironing to do if you want to join me in the den and talk some more.” She gave Nelise a hug.
“No, Auntie; I know you had a heck of a day and I’m tired.”
Nelise went to her room not wanting to enter the den where Loyle had slept so handsomely, where she had longed to kiss him while he slept. She abruptly plopped into her chair and went to Garden.