Book Read Free

Born Wild

Page 14

by Nikki Jefford

He yawned then smiled up at her. “Is it already morning?”

  Kallie nodded. “Yeah.”

  Wolfrik sat up and stretched his arms over his head, closing his eyes as he yawned again. Kallie ran her eyes over his naked body, zeroing in on the engorged organ between his legs. She looked away as he reopened his eyes.

  “You okay?” Wolfrik asked gently.

  “Fine—leg’s a bit stiff, but that’s normal.”

  Wolfrik scooted closer, pulled her foot into his lap, and began massaging her ankle. Her shoulders sagged in relief and eyelids lowered as she stared off in a daze.

  Moon above, it felt good.

  “You don’t have to do that. I’m not looking for someone to take care of me.”

  Wolfrik frowned. “Right. You just want someone to fuck you.”

  Kallie pressed her lips together, relieved when Wolfrik continued massaging her foot and ankle. He had a surprisingly gentle touch and a gift for applying just the right amount of pressure. Kallie’s eyes drifted closed, and her body went limp with relief. Wolfrik’s hands traveled up her leg, rubbing her calves, inching their way to her thigh. When he brushed his knuckle over her sex, Kallie’s breath hitched.

  His fingers stretched over and rubbed her clitoris. Kallie gasped and pitched forward. Wolfrik guided her gently onto her back while his fingers remained busy, rubbing faster and harder. Kallie squirmed on the floor.

  “I need you in me,” she rasped.

  Wolfrik’s strokes deepened. “Not until you come.”

  She moaned and arched over the floor, wishing he’d give her what she wanted, but he wouldn’t let up, not even when she panted and growled in frustration. The walls were caving in, suffocating her. A tempest was building inside her that refused to let loose.

  Her chest rose off the floor, and she snarled at Wolfrik. “Fuck me.”

  “Not yet.”

  Insufferable beast.

  Her next growl was cut off by a shriek that jettisoned from her core to her head as an explosive orgasm rocked her body. Kallie’s shoulders pressed back to the floor. Her body felt as though it had turned to liquid and puddled over the floorboards.

  Wolfrik nudged her legs apart and pumped into her, spilling his seed quickly, more like an animal marking his territory than a male taking his pleasure. Once he’d roared his release, he pulled out and got to his feet. “Come on, let’s get cleaned up,” he said, reaching a hand for her.

  She let him help her to her feet then stumbled toward the cabin door. Wolfrik was at her side in a flash, bending down to drape her arm around his shoulder.

  When Kallie opened her mouth to protest, he leaned in and smothered her in a knee-buckling kiss that ended with tongue. Kallie yanked her head back and gasped. This wasn’t how she’d expected Wolfrik to behave at all.

  Amusement danced in his eyes.

  “Thought I better cut you off before you insisted, yet again, that you don’t need or want my help.” Wolfrik grinned wolfishly. “I’ve found the perfect way to silence you, Kallie.”

  If her heart wasn’t beating so wildly, she might have come up with a reply instead of staring back at him all dazed with her lips puckered.

  “Fine,” Kallie finally said, threading her arms around his.

  If she was going to accept his help, she’d do it arm in arm, not slung over him like an invalid.

  The gong rang out over the forest as they took their time reaching the river and waded in together. Kallie crouched in the middle where the water was deepest and closed her eyes gently, enjoying the flow of water over her skin. She dunked her head under water and twisted her head side to side, sending her hair floating around her head until she resurfaced and it clung to her neck and shoulders. Blinking water out of her eyes, she ran both hands over her head.

  From several feet away, Wolfrik rubbed a long, flat rock over his arms then chest, making his way down his legs.

  After the rinse, they returned to the cabin.

  “Ready for morning gruel?” Wolfrik asked as he picked his pants off the floor.

  “I think I’ll skip the group meal.”

  Wolfrik stepped into one leg of his pants then paused. “Want me to catch you something?”

  She shook her head. “I can do it. I’ve got plenty of time without patrol duties.”

  Wolfrik pressed his lips together in consideration.

  “Do you want back on patrol?”

  “It doesn’t have to be patrol. I just don’t want to spend my remaining days tending the community garden.”

  Wolfrik snorted. “No kidding. Well, now that I’m on council, I’ll see if we can come up with something more satisfying.”

  He finished putting on his pants and shirt while Kallie’s mouth hung open.

  “You’re on council?”

  Wolfrik grinned. “Got voted in yesterday before supper.”

  Kallie wanted to smack him playfully, but despite sleeping with him, she didn’t feel close enough to joke around. Instead, she planted her hands on her hips. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “You know why.” Wolfrik’s voice turned husky. He appeared in front of her without causing one floorboard to creak.

  With his lips now within kissing distance and his thumb circling her breast, Kallie’s breath caught. Wolfrik switched to stroking her nipple with the tip of his finger. It peaked and hardened under his touch. Wolfrik’s gaze turned hooded and hungry. “You have the most gorgeous breasts. I could play with them all day. Would that be a suitable activity for you?”

  Kallie huffed in amusement. “I don’t think it would help serve the pack.”

  Wolfrik’s eyes gleamed. “Not everything is about serving the pack.”

  How different Wolfrik’s attitude was from Raider’s. Raider was all about responsibility. Wolfrik liked to break the rules and do whatever he wanted.

  “They really let you on council?” Kallie asked.

  “Can’t keep a pureblood off.” Wolfrik smirked and kissed each of her breasts. “Meet me here tonight?”

  Kallie’s breath caught like tiny insect wings in a spider’s web. Whatever wall he’d erected before had come tumbling down, and she’d been the one to knock it over. It wasn’t just one night. He wanted her again. But for how long? Did it matter? She’d gotten what she wanted, and she could have it again.

  Kallie’s gaze drifted to the floorboards demurely then back up to Wolfrik’s searching gaze. After she nodded, he broke out into a grin, wrapped his hand around her neck, and pulled her in for a kiss. His lips roved over hers, causing a sigh to build deep inside her throat. She wasn’t used to kissing. It was nice—and confusing. She wouldn’t have pegged Wolfrik as a kisser.

  He pulled away and flashed her one last grin before leaving the cabin. Kallie waited for several minutes then walked over to the bed and sat down, staring at the rumpled blankets on the floor, her discarded dress by the table, and the items that had been tossed off. Her surroundings went out of focus as she remembered everything they’d done together—and would do again tonight.

  Her breath quickened, and a throb built between her thighs. She squirmed over the mattress. She was ready for Wolfrik now.

  First, she had to get through the day, and she was famished. She could make it in time to dish up the last bit of porridge before it was cleaned out if she dressed now and headed straight for the glade.

  Her timing was perfect. By the time she limped into the glade, the shifters on duty had left and Maureen had started moving baskets of bowls to the trailhead leading to the river. She stopped what she was doing to serve Kallie a bowl of porridge with a smile.

  “Thanks,” Kallie said when Maureen handed it over.

  “Of course,” Maureen chirped. “Don’t ever hesitate to come over late. I always rinse out all the bowls first and leave the cauldron for last. I can even set a bowl aside for you.�

  Kallie smiled gratefully. “I wish I could help you clean up.”

  She would have happily helped out, but she knew she was more likely to stumble and break their limited supply of dishes, gathered from abandoned suburbs over time.

  Maureen batted the offer away with her hand. “It’s no trouble at all.”

  The friendly shifter looked happier about being on meal duty than going off on patrol.

  “Feel free to help yourself to more while I’m at the river,” Maureen said as she picked up a basket and headed into the woods.

  Kallie sat on a log and enjoyed the tranquility of the empty glade while she ate her porridge. After the workout with Wolfrik, a second helping wasn’t a bad idea. But when she stood and steadied herself on her feet, she caught sight of Palmer’s familiar stride into the clearing… headed directly for her.

  Kallie gnashed her teeth and held back a snarl. Hadn’t he gotten the hint to stay away from her?

  Apparently not, only now when he stopped and looked at her it was with a clenched jaw rather than a smug smile and lust-filled gaze.

  “What happened at the cabin last night?” Palmer demanded. “Did Wolfrik force himself on you?”

  Kallie snorted, her jaw loosening as she did. She planted one hand on her hip and shot Palmer a scathing once-over. “Wolfrik didn’t force anything. He was at the cabin because I invited him there. He was there because I offered myself to him. He was there because I’d rather bend over for every shifter in Wolf Hollow than be your third mate.”

  Palmer flinched then, regaining himself, straightened and scowled. “This isn’t like you, Kallie.”

  Her nostrils flared. She felt angry enough to breathe fire.

  “You don’t know what I’m really like. All you see is a sweet, sad, injured she-wolf.” Kallie lifted her chest, feeling a surge of strength that had been missing for too long. Her eyes drilled into Palmer’s. “But maybe I’m not so sweet. Maybe I like things rough and dirty.”

  Palmer’s nose wrinkled and she laughed, taking pleasure in his disgust and disappointment. She’d finally opened his eyes.

  She’d chosen her bedmate wisely. Palmer wouldn’t dare get in Wolfrik’s way, and now that Wolfrik was on council, he could do more than hump her; when she was ready, he could support her position as the pack’s healer.

  chapter thirteen

  With a whistle on his lips, Wolfrik skipped a rock along the rippling surface of the Manama River. After patrolling the area in wolf form all morning and early afternoon, he and Aden had shifted near the caves.

  Wolfrik skipped another rock. This one bounced along the water six times before sinking. He grinned to himself and said, “Not bad.”

  Aden looked from the river to Wolfrik and raised his eyebrows. “You’re in a good mood,” he noted.

  “It’s called getting tail. You should try it.”

  Aden grunted and turned away.

  “Don’t want the dirty details?” Wolfrik taunted, following Aden across the rocky shore.


  “Good, ’cause I’m not giving any. What I do with my female is my business and hers—really good stuff, by the way.”

  “I thought you weren’t talking about it.”

  “I said no details. Lucky for you, I’m going to be in a good mood tomorrow, too.”

  Aden snorted in amusement.

  A woman’s scream pierced the air, followed by a ghastly screech. Wolfrik and Aden took one look at each other then dove to the ground and shifted. Wolfrik had to push himself to keep up with Aden, who had longer legs. They splashed across the river, leaving Wolf Hollow territory, and careened through the forest toward the commotion. The screeches became louder as they flashed past trees, gaining speed.

  There had been no sign of vulhena since Tabor, Aden, Raider, and Emerson had slaughtered a nasty herd of them in the valley. Now here they were sticking their ugly faces near their borders yet again. The fuckers had killed Wolfrik’s parents. He hoped there were dozens of them up ahead. He’d rip them all to shreds. The more, the better.

  There were three circling a tree.

  Well, better than one.

  In the tree, a young woman clung to the trunk and yelled at the beasts, tearing at loose branches that she threw down at the screeching animals.

  The vulhena were so intent on the woman, they didn’t notice Wolfrik and Aden creeping up from behind until the two wolves were on top of them. The third vulhena screeched hysterically as Wolfrik’s teeth tore into its companion’s back.

  A claw slashed at Wolfrik’s back. He whipped around with a brutal snarl and lunged at the third vulhena. The unnatural creatures were able to get onto their hind legs and stand as this one did. Big mistake. Wolfrik took it down by the legs, landing on its chest as they hit the dirt. He went straight for the jugular and tore out its throat.

  Once certain the creature was truly dead, Wolfrik returned to the vulhena he’d left wounded. It stood on all fours, bleeding into the earth, its black eyes shining with malice. Wolfrik growled. The vulhena screeched. They ran at each other and crashed together into a flurry of biting and clawing as they bellowed their rage and death cries. While Wolfrik tried to get the animal by the neck, it jerked around and sank its teeth into his haunch.

  Wolfrik’s lips lifted, showcasing his fangs all the way to his gums when he snarled. He whipped around and knocked the vulhena onto its side then pounded on the squirming creature while it was on the ground. Wolfrik locked his jaw around the vulhena’s neck, shaking and tearing at it until his teeth tore through the black, hairy skin and blood gushed out.

  A calm quiet settled over the forest. Wolfrik temporarily forgot about the woman in the tree. He licked his chops, standing beside his two kills. The third vulhena was stretched out over the earth like a burn mark beside Aden, but the werewolf paid it no attention. He stood, alert, staring into the branches.

  Wolfrik shifted, stood, and kicked the dead vulhena closest to him then spit on it.

  “May you rot forever,” he said, as Aden shifted.

  “Wolfrik?” a faint female voice gasped.

  That voice. That damn gut-wrenching voice. He’d hoped never to hear it again. It was the door to the past and all the pent-up, raging emotions he’d stuffed into that caged space. It didn’t belong in the wild.

  Wolfrik jerked his head up and snarled into the tree. Sparrow still clung to the trunk about twelve feet off the ground. Her brown hair was a tangled mess, her clothes ripped up, and skin bruised, scraped, and bloody.

  Wolfrik shook his head slowly and chuckled humorlessly. “I should have killed you when I had the chance.”

  Sparrow glared at him.

  “Who is she?” Aden demanded.

  Wolfrik lowered his head, happy to redirect his attention back to his packmate. “Her name is Sparrow and she’s the sister of Hawk, the bastard who runs the compound I was stuck in for three years.”

  Aden’s eyes narrowed. “What’s she doing here?”

  “Good question. What are you doing here, Sparrow?”

  They folded their arms and stared into the tree. Sparrow wisely made no move to climb down. She attempted to brush her hair out of her eyes while holding on, but it kept falling back over her face.

  “I ran away,” Sparrow sputtered, “and now I’m seeking asylum. Will you offer it, Wolfrik, after what I did for you?”

  Aden looked at Wolfrik and raised his brows. “What did she do for you?”

  Wolfrik shrugged.

  “I set him free,” Sparrow called down.

  Wolfrik’s lips drew back over his gums. “What was the point of setting me free only to lead your brother and his men right back to me and my packmates?”

  Aden’s jaw clenched and body stiffened. “We have to kill her,” he said.

  Wolfrik gave a snort of amusement.

  Nice to finally see the werewolf has some chops.

  Too bad he couldn’t make good on Aden’s suggestion.

  “We can’t kill her. That would only make her brother more determined to turn over every rock until he found out who took her life. No.” Wolfrik’s eyes went out of focus as he stared into the forest. “Somehow, we have to return her to the city.”

  “No!” Sparrow screamed from overhead—right before she shimmied halfway down the trunk and dropped down. “You can’t take me back there. I was as much a prisoner as you.”

  “Oh, really? Stuck behind bars?” Wolfrik took a step toward her then another. “You lived in a cage, did you?” Her lower lip trembled when he took his next step toward her. He enjoyed watching her shrink back, lean away, back up and nearly smack into Aden.

  Sparrow jerked her head in alarm, eyes widening when she noticed the towering, muscular form closing in on her. They had her trapped between them.

  She faced Wolfrik, angry tears gathering in her eyes. “You killed the love of my life, and still I let you go.”

  Wolfrik snarled. “Your brother killed Eric, and you know it—I was just a tool. That’s why you let me go. Revenge, not pity.”

  Sparrow sucked in a breath. He saw the truth in the flash of her eyes.

  “They beat me unconscious after I freed you. I couldn’t open my eyes or walk for days,” she spat. “Think of what they’ll do to me if you make me go back. You know that Hawk will—” Sparrow’s next words were cut off by a squeal of dismay as Aden locked his arms around her. “Let go of me!” Sparrow shouted, twisting in Aden’s arms.

  Wolfrik smirked. The werewolf shifter’s muscled arms were stronger than rope.

  He leveled a cold gaze at the human. “Whatever Hawk does to you for fleeing is on you, Sparrow. You shouldn’t have come here.”

  Sparrow glared at Wolfrik. “Fine. You don’t want to take me in, then let me go.”

  “Afraid we can’t do that,” Wolfrik said. He looked above her shoulder into Aden’s eyes. “Can you guard her in the river caves while I speak to the council?”

  Aden nodded.


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