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Born Wild

Page 22

by Nikki Jefford

  “Is this how you danced with other males?” he asked in a low, dangerous voice.

  “Yes,” Kallie answered.

  He pulled her against him roughly, relishing her delighted gasp. He gripped the back of her head and brought her mouth to his, thrusting his tongue in without any kind of buildup. Kallie wrapped her arms around his neck and held on as Wolfrik lifted her off the ground. She wrapped her legs around him.

  “Mine,” he wanted to announce to the group. “All mine.”

  Everyone knew he and Kallie were sleeping together, but he wanted them to really understand that this female was his, and he’d rip out the tongue of any shifter who dared get his dirty mouth near hers—or bite off a finger if anyone else tried to touch her.

  The heat of the fire scorched Wolfrik’s skin. He carried Kallie away from the burning light and thumping drums. He walked past her shelter and hauled her into the woods. He hadn’t taken her far before he set her down briefly to unfasten his pants and step out of the cumbersome clothing. He lifted her again and hiked her dress up to her hips before plunging inside her, giving a growl as he did.

  The warmth between her legs was better than any fire. It welcomed him inside without burning him up. Pleasure spiked up his spine. He threw his head back and growled. She’d worked him up so much with the dancing; he didn’t know how long he could hold on.

  “Wolfrik,” Kallie gasped urgently.

  He rocked into her, feeling as though he would soon lose consciousness.

  “Wolfrik,” Kallie said with more clarity. “The full moon will be at its apex soon.”

  Wolfrik cared more about reaching their own climaxes than the moon at the moment. A warning cry went off in the far reaches of his mind, but he was too excited to listen. The needs of his cock came first.

  “Wolfrik, we need to—”

  He gripped Kallie by her bare ass and shoved her onto his dick to silence her protests. It worked. She shrieked, and his name on her lips turned to whimpers.

  “Wolfrik. Oh, Wolfrik. Oh, sweet mother, I’m coming. I’m coming!” Her back arched and breasts heaved when she threw her head back and gasped.

  Wolfrik left himself go at the same time, releasing inside her with a tortured groan.

  Once he’d finished, Kallie’s legs slid down his thighs until her feet hit the ground. She held onto his arm for support, breathing deeply.

  Kallie glanced between his legs, where he was still hard, with flushed cheeks. “We better spend the rest of the night apart,” she said.

  “Why?” Wolfrik frowned. He’d gotten used to spending the entire night sleeping by her side.

  Kallie’s eyes expanded. “Because of the full moon.”

  “It’s still hours away.” Wolfrik glanced into the sky and shrugged a shoulder. A female was most fertile at the exact moment of the full moon. The seconds and minutes surrounding the full moon were just as fruitful, but after an hour, her chances of conceiving went away quickly.

  “What about in the morning—when you wake up beside me?” Kallie raised her brows.

  Wolfrik ran his tongue over his teeth and smiled. He made a habit of making love to her every night before bed and first thing every morning before rising. It had become a natural part of his routine. Nothing came before her. He started and ended his days between her legs.

  Wolfrik licked his lips. “I’ll use my tongue, instead.”

  Kallie shivered, and her nipples poked through her dress.

  Wolfrik grinned, pleased by her reaction. “Still think we should spend the night apart?” he asked huskily.

  “I’d rather be with you,” she said, “but I just want to make sure we play it safe.” She glanced up and frowned at the moon.

  Wolfrik bent down for his jeans and forced them over his hips, leaving them unzipped. He’d have them off again when they reached her shelter.

  “Come on,” Wolfrik said, taking Kallie’s hand in his. “Let’s get some sleep. I’m already looking forward to morning.” He ran his eyes down the length of her body and grinned.

  “Such a tease,” Kallie replied. “Why wait until morning?”

  Wolfrik’s smile lifted into the corners of his eyes. “I appreciate the way you think.”

  Kallie tucked her hair behind her ears. “Who knows? Maybe I’ll get an opportunity to use my tongue, as well.” She glanced at his open fly.

  Wolfrik chuckled, warmth spreading over his chest. “Have I told you how much I like you?”

  It was the closest he’d ever gotten to saying “love.” The sadness reappeared briefly in Kallie’s eyes. Then she blinked it away and smiled at him. Perhaps she’d recognized the tenderness in his voice. Love was just a word. Anyone could say it for any purpose. Feelings mattered more than words, and his feelings for her transcended all letters in the human language.

  “I like you, too,” she said softly.

  He couldn’t figure out why she did, but he preferred to enjoy her affections rather than ponder them.

  They linked arms and walked the short distance back to the den and the thrumming drumbeats within. The rhythm sounded different, more chaotic than hypnotic, and they soon saw why. Hudson and Chase were slapping the instruments while Heath and Alec danced with the girls.

  “What a ruckus.” Wolfrik groaned.

  Kallie chuckled. “They can’t keep beating on those things all night.”

  If they were all lucky, the boys would soon tire themselves out or, better yet, pass out.

  Wolfrik forgot about the rest of the group as soon as Kallie got onto all fours to crawl inside her shelter. He stiffened.

  Right as I was beginning to fit back into my jeans, he thought.

  Oh, well, clothing was overrated. He shucked the constricting pants off and left them outside the shelter. It’s not like he’d have any use for them inside. While he was at it, he lost the shirt.

  Kallie was sitting upright inside. When she saw him, her mouth opened slightly.

  “Oh.” A look of appreciation shone in the gaze she ran over his bare chest.

  Wolfrik crawled to her and, once he was close enough, lifted her dress over her head. “I like to feel your bare skin against mine.”

  He lowered her gently to the blanket and gathered her into his arms. She fit so perfectly against him—better than any clothes. If he could have gotten closer, he would have. Having her near brought him comfort and peace. He’d never felt this way around another female, not even Sasha.

  Despite his coarse promises, he wanted only to lay awake holding her through the night. Trouble was he felt so comfortable that, before long, he began to drift off.

  It was the full moon that called to his wolf early in the morning. It led him out of the shelter as though pulling an invisible leash at his neck. He crawled over the ground and shifted outside. He lifted his head and howled. Once the echo of his call left the den, he heard a rustle inside the shelter. His ears twitched, and his wolf lips grinned.

  Kallie crawled out and faced him in human form, blinking rapidly as though the sun were shining directly into her face. They were eye level, and they regarded one another in silence.

  Wolfrik turned and trotted into the woods. Not long after, Kallie ran after him in wolf form. He led her past trees in the murky predawn light—the morning moon hovering above their heads. When they reached a small gap in the forest, Wolfrik stopped, lifted his head, and howled again. Kallie joined his chorus. It was his last call to the moon before his wolf mounted Kallie and humped her back without a single concern for consequences.

  Damn animal. Cursed moon. And most of all, damned female who tempted him in the first place.

  These were thoughts he’d have later, in his miserable human form. For now, the beast kept on humping through the height of the full moon.

  chapter nineteen

  She was certain she was pregnant the moment she
shifted. Flora had predicted she would give birth. Only a true seer could have known about Elsie’s curse. She must be right about Kallie, too. She’d lain with Wolfrik during the full moon. Who else would father the strong son the soothsayer had foreseen? Wolfrik had to be the father. Kallie wouldn’t mate with anyone else.

  She sat naked on the ground, head lifted to the round moon—her hand on her belly.

  A whine caught her attention and she dropped her gaze, looking over at Wolfrik, still in wolf form. He gave his whole body a good shake as though he couldn’t believe what he’d just done. Then he gave her one last look before bounding away.

  Kallie turned her attention back to the moon. The big, bright, beautiful moon. The pregnant moon. She beamed up at it and gave thanks.

  A mother. I’m going to be a mother. I know it.

  Even though she couldn’t be absolutely sure, happiness lifted her heart and made her feel weightless, as though she might float above the treetops and into the brightening sky.

  Wolfrik had to know it was a possibility. What had gotten into him? Did some subconscious part of him want this, too? One thing Kallie did know about him was that he would need time to process their full moon mating. She could be patient and give him time. He had always come back to her so far. She felt confident he’d do so again.

  Getting to her feet gently, she stretched her arms above her head and yawned. A smile settled over her lips like a comfortable cotton dress. She took careful steps over the forest, concentrating on the loamy earth between her toes. When she took her time, she didn’t notice her bad leg as much. It too seemed weightless this morning. She should enjoy the sensation while she could. Soon she’d be carrying a lot more weight around her middle.

  Kallie stroked her belly tenderly, feeling more aware of her body than she had in months.

  The clang of the gong reverberated through her body as its sound wave crashed over the trees. When she reached the den, most of their group had already gone. Heath and Alec paced the glade.

  “There she is,” Alec said, pointing at Kallie.

  She raised her brows.

  “We were beginning to worry when you didn’t emerge from your shelter,” Alec said.

  “I went for a run,” Kallie said. Her voice sounded dazed. She felt so blindly happy that she didn’t care how she appeared.

  “I’ll get your dress for you,” Heath said. He froze mid-step and frowned. “Wolfrik’s not in there, is he?”

  Kallie rubbed her lips together and shook her head.

  Once she gave him confirmation, Heath hustled the rest of the way to the shelter and crawled in, returning swiftly with Kallie’s yellow dress.

  “Thanks,” she said as she pulled it over her head.

  She trailed Heath and Alec to the glade, lost in thought and wonder. The males stopped frequently and waited for her to catch up. Such sweet guys. Would her boy be patient and kind? She’d teach him manners. It’s not as though she could leave those lessons to Wolfrik. She laughed softly to herself.

  Reaching the glade late had its advantages. There was only a short line at the cauldron. Heath and Alec stepped aside and urged Kallie to dish up first. She smiled at them gratefully.

  “Good morning, Kallie,” Maureen chirped.

  “Good morning,” Kallie returned with a wide grin. “Mind giving me more?” she asked after Maureen filled her bowl halfway.

  “Not at all.” Maureen spooned extra porridge into Kallie’s bowl.

  “Thank you.” It wasn’t time to eat for two yet, but why wait?

  Kallie cradled the bowl and glanced around, locating her friends. She would have liked sitting alone, lost in her happy thoughts, but she didn’t want to appear rude.

  “Look at you all glowing,” Rosalie said as Kallie took a seat. “Did Wolfrik finally claim you?”

  “No.” Kallie shoveled a large spoonful of porridge into her mouth and savored the warm grains between her teeth.

  “Then why are you smiling?” Rosalie asked with a pout.

  Kallie swallowed the porridge down, turned to her friend, and leveled a warm gaze over her. “Because I’m happy.”

  Rosalie grinned back. “I knew it! You’re lovestruck.”

  “Ugh,” Camilla said, rolling her eyes. “Love sucks.”

  Olivia nodded, her bottom lip pouting.

  Rosalie tossed her hair back. “It only sucks when there’s no one to love you back.”

  Camilla huffed.

  “Anyway, I’m not looking for love at the moment,” Rosalie said. “We used to have fun. Remember?”

  “That was before a dark cloud settled over the hollow,” Camilla grumbled. “My youngest sister was banished; Em wants to claim a female; and Jordan went from despising Raider to rubbing against him like a bitch in heat.” She glared across the clearing to the stump where Jordan straddled Raider, her arms wrapped around his neck.

  Kallie looked at the impassioned pair and was thrilled to notice no more stabs of jealousy, only a longing to be with her own male.

  “You have to move on sometime, Cam,” Rosalie said. “Best thing to do is hump another male—and soon. You’ve already waited an entire moon cycle. It’s not natural.” Rosalie wrinkled her nose.

  Camilla set her bowl on her lap and folded her arms. “And who would you suggest, Roz?”

  With a finger pressed to the bottom of her lips, Rosalie leaned forward and looked around the glade. “Justin?”

  Camilla scowled. “Never again.”




  “Are you trying to piss me off?”

  “Right. Never mind. He’s emergencies only.”

  “Or after you’ve had too much brew,” Olivia added. It was the first time Kallie had heard her attempt a joke in a month. Rosalie and Camilla ignored it.

  “What about Chase?”

  “So I can have Taryn all up in my face?” Camilla straightened her spine. “No, thank you.”

  “Hudson then.”

  “Great. Another one of Jordan’s castoffs and the one who wanted her for his mate. You’re full of shit ideas, Roz.”

  “Hey, he needs to heal, too. Maybe you could help each other out.”

  Camilla dropped her arms and gripped her bowl before shooting up. “I’m not in the mood for this,” she announced before storming away.

  “I’ll talk to her,” Olivia said.

  Rosalie traced her lips absently, eyes glazing over. “Maybe I should sleep with Hudson.”

  Kallie laughed and shook her head. “Is sex all you think about?”

  Rosalie lowered her hand. “I can’t help it if I have a voracious appetite. Tell me you understand?”

  Kallie placed a hand over Rosalie’s and squeezed. “Yes, I do.” She grinned then proceeded to gobble down the rest of her porridge.

  Bad wolf.

  Bad, bad, bad wolf.

  Wolfrik stomped over ferns. He purposely whacked his way through prickly brush as though to punish himself. He deserved to get scratched up and whipped across the face by low-hanging branches. Yet again, he’d acted on impulse, and yet again, there was no turning back.

  Only running away. You’re good at that, aren’t you?

  “Shut up,” he told the voice in his head, followed by a harsh, reprehensible curse.

  What an idiot he’d been, mating Kallie at the height of the full moon. Imbecile! No, not him, his wolf. Wolfrik, the man, never would have done something so stupid.

  He wished he could split in two for a minute so he could scold his wolf.

  But the beast wasn’t dumb—not like him. The animal did what was natural, free from self-censure and emotional consequence. His wolf wanted to procreate with the female he’d chosen. Wolfrik could only hope that by some miracle, he hadn’t been successful.

He cared for Kallie, but he wasn’t ready to be a father. How could he ever be ready after he’d been forced to produce multiple children in captivity . . . Forced to leave them behind to suffer the same cruelties he’d endured. He didn’t deserve happiness. And he sure as hell didn’t deserve a family.

  Oh, this was a fine mess he’d gotten himself into. Maybe if he made up for his wolf’s mating lust and stayed away from Kallie, everything would be all right. As though keeping it in his pants from that hour forward could undo his full moon frenzy.


  Why was he even having this conversation with himself? And why was he walking when he could reach the river caves five times faster in wolf form?

  Oh, right, because he didn’t trust his wolf to make decisions after his full moon shenanigans. As long as Wolfrik was on foot, he should have stopped at the glade and gotten more food for Sparrow, but he hadn’t. Several miles into his journey, he gave up the fight and shifted, alternating between a run and a steady lope until he was in howling distance of the river caves. When no answer came, he broke out into a sprint, causing the air to stir and rush over his raised fur. He didn’t stop until he reached the campsite, snarling at the shifters standing around outside the caves even though they were familiar.

  “Here’s Wolfrik,” Aden said in a calm voice.

  Wolfrik’s ears perked at the sound of his name. He shifted and narrowed his eyes at the two lookout teams: Garrick and Justin, and Zackary and Dylan. Sparrow must have been in the cave since the gathering was all male.

  “What’s going on?” Wolfrik asked.

  “Humans headed this way,” Garrick answered.

  “Why didn’t you howl?”

  “Didn’t want to alert them.”

  “How many?”

  “Fourteen,” Garrick said. “Sixteen, if you count the wolves.”

  Wolfrik’s heart festered inside his chest as though it had turned to meat left too long in the sun. “They have wolves with them?”


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