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Falling for the Playboy (Bedtime Reads Book 2)

Page 9

by Kennedy Fox

  Shaking my head, I grab my stuff and head to the lobby, still trying to figure out what the hell I could’ve said in my sleep. Before the day’s over, I will get it out of him, or it will be his ass.

  When I walk outside, the car is parked and waiting for me. An older gentleman places my suitcases in the trunk and opens the driver’s door. Considering how much they weigh, I tip him well. He thanks me, and I pull up to make more room for other cars as I wait for Maverick. Ten minutes pass and I’m so close to going back to the room and dragging him down here, but then I think maybe I’ll just drive off to teach him a lesson. Just as I’m contemplating my options, he comes waltzing out of the double doors with a pep in his step. I pop the trunk, and he throws his suitcase in, then walks around to my side.

  “I’m driving first,” he bends down and says.

  I shake my head. “Get in the damn car.”

  Crossing his arms over his broad chest, he just stands there. We should’ve already been on the road, so instead of arguing with him, I get out and switch places.

  “See how easy it is when you listen to me.” He flashes a victorious grin as we buckle our seat belts.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” I finally ask as I pull my laptop out of my bag and connect it to my hotspot.

  He shrugs.

  “Just tell me what I said. You’re starting to irritate me.” I huff.

  Licking his lips, he sucks in a deep breath. I wait impatiently for him to speak, but he’s taking his sweet time. “It’s nothing really. You were just moaning my name over and over and over again.”

  My mouth drops open. “No, I wasn’t. You’re so lying right now.”

  Maverick chuckles. “Okay then. I may or may not have a video of it. It was dark, but I could tell by the tone of your voice that you were enjoying it. Must’ve been a really great dream although, if you ask me, real life is much better.”

  “I swear on your career, Maverick, if you recorded me, I’ll–”

  “Maybe I’ll accidentally text it to Rachel and see what she has to say about it,” he interrupts.

  A groan releases from my throat. “You’re determined to drive me crazy.”

  “Only six more days to make that happen. Though to be fair, I think you were already a little crazy.”

  I glare at him, but it doesn’t faze him in the least. He turns on some music and goes into his little world, just as I go into mine. For an hour, I reply to emails regarding Rachel’s next book release. Though we’re still celebrating the grand finale of the Bayshore Coast series, Rachel is always a few books ahead, which means I never get a real break.

  I’ve been texting my old boss, Vada, during this trip and giving her updates. When she first heard about Rachel forcing me to road trip with Maverick, she laughed her ass off—at my expense, of course. Then she begged me to give her all the juicy details so she could put it in a book.

  Now every day she asks me for updates.

  Vada: So, big? Or BIG BIG? :)

  I hold back a chuckle because I don’t want Maverick to know I’m texting about him.

  Olivia: Why are you so interested in another man’s dick? Don’t think Ethan would approve.

  Vada: Are you kidding me? He’s asking for more details than I am, and it’s much worse! We’re both quite invested and are placing bets.

  Olivia: Placing bets on what?

  Vada: …er, nothing. Never mind.

  Olivia: VADA!! You better tell me, or I’m not giving you any more info.

  Vada: You wouldn’t do that to me! :’(

  Olivia: ...try me.

  Vada: Gah! I forget how good you are at playing hardball. Fine! We placed a bet on how long until you two finally sleep together.

  Olivia: OMG! Why would you bet that? Whoever placed that bet is going to LOSE!

  Vada: So, he’s small then? :(

  I swallow down a laugh, though imagining her voice in my head is enough to send me over the edge and blow my cover. She was always such an introvert, all business and obsessed with her cat, Oliver. Now she’s going to Saturday morning farmers’ markets with her husband and new baby, London. Vada’s a whole different person from when we first met, but regardless, I’m super happy for her. Her entire demeanor has changed, and I know she’s the happiest she’s ever been in her life.

  Vada: Hey, Liv. It’s Ethan. I’ve got a pretty good bet going if I win, so help me out, okay? If I win, I get blow jobs for a week. Don’t let me down! :)

  Oliva: Dude. GROSS. I’m not sleeping with him just so you can get some BJs.

  Vada: Sorry about that. He thinks he’s FUNNY. Don’t worry, I smacked him for you.

  Olivia: LOL, thanks. If it gets you two off my ass, I’ll tell you this. Apparently, he was the star in my dream last night, and I said his name in my sleep. And of course, Maverick heard me too! I’m still embarrassed, and he obviously thinks it’s hilarious.

  Vada: OMG...that’s amazing. Totally getting written in.

  Olivia: Great. I’m glad my humiliation is inspiring you so much.

  Vada: You should find out if he’s a good kisser. Ya know, for the book’s sake.

  Olivia: Oh, of course, FOR THE BOOK I’ll just throw all my dignity out the window.

  Vada: Perfect, thanks!! :)

  Olivia: I hate you.

  She sends me a dozen kissy faces and hearts, and I roll my eyes and smile just thinking about her. I miss her a lot and wish we had more time to catch up and actually reunite.

  Once we cross into New Mexico, I occasionally look out the window at the tall weed grasses and rolling hills. It’s so damn green outside, and the setting is picture perfect. The sun is high in the sky, and I check the time against our itinerary. We’re actually ahead of schedule for now, probably because Maverick doesn’t know how to drive the speed limit on these country roads, though I’m not complaining.

  As I stare out the window, the thought of Maverick naked fills my mind, which only annoys me because I don’t want to think about him like that. It doesn’t help that I’ve had to smell the light hint of cologne on his skin all morning either. I swallow hard, trying to push the thoughts away, but it’s no help. The sexy V led straight down to his cleanly shaved…

  “Hey,” he says, and I nearly jump out of my seat. He hasn’t said a word for hours.

  I place my hand over my chest.

  “You’re jumpy as hell,” he says, chuckling. “Are we stopping in Raton? We’re about twenty minutes away.”

  “Yes. We’ll need to fill up, and there’s a really good steak house I want to try.” I don’t think I can eat any more fast food, so I did a quick Google search yesterday. The place has rave reviews.

  “Perfect. You know how I love my steak,” he says, speeding up.

  Soon we’re crossing the overpass and heading into Raton. The town is small with most businesses on the main strip. We stop and get gas, then continue to the steak house.

  “K Bobs?” He pulls into the parking lot and turns off the car.

  “The reviewers said it was awesome. I swear,” I tell him, half-tempted to pull it up on Yelp. Instead, I get out of the car, and he follows. We walk inside, and I’m happy to see the restaurant is full of people. We’re seated instantly, and our order is taken soon after. The silence draws on between us, and I don’t really know what to say, considering I moaned his name all night after seeing his anaconda dick.

  “So…” he says before drinking half of the glass of water that was set in front of him. “What’s your favorite color? Fave TV show? Or maybe for you, favorite book?”

  “Are we playing fifty questions now?” I give him a look that says I’m less than amused.

  “My favorite color is red. Mainly because it symbolizes power and can convey many different emotions. Love. Hate. Anger. Passion.”

  I swallow hard, watching him. He’s trying, so I decide to play along.

  “I like the color black because it matches everything.”

  He chuckles. “Even your dark soul.”

  Before I can get a word out, our food is placed in front of us. Maverick is still smiling at me as he cuts into his rare steak. “Even like my steaks to be red.”

  “You’re gross. It’s basically still mooing,” I say, fully content with my chicken salad.

  He puts a piece of the meat on his fork and reaches across the table. “Don’t knock it till you try it.”

  “Thanks, but no thanks.”

  The waitress walks over and asks us if we need anything before placing our check on the table. I look at the time, thankful we don’t have to rush.

  “So what’s on the schedule today?” Maverick asks before scooping mashed potatoes into his mouth.

  I smile. “You really want to know?”

  He nods and continues chewing. I give him a thorough rundown, actually impressed when he listens. Only took close to a week to make that happen.

  After we’re both finished eating, I pay the bill, and we both stop to use the restroom before we go. I walk outside, and Maverick is waiting for me by the door. On the way to the car, I hold out my hand, and he gives me the keys. I’m starting to get used to this road trip stuff. Maybe one day I’ll take one for pleasure. The thought of that makes me laugh.

  We climb into the car, and I’m still smiling.

  “What? Dreaming about me being naked again?” Maverick asks.

  “No, that’d be a nightmare,” I tell him as images of his abs and sexy V flash through my mind. Ugh.

  “But you are now, aren’t you?” His smug smile drives me nuts. I want to smack it right off his gorgeous, charming face.

  I place the car in drive and try to ignore those thoughts. I glance at Maverick for a moment and see him watching me intently. Sometimes when he smiles, he has this small dimple in his cheek that’s so damn cute. All I can do is shake my head as he sits there completely satisfied with himself for making me think about him naked all over again.

  My mouth falls open as I try to soak in my surroundings as we drive out of Raton toward the mountains. The sky is so damn blue, and the grass is bright green. I follow the winding road until we’re driving up in elevation through the pass and crossing the Colorful Colorado sign. Every once in a while, I catch a glimpse of the snowcapped Rockies.

  We drive through Trinidad, and I’m mesmerized by the mountains in the distance.

  “They’re beautiful,” I whisper.

  Maverick turns and looks at me with a small smile. “That peak over there is Pikes Peak. There used to be a cog train you could take to the top, but I heard it’s closed indefinitely. It’s one of the coolest experiences I’ve had. Though Colorado is beautiful during the summer, nothing compares to this place in the winter when everything is covered in white. It’s unbelievable and steals your breath away. Every Christmas growing up, my family would fly to Aspen for a ski trip. It became my second home.”

  I look at him then back at the road. “Wow. I wish I could see it snowed over. And how lucky were you for getting to spend Christmas in the mountains? You must be spoiled or something,” I tease.

  Maverick gives me a cheeky grin. “I have an older brother and a sister who’s a few years younger, so there was no room for me to be spoiled. My parents just believed in us all being together and creating memories and family experiences during the holidays instead of giving us gifts we’d break or lose or grow out of. So each year, we’d take a big trip because we all loved the mountains so much. Looking back at it, those times are some of the ones I cherish the most, and I’m so grateful for them. What about you?”

  “No siblings. I’m an only child. You’re lucky. I always wished I had a brother or sister, and you’ve got both.”

  A hearty laugh releases from his lips. “There were times when I would’ve happily given them away. It’s not easy being the middle child. I’ve had to prove myself all my life. Probably why I’m so good at modeling. Lots of practice fighting to be in the spotlight.” He goes back to staring out the window.

  The mood shifts in the car. There’s something more, something he’s not saying, so I try to change the subject.

  “So you said you used to fly to Aspen? Do you just road trip there now?” I let out a laugh, but he doesn’t react. He seems too lost in his thoughts.

  “We don’t travel for Christmas anymore. Haven’t for a long time now,” he vaguely replies.

  I give him a smile then bring my attention back to the road. “Well, why not?”

  Maverick runs his bottom lip between his teeth before speaking, and I don’t dare rush him.

  “It’s okay. That was rude of me to ask. You don’t have to answer,” I say, not wanting to make him feel uncomfortable.

  “No, no. It’s fine.” Maverick runs his hand along the scruff on his jawline, looking torn. While he’s usually clean shaven, the past few days he’s allowed the stubble to grow. He sucks in a deep breath and exhales it slowly. “When I was seventeen, my entire world tilted on its axis. Olivia, this isn’t something that I typically talk about, so go easy on me, okay?”

  I nod, not saying a word because I realize the seriousness of the situation just by his tone. The smile that once played on his lips is long gone.

  “All my life, all I wanted to do was prove myself to my father. To show him I was trying to make my own mark in the world and that I was special too. My brother was the starting quarterback for his university, and my sister was a child genius. Then there was me, Maverick, and I had the middle kid syndrome. I realize that now. Anyway, after I started driving, I’d volunteer my time on the weekends at a local senior citizen home, and that’s when I was “discovered” in a sense. A photographer caught a shot of me helping an older woman walk to a car, and it was placed on the front page of a bigger newspaper. I basically went viral. Modeling agencies contacted my parents because they ultimately had to give permission for me to work since I was under eighteen. I was booked solid after school and on the weekends. My mother took it upon herself to be my agent, not allowing anyone to screw me over. Every penny I made, she put into a savings account for college. For the first time ever, I had my father's attention, and he was proud of me.”

  He glances over at me with sad eyes, and I give him a small smile of encouragement before he continues.

  “My dad was a pilot and had been flying for nearly twenty years. He was doing private charter then, basically flying people back and forth like an air taxi. I had a meeting in New York with a big agency, and my dad was so adamant about flying me there, though he had clients he still needed to fly to Seattle. The plan was to fly from LA to Seattle, then take me to New York, but the plane was full, and there wasn’t space for me to take the Seattle flight. I was so mad that I couldn’t get on that plane. My mom booked our flights, paid a small fortune for them, and we flew commercial but ended up being delayed on our connecting flight due to weather. When we finally landed in New York, we got the call that my father was involved in an accident.”

  I swallow hard, and my mouth slightly falls open.

  “He had clearance to fly to New York to meet us after he dropped his passengers in Seattle, and though the weather quickly shifted, he was certified to fly in those conditions. Due to mistakes he made, exhaustion, and other things, his plane went down.” Maverick closes his eyes tight. “And I’ve blamed myself ever since.”

  Tucking my lips into my mouth, I try to get ahold of my emotions. I feel like such a bitch for saying anything about him refusing to fly. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

  I reach out and grab his hand and squeeze it. “And that’s not your fault,” I say, breaking our touch.

  He lets out a stifled laugh. “Thank you. So needless to say, I haven’t flown since my plane touched down in New York. The anxiety I experience in airports is too overwhelming, and getting on a plane is something I don’t think I could handle. So, if people want me to go on tours like these, they have to take me like I am, broken and completely fucked up, or I don’t go.”

  I fully understand now. “It totally makes sense,
and I don’t blame you. And you’re not fucked up or broken, okay? It’s just more personal than most people realize. I get it. And I’m sorry for giving you shit earlier.”

  Finally, he smiles. “This is the reason I try to live each day like it’s my last, Olivia. I shouldn't be here right now because I was supposed to be on that plane. And I don’t know what divine intervention had me going another path, but there’s a reason. A lot of people ask me why I continue to pursue this career so hard, and the truth is, I want to continue to make my dad proud. He told me he knew I’d go far, and I’ll spend every day for the rest of my life proving him right.”

  “I think you already have,” I tell him and mean it.

  When he looks into my eyes, that’s when I feel the shift. There are unspoken words streaming between us, and it’s almost too much for me to handle.

  Thankfully, the GPS interrupts the moment and tells me to take an exit toward downtown Denver. The tall buildings steal our attention as we search for our hotel. People are riding bicycles and scooters while others are happily running on the side of the road. I lower the windows and allow the fresh mountain air to swiftly blow through the car.

  I continue driving down 16th Street, pass the Tattered Covers Bookstore where Rachel’s signing is, then make a right toward the hotel. It’s walking distance from the bookstore, and I internally do a small victory dance because it’s a bit closer than I originally thought. After I pull into the valet lane, I unbuckle and look at Maverick.

  “Remember to be on your best behavior,” I playfully remind him.


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