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Falling for the Playboy (Bedtime Reads Book 2)

Page 18

by Kennedy Fox

“No offense against you, but I’m actually surprised you’ve lasted this long with her. You’re her assistant, not her maid, housekeeper, or dog sitter. I hate to say it, but you need to set some boundaries. If not, she’s going to continue to walk all over you because you’ve allowed it for so long.”

  She’s right. I know she’s right. Maverick even said the same thing. However, I need this job like I need air. “I know.” Glancing down at my phone, I realize I’ve already wasted too much time.

  Presley stands and gives me a big hug and a smile. “I’m sorry.”

  Pulling back, I narrow my eyes at her. “For what?”

  A door closes in the studio, and I hear footsteps on the wooden floor behind me. I turn around to see who’s coming, and when my eyes meet Maverick’s, I feel as if I’m falling. Quickly, I turn and glare at Presley who shrugs and goes back to her computer. “Told you I was sorry.”

  “How did you know?” I whisper, wondering how she knew about Maverick and me. Seeing him standing so damn sexy, wearing clothes that hug him in all the right places, makes me forget every reason I’ve been avoiding him. The need I have for him is too damn powerful to ignore.

  She just grins. “I have my resources.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  The moment my eyes meet hers, it’s as if time stands stills. She’s just as beautiful as the last time I saw her. My heart lurches forward, and though my feet feel frozen to the floor, I force myself to walk toward her. The fact that she’s shocked, with her jaw dropped, makes not telling her I’d be here worth it. I wanted to surprise her but wasn’t sure if this would be a good or bad surprise, considering she hasn’t been talking to me. Distance is hard, but for her, I’d try anything. The only way to tell her how I really feel is in person.

  “Maverick. What are you doing here?” she finally asks, blinking hard as if to make sure I’m real.

  I don’t immediately answer, and Presley raises her hand, temporarily bringing the attention back to her. “I booked him for a shoot. Wanted to show him around the studio first.” By the look on Presley’s face, I know she’s bluffing. She must know about our history and planned this somehow.

  Olivia turns and looks at Presley, shaking her head. All I want to do is pull her into my arms and kiss the fuck out of her, but I know Olivia prefers discretion and privacy. I’m not one to kiss and tell, mainly because Olivia doesn’t want anyone to know. The truth is, I don’t want Olivia to be my best-kept secret. I want the fucking world to know how I feel.

  “Surprise?” I smirk with a shrug, hoping she doesn’t push me away again. I don’t know if I could handle being rejected by her in person.

  As she walks forward, her heels click on the wood floor. “Surprise? Surprise?! You’re in Chicago. Here. Right now. And that’s all you have to say?”

  I nod and close the gap between us. She places her hands on her hips, giving me all sorts of sass, and I pull her into my arms. Though Olivia is reserved, and Presley is around, I don’t care. I can’t wait any longer. Ever since I signed the contracts for the shoot, I’ve been thinking about this very moment, what I would say to her when we were face-to-face and how this would all play out. I just didn’t expect her to be here when I arrived, so I’m somewhat shocked as well. Divine intervention wins again.

  Not another minute can pass without me knowing if my feelings will be reciprocated. There’s no rushing when I pull her close. My lips softly press against hers, and she sinks into me, the kiss growing deeper. It’s as if no time has passed at all, and I’m so damn happy that when we pull apart, a grin fills her face.

  Olivia reaches back and smacks my arm.

  “Hey!” I playfully say, rubbing the area as if it actually hurt.

  “You deserve that!” she responds.

  “Why?” I chuckle. “You’re the one who’s been ignoring me.”

  Presley stands, smiles, and then makes her way across the studio. “I’ll see you two lovebirds later,” she announces, and then I hear the door click closed.

  As soon as she’s out of sight, Olivia wraps her arms around my waist. “I’m really glad you’re here. I know I have a lot of explaining to do.”

  “Have you eaten yet?” I ask, knowing she probably hasn’t.

  Before she can respond, her phone goes off. She groans as she pulls it from her pocket. “Shit. I have to go. I’m so sorry. I still need to go grocery shopping for Rachel and work for a few more hours before I’m released from prison. Will you be around later?”

  I take her phone from her hand. “Rachel can wait. We’re having lunch.”

  She opens her mouth to argue, but I place my finger over her lips. “Say yes, Olivia.”

  “You know I can’t deny you when you look at me like that,” she admits with a pouty face.

  “Like what, like you’re a delicate flower?” I laugh, reminding her what Rachel once said. Instantly, Olivia rolls her eyes.

  “Okay, fine. Lunch. Then I really have to get back to work.”

  I smirk. “I’ll take what I can get.”

  We walk outside, and Olivia bursts out into laughter when she sees the Toyota Prius parked on the street.

  “Are you kidding me? I thought you didn’t do Prius?” she asks with her hands placed on her hips.

  “They don’t bother me that much. I just wanted to see how far I could push you. I won, didn’t I?” I unlock the car and walk toward it.

  “You asshole!” She chuckles getting inside. “Do you have any idea what I had to do to get rid of that car in LA?”

  “Sell your kidney?” I glance over at her, and it almost feels like we’re getting ready for another adventure, and in a way, we are.

  “Basically. I promised my firstborn and had to slip the guy a fifty.”

  When I laugh, she scolds me for being a douche when we first met. I almost apologize, but then don’t, because I don’t regret anything that led us to where we are right now.

  “Where do you want to eat?” I ask, pulling out onto the street.

  “Chicago pizza. The real kind, not that bullshit you eat in LA.” She glances at me, and I see the blush hit her cheeks.

  “Perfect.” I let her plug in the address and have the GPS guide me. After we park and get out, I place my hand on the small of her back as we walk in. She looks over at me and smiles. I’m relieved she welcomes my touch.

  After we order the biggest pepperoni pizza on the menu, we find a table outside on the sidewalk. The city noise creates a relaxing ambiance. For a moment, I don’t even know how to start the conversation, because there’s so much I need to say.

  We both open our mouths at the same time, then close them.

  “Go ahead,” I tell her.

  “No, you go first,” she says.

  “I’ve missed you so damn much.” I search her face and watch her lips turn up into a genuine smile. Before she can respond, her phone starts ringing, and she rejects it.

  “I’ve missed you too, Maverick,” she admits.

  The phone rings again. I glance down and see it’s Rachel, and I’m so annoyed because we have important things to discuss, things that can’t wait, unlike her groceries. When the phone rings again, I answer it.

  “Olivia’s phone.”

  “Who is this?” she instantly asks.

  I don’t have time to be friendly right now. “What do you want, Rachel?”

  “Maverick?” she asks, shocked.

  “Yep. What do you need?”

  “I need to speak to Olivia,” Rachel demands.

  I look at Olivia sitting on the edge of her chair. I put the phone on speaker so Olivia can hear the rest of the conversation.

  “Olivia isn’t available for the rest of the day. She will not be picking up your groceries or doing whatever else you need her to do. It can wait. You have run her ragged for the past year, and enough is enough. For once, you need to treat her with the respect she deserves and like a human. You need to learn to treat her better than you treat your goddamn dog, Ra
chel. Learn how to say thank you and please every once in a while. Learn how to be appreciative of everything she does for you. Otherwise, you’re going to lose someone who’s running your entire fucking life. Now, do you need anything else or are we done here?”

  The line is dead silent.

  Olivia sits in front of me with wide eyes and her hands covering her mouth, completely stunned.

  “Excuse me?” Rachel finally speaks up.

  “You heard every word I said. Olivia will see you first thing Monday morning. She’s taking the rest of today, Friday, and the weekend off. She’s due for some vacation time after traveling, and you’ll be perfectly fine without her for a few days,” I tell her, imagining her face and how she’s probably internally losing her shit. The thought makes me smile.

  “Okay then.” Her voice is flat with zero emotion.

  “Alright. Nice chatting with you.” I hang up, not waiting for her to respond.

  The color drains from Olivia’s face. “I can’t believe you did that. I mean, I should’ve said those words to her ages ago, but I’m probably going to get fired on Monday. I just know it.”

  Shaking my head, I grab her hands. “Rachel knows her entire life will fall apart without you. She can’t afford to fire you. You run the show, not her.”

  Olivia lets out a breath. “Okay. I just hope you’re right, but I trust you.” Her eyes meet mine. “Thank you for sticking up for me. I don’t think anyone has ever done that for me before.”

  “Honestly, I should’ve done it in Dallas, Denver, or Vegas,” I admit. “I hated watching her treat you like that, but it was hard to know my place and if I could say something to her. But enough is enough,” I tell her. “But now I have you all to myself without any interruptions.” I grab her hand and place a soft kiss on her knuckles. “So what would you like to do for the rest of the day?”

  “You have a photo shoot,” she reminds me as the most glorious pizza I’ve ever seen is set on our table. It smells delicious and makes my mouth water.

  “Actually…” I linger, grabbing a piece of pizza and trying not to moan out how amazing it is when I take a bite.

  Olivia laughs between bites. “It’s good isn’t it?”

  “The best fucking pizza I’ve ever had,” I admit. “Also, the shoot isn’t until tomorrow. Presley booked it for Friday, but I decided to come a day earlier. I was hoping to see you. I didn’t know you’d be at the studio, though.”

  She sets her pizza down and looks at me. “Presley knows something’s going on between us. She knows all the drama. You really can’t tell her anything or even give hints. She’s like Scooby Doo and picks up on any sort of clues.” She chuckles. “But I’m really happy you’re here.”

  “Me too.”

  After we’ve finished the entire pizza, we head back to the Prius.

  Once we’re inside, I hesitate before starting the car. I turn my body and face her.

  “Olivia,” I say, grabbing her hand. “I didn’t just come here for the photo shoot. I came here because I needed to see you. I’m not giving up on us even if you have or believe it’s the right thing to do. I know why you stopped responding to my messages, but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. Texting with you every day made me feel a happiness I didn’t know existed. Just getting to be a part of your life somehow, in any way, felt special to me. I know this whole long-distance thing will be difficult, but I want to try because I want to be with you. Those two weeks we spent together have forever been imprinted on my heart. I let you into a piece of my life that I don’t share with anyone. You told me things that I’m sure you don’t tell others either. There’s something between us, and I don’t want to let it go. What we have is special, and I’d be dumb to let you slip through my fingers. On the road, I fell in love with you, Olivia. No amount of distance can change that.”

  “Maverick,” she whispers, squeezing her eyes tight before looking at me. “I’m scared.”

  I move closer to her. “I know. I am too. But I’m more scared of losing you. Scared that if I don’t take a chance, I’ll never know what we could’ve been. Maybe I’m crazy, but I love you, Olivia. I love you so damn much.”

  She leans forward and greedily kisses me. She doesn’t hesitate when she repeats those four words. “I love you too, Maverick. As crazy as it sounds, I already knew I was falling for you before I left LA.”

  “It’s not crazy. Well, maybe a little.” I chuckle. “But I don’t care. I know what I feel and that what we shared together was real.”

  “It was real,” she confirms. Her tone is low and daunting, which starts to scare me. “ I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for what I did.”

  I can see she’s upset. “What do you mean?” I ask.

  “For pushing you away, ignoring your messages, trying to pretend we were better off without each other. I thought that if I stopped talking to you, I’d just be able to forget anything ever happened between us. I tried to get on with my life and stupidly thought it would go back to how things were before I met you. But it was impossible. The more I ignored you, the more I thought about you. It hurt so much, but I was afraid of falling for you, Maverick, even though I already had. I’m afraid I’ll end up like my mother.” Her voice cracks at the end, and I notice she’s tearing up, though she somehow holds herself together. “I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. It’s a foreign feeling for me, and I’m afraid when the newness wears off, you’ll no longer be interested.”

  “Olivia.” My voice is soft. “I will love you for as long as you’ll let me. I promise you that.”

  “Forever then?” She slightly smiles.

  “Yes, sweetheart. Forever.” And when I say those words, they feel so deeply ingrained in my soul that I know what we have is special. No other person has made me feel so alive, not since my dad passed away.

  “I want to bring you home with me,” she adds, and I don’t argue. “But I’m driving us there.”

  I tilt my head at her, and we switch places. “I like a woman who takes control.” A smile touches my lips because it reminds me of our road trip.

  As we’re heading through downtown Chicago, I roll down the window. It’s not my first visit here, but being with Olivia, makes it feel new and exciting. After she parks on the street, she gets out, and I follow her up the stairs. She unlocks the door and steps aside to allow me to enter. Looking around, all I can do is take it all in. I imagine her walking around in her T-shirt with her hair down working and drinking coffee. This place fits her with the small kitchen, cute living room, and big windows that overlook the street. Everything is neat and perfectly in place, which doesn’t surprise me.

  I turn around and see her staring at me. “What?” I ask with a half-smile.

  “I just...” She shakes her head. “I can’t believe you’re here right now. Feels like I’m dreaming. Am I?”

  Within five steps, I close the space between us and barely pinch her arm. “Nope. I’m really here.”

  Our mouths violently crash together, and we’re ravenous for one another. I’ve thought about this very moment every day since I planned my trip to Chicago. I was worried she’d reject me, push me away, but as her tongue glides across mine, I know it was a useless concern. She fists my T-shirt in her hands, and it’s all the approval I need as I undress her. She’s so damn greedy, rushing to take off her clothes, but I stop her.

  “I don’t want to rush,” I admit.

  Her eyebrows shoot up. “You pop up out of the blue, and now you want to take it slow?”

  I smile with a laugh. “Yeah?”

  She lets out a humph and grabs my hand, leading me to her bedroom. “How was the drive? Did you get into any bad weather?”

  I chuckle, brushing the hair from her shoulder, kissing the softness of her neck. “It was quick.”

  “Quick?” She pulls back, slightly confused.

  When she looks up at me, I tuck loose hairs behind her ear and dip down to paint my lips across hers. “I flew here.”

>   Her mouth falls open, and I give her a side grin. Shocking her is way too pleasing.

  “Wait. You flew? Like on a plane?” Olivia searches my face as if she’s waiting for me to say I’m joking.

  I chuckle, then nod. “I’d fly to the end of the Earth if that means being with you, Olivia. It was time I faced my fears—all of them.”

  “Oh my God. I can’t believe you flew. I feel awful for ignoring you. I thought I was protecting you from a broken heart. I never imagined you’d come out here,” she says.

  “I love you, Olivia. I couldn’t wait two days to see you, so I booked a flight. The only thing that kept me sane on that plane was the thought of you, the thought of us, together. You were the light at the end of the tunnel.”

  She pulls me close, holding me in her arms, and smiles. “Thank you for coming here. I missed you more than you’ll ever know.” She wraps her arms around my neck. Olivia kisses me so passionately, she steals my breath away.

  “Baby, I’ll do anything to make this work. Long-distance, texting, FaceTime, phone calls. Weekend flights. I’m not giving up on us.”

  “Me either. I’m all in,” she confirms, and it makes me the happiest man in the world to hear those words.

  We make love until the early morning, losing track of time, and only stopping to eat dinner. I feel like I’m in a dream state with her, appreciating every inch of her body. Time almost stands still when we lose ourselves together.

  Eventually, we fall asleep, holding each other as if we’ll never let go, and this time, I know when I wake up, she’ll still be here.

  Olivia Carpenter is mine.

  Chapter Twenty-Three



  After doing the whole long-distance relationship thing for the past year, I finally took the leap and packed up my life in Chicago to be with Maverick. Being away from him and having to fly back and forth wasn’t the easiest task in the world, but we learned to cherish every moment we had together. Though it never felt like enough. We knew that if we really wanted to see where things could go, we had to be together. So we decided to buy a condo and start in a new, fresh place. It’s been the scariest, riskiest, and most exciting thing I’ve ever done. In his typical Maverick fashion, he’s surprising me, and I’ve only been here for twenty-four hours.


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