Erotic Short Stories 1

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by Lynn Hagen


  Lynn Hagen’s

  Erotic Short Stories

  Volume 1







  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  Lynn Hagen’s Erotic Short Stories, Volume 1

  Copyright © 2018 by Lynn Hagen

  ISBN: 978-1-64243-145-2

  First Publication: Alternative 2018

  Cover design by Emma Nicole

  All art and logo copyright © 2018 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  Lynn Hagen loves writing about the somewhat flawed, but lovable. She also loves a hero who can see past all the rough edges to find the shining diamond of a beautiful heart.

  You can find her on any given day curled up with her laptop and a cup of hot java, letting the next set of characters tell their story.

  For all titles by Lynn Hagen, please visit


  Cameron has been in love with his straight best friend since forever, and when Delano calls to tell him he’s coming to town for a visit, Cameron is thrilled, but panicked. Delano doesn’t know that Cameron is into men, and it’ll take a whole crew of movers to pack the gayness out of his apartment.


  Never, ever trust a man with pretty eyes. Sam made that mistake when he borrowed money from a loan shark. But he’s saved by the most unexpected person, and now Sam is on the run with nowhere to hide and a gorgeous hunk at his side.


  Pedro has lusted after Roland for five years, but Roland has always looked at him as Cage’s kid brother. But Cage is having a dinner party, and Roland will be there. Can Pedro make Roland see him for the man he’s become or will the hot detective turn him down once again?


  Older men are David’s kink and he’s hot for his brother’s boss. But Lieutenant Spears’s constant hesitation and avoidance has David second guessing himself. Until an office visit has Darren taking control and David being punished in the most pleasurable way for his brattiness.


  Reggie is at his wits end when he’s pulled over by a cop. His license is expired, his insurance has lapsed, and the cop just won’t cut him a break. But things become interesting when they arrive at Reggie’s apartment and Officer Cummings invites himself inside and decides to sensually pat Reggie down.


  Lynn Hagen’s Erotic Short Stories, Volume 1

  No Resistance

  In the Hot Seat

  Friends with Benefits

  Naughty Intentions

  Put Your Hands Behind Your Back

  Lynn Hagen’s Erotic Short Stories, Volume 1


  Copyright © 2018

  No Resistance

  There are some things that are meant to be, but kick-starting the process doesn’t always go as smoothly as one thinks it will. I’d known Delano Bantero all my life. We’d grown up together, our houses right next door to each other’s, which made us inseparable in our youth.

  But then Delano’s parents had moved, and I hadn’t seen my best friend in over ten years. We’d stayed in touch, but it wasn’t the same as him living next door.

  So when he called two weeks ago and said he was coming to town, I was super excited. We’d agreed to meet up tonight, and I’d given him the address to Engel’s Tavern.

  Now I sat there staring at him from across the room. He hadn’t noticed me yet, but, although he looked older, I could never forget my best friend’s face. Damn. I should have told him to meet me at a hotel.

  Delano was all lean muscles and wavy black hair, and five-o’clock shadow lined his strong jaw. He still had those gorgeous green eyes I remembered, but fuck, he’d filled out nicely. Even through his thin jacket I saw how round his biceps were. His shirt hugged his rigid abdomen, and I got hard as I thought of licking every goddamn inch of him.

  The music blared through the crowded bar as people all around me shouted to be heard. Glasses clinked and laughter floated through the room as I stared dreamy-eyed at him. What I wouldn’t give to walk up to my best friend and give him a long, hard…hug. Delano had no idea I was gay. I’d never told him for fear he would drop me as his best friend, and that wasn’t a heartache I was willing to suffer through.

  I chewed my thumbnail, wondering what to say. I’d spotted him walking through the door two minutes ago, and he was still looking around for me. As I slipped from the barstool, my heart thundered and my grip on my beer mug tightened.

  Then our eyes locked. A wide, sucker-punch-to-the-gut smile surfaced on his face. His brilliant white teeth made him ten times more handsome as he weaved through the throng of people to get to me.

  “Cameron, look at you.” Delano took me by surprise by hugging me. I hoped like hell he didn’t feel my flourishing erection as I covertly inhaled a lungful of his masculine odor.

  “Me?” I chuckled. “Look at you. I hardly recognized you.” I was such a big-ass liar. He still had those killer dimples, but my gaze kept fixating on his eyes. They were smoldering, bedroom eyes, like uncut emeralds, dazzling anyone who stared into them.

  He laid his hand on my upper arm and guided me to the bar. There was only one stool, so he insisted I take it while he stood behind me. I choose this place to stave off any awkwardness we might’ve felt at our reunion. I should’ve known there would be no tension between us. There never had been before. Being with Delano had always been as easy as breathing.

  “My mom would flip if she saw you,” Delano said. “She still asks about you.”

  Delano came from a huge Italian family who were loud, stuck their noses into everyone’s business, and gossiped worse than old ladies at bingo. They were also Catholic to the extreme. That was one of the reasons I hadn’t told Delano that I was into men. If his family got wind of it, they would’ve shut our friendship down faster than the Titanic had sunk.

  Delano was all about family, was meshed in lives of everyone in his, so I never told him I’d fallen in love with him before I even knew what “gay” was.

  “What’re you having?”

  “Just beer from the tap.” I gripped my mug with both hands to stop myself from touching him. It wasn’t easy. Having his chest pressed to my back made me want to grind against him, made me want to lean my head to the side and beg him for a kiss.

  Delano held a hand up, and the bartender strode over to us. My friend ordered a whiskey, then turned back to me. “Still working those long hours?”

  “Yep.” I took a hard swallow of my beer to calm my nerves
. It didn’t work. My hand shook as I set the mug back on the counter, hoping Delano didn’t notice. “But when you told me you’d be in town, I took the weekend off.”

  Delano’s dark brows rose as his smile returned. “All weekend, just for me?”

  Little did he know I would do anything for him. If Delano asked me to strip naked right here in the bar, I would have. Thank God he hadn’t asked. While Delano had filled out nicely, I was still the skinny twig I’d always been. No definition to my body whatsoever.

  I barely had enough ass to keep my jeans up.

  “You gonna see your cousin Gino while you’re here?” I hated Gino. He was a wannabe gangster who hustled on the streets and was a menace to the neighborhood. I’d run into him a few times over the years, had been polite, but hauled ass right after I’d said hello.

  Gino had a few friends who hung on his every word, his peanut gallery who enforced for the prick. He had a rap sheet a mile long, had been to prison twice, and no doubt had warrants on him now.

  Delano shook his head and I saw the irritation in his eyes. “I told him I’d stop by to see him.”

  Delano was a narcotic detective and Gino was a dealer. Helluva family combination.

  I gave a false laugh. “I just hope you don’t have to bust him while you’re here.”

  Delano sighed. “He’s a headache to deal with, but I don’t think he’s dumb enough to do anything illegal while I’m around him.”

  “How’s the detective life treating you?” I leaned back just a little farther, inwardly groaning at how good pressing myself against him felt. I would die and go to heaven if he curled his arms around me. I wanted to be nestled in all those muscles.

  “That’s one of the reasons I wanted to see you.” Delano picked up his tumbler and took a sip.

  Furrowing my brows, I asked, “What does your job have to do with your visit?”

  “I’m transferring here.”

  My heart did a summersault while my stomach clenched. I’d never hidden my homosexuality—except from Delano and his family. If he moved back to Summerville, I’d have to. Good-bye, gay clubs. There was no way I’d risk running into him while dressed like a slut.

  I wasn’t really a slut, though. I could count on the one hand how many lovers I’d had. But I did love to party when not working, and most people would consider my outfits outrageous.

  “That’s great!” I set my beer down, and gave him a manly hug—brief with minimal contact. “When is the big move?”

  “My mom and cousins are packing my apartment now. I start at District Ten Monday.”

  I started to sweat as my hands kept fluttering to my throat. “Where are you gonna stay?”

  Delano winked at me. “I was hoping I could crash at your place until I found my own.”

  Disaster! Danger, Will Robinson! The things strewn around my apartment would give me away. Sequined dresses, boas, skintight boy shorts, wigs, and makeup galore. I should’ve cleaned up knowing Delano would be here visiting, but I was as lazy as fuck, and hiding every gay thing I owned would’ve taken a whole crew of men to accomplish.

  I shoved my thumbnail into my mouth, wondering how I would explain away my apartment.

  Delano furrowed his brows. “You think I don’t know you like the back of my hand?”

  I nervously laughed. “What do you mean?”

  He didn’t know me as well as he thought he did.

  Delano tugged on a lock of my hair. “Anytime you chew on your nail, you’re nervous because you’re hiding something.”

  The guy to my left was wasted. When he stood, he tilted heavily to the side, knocking into me. Delano’s arm shot out, giving the man a slight nudge to keep him off me.

  “Sluze me,” the man said. “Gotta pizzzzz.”

  Delano placed himself between the drunkard and me. “Why don’t we get out of here?”

  Maybe subconsciously I hadn’t cleaned up because I was tired of hiding who I was from my best friend. Maybe I wanted to be caught. Maybe I was a complete idiot for thinking that in the first place. Whether I hid my stuff or not, Delano was a detective. He’d always been a snooper growing up, and he would’ve discovered my things anyway.

  I downed the last of my beer in one swallow, wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, and let out a manly belch before sliding from my stool. As soon as I spilled onto the street, the cool night air slapped me in the face. I felt dizzy and wasn’t sure if it was from the alcohol or my nerves.

  “You okay to walk?” Delano looked curiously at me. “You’re a bit pale.”

  That was because all my blood had gone south. My cock was so hard that I prayed my long shirt covered it. I also felt as if I was walking to my doom. I must’ve kicked myself a thousand times on the way home for not getting some boxes and practically packing my apartment to hide my life from Delano.

  When we stopped at the front entrance to my building, my hands trembled as I tried to unlock the entry door. I missed the keyhole three damn times.

  “I think you had more to drink than just that one beer.” Delano took the keys from me.

  I leaned against the bricks, looking toward the night sky, soaking up the last moments of our friendship.

  “Come on.” Delano took my hand and guided me inside. “Apartment four, right?”

  When I nodded, he pulled me up the steps and used my keys to unlock my apartment door.

  I held my breath as he stepped inside.

  * * * *

  “Who is that stud?” Jasmine stood in her bedroom doorway, one hand on the frame, the other curled around her curvaceous hip. In truth, I was envious of her. She was tall, all legs, and a knockout, and so pretty that most men didn’t care about her Adam’s apple. She was dressed to the nines in her red stilettos and tight black dress. Her makeup was perfection, her lips pouty-looking with that red lipstick covering them.

  Jasmine sashayed from her doorway, her steps more of a glide than a walk. I had hoped she wouldn’t be home. I could still rectify the situation by blaming all the glam on her, but not if she said anything that would give me away.

  “This is Detective Delano Bantero. Remember, the friend I told you about?” Before I could grab Delano’s arm and steer him away from the train wreck, he took Jasmine’s hand and kissed her knuckles.

  “A pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Delano gave her a disarming smile and I wasn’t sure which person I wanted to slug. One night, in a drunken stupor, I’d told Jasmine about Delano, about how he was the only man I’d ever truly loved, about how straight he was, and now she stood there smiling at Delano as if she’d melt on the spot.

  “You failed to mention how gorgeous he is,” Jasmine purred. “I’d lick him like a bowl of cream.”

  Delano coughed. My mouth dropped open, and I grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the couch. “Why don’t you go lick Frank? I thought you had a date tonight.”

  Her gaze slid over Delano. “Frank who?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Delano is here to see me, Jasmine. Now go away.”

  She pouted as she spun and sashayed away. When I turned to Delano, he was looking around the living room. He fingered my pink boa, then brushed a hand over the blond wig I’d left sitting there from the night before. “Interesting place you have.”

  Sweat gathered under my arms as my pulse beat wildly. “Jasmine’s a slob. She leaves her things everywhere.”

  I waited for him to ask if Jasmine was really a guy, or something insensitive like that. She not only had an Adam’s apple, but large hands. But Delano didn’t ask. “Got something to drink?”

  “The kitchen is this way.” If it could be called a kitchen. It was more like a closet, with no room for a table. That had never mattered to me since I rarely ate at home. But now I felt embarrassed at my tiny apartment as Delano moved his large frame into the small space.

  “Didn’t you bring any luggage?” I grabbed a bottle of beer from the fridge and handed it to him.

  “My bags are in my car.” Delano twisted th
e top off and tossed it into the trash can. “I’ll have to go back to the tavern and get it.”

  I was stalling. Delano would want to see my room, but I had panties, bras, and slinky lingerie hanging everywhere. Jasmine wasn’t the only slob.

  He took a long drink from his bottle before heading out of the shoebox. “Where’s your bedroom?”

  It felt like I was walking through quicksand as I made my way to my room. I could blame the rest of the apartment on Jasmine, but I couldn’t explain away my bedroom. With a resigned sigh, I waved at the door. “In there.”

  “What’s wrong?” Delano stood there staring quizzically at me. “Why do you look so upset?”

  I patted my stomach. “Drank too much.”

  “You really are the worst liar,” Delano teased. He opened my bedroom door and stepped inside. I winced, my body stiff, my shoulders tight as I waited for him to come out and head for the door.

  When he didn’t, I peeked around the corner. Delano stood there, bottle in one hand, my see-through pink teddy in the other. He held it up toward the light. “Your girlfriend has good taste.”

  Girlfriend? Seriously? I clung to the lie like a drowning man would cling to a piece of driftwood. “You think so?”

  “Hell yeah.” He set the teddy aside and glanced around. “Looks like she moved into your room.”

  “What can I say?” I gave another nervous laugh. I was getting sick of them. “I’m surrounded by lazybones.”

  One brow arched as he looked my way. “Maybe you can introduce me to her.”

  I nearly laughed at the idea of introducing myself to Delano. “Maybe.”

  I cleared the bed and tossed everything toward my closet. At least the sheets were clean. “You can have the bed and I’ll take the couch.”


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