Erotic Short Stories 1

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Erotic Short Stories 1 Page 2

by Lynn Hagen

  “Nonsense.” Delano sat on the bed and pulled his shoes off with one hand. He set his bottle on the cluttered nightstand and yanked the black polo over his head. “We used to sleep in the same bed when we were kids. I’m not putting you out by staying here. I insist on sharing the bed with you.”

  Oh mercy! I stared at his—fuck, his body was to die for. My mouth watered as my dick did a happy dance. We might’ve shared a bed as kids, but I was way past the innocent stage. I kept my hands folded in front of me, hiding my growing hard-on. My smile was as fake as the eyelashes on my dresser. “Okay.”

  Delano stripped to his boxers and stretched out, tucking his hands behind his head. “Mind killing the light?”

  My shaky hand lifted. I slapped the switch, closed my door, then crawled in next to him. I lay there stiffly, exhaling long breaths as I tried to calm my nerves. “Was there any particular place you had in mind? I mean to live.”

  “Why are you so wound up?” Delano’s warm hand landed on my hip. The guy was fucking killing me.

  “Just excited and nervous about seeing you again.” The lies wouldn’t stop coming. Maybe I should just shut up and go to sleep, but how the hell could I do that with such a hot and tempting man lying behind me?

  “There’s nothing to be nervous about, Cam. I’m nobody special.” The bed dipped and I assumed Delano turned onto his side. “I was thinking of looking for a place in the Heights.”

  The Heights was an expensive part of town. Delano came from money, and I still couldn’t understand why he’d become a cop when he had a trust fund that would allow him to live comfortably without having to work.

  “I can help you search for a place tomorrow.” I scooted farther away, reminding myself that this was my best friend, my straight best friend and not to ruin our friendship by turning over and jumping his bones.

  “No rush.” Delano’s hand was still on my hip. “I kinda like this place.”

  Oh hell no! There was no way he was staying with me. I could deal with a few days of hiding in the closet, but permanently and with Jasmine prowling around? Not a chance in hell.

  * * * *

  It had been twenty-four hours since Delano hit town, and I was ready to lose my mind. Saturday night was here, and instead of partying at some club, I sat on my couch and stared at the television.

  I was so bored I wanted to walk to the nearest wall and start banging my head into it.

  “You’ve told me some wild stories about your weekends,” Delano said. He was seated beside me on the couch, or legs touching, my cock thickening.

  I’d told him some mild stories about how I partied. Never had I told him the down-and-dirty versions.

  “So why aren’t you going out tonight?” His hand caressed my upper thigh as he spoke. The longer he touched me, the harder I became. With Delano’s visit, I’d been shoved into the seventh circle of hell.

  “I don’t mind chilling at home with you.”

  His chuckle was deep and erotic. “I’m not old and gray. I like to party, too.”

  Not the way I did. “It’s cool.”

  His hand slid farther up my leg. I wasn’t sure if it was because we’re such good friends or if he was coming on to me. I was completely confused. But my cock wasn’t. It was practically begging to be used from the way the pre-cum left a huge wet spot on the front of my pajama pants.

  I pulled my leg up as I turned a bit sideways, hiding the tent in my pants. His hand was warm, strong, and made my body catch fire. My hole ached to be filled as I bit into my lower lip, forcing the moan not to escape.

  Instead of Delano removing his hand, he glided it along the back of my thigh. He’d always been a touchy guy, but they had been innocent touches when we were younger—a hug, a hand on the shoulder, bumping shoulders. But he’d never caressed me like this. I wanted to slug him for sending my body into overdrive.

  “Why haven’t you brought your girlfriend around?”

  Delano’s question threw me. I blinked at him, confused. “What girlfriend?”

  I remembered then that I had gone along with his assumption when he’d discovered my lingerie.

  He gave me a triumphant smile that said I was busted. “So who do those naughty teddies really belong to?”

  As I tried to come up with an answer, my mind went blank, but I was never good at lying on the spot. In fact, I truly sucked at it.

  My heart thundered when Delano leaned his hard and chiseled body toward me. He was basically lying over me. My breathing became ragged as his weight pinned me to the cushions. Our gazes locked. His pretty green eyes were full of lust. “Tell me the truth, Cameron.”

  Fire shot through my veins at his sensual command, but I couldn’t get the words out. I couldn’t think with him on top of me.

  “They belong to you, don’t they?” His hand glided down my leg, gripped my calf, then worked back up until he was cupping my ass. “Do you like the feel of lace against your soft skin? Do you like the way you look in them?”

  I wanted to melt into the couch. Delano knew me, knew when I was hiding something, could smell a flipping lie a mile away. Fear knotted my stomach as I slowly nodded.

  Delano nipped my earlobe, which made me suck in a quick breath. “Put one on for me. The pink one. I’m dying to see how it looks on you.”

  Had I fallen asleep? Was this some erotic dream? Never once in all the time I’ve known Delano had he given any inkling that he wanted me, or any man for that matter. I was too stunned to move.

  Delano got up, then pulled me to my feet and guided me to my bedroom. When we stepped inside, he closed the door behind him.

  “Don’t be shy.” He stood behind me, gripping my ass. “It’s just me, Cam.” His hands slid from my ass to the front of my pants. I groaned when he squeezed my cock through the thin fabric. “Or would you prefer to be naked?”

  “I—” I swallowed roughly, desperate to get my voice to work. “I’m not sure what’s going on here.”

  Delano tugged at the hem of my shirt. I instinctively lifted my arms and he pulled the fabric over my head, then he glided his hands down my thin chest. “I’m pretty sure you’ll catch on.”

  “No.” I shook my head. “I know what you have on your mind.” It was hard to concentrate when he slid his fingers into the waistband of my pajama pants. “I mean, you’ve never shown interest in me before.”

  “Oh, I’ve always been interested, Cam. I’ve wanted you for a long while now.” With his hands on either hip, Delano slid my pants to my thighs. “But I was too busy building my career, and we lived too far apart. I’m not into long-distance…anything. But now that we’re in the same city…”

  My breath caught as Delano lifted me off my feet and carried me to my bed. He laid me down and stripped my pants the rest of the way off. With my pajama bottoms still gripped in one hand, his gaze roamed over me. I’d never been shy about my body, had flaunted it any chance I had, but I had a wild urge to cover myself as Delano hungrily drank me in.

  “You’re perfect,” he murmured as he dropped my pants to the floor. “So beautiful.”

  “I’m–I’m not sure…uh…thank you?” God, I was turning into a brainless idiot with compliments from the man of my dreams—a man I’d craved for as many years as I could remember.

  That deep and sexy chuckle rumbled through Delano’s chest again. “Being together should be easy, Cam. We’ve known each other since we were five.”

  “As friends,” I squeaked. “We’ve never—” I waved a hand at my cock.

  “Then I think it’s about time we rectify that.” Delano undressed. With every inch of golden skin he exposed, I drooled even harder. His long and thick cock jutted from between his legs. I didn’t know if I wanted to suck him off or turn and present my ass to him.

  Delano made the decision for me. He curled his fingers around the base. “Suck me, Cam. I’ve been dying to know what your lips feel like wrapped around my dick.”

  Gladly! I got onto my hands and knees and flicked my tong
ue across the swollen head, teasing him as the taste of his pre-cum exploded on my tongue.

  He let out a low growl. “Keep teasing my dick and I’ll spank you.”

  The threat made my ass ache and my hole pulse. “Don’t make promises you don’t intend to keep.”

  His nostrils flared as his eyes widened slightly, as if he was shocked that I wanted to be spanked. My lips parted and I sucked the head into my mouth, swirling my tongue while I moaned. Delano’s corded thighs tightened as he glided a hand through my hair, gripping the strands in a tight hold.

  Before I knew it, he was fucking my mouth in long strokes. Thank the powers that be I didn’t possess a gag reflex. I took him all the way down, repeatedly, using my throat muscles to squeeze and tease his cock.

  He released my hair and held my head between his hands as he quickened his hips, fully fucking my face. I used my tongue, teeth, and throat muscles together to bring him off. He shouted my name as his cum spurted down my throat.

  “Fuck, Cam.” Delano released my head, staggering back slightly. I was still rock-hard. I wanted my orgasm so badly that I nearly jerked myself off.

  “Condom and lube?”

  I reached into my nightstand drawer and handed them over.

  “Turn around, babe.”

  Babe. I loved the sound of that, had dreamed so many times of hearing him call me his. I wanted to belong to Delano, to be owned by him, branded by him.

  I whimpered as Delano’s slicked fingers slid inside my ass. They were so thick and felt so damn good. I was still trying to wrap my head around the fact that it was Delano in my bedroom, naked, and making me feel as if I was burning alive.

  “Please.” I writhed as I spread my legs farther apart.

  Delano’s other hand smacked my ass. The sting made me cry out in pleasure. “You beg so prettily.”

  “I’ve waited too long for this,” I admitted. At this point, I didn’t care if Delano knew how many years I’d fantasized about him. He’d admitted to me that he’d wanted me just as long. If only I had known, we could have done this years ago.

  My heart sped when Delano removed his fingers. My hole pulsed, and my body ached. I moved from under him, and jutted my ass out.

  “Gonna show you just how much I love you, Cam.” The head of Delano’s dick kissed my hole. I bit my lower lip as my fingers curled into the covers. Hell, even my toes curled in anticipation.

  “Fast or slow, babe?”

  “Fast!” Damn. Maybe I was a little too excited.

  His deep chuckle rumbled behind me. I could orgasm from that sound alone.

  Delano gave my ass two hard slaps before he drove his cock in all the way to the hilt. I shouted as my body adjusted to his thickness.

  “Goddamn, Cam.” Delano’s fingers dug into my sides as he pulled back, leaving just the head inside my ass, then thrust forward. He gave my ass the pounding of a lifetime and I loved it. I also loved how his big, thick hand kept slapping my ass. The sting drove my pleasure higher as my orgasm grew closer and closer.

  “Do you know how long I’ve wanted this ass, Cam? How long I’ve dreamed of taking you just like this?”

  When his hand landed on my backside again, I came. My body erupted in a kaleidoscope of sensations, and my cum spurted onto the bed as I cried out, “Delano!”

  “That’s it, baby. Call my name. I want to hear who’s fucking your sweet ass.” Delano buried his cock deep, his fingers tightening at my sides as he came.

  I collapsed on the bed, uncaring that I was lying on my cooling cum. This had been the best night of my life.

  * * * *

  “I don’t know.” I was wiped out from our bout of sex, but Delano seemed to be energized. He held up a slinky, racy red dress.

  “Do it for me.” He laid it on the bed. “I want you on my arm as I watch all the other guys drool over you.”

  “I still don’t get how you’re so accepting of my orientation.” I was obviously not the only one who’d been living two separate lives. He looked ready to throw a fit if I didn’t agree to put the dress on.

  He walked up behind me and curled his arms around my waist. “You may think you were hiding the fact you were gay, but I peeped game when we were younger.”

  A thought struck me. “Oh hell. Does your family know?”

  “No, they don’t. They don’t even know I’m gay. But I’m in a different city now, and we can be together without catching hell from them.”

  “So if your folks visit, we have to pretend to just be friends?” I wasn’t sure I liked that idea, but I wasn’t going to put up too much of a fight. I’d finally gotten the man of my dreams. If I had to make a few sacrifices to keep him, I’d gladly play the role.

  “Best friends.” Delano kissed my neck. “And I promise they won’t visit often.”

  I turned in his arms and smiled. “Does this mean you’re all mine?” I was teasing him, but also serious. I’d wanted Delano for too long to share him with anyone. Already I felt jealousy biting at the mere thought of Delano fucking anyone else.

  “As long as you’re all mine,” Delano said. “Don’t think I can stand the thought of anyone else touching you.”

  I was happy we were on the same level. I narrowed my eyes. “Then no more flirting with Jasmine.”

  Delano chuckled. “Now you know I love flirting, but that doesn’t mean I want to sleep with the person. Jasmine seems nice enough, but she also looks too high-maintenance for me.”

  Satisfied with his answer, I put on the slinky dress, my blond wig, makeup, and a pair of killer stilettoes before Delano whisked me out the door and took me to one of the racier, more expensive clubs—clubs I could never afford to party at.

  We danced as if we were fucking, drank top-shelf alcohol, and the way Delano clung possessively to me only topped the best night I’d ever had.

  By the time we left the club, I’d agreed to move in with him. The man of my dreams was now my boyfriend, and I never planned on letting him go.

  In the Hot Seat

  Never, ever trust a man with pretty eyes. I’d made that mistake, and now I sat in a leather chair looking at one of the meanest cutthroats in Summerville. Mr. Fancy strummed his fingers on the wood of his desk as he pursed his lips and gave me a heavy-lidded stare.

  “It would be a shame to waste good by killing you, Samuel.”

  I wholeheartedly agreed, though I had no clue what that meant. What good? But anything was better than Mr. Fancy killing me. So I nodded like my head was on a spring as I twisted my hands in my lap and prayed I didn’t pee myself.

  He’d sent one of his goons after me, and stupid me had fallen for the guy’s gorgeous blue-gray eyes and sinful smile. I couldn’t help it. I was a sucker for men who flirted with me. That sounded pathetic, and it was, but in my defense, I worked two jobs and looked haggard most of the time. I was lucky to get a date once a month, so when Cage told me how gorgeous I was and that he wanted to go back to his place, I fell for that bullshit.

  “I’ll do anything you want, Mr. Fancy,” I said quickly. I didn’t care if I sounded desperate. I wanted to live.

  Mr. Fancy smirked, as if he knew I’d bend to his will. I hated the man already, but that sinister smile made me loathe him. “I’m sure you would. I’m trying to figure out how to use you. After all, you owe me five grand.” His evil smile widened. “Plus interest.”

  Now that I sat with my life in his hands, borrowing five grand from a loan shark seemed like a dumbass idea. I wish I had thought about that a month ago. At the time I’d been frantic, but college books and tuition didn’t seem worth the price I was about to pay.

  I shook like crazy, my insides quivering as he stood from behind his desk and approached me. I didn’t know what he was about to do—make me an offer so I could pay back the money or change his mind about using me and cut my throat.

  Either option had me ready to vomit. Bile rose to the back of my throat as my stomach churned and I fought not to get sick. Spewing on the guy’s highly pol
ished shoes wouldn’t be in my best interest.

  With measured steps, he circled my chair, his fingers sliding along my nape. His touch made the bile rise a little higher. Everything in me wanted to jerk forward so he couldn’t touch me, but I knew better than to move. Mr. Fancy had a nasty reputation for killing first and asking questions later. Asking a dead man questions made absolutely no sense to me, but that was the rumor.

  “First, you must be taught a lesson.” Mr. Fancy gripped my nape with his strong hand. His touch had gone from teasing to painful. I winced, forcing myself not to shout, not to spin in my chair and punch him in the balls.

  Sweat rolled down my back. I wasn’t sure what kind of lesson he was talking about, but prayed it wasn’t of a sexual nature. If Mr. Fancy wasn’t such a bastard and a loan shark… Nah, he still wouldn’t be good-looking. He had a face only a mother could love, and even then it was doubtful. His eyes were too beady, his hair thinning and slicked back, showing off his receding hairline. His lips were small, and his nose was shaped like a beak.

  He reminded me of a buzzard, and that buzzard was currently circling me, getting ready to eat me alive.

  My gaze shot to the goon who had tricked me into coming here. Cage stood by the wall, his arms crossed in front of him, staring at Mr. Fancy with something close to hatred in his eyes. But when Mr. Fancy looked his way, Cage quickly glanced at the floor.

  If he hated Mr. Fancy so much, why was he working for such a prick? Why did I care? Why was I even thinking about that right now?

  My heart sped faster when Mr. Fancy grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked my head back, forcing me to stare into those beady, soulless eyes. “I’m gonna let Cage teach you a lesson, Samuel. When he’s done with you, I’ll let one of my other men have a turn.”

  My breathing became raspy as I squeezed my eyes shut, my heartbeat thrashing in my ears. When I opened my eyes, I shot a look at Cage, whose eyes had gone wide as he stared from me to Mr. Fancy. But he quickly schooled his features, once again wearing that inscrutable expression.


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